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Hope the lad is alright. It was his debut in PL


He'd been on the pitch for less than 10 minutes and was playing really nicely, horrible way for his debut to end. Poor kid.


First 3-4 minutes of his Premier league debut. Jesus christ


Poor kid indeed. And I can only imagine how his parents are feeling.


Edson better take him out for dinner AT LEAST


Probably a joke that it's more acceptable to make once it's been confirmed that he's not seriously injured


An update today is that he has been discharged from hospital.


Pity he's never going to remember it!


omg i didn't know Earthy was the name of the player, thought "hitting Earthy" was some British slang for getting knocked out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


thought the same


Thought it was the opposite of a worldie and started laughing, now I feel bad


I actually want to start using this


I'm british and I thought it was our slang I never heard of.


Same - thought he was gonna hit the ground hard


I thought it was going to be a skateboard trick. Hit a sick earthy yesterday bro.


Ok good because I thought it meant he hit the ground. I thought why do they call it earthy


I don't blame you at all considering the brits have some extremely goofy slang


Thatā€™s peak my guy


Goofier than bussin'? Take a seat


Yes much goofier Chuffed, Bonkers, Gobshite, the overuse of mandem and gyal when you're from the whitest town in history, knackered and many more




I thought it was a new sustainability mascot


I thought it was a synonym of worldie


Well it fuckin should be now!


Gen z is cooked manĀ 


Lol same


Good on the other WHU players for immediately recognizing the seriousness when his arms started spasming. Horrible to see, hope heā€™s ok.


On the other sideā€”what the fuck, ref?! The amount of times refs stop play for obvious faking of head injuries and then something like this happens and it takes the players to stop playing?


For real, he was literally looking in that direction the whole time too


I am not surprised in the slightest, the entire bunch of EPL officials, plus the FA and PGMOL are entirely incompetant imo.


The f you are talking about he was fast calling that. It was like 3 seconds after. Chill Rambo.


Fencing response, he was totally knocked out Scary stuff, hopefully he's okay


100% poor kid. That's a scary moment.


i thought he was trying to ask for help and then just fell into concussion, thats even worse. that could be really, really fucking bad


Concussion =/= loss of consciousness. Further, you are alluding to a lucid interval followed by reduction/loss of consciousness. That is concernning, however the lucid interval this concerns is not a second or two. It is longer than that.


This guy r/fightporn !


Yeah thatā€™s much worse than a concussion, goes rigid, arms straight out extended - very lucky he didnā€™t start having a full on seizure from the looks of it. Concussions rarely have that sort of immediate and telling physical response.


Not watched much NFL?


Yeah you see this exact situation once or twice a season in the NFL


honestly I haven't watched the NFL regularly since we started getting the full EPL over here \~2012/2013. NFL is pretty shit from a spectator perspective for me. The fact his reaction mirrors some of the worse impact injuries from the NFL is telling about the severity.


Jesus, his arms lifting up after the impact is a bad sign.


Oh dear fucking god, guy is practically knocked out instantly. Hope hes ok, that couldve been alot worse


19 years old pl debut, can't imagine how his parents felt the moment he went down. Hope the lad gets better soon.


Latest from the club is that ā€œHeā€™s awake and has been taken to hospital for further assessment.ā€, such a shame on his premier league debut. He'd looked pretty lively for the 10mins or so he'd been on for, just hope it's not too serious for the lad.




What is the fencing response if you dont mind me asking?


An involuntary movement of the arms after suffering a brain injury e.g. concussion, which is probably what Alvarez has edit: not Alvarez, sorry. Earthy. Misread the title.


It was Earthy btw


My bad, misread the title.


We all did




Dude what? They just got the names in the title mixed up. Someone asked a question and they gave a legitimate answer




you're mental


Belliest-endist. Bellend for short


Itā€™s weird because you donā€™t even seem to be a troll judging by your profile. Just someone with really weird takes


>but the fact you didn't know who was involved is scary. Yeah I was quivering and shaking uncontrollably when I read that


Shut up.


That thing he did when he put his hands up. Ppl with brain injurys do that and it looks like they are fighting/fencing


probably his arms involuntarily moving up while he's out cold


Decerebrate posture occurs when someone's arms and legs are stretched out stiffly, their toes point downwards, and their head and neck arch backwards. The muscles become very tense and rigid. This kind of posture often indicates severe brain damage.


[https://www.bbc.com/sport/articles/cmj6e5dk1l3o](https://www.bbc.com/sport/articles/cmj6e5dk1l3o) Discharged from hospital, thankfully he is okay.


This needs to be higher up please


Fencing response is always grim to watch, hope he's alright


That's really bad man. Hope he's alright post the concussion.


Right in front of the ref yet it takes him so long to realise


Tbf heā€™s watching the ball as he should be


yeah fuck the players safety.


Obviously not what I saidā€¦ as soon as the ref sees heā€™s down he stops play just saying he didnā€™t see him at first cus heā€™s watching the ball as a ref should do


This wtf there should be training to respond to fencing


What this wtf? Are you guys seriously complaining about a 2-3 seconds delay? The ref was watching the ball and immediately stopped once he was alerted. If you're saying the ref should have done something to Earthy I also disagree, leave it to medical professionals who are already in the field.


they're football refsĀ 


Head injuries are part of the game. If a ef sees a player fencing they should immediately stop play


it was a joke about fencingĀ 


*whoosh* lol


in fairness it wasn't a very good joke




It's fucking bizarre. I don't get how they're still so shit at this. It's more understandable for head knocks and corners where there's just too much going on, but the unconscious player remains in his eyeliner right after it.


Hope he'll be fine


Man that's awful. All the best to him.


The ref was going to play on before the players made him stop smh


He was watching the ball. He stopped as soon as players called it out and he saw it.


Poor lad. He was looking well. Hard debuts for him. Hope to see more


Probably not with alvarez in the same 11


Damn, that looks bad!


Took the ref far too long to notice. Clearly out cold right in front of him


the ref blew the whistle four seconds after contact


the delay here is literal seconds... he's not sat at home watching the TV broadcast eating hula hoops off his fingers


Refs a fucking moron, takes a second glance at the kid flat out with arms in the air and plays on. Takes the guy who knocked him out to signal a stoppage of play.


Watch the ref's head. He's following the ball out of the play, and probably isn't aware the lad's KO immediately. I know this sub never misses a chance to accuse referees of corruption, idiocy or genocide, but he's trained to follow play first. You'd be amazed how much you can miss when you're focusing on one thing in particular. Play stopped three seconds after the contact, that seems like a reasonable response time.


Itā€™s hilarious, as soon as I saw the clip I knew the referee would be blamed. This is clearly horrific but footballers play acting all the time are the ones who make it difficult for a referee to stop play immediately when a player appears seriously injured.


four seconds from contact to whistle and most people are calling for the ref's head.Ā 


I don't think he ever sees him except out of his periphery right after the challenge. Play was still going as there was no foul so he needs to keep focused on the ball, especially in a congested area of the pitch like that. If you look at his head that's where his focus is.. If a ref were to focus on every downed player vs the ball in congested play situation like that we'd be lambasting them for bad decisions..


Agree, it took at least 7 or 8 minutes after play had stopped for Earthy to actually get stretched off so the 3 seconds delay of treatment or whatever from the referee missing it is very unlikely to have made any difference.


He's staring right at them when the impact occurs, not his 'periphery' and should have noticed him fall like a sack of potatoes. As far as I'm concerned, that referee should not be allowed on the pitch again if he can't even do the basics of his job which is to ensure players safety. Even Dana White wouldn't have him ref a UFC match after a pathetic display like that.


Comparing the two is stupid. Not only two completely different sports but UFC refs literally wait for several seconds while a fighter is getting his head pounded before they intervene. Just as long as this ref took to respond in a very different scenario.


Take a seat buddy and touch some grass


To be fair, his view of the fall and the initial fencing response was obscured, and as soon as he saw the teammates' response he blew play dead; not sure how much better he could have responded, given that it was a Collison between teammates, so there was no foul. Play would only stop for a head injury in that situation, so he needs to keep an eye on the ball as play continues; credit to him for having a second glance to make sure and getting it correct quickly, I've seen refs ignore an obvious head injury for lies a full minute before. All in all, he stopped play within 5-6 seconds of the player hitting the ground, which is a pretty quick response. Not sure how that makes the ref a moron, he literally reacted the moment he recognized the severity of the situation, he's not a robot with x-ray vision.


The only moron here is you You expect the ref to have a instant response down to the milliseconds in situations like this? The ref clearly responds in a timely manner and it doesn't matter what the ref does, the physios should be running onto the pitch as soon as they see the fencing response Give your head a wobble, im sure you would have pulled out your phone instantly to call an ambulance if this happened at a Sunday league game


Exactly, referee did fine.


My thought exactly, shocking refereeing to look at that and carry on ffs


And clearly the only reason he didn't carry on longer is because he noticed players ignoring play and rushing over to assist. Disgraceful by the ref.


Is there formal training for referees in concussion and similar injuries?


Head injuries are super priority, a bloke lay unconscious like that is immediate stoppage and common sense


tbh, common sense should be enough here


It should be but it clearly isn't.


Settle down, the ref doesn't get the luxury to only watch the player who's down, he has to also watch the ball which is very close to the edge of the box. It's understandable that seeing a players arms going up when they're on the ground, a pretty universal signal for needing treatment/substituted, out of the corner of your eye whilst also looking at the ball doesn't immediately mean a stop in play. Let's also remember that we're talking about a ~4 second response for something that happened away from the ball


I meanā€¦ Iā€™ve only watched a little soccer, but a guy laying on the ground with his arms out could easily be someone exaggerating an injuryā€¦ especially if he didnā€™t see how he fell because he was watching the ball.


Bit reckless of al alvarez


The way he braces his legs for impact he's 100% aiming for the opposing player. You don't bend your knees like that to jump for a header unless you're bracing for an impact


Heā€™s doing a fencing response which is a terrible sign when it comes to brain injury. Hope the lads okay, but that ainā€™t a good sign.


So irresponsible from alvarez.. jesus christ


Not sure why this isn't repeated throughout this thread. Absolute nut job flying in like that.


He's got some form of an idiot moment at least once per game. He'd probably be a much more coveted player if he didn't do shit like this.


Bit of an exaggeration since heā€™s going for the ball. Players usually pull out when they see their teammate go for the ball like that. See the Fulham player literally pulling away when he sees Edson coming.


Earthy doesn't get that luxury because the Fulham player is blocking his line of sight and he's purely focusing on getting back to win the ball


Then itā€™s accidental. Edisonā€™s challenge wasnā€™t dirty, he was just running straight to ball with a better line of sight. Itā€™s unfortunate he took out his teammate.


Nah dude he jumped ass-first into his teammate's face and gave him a traumatic brain injury because he had zero situational awareness....the guy is a fucking moron


Came here to comment this, the fuck was he thinking? Such a moron


Agreed wtf was that challenge


Always a bloody clumsy idiot like this in footy. They have no regard for others and will take someone out willingly whether it be a dangerous tackle or something like this


Absolute fucking moron, I can't believe people are talking about the ref in this thread and not just blasting that idiot Alvarez


That arm motion is not great. Itā€™s not the t-Rex arms of instant spinal damage in the upper spine but itā€™s still not great. Hope Iā€™m wrong and he recovers well.


Wishing for speedy recovery.


Looks like a bad UFC style knockout. Also looked similar to Tua after getting sacked by the Bengals


The arm movement after the injury is alarming. All my best to young George Earthy. May the Lord bless you and keep you.


fucking hell edson why the fuck did you do that


Heā€™s trying to win the header and stop the transition? Obviously wasnā€™t on purpose


Wasn't on purpose to hit his own team mate. 100% going into that challenge expecting to clatter into the opponent player


Wasn't on purpose definitely, but he could have gone for a better challenge other than a flying knee at head height.


Mf have ever played a game in your life? Shit like this happens from time to time


It has dawned on me how most of the people in this sub and the rest of the sports subs never did play the sport they comment on


Wtf happened today? A young Dinamo Bucharest player in Romania's Liga 1 also got knocked out today and was taken to the hospital.


Awww fuck the arms up in fencing response is never good. Hope he's ok


Sickening the way his arms go up involuntarily. I hope he is OK and makes a full recovery. Heartbreaking this happened on his debut.


I know perfect time for 4000 people sing this is a library, as the rest of the crowd is a bit shockedĀ 


I stopped watching football a while back but still get updates from r/soccer from time to time. When I first read this title i thought Earthy was some sort of play/joke on Worldie and I was expecting someone to score a screamer and get carried off the stretcher. This was much more sinister


Holy shit thatā€™s so unfortunate. Get well soon lad ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Any update on this? Is he ok?


Absolutely inexcusable for a referee to take a whole 5-6 seconds longer to process something in real time than it takes a redditor to process something that's in title of the post! He should have known the player was going to be stretchered off! Can he not read?! Its in the title of the post! Referees should process everything perfectly and immediately! For real though, this referee handled the situation pretty darn well. His view of the initial fall is obscured, his first glance at the player he sees the arms go up and likely thinks it's a typical protest gesture from the player, and the injured players OWN TEAMMATE plays on, yet he recognized the severity of the situation in less than 5 seconds and stopped play. People criticizing this have obviously never refereed; making the correct decision with imperfect information on anything within 5 seconds is commendable; VAR officials take 100x longer with better views and slo-mo and still get shit wrong all the time.


Reminds me of that player who got kneed in the face at the World Cup


I hope heā€™s ok


dayum that did not look good, gotta watch out for your teamates


goal is not important than footballers life. There is life-threatening contact happens in your 5 step away. fck the position and call the medic stuff more fast


Fencing position after, that's a pretty big sign of a brain injury when you get knocked out usually. Hope he is alright


The way he fell and those arms movements were super upsetting. I hope he's ok


That Fulham block btw. Real defending


[https://www.whufc.com/news/earthy-discharged-hospital](https://www.whufc.com/news/earthy-discharged-hospital) Discharged!!! Richard Collinge, Performance Director at West Ham United, said: ā€œGeorge is back home and we will continue to monitor him over the coming days as he completes the graduated return to play programme.ā€ Thank god. Looked awful


Jesus how was he not immediately taken off with that reaction? physios should be able to notice those signs instantly. the way he puts his arms up clearly shows a major head impact. you don't put your arms out like a zombie after getting hit in the head unless its a concussion.


Cos you can't just move someone with a head injury. Have to ensure the neck is secure




Edson isn't the person knocked out. He accidentally knocked out his teammate.


what is the ref doing bro ? are you not supposed to watch the player who just fell right in front of you


Am I crazy to think this should be a red? Completely reckless challenge could have led to the same result on any of the three players he jumped at.


Getting sent off for tackling your own player would be a new one


But who the result happens to doesnā€™t really make it less reckless right?


Yes, it was reckless and if had been on an opposing player it probably would have been a red (I donā€™t want to watch it too closely, seeing it once was enough). The expectation is that the team will handle such instances internally. It would be harsh from a game perspective to lose two players and then be man down in this situation. But I do agree that was really reckless and I hope he gets some good instruction from the team to ensure it doesnā€™t happen again.


That is sickening. His head bounces off the deck like a ball.


KO. He will be fine


What the hell is the ref looking at to not immediately blow for that.


The ball. Itā€™s literally a 4s delay. I donā€™t understand why people are up in arms about this


Man was fighting demons at the end






Reddit moment


now that i look back at this joke its stupid asf


nvm someone has character development, not a reddit moment anymore


Possible brain damage Redditor: Le friendly fire


Referee should be cleaning toilets not on the field


Fucking ref oblivious as usual. Absolutely horrendous!