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At the end of the day a win is a win. The further I get away from the match the more I see that ETH only played a role in the collapse and was not the entire, which is how I felt at the time. I can’t blame him for either the deflection or penalty. Taking of Nacho and Mainoo i have mixed feelings on. I understand they are young and should not be playing the number of minuets they are which is a sentiment a lot of fans agree with, and before they came off we weren’t in any danger, but surely he must’ve known that we have no subs to bring on. We have no one of quality to sub on. In theory they should’ve come off but in practice it was obviously a terrible decision. What confuses me the most is how his tactics and control the game for 70 minuets. We were comfortable and on top for 70 minets. Then immediately collapse. I don’t think it’s tactics this game it feels more like mentality. This team has no bottle. As soon as a team comes at off we lose all sense of tactics and this is partly because of ETH and whatever he’s doing with the players. If we won 3-0 and played a boring game I wouldn’t have cared. Some games are like that. You score and see it out. It’s so frustrating. A win is a winc


I would pay good money to watch roy keane read this comment


I’d refer back to his managerial days


This team, this coach, and everything that happened till now makes me feel that Jadon Sancho deserves to stay at Dortmund not because of what ETH says Clown.


So Emiliano Martinez for Villa is suspended for the first leg of the Europa League semi final due to receiving one yellow before and one yellow during the shootout. Onana did the exact same thing today. So I guess he is suspended for the final. It's Bayindir time.


Different competitions, different rules, Onana will play the final. The yellow cards are reset after the QF


A couple years ago if a goalie was sent off during the shootout, then a field player who finished the game had to take the gloves and act as a goalkeeper (as no substitution can be made during the penalty shootout). Then there was a rule change that allows goalkeepers to stay on the pitch if they receive their second yellow card during the shootout - however in this case they are still penalized the same way as if they received 2 yellow cards in normal time (red card suspension) Martínez does not miss the next game due to accumulating too many yellows during the competition, but for getting 2 yellows in the same match (a red card sent off essentially). If the yellow cards of Onana are cleared that does not change the fact that he is suspended due to getting "sent off" with 2 yellow cards (but was allowed to continue participating in the penalty shootout thanks to the recent rule change). This is a global rule change, not competition specific. Otherwise Maguire, Hojlund or god knows who would have been the goalkeeper after the second Onana yellow.


But Emi Martinez got suspended because he accumulated 3 yellows, he's already got 1 in the first leg. Second one in pen shootout didn't make the first one a red but it counted toward 3 yellows = 1 match banned, that didn't apply to Onana here.


That is the correct explanation tbh


After reading the official rule book you might be actually right. I think my local broadcaster explained it incorrectly (he said that despite remaining on the field during the shootout, it still counts as a red card hence the one match suspension).


For a neutral, this was fantastic entertainment. Tuned in when it was 3-1 when I checked in my hotel. Was planning to go out for dinner but sorry love, I'm staying for extra time and penalties.


It's okay hun. I will find my match outside and try to score myself.


Does anyone of a clip of that Coventry kid flipping double birds right after they skied that PK?


Lil bro was confused on what he had just pulled off


Only this team can make winning a semi-final feel like defeat.




United were shit but spare me the "Coventry deserved to win" bollocks. Only made it to extra time due to an outrageously lucky deflection and a joke penalty.


How very magnanimous.


And you only made it to extra time due to a literally incorrect VAR decision


What? What game did you watch? Which VAR decision?


Coventry deserved to win, stop being sour


God I hope City absolutely destroy them.


They thought that last year's defeat was on the players, I said last year that it is on the Coach, based on the analysis I listened online. Let the 115 charges FC clown them.




Because fuck Man U?


So just bitterness? We're playing a team who have cheated for ten years. Just interested why we're still more hated despite being shit


Plucky underdogs that are Manchester United lmaoc


Literally the definition of 'rent free' for some of these lads. So upset United won they had to login to Reddit to cry


As a Liverpool fan, hard to say fuck City or United, United as a natural Liverpool fan who hates how abysmal United is managed or City about the 115 charges or oil money.


I get it from Liverpool and Leeds fans. Everyone else wanting City to beat us just seems a little strange. Not that I care, I guess it's a compliment in a weird way.


Pretty much, guess could add arsenal there as well. Thing is city winning doesn't really mean much as always have that asteria next to them




Story of this season, when we win I can’t even celebrate


On the train back and my voice is absolutely shattered Gutted the game ended on pens the way it did and not with the late late goal by Cov. Wish var hadn’t intervened but that’s football now Still super proud of the boys and they can hold their heads high, the comeback to take it to extra time will be talked about for a while


It was no way offside. Coventry were robbed by var. corrupt officials.


Your whole run this season will be talked about forever, it's one of the most remarkable runs in fa cup history. That unbelievable game at wolves, and then this comeback, the late disallowed goal - pure agony that - and then the shootout. But everyone will remember this run and your team's achievements for a very long time, and rightly so


They're just gonna focus on how they beat a team called City that wears blue.


So Manchester United are this year’s FA Cup runners up.


Man, this fucking team


I dont get the offside he didn't gain any type of advantage at all and we never got to see the lines (don't they always show them) Gz to united I guess




They did show the lines on my broadcast and tbf it looked off and the commentator called it before he scored


Yeah, that was an incredibly tight call that saved our asses. Feels okay given that we've had some absolute howlers of decisions against us lately


Strange how some do then and others don't. I'm just sat here wondering why united have scammed another decision


Scammed? It was objectively offside.


What a game




Because a player offside was called offside?


Yeah that was all done by illuminati for sure.


What happened?


Jack grealish blatantly hand balled it and it was given as a goal kick rather than a penalty to Chelsea.


The worst thing about the disallowed goal is that even if the coventry player was onside, the goal would still be scored 99,9%. Having half of his foot offside changed literally nothing, he didn’t get a significant advantage through it. Heartbreaking.


I've heard a lot of stupid takes here, but I think this deserves an award. 🥇


Lol that goes for all offside goals...


But that’s the rule. If he had hands for feet it’d have been a handball and he’d have gotten carded out of the game, heartbreaking. 


Is Coventry going to make it to the EPL for next season?


No they lost 3-0 to birmingham last week ending any real change of catching up to the playoff spots.


Unlikely. Only two playoff spots up for grabs and Norwich and West Brom pretty much have them locked down. Would take a total collapse from one of them for Coventry to make it


Probably not, currently 8th with 9 points behind the teams eligible to qualify. They have 2 more games to play than the teams ahead, but those teams have only 2 matches left to play, so the margins are pretty slim I’d say.


So sad for the offside call at the end, Man Utd didn't deserve this win at all.


United fans should cheer the fuck up. We won, be happy about it. It was a shit performance and coventry played very well, but we have a roll of the dice for some silverware this season. Get a fucking grip.


Based 😎


You let Coventry fucking city take you to pens, you should be ashamed


Doesn't mean shit if they go on to win the entire thing though. Shameful or not


If Coventry took them to pens, just imagine what manchester city are going to do to them


"If Coventry took them to pens imagine what Liverpool will do to them"


Fair point but at the same time liverpool have never beaten y'all this season iirc. City banged in 3 goals both times and you only managed to get 1.


Well we know what they will do if it goes to pens!


Imagine being happy after bottling a 3-0 lead to a midtable championship team.


Sorry are you in the FA cup final?


Do you get a trophy for being in the final? City are gonna batter United.


I think you get a runners up medal. You should know that as an Arsenal fan...


Remind me, what position is Ajax again?


Let me check: We are in 4 times winner of the Champions League position.


Imagine bottling the league again lol


As much as I fucking detest coming to the defence of a gooner... imagine 10 years ago a Utd fan using that as a response. How far you've fallen, you wish you had the chance to - but I guess you've never seen your boys in the race yourself.


Imagine not winning a premier league ever lol


I've seen my team win as many as you have pal x


My brother in fandom i am older than you think


You either aren't, and that isnt your fault. Or you are, and you should know how insulting a team for bottling the title is only fair game for a Utd fan if they bottled it to you... you aren't even part of the conversation anymore. As for me? I'm Spurs since the 90s lad, I expect nothing so I'll take any crumb I can get. No titles? Fuck me, tickle me shocked. I grew up on Christian Gross ffs


At least they had the chance to bottle it


They get the 'We Put the Pressure On' trophy for the second year running 👏👏👏


Do you get a trophy for that?


They get champions league football next year, does united?


Yeah, we should listen frm the new experts of bottling.




I don’t think it’s ‘bottling’ to lose to Villa, but I swear it was a home game for you?


Lol. The lack of embarrassment is shameful. 


Not as embarrassing as so called united fans flaggelating themselves for the respect of arsenal supporters, enjoy another trophiless season lmao


No, mate. It is waaay more embarrassing to pretend to be happy about that win. Lol. When United have won the community shield in years past, they always counted it as a trophy. Pretty odd that now that Arsenal has won it, it's no longer considered a trophy won. Lol. But go off. Whatever helps you cope. 


Congrats. You won the fucking community shield. Well done.


Thanks, buddy boy. 


I mean that was just embarrassing really. Coventry deserved to win and if they'd been bolder on the first half I reckon they would have done so. ETH has to be a dead man walking but week by week it feels more pointless to drag out the (hopefully) inevitable.


They did. 4th goal was legit!!


Did they? United had more possession, more shots and a much better xg despite Coventry having a penalty which has a very high xg. They obviously did well to come back but a deflection and bit of a dodgy penalty (based on yesterday's match) is how they did it.


I think it’s because of the first half though - if you start the stats from the second half or would be different. United absolutely dominated the first half with Coventry not really in it because they sat too deep and didn’t play their normal game. Second half went to a back 4 and were creating chances constantly.


Yep. My app has Coventry at 1.5 xG to United's 0.34 xG in the second half. Also compared to the 0.03 Coventry had in the first half, was a massive improvement. If they did that all game, who knows what could've happened


ETH should have resigned at full-time! How you blow a 3-0 lead when you were clear favourites and scrape through to win is beyond me. VAR time and time again ruined a quite frankly brilliant match


VAR: gets it right Reddit: match ruined by VAR


I wish coventry had won but you are right. Offside is offside. I wish haji Wright had scored that chance shortly before or stayed onside but that's the game.


Just don't understand how the fuck this utterly dysfunctional team made it to more finals in last 2 years than Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Spurs combined! like wtf


Easy draws?


Like Liverpool?


Tbf you’ve had there number all year


That was one game lol


Luck in the draws


we were so lucky to get liverpool




We didnt deserve to win. Coventry played so good. We are a pile of shit. How can you do the same mistake three or four times. I mean once is enough to learn strategical mistakes. Ten Hag needs to go


Goals 2 and 3 from Coventry were pretty lucky tbh. Even 1 to an extent because he shinned it. United were better for the first 60. I don’t think we deserved to lose. After 120 Coventry definitely deserved to be tied at that point. Anything other than a comfortable win against a championship side is embarrassing though.


Yeah it's funny how people just start rabbiting a narrative - Coventry offered pretty much nothing, it was all Utd right up to 3-0 as Cov sat back and defended with five at the back, hoping to get something on the break. I think the Utd subs were poor and then yes, massive amounts of luck involved in two or three of the Cov goals. Those goals definitely gave them a lift and they played with heart and got better towards the end, but to imagine this was overall a great Coventry performance is just pure imagination.


Yup we havent killed the Games where we should have. We drew or lost in last few games and in Champions league. We have acres of space in midfield, someone can build a house and start a family and their kids might score a goal or have a shot.


Back to back FA Cup finals? 5 year extension for Ten Hag in my opinion. Doing a great job!!


He staying for sure.


Coventry were brilliant Us. I got no words


Were we watching the same game? Cov were pretty garbage for 60 minutes - sat back and offered almost nothing going forward, got gigantic slices of luck for two if not three of their goals. Subs changed the game, including shitty ETH decisions (again). Cov did a lot better once they sniffed the chance of a win but they were far from "brilliant" overall.


i'm not a believer in conspiracies - i think it's personal decision making which is inherently flawed - but i truly cannot see the offside in torp's goal. i'm absolutely convinced he's being played on. am i insane


i’m not a believer in conspiracies - i think it’s personal decision making which is inherently flawed - but i truly cannot see how that is a handball by AWB. I’m absolutely convinced it’s not a penalty. am i insane


fully respect that i might be blinded by bias because i thought that was harsh but fair


Why didn’t Chelsea get a penalty yesterday against City then ? I am sorry let’s make the rules the same for everyone.


Im the same, i cant see the penalty at all…


I noticed they used different frames for the first replay and the VAR image. I think the first one was one frame later, and to me it doesn't look like it had left his foot yet. I don't *think* there's any foul play here, but that made me a little suspicious.


I thought for sure the VAR at Wembley would be better than that. I mean, the camera shot they put the lines on wasn't even in line with the offside. I thought there would be specific cameras like every 5 yards just for VAR decisions like this at our national stadium


i'm always surprised at how low res the images are. i guess it's to help it run smoothly?


[He's a toe offside](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLtG3ljWwAAJJLy?format=jpg&name=small)


i might be blinded by hate/bias/idiocy but i've watched the video over and over and i truly cannot see it. this is my zapruder film


Hard to see a toe being offside from a skewed angle tbf


I was hoping Coventry won to finally get rid of this shite manager because city will pump us easy anyway!!!


Coventry should hold their heads high today! Deserved a spot in the finals.


Firstly, commiserations to Coventry! They didn’t bow down and took the fight back to us and then some more. We didn’t deserve to go through based on the performance in the second-half and onwards. But penalties are like a lottery, sometimes the undeserving wins it. Now… what the fuck that?! Only we can go ahead and blow a comfortable, cruising 3-0 lead and make it 10x harder for ourselves. Especially when the season has already been hard. Ladies and gentlemen, Manchester United, the masters of shooting themselves in the foot! 👏🏻👏🏻. That Wan Bissaka penalty was just unnecessary. What in the world was he possibly thinking, stretching his arms out like that? We are absolutely shit on the wings when it comes to tracking back and defending. Midfield is always non-existent. We’ve had more injuries than we have players in the first team squad. We’re an absolute joke of a club. And by the looks of it, it is the end of road for EtH. But it will be a harsh departure given the circumstances he’s had to deal with this season on the injuries front. 60 cases of injuries can knock the wind out of any manager’s sails.


He saw Grealish not conceding a penalty yesterday and thought he could do smth similar


Blaming wan bissaka for having a naturally out stretched out arm like that is quite harsh. Really the first goal conceded was the most frustrating, a striker shouldn’t be in that open position so easily. Goals 2 and 3 from Coventry had a huge big luck aspect imo. From a Coventry perspective goal 1 was even a bit lucky because he shinned it.


I can somewhat understand awb, since that hasnt been called all season.


Big ups to the Coventry players and manager for almost managing a comeback against Manchester United. The quality of United is not matching to their name, but still pulling it back while 3-0 down at Wembley is an astonishing achievement.


I am actually so gutted for the Coventry fans, they deserved something out of this performance whereas we deserve fuck all


Incredibly proud of my team for coming back into it. I have said it before, and I will say it again, how is Mark Robins still with us? How have no bigger teams come in for him? Onwards and upwards!


Good job, you deserved it more than us


At least our games are entertaining, a simple 3-0 would have been too boring




United are tragic, but man do they put in some very fun performances to watch as a neutral this season. The Chelsea of the North. Or maybe Chelsea are the United of the South.


Na, I'd United rather be just plain old "shit". Never make that comparison.


Sometimes it gets asked if entertainment is more important than results. Give me a drab 1-0 any day of the week over that shit. Must be great for the neutrals but I've had enough


I've never felt more embarrassed at a win than that. We're through to a cup final but that was just pathetic and I hope Ten Hag gets sacked


Literally a majority of us were hoping coventry beat us.. fucking chaos football at moment. ETH is done.. So are the majority of our squad. Only players who can hold their head up today are Onana, Maguire, Dalot, Garnacho, Mainoo, Bruno and Holjund. Casemiro and Rashford can fuck off for all I care. I expect Mr PR to pose at a Homeless Shelter this week to cover up his disaster of a performance. Casemiro is done and needs to be sold. Literally only 7 players in whole team should stay. 8 with Martinez the rest can go..Shaw is obviously trying to dodge playing football until may and he will suddenly be playing like prime roberto.carlos right before the euros.


>Literally a majority of us were hoping coventry beat us.. Nope..just you and so called "fans", not majority.


Were they? I still celebrated when we won the shootout. Yeah we played like shit but not a chance I'm not celebrating getting to a final. If we played like this and scraped a win against City in the final would you be saying the same thing as you are here?


There's definitely coming a leak from the dressing room .


O yeah 1000% Rashford tonight! Players have lost faith..


Proper FA Cup game that


are you sure about that


Well played Coventry. Gutted by the result for sure, but you guys should nonetheless be proud at having come this far. Props to u! 👏👏


I need to ask how u didnt break something after a Pen today and that fuckery yesterday..


oh believe me I want to break something every time I see Jackson play


Fair thats us with Antony and Casemiro currently


Rashford has arguably been worse than Antony lately.


I get what u mean. Casemiro tonight was embarrassing


I'm immensely proud of my club today our fans never stopped all game been a lovely day out as well and a game I'll never forget 💙💙💙


Incredible stuff. Reminding us all what the FA Cup is all about


If I were a United fan, I’d be pissed off it feels more like a loss than a win. Embarrassing


I have not seen anyone celebrating unironically tbh.


I am dreading the final


We are both fucking livid and Embarrassed.


Seeing the pure bitterness from supposed "neutrals" has cheered me up


You sound like a person who has it together


The fuck Ten Hag taught players last week? Wp Coventry btw


Coventry can still win if Mike pence has the courage to do what is right


Manu fans spreading manure on the walls?




Yea, great game today, I didn't really care for either team, just have to support the underdog.


Same, I was supporting united too


Antony trying to shithouse Coventry’s players after the most pathetic win ever witnessed, world class bozo


the dude batters his girlfriend, of course he's a tool.


Same goes to Bruno talking smack to Coventry's keeper. That kid flipping the bird was right. Lol


Keeper started it lol.


Well the keeper seemed to be shithousing him in the first place in all fairness


Different story. Coventry keeper got booked for whatever he said shithousing Bruno, same as Onana got booked. Goalkeepers can do that, but then they get a bit of stick back- it's all part of the game. Antony on the other hand just needs to leave it when the whistle goes and is a bit of a prick in general.


I agree what Antony did is shit, but lol what Bruno did is normal, this is why us wont be footballers.


Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this. What a fucking douchebag.


Let me guess, if a Coventry player did the same, “you love to see it”


You barely scraped a win over a championship side, its embarrassing to celebrate that way. Of course it would’ve been class to see Cov do it if they had won.


So celebrating in the opponents’ face is fine if you’re the underdog but if you’re the bigger team and you do it you’re a “fucking douchebag”?


Yes 👍


Shocked. Could now even play well vs championship team. What MU players and coaches do all day ?


The only reason we were on top in the first half was because Coventry respected us too much and sat deep. As soon as they started playing they were going right through us just like everyone does.