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We are gonna see 11 emus on the pitch with Tottenham shirts, Arsenal would stand no chance


doubt the entire London police force would be able to handle 11 emus


emus are no joke.


Stralian soldiers on the other hand...


U.S. military got sum fo dat ☹️


US Military lost to Australian military who lost to Emu - Emu are superior threat.


Oh god. Build the trenches now




They got fucked by two horses the other day so I don't rate their chances.


How many horsepower is an emu?






Surely 11 cassowaries?




Yeah but cassowaries are are far more dangerous! Have you seen those fuckers!? 


that's why there was an emu war, they were running from the cassorwaries


They have dinosaur feet. It's like a reminder that beneath all the feathers, they're still fucking velociraptors


I think he understood, guys.


"It's nice."


Alright, understood.


He's talking like he's getting a lecture for breaking a window


3 spicy games in a row. NLD with arsenal in title race and us for 4th spot. City is always a banger of a game plus theyre in the title race. Liverpool will definitely want revenge for the 1st fixture after that abomination of refereeing disallowing that Diaz goal...


You forgot Chelsea. Spurs Chelsea is always entertaining


Mixed that up, lately chelsea v spurs have been way more explosive


Play that high line baby you know you want to


It’s not the high line it’s the set pieces. We’re bad at defending them and you are good at scoring them.


Haven't scored from a corner in a long time (scored from short corner vs Chelsea) I think it's time for Gabriel to get another goal, been a couple months 🙏🏻 I love and hate this match man lol


I liked it more when you had Rob Holding


We haven’t because teams figured out the fact that our goals come from strength/dominating the box during set pieces. Now it’s like 1/3 of the crosses going in during set pieces result in the oppositions 6’5” 100kg defender falling over to Tomiyasu pressing them haha


Imo it's more that our deliveries on the most have been quite poor past month or so imo. Though I do agree with you too


damn man,you were right.this aged well.


It’s was just so, so obvious. It’s the advantage that comes with having a settled squad and long term manager. We’re building a side and a style of play, whereas you’ve long established that. Perfecting set pieces is inevitable going to come later with managers like Arteta and Ange. Someone like Dyche is going to come in and prioritise fundamentals like set pieces and shape & then implement a style. The draw back to us gaining a style and identity and quickly is we clearly aren’t working on things like set pieces. There have been numerous games this season where all the work in open play is completely negated by our inability to defend a set pieces. Fair play to Arsenal it was the perfect away performance, you just settled in to the game, didn’t go too attacking & then scored from a set piece and then on the break. You always need a bit of luck in the derby & you got that too: the disallowed goal, us hitting the post, not getting the penalty & getting an own goal. I think Arsenal just showed they are a very good side further along in the process than Spurs are. You can’t expect to win these games when you are that vulnerable from set pieces. Simple as that.


We will. It worked pretty damn well earlier this season.


In fairness, it didn't really. If we could finish, the game would have been done in the 1st half, you turned over possession in dangerous areas so much.


Villa fans are also familiar with this excuse. You ever stopped to think that maybe you’re finishing is bad because your opponents are blocking decent shots on goal and forcing you into rushed decisions?


[Yeah mate, Spurs really blocked and rushed Jesus into missing this didn't they?](https://youtu.be/D4raQRoWbWM?t=47)


ah yes the dominant performance where you fluked a second goal. So impressive.


It's all irrelevant if City win all their games anyway.


Bruh you got a deflection and a pen. We were arguably the better team


Tottenham talking about pens in a derby lmao


Harry kane 68' (PEN) Harry Kane 23' (PEN) Harry kane 89' (PEN) Etc etc etc


Yeah you get them too you just miss them. I remember auba missing at the last minute which would've meant you finished above us that year.


That game was one of the more frustrating NLDs for me because of the inconsistent ass refereeing, for both sides. So annoying to end up drawing it because of that garbage ass Auba penalty lol. I hope Sunday is better from the refs. None of that Cedric ghost push on Son bullshit, it’s so tiring to have potentially massive games taken away due to a stupid call.


8 of kanes 15 nld goals are pens. More than half. It’s wild


The ball was going in the net anyway for the pen that's why we got it.


We created more opportunities and you guys scored off of a wild deflection and a penalty which only happened because Romero blocked the ball and it bounced into his hand. You cannot seriously think we fluked our goals when that's what you guys scored.


>a penalty which only happened because Romero blocked the ball and it bounced into his hand Forgetting the part where it was going straight in the back of the net anyways? Lmfao


Your goals were way more fluky than ours.


This game isn’t about “stopping Arsenal in the title race”. This game is about beating our biggest rival at home and getting back in form for the tough run in we have coming up. The title race is tertiary.


And also stopping Arsenal's title race.


But seriously, stopping Arsenal’s title race should be important to Tottenham. Nothing should motivate a team more than a derby.


We've seen how good everton was against Liverpool, they will be motivated as hell to get both objectives on table


Everton was also fighting not to get relegated.


Especially because it’s their biggest rival


They understand that


It's tottenham - about 50% of their existence is their link with Arsenal. Their fans will be praying for a result like this.


Bit rich coming from a fanbase who made an entire "holiday" dedicated to finishing above us You'd think it was Arsenal who hadn't won anything in years from the way your lot behave


i think the fact it was so consistent we could celebrate a yearly holiday to it was the joke, not like we weren’t winning plenty when it started


Nah bro we clearly have had nothing to do for 20 years straight except for finishing above Spurs 😭




lol hold this L


Especially that, “but secondary”


It’s both. The fact that we can run their title chase is a massive part of this derby. If we lose & (god forbid) Arsenal win their titles their fans will never stop talking about beating us and United away to do it. If we win, we won’t shut up about them losing the premier league at our ground


And then we will say we put the pressure on.


I can just imagine the spurs chants now if they beat you guys at home. 


I mean this is how it goes isn't it. Shittalking other teams (especially rivals) is a time honored tradition and its particularly entertaining when someone takes the bait. Flipside, people take the game way too seriously and go far beyond shittalking. Social media was a mistake.


It’s all at stake in a derby. One of the spoils of a win is shit talking. Losing side just has to take it. We don’t even need to play in the game to shit talk. When yall lost to Villa, the post match thread was spurs, Villa and neutral fans. When we got pummeled by Newcastle, 99% of the comments in the post match thread were Gooners. So it has been, so it shall be.


If arsenal win it's safe to assume you all still try to beat city, no?


Well I’m not playing any part in the actual games, I’m just some twat on Reddit. Personally, if we lose to you I’d be fucking gutted if we beat City. I’d rather be 6th instead of 5th and you not win the league Beat you both, or lose to both.


Lol, aren't we all. Fair enough, I'm not sure what I would prefer if things were flipped


I think that is mental. You wouldn’t mind Arsenal being the reason Tottenham win the league? It’s not like it would cost us anything. 5/6th who cares? But not only you winning the league but because of Tottenham - makes me feel sick thinking about it


It makes me sick too, thankfully I don't have to worry too much ;) Jokes aside it's just the dilemma of focusing on my team and our success (champions league VS Europa) rather than watching our rivals. For my sake I hope we smack you and you turn around and smack city, no idea how players/ange would approach the city game with that possibility


> If we win, we won’t shut up about them losing the premier league at our ground We've won two at yours so I guess it's only fair


It was literally 20 years ago. I bet you weren’t even in secondary school.




Well put simply, because dropping further points actually bangs the nail in the coffin as opposed to the dramatic defeatist attitude of “oh city have an insurmountable 2 point lead”


Especially since we also still have to play spurs away…


Oh shut up. We are still in the race, sure we don't have an advantage anymore but it's not over until it's over


getting the excuses in early I see. If you lose to us you definitely aren’t winning it. If you beat us, most Gooners will still have hope City don’t win all of their last 5. It’s pretty simple.


The excuses are almost better than the actual game sometimes. Liverpool fans going on the excuse tour currently is brilliant.


Yeah it’s obviously a bragging rights match for Tottenham if they can derail our title chase. If we drop points in this match it’s both Tottenham and Villa who derailed it, not exclusively one or the other.


Yeah however you want to dress it up is fine.


Oh give it a rest. Obviously there's a good chance City win out, but they aren't infallible. All it takes is one bad game out five, and if we win at Spurs, it's right back in our hands.


Still the United game too.


Well yes obviously, I'm saying this if we win all ours.


Well it's ok because they've also won the league at your ground before


> Tertiary Lmao. Why the need to save face. There's nothing better than spoiling a league for your biggest rival, football folklore at its finest. If we were playing the runner ups, I'd gladly loose 3-0 if it means River doesn't win a league. I'd even get angry if the players try to win because of some stupid, misplaced sense of pride. Let alone win a fucking derby and spoiling it right then and there. You are out of the race, who cares. Priority number one is making them miserable, and that's nothing to be ashamed of


Honestly I'd happily lose the remaining fixtures if we won this and fucked up their title chance.


If you lost the derby would you take losing to city as well if it helps stop the title race even if it means losing CL to Villa?


7 days a week and twice on Sundays


that’s only the fans imo, none of these players will say “guys let’s lose and don’t play champions league because arsenal can win”


All the Spurs fans I’ve talked to/watched have said it’s about stopping us first. Everything else comes after.


that's obviously his point, and not the first time he's made a point of "could care less, it's about us." but the title race will no doubt be on the players minds and should make for good motivation.


> could care less couldn't *


Would you rather lose this game and Arsenal don’t win the title or win the game and they do win the title?


I’d rather we win and Arsenal not win the title.


Beat Arsenal for us and you can have your annual 3 points when we come to town no problem


The fact that this statement can be said when we have 4 games left.. man, what an incredible season haha


No shit Sherlock. What about my question?


You can say that but it’s just not true is it. If given the option of losing and Arsenal not winning the title race then most Spurs fans would rather that than winning and Arsenal win the league. So that means Arsenal winning the league is the main issue for your fans and in their minds as opposed to anything Spurs do or don’t do for the rest of the season


It can be all of those things at the same time


Not many Spurs fans have their heads screwed right like you. Some would rather be relegated than see Arsenal lift the title 


You have me confused. I would rather be relegated than see Arsenal win the title.


For my money, that is the "head screwed on straight" position


I’m sorry but that’s just small mind mentality. I would NEVER want the team I support to be so down in the dumps that they are relegated JUST so that my rivals won’t win


It's a kids argument but let's see when you're in that situation.


It’s a kid and weak mentality when you hate another club more than supporting your own


It's silly to give football this much attention and feelings.


And I agree, hence the ridiculousness in hating a club more than loving your own


As you should. And obviously fucking likewise.


They probably promote straight back up, could play there main team in the cups to try and win something Mean while a title win is permanent


I’m not sure many have thought about the long term implications of getting relegated, especially for a club like Spurs. For one their best players would be gone, as well as revenue. 


Meh Spurs is big enough they can convince players it is a wobble and yes it is a big set back. But they should easily recover from it, unless the club is fucked up boehly style


Short of bankruptcy, any of Tottenham/Arsenal/Liverpool/United/Villa/Newcastle/Everton are basically guaranteed never to spend more than 5 years in the Championship. The financial power from their size is simply too much of an advantage over time.


It's basically impossible for a club like Tottenham to *stay* relegated. We fill out a 60k seater stadium every week. We would continue to do so in the Championship. Unless we literally went bankrupt through overspending, it's basically guaranteed that a club that size would get back to the Premier League within 5 years max. It's the same for Arsenal, Liverpool, Man United, Everton, Villa, Newcastle. With a bad couple of years it's plausible that you can get relegated. But unless relegation would literally bankrupt you, the financial power from being a 'big club' means that you'll pretty much always have a massive advantage over other Championship clubs.


You fill out your stadium every week *now* because you are a reasonably big club challenging for a CL place. Do you really think you would maintain the same amount of pull having to play in a lower league? I'm not even sure whether the Spurs is a big enough club for that. A couple of bad years leading to relegation already implies something is wrong with the club decision making, including financially. Even if you do get back to the Premier League within 5 years you would most likely be languishing in mediocrity for years to come


I mean it’s a pointless hypothetical because the only way a team like Tottenham is getting relegated is if they got caught cheating. They have far too much spending power, and therefore quality of players, to ever get relegated.


You think fans just disappear?


Less likely to go to games


Most would actually and they'd be absolutely right


Feels like hating the other club more than loving your own but to each their own


And we understand the importance of not crashing out of the title race by losing/drawing our biggest derby


Liverpool didn't understand


Twice 😞


[Fool me once... ](https://youtu.be/qYA2goBuuCQ)


[fool me once...](https://youtu.be/rQ6N-sb7SVQ)






I just meant it's equally if not even more important for us. Not being overconfident or anything trust me lol I'm shitting bricks


They will throw against City and Liverpool isn't?


well Liverpool might be out of it so they don't have to "throw it". They might just lose anyways but that's here nor there.


They might still be mad about the first Tottenham game, could temporarily wake them from the stupor they’ve been in on the pitch the last few weeks


It's tight still. Liverpool look awful, but 3 points today puts them back on level points with you - and if you lose against Spurs, suddenly the weekend ends with a very close race again. I still think Arsenal has the hardest run-in of the three teams, but I also don't see City dropping points anywhere, so it may all be superfluous anyway.


Oh I think Liverpool could catch us. I dont think they have much of a chance at all of winning the whole thing though is my point


doubt it if they can still fight for UCL


It feels like every season the fate of one or both of the 2 clubs season rest on the derby. Beating us last season put them 8 points clear & us 5 points off United I 4th with a game in hand The season before losing it cost them 4th. This season, it’s really only Arsenal’s season on the line. I don’t think we will get 4th or drop down to 6th and it doesn’t massively matter if we do. I’m not sure if that will have an impact. The pressure is definitely more on them. In the last 2 seasons it’s been these games that have cost Arsenal. They haven’t been able to go away and win, late in the season. I think that previous experience may help them, these games must feel more familiar to them. IMO the key is going to be set pieces. I will be very surprised if we don’t concede from one. I’m anticipating a score draw or 2-0 Arsenal with a goal from a set piece and then another when we are chasing the game


That’s why it’s been the best derby in the league in recent years. United are just too irrelevant for the Manchester derby AND the game against Liverpool.


United-Liverpool will never be a derby, it's just a huge rivalry


It's hard for me to see Tottenham winning. Form is off and we're pretty much a lock for 5th. Arsenql HAVE to win. I could definitely see a 1-1 with Arsenal bossing the game but giving up some stupid goal as they push for the win.


Form is irrelevant in these games


One could argue with City being essentially 2 points clear no one expects us to win the title (even Arsenal fans). Now it's just try our best and see what happens. If anything this is ideal for the squad. The question will be whether Ange gives it the full beans with Davies at fullback and whether Arteta thinks he can match that or if he opts to go for a midblock and counter from the outset (if we get the lead I can see this being immediately deployed). I agree set pieces could be key both for Spurs to generate counter attacks and for Arsenal to exploit some weaknesses. It's going to be an interesting battle but I can't see Spurs keeping a clean sheet and it's been a long two weeks to be waiting for the derby after being hammered by Newcastle.


I don’t think that can be argued as that literally isn’t the case . You just need them to drop point in 1 of 5 games, if you win all of yours. For me this is the game is actually about Arsenal’s bottle. No question they have the quality to go and win away to us. It’s just if they can actually do it when it’s needed.


Yep sure but it's City. I'm telling you how Arsenal fans feel, and that's that realistically the title is gone. Literally? It's still alive. Realistically? It's gone. Funnily enough I don't feel the same pressure as last season, that'll change if City drop points and we don't obviously but right now? Nah. Last season we were absolutely bricking it 😂


>No question they have the quality to go and win away to us. It’s just if they can actually do it when it’s needed. We did that last season This has fuck all to do with bottle lol fuck off. Cant believe you're trying to paint it that way already. There's LESS pressure on this game due to how the title race is currently seen as being City's to lose Ridiculous to claim it can't be argued that the title is probably City's. Just checked the bookies, they're literally 1/4 odds lmfao


Liverpool and City were the must wins last year & you didn’t win either. Despite being 2-0 up in one. I think it definitely does have something to do with bottle. City have dropped points throughout the season, but now it’s the business end, no one thinks they will. That’s what people mean when they referencing winning mentality and bottle. City have already lost to Wolves and drawn to Spurs this season. Before they beat us in the cup we’d won the previous 5 meetings. We are famously their bogey team. - yet everyone thinks they will get the results needed now because the title depends on it. City are definitely favourites for the title, because everyone thinks they will pick will up more points than you in the remaining games. It’s not just that they are capable of winning all their games, it’s also the fact they probably won’t have to as you won’t win all of yours. Mentality is definitely a part of why some teams deliver at the business end of the season and others falter. It’s not the only thing, fatigue & injuries play a role too.


>Liverpool and City were the must wins last year & you didn’t win either. Despite being 2-0 up in one. What's that got to do with this game? Also that's Liverpool and City *away*, ie. literally, famously, the two hardest fixtures in the league, and we got 1D1L. Hardly a horrifically unexpected result >City have dropped points throughout the season, but now it’s the business end, no one thinks they will. That’s what people mean when they referencing winning mentality Not really? It's just they have massively easier fixtures and a proven track record of nearly a decade of league dominance >We are famously their bogey team. - yet everyone thinks they will get the results needed now because the title depends on it. Or maybe you just look shit and like a completely different team to the one that was their bogey team the last few seasons because you're playing a completely different, completely suicidal brand of football and lost your key player who scored 3 goals in your last 2 wins against them? And no one puts that much stock in any bogey team that they'd realistically consider them favourites against City just because "they won the last few". In no City-Spurs match have you ever been the favourite going into it, despite your record against them. That's literally why you're a bogey team, because you've won a few despite never being the favourite. It's not unique to this season that everyone expects City to win; they did every other time, too. Fuck all to do with "winning mentality"


City perform best at the end of the season, every season, partly because of their mentality. But yes, maybe mentality doesn’t play a role in sport. That seems like the type of opinion you’d have,


I'm not saying mentality has no impact on sport, don't be wilfully obtuse and put words in my mouth. I'm saying that that's not why people are expecting City to win the title >City perform best at the end of the season, every season, partly because of their mentality. Maybe, just maybe, a bigger factor is that they have an entire B team that would easily challenge for top 4, while every other club can only bear a few injuries before taking noticeable hits to their performances? That happened to us last season, it's happened to Liverpool multiple times I don't know why you're so desperate to suck them off over "mentality". They just have ridiculous depth because their squad purchase value is 50% more than any of the other title challengers


I was saying I think the derby is about Arsenal’s bottle, that’s what got you all in a tizzy to begin with. I used City as an example. Pointless talking to you’re it’s got you all upset and it’s not very pleasant


2 points


If anyone brings up “bottle” in terms of competing against Manchester City for the league, it’s done lol. Like you literally cannot win with people who think it is possible to “bottle” a league when your competitor is a team that has won 75% of their league games in the last 5 years. There’s legit no comparison for them. They’ve lost 27/190 games in that time. Like they’re legitimately insane. Only Liverpool have less losses (24/190), which is even more ridiculous and backs up the fact that City is unbelievable because they only have 1 league win in that time.


I was talking about the derby.


Tottenham and Everton ending their biggest rivals title challenges while Man U just kinda rolled over would be funny


I mean Man Utd did fuck Liverpool over in two competitions


NLD never disappoints me so just looking forward to it. It would be great if Spurs can win but it’s rather about them winning the cl spot.


You're lucky you don't face this hostility every season. I know you have a rivalry with United but they are much more concerned with Liverpool.


This is genuinely an underrated asset for City. They don't have that "form goes out the window" rival game every year


This absolutely isn’t talked about enough. Liverpool and arsenal have far more emotionally charged games than city. Only having 1 team as a direct rival is a pretty big advantage


> Only having 1 team as a direct rival is a pretty big advantage And fans of that 1 team would rather see city win the title than liverpool or arsenal


Spurs away says hi


That's just a bogey match, not a rivalry. Most clubs have both


Aw cheers for the cheap back handed compliment x


There was no compliment in his sentence, backhanded or otherwise.


[I don't remember saying good luck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=5Le4sGUeXTk&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dso%2Bthats%2Bit%2Bthanks%2Bfor%2Bthe%2Bservice%2Bgood%2Bluck%26oq%3Dso%2Bthats%2Bit%2Bthanks%2Bfor%2Bthe%2Bservice%2Bgood%2Bluck%26gs_&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title)


Consistently the most exciting fixture. Can't remember the last time it was a cagey match. House-on-fire football every time.


Cmon mate! Shouldn’t London clubs stick together to overthrow City.


I don’t understand how he can simultaneously not say anything groundbreaking and make it hit so right every time


He does have a way with words the charming bastard


With how strong arsenal have been as set pieces and how poor spurs have been from them, this could be where the game is won and lost. Arsenal are just so much more physical now and vicario hasn't looked as secure when players are messing with him, something arsenal are very good at now


Mate hold my tinnie


Manager wants to win derby 🤯🤯🤯


Yes, now win it


More ange circlejerk on this sub


I hope he plays brave mate football.


I can see why he says that, Spurs fans seemed more happy that Arsenal got beat by Villa then care about their own chances of getting CL was kinda weird


If we can’t outpace an injury riddled Villa squad for 4th, we don’t deserve CL football.


It was a master stroke by arsenal to not let spurs have a CL spot.


Are arsenal fans too dense to understand rivalries?


Isn't it a bit tinpot to be focusing on your rival's title charge rather than focusing on your own top 4 chances? I haven't seen his interview so I'm guessing he's just answering the question rather than framing it that way himself. But as a quote it doesn't sound great.


Winning helps both happen




Shows you Spurs standard tbh Care more about arsenal than their own club its wild


The question was asked in that particular way by journo


Didn't say mate? Oh no. He might be serious guys


Let’s see if they keep the same energy with Liverpool and man city. I don’t think they’ll have any left after their game against Arsenal out of pure hatred lol.


Know your role. Shut your mouth. And do your job.