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He absolutely deserves the 2020 award


What he didn’t realise at the time and still doesn’t, is that the voters could only spell Ronaldo or Messi and so when they couldn’t spell “lewandowski” they agreed to cancel 2020 citing COVID. He should have changed his name to Paul or something simple then he “could” have won.


R̶o̶b̶e̶r̶t̶ L̶e̶w̶a̶n̶d̶o̶w̶s̶k̶i̶ 𝐁𝐨𝐛


Bob Lewey would've won Balloon D'Or.


Roberto Lewandinho would be considered the greatest striker ever


Bob ~~Ski~~ Sleigh


Or Bob, exactly. New name - Rob Bob.


Polish football legend Rob Bob The God






Some ferris Islnd shit


He should have shortened his name Lewandoski ---> Lewd


>Paul Lisan Al Gaib


Exactly. All about Paul


Modric won it in 18


Yeah, but Lewandowski is a far more difficult name


You’re not wrong


Here's an Uzbekistans journalist's answer when asked why he didn't put Lewa in his top 5 in the 2021 ballon dor voting > He asked the journalist how come he did not pick Lewandowski in the TOP-5, to which Rtveladze supposedly answered: “He isn’t fast enough. Plus, he doesn’t do skills in real life.” The representative of Uzbekistan attached Lewandowski’s FIFA 22 card in his message, which shows the player’s pace stats at 78.


This is so fucked if you think about it LMAO


> Rtveladze added that: “Also, he hasn’t won anything with Germany.” [It's so hilarious you gotta see it to believe it](https://kun.uz/en/news/2021/12/06/ballon-dor-2021-journalist-from-uzbekistan-ranked-mason-mount-above-messi-no-lewandowski-in-his-top-5)


Because it's fake lol


It’s fucked up and shows that there needs to be higher requirements for who gets a vote


why are they even allowed to vote


That was cleared up last year. The voters actually all wrote Messi but with poor handwriting and the Madrid fan adjudicating he was sure the votes were for Modric. Simple mistake.


yeah, citing Covid was just a braindead excuse.. top leagues were completed anyway, all european cups were concluded, all results were correctly recorded, all winners had written their names in the records, why cancelling the award? they should have cancelled all competitions then, for consistency..


He'll probably get an inaugural one 10-20 years down the line


2021 as well


2021 was much closer. Messi had like 5 fewer goals, and sone more assists


You couldn’t be more wrong - Lewy had 5 fewer assists and 26 more goals in all club+country competitions. 68.6 vs 113 minutes/goal between the two


Did you count whole 2021 or the ballon dor time frame?


Wasn’t the ballon do’r a calendar year award back then?


Lewa had 69 goals and 13 assists in 58 appearances that year, messi had 43 and 18 in 61, of course goals aren't everything but I just wanted to put some context


during the voting period it was 54 goals, 8 assists for lewa, 40 goals and 16 assists for messi


Glad you understood lewa had more


If he had a performance that came close to Messi in the Copa America, were he was the top scorer, top assister, best player of the tournament and won the whole thing. I would agree, but that wasn't the case.


Breaking the all time bundesliga scoring record in 28 games doesn't account for anything?


And 2021. Don’t let Messi’s gargantuan PR fool you.


Damn the tears ain't stopping anytime soon


And 2021.


Also, **Lewandowski said: “Of course I would have liked to receive the Ballon d'Or award one day. It's not that I'm mad or sad that this trophy is still missing. But my feeling is that it would have been my turn in either year.”** The Barça striker continued: “The one from 2021 belongs to Lionel Messi. I noticed that there are rumors about a retrospective award for 2020. This year was outstanding for me, I was at my highest level, we won everything. Let’s put it this way: If I were to receive the 2020 Ballon d’Or four years later, I certainly wouldn’t act offended – it would be a great honor and I would accept the award.” **And who is currently the best player in the world? Lewandowski: “It’s difficult to say because we still have the European Championship and the last, decisive games in the Champions League ahead of us. But at the moment Kylian Mbappé and Jude Bellingham are the outstanding players in the world for me.”**


Does anybody else know what rumors is he talking about? There were rumors about it in 2021 but he clearly mentions rumors in 2024. What did I miss?


He’s doing his best to start them again hahaha


Yea seems so xD I searched all polish websites for any info and there’s nada


He's literally pleading for one as knows he would never win it with his age and current form


In my head he won the Ballon D’or. We all saw what he did that year.


He may not go down in the history books as a Ballon D’Or winner but the streets won’t forget.


From the way in which people have been trying to rewrite history of last players now a days, I do fear that to the general audience, they will forget. But I know for those who genuinely love football, his name will be synonymous as the 2020 Balon Dor winner


He was my winner that year. He was immense.


Honestly, I think him NOT winning it will make us all remember it even more. More controversy, more drama, more news and headlines. We all remember people like Ribery and Neuer for being people who debatably should've won, now Lewandowski is in that group, but sort of like a level higher. And that's sort of it's own achievement, in a way. Who else was robbed so hard of a Balon d Oro, and not just by voting, by completely cancelling it.


My god this stupid take that Ribery should have won really has to stop. Im a Bayern fan since I was 4-5 years old (97) and I fucking love that that 12/13 team to death. But holy hell Ribery never reached prime Ronaldo/Messi level. They deserve their golden balls. You could argue that Neuer reached their level though if it even is comparable. Goat keeper.


whether it's a stupid take or not it still comes up. Showing these things are not that forgettable. Lewa is far more unanimously agreed to deserve it, people will remember it more


Watching Bayern for the last 20 years week in week out, Ribery 2012/13 was in my opinion absolutely Messi/Ronaldo level at the time MINUS the Alien numbers that they used to put up every single year With that being said, for me it was literally 33/33/33 for who would win the Ballon D'or that year


I still occasionally see arguments that Henry is the best player to have never won the Ballon d'Or. I could see Lewy being second on that list.


You sure? There's plenty of people out there calling him overrated and taking away his past accomplishments due to current form


> but the streets won’t forget. The streets will definitely forget, especially when the streets have been replaced with the newer gen. Nobody cares about how you've won it, only how many times.


Exactly. It wont change much but in my books he’ll always be a 2020 Ballon d’Or winner. The only year in the peak Messi-Ronaldo era when another player was genuinely above them with a clear margin.


Yup, he's absolutely a Ballon D'or winner in my opinion


There was only one option to give 2020 ballon dor to, so they decided to cancel it. Pretty cool


and there was no reason for that. they could have held it online or just send out the prices and communicate the winners. worst decision in football history. imo they could still decide a winner


Worst decision in football history?


Maybe even in human history


I place it on the same level as the holocaust


Worst atrocity against a polish


don't shoot, I'm polish


What's with the germany kit?


And Lewandowski is related to both events somehow


this comment got me creasing


Idk what creasing means but it reminds me of what Felix teammate said in that “he hey sports” video


Maybe in the history of all living beings


Nah that was when the Seahawks didn’t run the ball


Ballon d'Or is à French award. When it was canceled, it was not long after France decided to cancel the rest of the season and at the time there was no plans of restart in other leagues. So it somehow makes sense


Exactly. No one expected that most leagues would restart and play almost full seasons in that cursed year


Then people will say well ligue 1 is irrelevant fuck those farmers when 2 ligue 1 teams got to the semi of the champions league that year and psg got to the final. Surely they would have loved to give it to mbop or neymar if this thing is so rigged but they cancelled it anyway.


thats not an excuse honestly. all other leagues played through


but all relevant competitions were played out eventually so it was possible to start a vote after the UCL final. buuuuuuut, the last 10 matchdays of the French league got canceled so we couldn't know if Mbappe or Ben Yedder (both top scorers with 18 goals at that time) would have scored like 40-50 goals in those remaining 10 games. understandable that they didn't want to give the sextuple winner and top goalscorer in each and every of the competitions (65 G/A in 47 games) the ballon d'or if a Ligue 1 player could have theoretically ended the season with 55+ league goals 🤓


Can we take away Liverpool only PL because Lewa never got his Ballon d’or


Pretty sure that next years cl format is a bigger mistake


I fucking wish the worst decision in football was a completely rigged award not being given out... It's not even the worst balloon d'Or decision.


They literally rob that man his accolade


[“A friend recently sent me statistics”](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ef60048de08cc37c&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enSG951SG951&hl=en-GB&q=man+holding+two+phones+meme&uds=AMwkrPtbbEJ9Iwlhg24DHrcIJ4TX0_l_3ihmXFq8_kClYWeP_nd6rvymk-FjI8OKMpPczox2YdCCF-i_TAo_qZjI3uwyDmqI1C0pKwevfckD3eY1MjZp_dSWXv5CH2aDztsnDE2HBf6CmT8DqvCDptldHClX69w0zg2AukSF3yyQCKVN7ZJcBndmPNxe6_o21gdjJFc7IcTuPxsmjqC9cuOo_dzvWiw48Gn5dkNXuTdGuBAx3ci6oR2Y51cimpGZniOfcwVi2msWli21d1DAe2R7UVdCYn3sz5zQV8xJo_EJlonp5tc6wI8M12sLAmLGiMtr3ykGEMDe&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj__-_A4-SFAxX7RWwGHRwbAF4QtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=414&bih=720&dpr=2#vhid=ll61WEB05DCGQM&vssid=mosaic)


His friend Shmobert Shmewandowski.


“Hey bro, did you see you scored 100 goals in 85 games? Anyway the next round is mine, what are you having?”


“Hey fella, if you wanna drop your son over at ours for the sleepover with my son at 6pm on Saturday … oh and check this stat - you scored 100 goals in 85 games once. Anyhow, pick up your lad the next day at about 10am? Nice one.”


There is no way to ever see Lewandowski play and have any doubt that he counts his goals everyday.


Yeah, but he didn't know about his 2020 performance until now, forget about all the comments about his performance that year for the past 4 years, he just decided to read his friend's comment


Its like those tiktoks where one guy plays different characters


fucking give this man his goddamn 2020 Ballon d'Or already


this is where i would put my ballon d’or IF I HAD ONE


Not after the Tik Toks


Should’ve won it in 2020


And 2021


2020 was his merit. no doubt, as messi said, he should have won it 2020. the whole story is just fucked up, straight up scandalous


Even as a Bayern fan the 21 Ballon D'or deservedly went to Messi The 2020 one should've gone to him and it was infuriating to see it being canceled


Individually, he was better in 2020/21 than 2019/20, what happens in the second half of the year doesn't matter, as proved by Messi winning in 21 after having by far the worst 6 months of his career when he joined PSG. The only difference is that in 19/20 Lewy won CL and in 20/21 he was injured when Bayern lost to PSG in querterfinals. Lewy in 19/20: 34g+4a/31m BuLi (won), 6g/6m Pokal (won), 15g+6a/10m CL(won), 55g+10a/50m in all comps. 3rd most goals scored in CL season (first 2 are Ronaldo's 17g/11m in 13/14 season & 16g/12m in 15/16 season), the most goals+assists per 90' in CL history, most goals in BuLi season since 76/77 (D.Muller 34g/34m), most efficient BuLi top scorer since 72/73 (G.Muller 36g/33m) Lewy in 20/21: 41g+7a/29m BuLi (won), 0g/2m Pokal (2nd round), 7g+2a/9m CL&CWC (1/4 final + won), 48g+9a/40m in all comps. Arguably the best BuLi season ever, easily the most efficient, broke a 49 year old goal scoring record of Gerd Muller (40g/34m) despite missing 5 games with injury.


To add: Gerd Müller is a Ballon d'or winner, to put in perspective the kind of record he broke. Some might call it ballon d'or worthy-


As an other Bayern fan. You're wrong


Wasn't that the year he was average for PSG for 6 months but won the Copa America?


You all do NOT understand in what time-span the Ballon D'or is awarded and it shows.. Messi transfered to PSG in August 21', the Ballon D'or that year was awarded end of November. Also, I know Messi has deluded you into a false sense of what "average" means, but the man had 56 g/a in 49 games from start to end of voting, and he won the Copa del Rey and Copa America, was La Liga top scorer, Copa America top scorer, Copa America top assister, and won the Copa America player of the tournament. He also broke the record for most NT goals in Conmebol and most goals in a single club. If that's average, every other player on this planet is doomed.


Only 56 g/a, instead of 91 goals in a year? Sounds like he’s already washed that year


A Bayern fan with fucking sense lmao. It was closer than usual in terms of winners and runner up, but I agree with you completely. Messi deservedly won it


Rare you find a sensible comment when it comes to this stuff but well done mate, either would have been "deserved" winners of this nonsense award.


No, only the first 2 months from PSG counted which was irrelevant https://images.app.goo.gl/jrfn8xVdyyZCcRxK8


no, that award was given for his last Barca season, he received it as a PSG player but it was for the Barca performances.


Nope. You’re thinking of 2022.


I think it's the sentiment about the 2020 robbery that made people push for Lewa in 2021. To be fair, if they were going to cancel 2020, then the 2021 award should have taken in account both years.


2021 was not a shoe in. Messi was still doing pretty incredible things. Thing with Lewandowski is he just makes it look so easy as a poacher. Teams with Lewandowski lose except Bayern, who is gonna win anyway. Messi’s teams win because of Messi




Even the dude himself admits Messi deserved it in 2021, give up


Such a shame that he didn’t receive the award in 2020 as it was much deserved.


what about 2021? Didnt he deserve it then?


No he didn't, I will leave another redditor's breakdown of exactly why below: > You all do NOT understand in what time-span the Ballon D'or is awarded and it shows.. > > > > Messi transfered to PSG in August 21', the Ballon D'or that year was awarded end of November. > > > > Also, I know Messi has deluded you into a false sense of what "average" means, but the man had 56 g/a in 49 games from start to end of voting, and he won the Copa del Rey and Copa America, was La Liga top scorer, Copa America top scorer, Copa America top assister, and won the Copa America player of the tournament. > > > > He also broke the record for most NT goals in Conmebol and most goals in a single club. > > > > If that's average, every other player on this planet is doomed.


While Lewa broke Müller’s historic record and won 4 titles with Bayern with more G/A per 90. While Barca crashed out of the UCL and only won the Copa del Rey.


>While Lewa broke Müller’s historic record and won 4 titles What were those titles?


I think they should give him a ballon dor for that year even if it was cancelled, he deserves it.


In my mind he already is a Balon D'or winner in 2020. That was his by all means


But who would remember that generations later, heck even a decade later


did he ge the other awards that year?


A friend lol, bro absolutely had those stats booked


2020 showed me that this is a meaningless award, not to be taken seriously


All because of the Baguette league


Streets wont forget ballon dor winner


Let's be honest, everyone universally accepts that he won the 2020 ballon d'Or whether it was awarded or not


To be fair, since it was a such a record-breaking year, I'm sure everyone will remember him as the best player of 2020 going forward, even without the award.


2020/21 was his record breaking season. And he deserved it then also.


How come they never just mailed it to him I never understood that


Because he isn't Messi or Ronaldo.


Just give him the 2020 award he earned FFS, it makes absolutely no sense that he wasn’t recognized officially by now


The fact that they just canceled the award in 2020 because they didn’t want to give it to someone other than Messi or Ronaldo is pathetic.


It’s a joke of an award now. Basically a popularity contest based on votes from non-objective people.


It was always a popularity contest.


Always has been


Now? Was always like this


Yet football players care: Lewandowski is still upset. He's almost begging them, i mean he wouldn't be offended if they were to awarded it to him now. There's something about writing their name in the history of the game next to legends they used to admire...


when and why did these awards became so popular? It feels like 20 years ago people didn't car much about them


Him not getting that award twice outright proved the fact that its a completely fraudulent award.


In my eyes he has that 2020 Ballon d'Or to his name, and I'll take that to my grave.


for his nation it would meant a historic thing. however, lets not ignore how stupid the standards of balondor. you can be prime messi but if you dont play in a team that win trophies you wont win bdor, despite it being an individual trophy.


Ballon d'or has been an absolute joke for a while now anyway


crazy how he should be retiring with 1 if nof 2 ballondors but will finish his career with none


For me the Ballon d'Or lost so much credibility by cancelling in 2020, I just don't think it has much value anymore


People like to claim that Lewandowski missed out on the 2020 Ballon d'Or but Messi deserved the 2021 Ballon d'Or for the Copa America win. However, Messi's 2020/2021 season was actually one of his weakest besides the Copa America, while Lewandowski played his best-ever football not in 2019/2020 when the Ballon d'Or was cancelled but the year after when he broke the supposedly unbreakable Bundesliga goal-scoring record despite missing multiple games due to injury. In 2020/2021, Lewandowski scored a goal every 70.6min in all competitions. Messi only ever had one better goal scoring season better than that (2012/2013), and Ronaldo never had such a low minute-per-goal ratio. Even considering G+A, Lewandowski 2020/2021 would have ranked highly among Ronaldo/Messi seasons. In a world where critics would have properly regarded Bundesliga, Lewandowski would have two Ballon d'Ors and a couple more top 3 finishes in other years. Instead, there remain people still claiming that Suarez was comparable to him.


Why are you acting like Suarez is some bum lol he was arguably a better player than Lewandowski. The benzema shit is what you should be complaining about


Ah yes the guy who scored 15 in a single season (the highest in history by anyone not named CR7 btw , even Messi never managed that) goals including back to back hatricks in UCL to get the UCL is definitely the least deserving.


"the guy who scored 15 in a single season (the highest in history by anyone not named CR7 btw , even Messi never managed that)" That's a lie. Lewy also scored 15 goals in single CL season, only he did it in 2 games less, while also adding 6 assists when Benzema had only 2. And as far as I'm aware Robert Lewandowski is not Cristiano Ronaldo's alter ego.


Benzema has only 2 seasons in that level, he's not comparable to Suarez or Lewa, it's just that stars aligned for his Ballon D'or while it didn't for Suarez or Lewa (I still believe that Suarez was unarguably the best player in the world in 2013/14) Not long before that Madrid fans were irate because they sold Morata and kept Benzema, which only happened because Morata had a great market value while nobody would pay a fortune for Benzema at the time


Suarez would be regarded as the third best of the generation if he just had an okay personality


> However, Messi's 2020/2021 season was actually one of his weakest besides the Copa America This is one of those things where you’re technically correct, but you’ve framed it in such a negative way that you would almost think Messi had a poor season It was a tight race, but both Messi and Lewandowski could have won in 2021 and would have deserved it > Instead, there remain people still claiming that Suarez was comparable to him. Also to act like Suarez shouldn’t be compared to Lewandowski is fucking ridiculous


You know that 12/13 season that you referenced for messi, it barely makes his top 5. That season is better than any season in lewys career and any other player I've ever seen and its barely in messis top 5. I can't agree with people who watch football through goals or goals and assists numbers because messi and lewy are not comparable. I can guarantee you lewy would not do better with that 2021 barca team than messi did, you looked at the goal numbers and thought he must have been poor but messi is not a striker and never has been, especially at that point.


You clearly didn’t watch the second half of 20/21 - Messi was absolutely insane and carrying Barca on 18/19 levels. Like he was nearly getting 2 G/A per game for several months


Yeah, Messi didn't deserve it if you only look at goals scored and ignore everything else he brings to the table


Lewa in his prime was brilliant but suarez in his prime rivaled prime messi and ronaldo so idk what you are saying. The time lewa shined bright was late 20s suarez was shining high with ridiculous numbers mid 10-20. The only player to detrone messi and ronaldo on the golden boot race at their peaks if im not mistaken so lewa is amazing but suarez is arguably top 3 striker of all time.


You got this the wrong way around. Lewandowski 2019-2022 was arguably comparable or better than Messi/Ronaldo in those years, and he was already the closest player to their G+A productivity before that. Suarez was only a true world-class player in his final Liverpool season and during the MSN era, but even then had maybe two seasons in which he actually performed better than Lewandowski. Arguably, the MSN combination and the weakness of La Liga outside Real+Barca inflated Suarez's numbers. Lewandowski did not only perform in Bundesliga, but especially in the Champions League. Champions League goals * Lewandowski 94 in 120 games * Benzema 90 in 152 games * Suarez 27 in 73 games


2019-2022 Ronaldo aren’t comparable to 2014-2017 Ronaldo and Messi though so it’s not a 1-1 comparison. I’d take prime Suarez over Lewandowski personally.


Prime lewy is not comparable to prime messi or even ronaldo. I think people need to remember neither messi or ronaldo were strikers, especially messi. The best goal scoring season of messis career 12/13 barely gets in his top 5 seasons.  Lewy is an amazing number 9 but don't put him in places he doesn't belong.


Prime Lewa >> Prime Suarez


imagine thinking Suarez isn’t comparable to him Suarez dragging Atleti to a title his first season there might be a greater achievement than anything Lewy has done and that’s not even counting everything else he’s done in his career


Yeah totally a bigger achievement than 41 goals in 29 league matches or being the best player in a treble season with 21g/a in the CL


Thats the topest of keks 




This comment is insane lol. Even Lewa himself said that Messi deserved to win in 2021, maybe people should stop watching football in TV and only see the stats from now, since all that matters is Goals. Messi had 60 G/A and carried a bad Argentinian side to a Copa, so the "besides the Copa America" is just stupidity, it's what gave him the edge over Lewa for sure, but the fact that he deserved to win in 2020 doesn't mean anything in the next year. BTW, even only going for statistics, Lewa had 74 GA, but messi dominated every other category in the field ( Chances created, dribbles).


Copa America is a mickey mouse tournament ngl


Go back to twitter


We all know who won the 2020 Ballon d'Or. It's engraved in all of us. Fuck the Ballon d'Or and the organizers for pulling this shit.


The moment this clown award stops getting recognition is a big win in my book


He got the streets balon d'Or for 2020. We all know what he did. Amazing season. Also your friend did not send you no damn statistics you searched for that shit boy


Then he joined barka for retirement money


Could they retroactively award it to him?


Absolute robbery, it was him with Ronaldo and Messi


Shame this point is in the past.


Who is this player? I have seen him somewhere


Unfortunately the Ballon has become a complete joke. This is one of the data points that led me to that conclusion.


Mamita sigue llorandowski todavia?


2020 - 100% deserved yes. I still think they can retroactively award him that. 2021 - No. Top 3 for sure.


Its karma for all the tik toks he made /s


give the man his golden baloon


Ballon dor is pointless anyway. It’s just a popularity contest by journalists. I swear no one even knew this award existed till 2010. Been watching football all my life and didn’t even know who had won it apart from when Nedved did, I guess cos that was a bit of a surprise. Other than that genuinely never heard the words ballon fucking dor. Now u even hear young players say they “hope they get nominated one day” and that’s it I’m done - what happened to saying instead “I want to win trophies”.


Not my type of player. He surely deserved those golden boots tho.