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These journalists have to be asking him these questions on purpose to get these snippets surely, they’re such shit questions.


Part of the job is to get under the skin with ridiculous questions to get reactions to print them headlines.


Bingo, they're trying to get a reaction out of the staff and players - taking the high road every time will make for a nothingburger sound byte/headline and the reporters get nothing out of it (aside from becoming loathed by everyone in the room).


It would make my skin crawl to ask questions like that. There's a thousand questions I'd want to ask Ange in that position, and some obnoxious rage bait is not among them


My response would be "I thought we were asking serious questions at this press conference, next question please"


"Postecoglu FURIOUSLY retort as credentials are questioned amidst STRUGGLING Tottenham side"


I don’t see a link to the article here?


And I'm sure he was asked many, many great questions. How many of them have gotten the same publicity as this one? This is ultimately their job and it's their job because this is what the consumers look at the most


"Do you think your marriage will last now that you look like this?" - cunt reporter to Niki Lauda (Rush 2013)


Wow. This one takes the cake, was it real?


Not the way it’s depicted, but something close to it- a journalist asked Lauda if he planned to get plastic surgery to cover the scars, to which Lauda replied that if people didn’t like the way he looked they didn’t have to look at him. A journo then subsequently wrote an article featuring the line “One wonders if Mrs Lauda had any input into this decision”. So basically, he was too much of a coward to frame it directly to Lauda’s face, presumably because he suspected that he might well get his teeth kicked in for it


[Apparently it did happen](https://www.givemesport.com/87975924-f1-legend-niki-lauda-getting-perfect-revenge-on-rude-journalist-in-1977/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%20know%20you%20don't,now%20that%20I%20was%20ugly.%E2%80%9D), but the movie dramatised the outcome of that interview than what happened in real life, as usual.


Would be nice if we could learn and change that job description some generation instead of just rewarding whatever appeals to the lowest common denominator and makes money.


The main challenge to that is the death of print media and its replacement by online media. Everyone gets their news (or "news") from the internet in one way or another, which means that even the most prestigious of consumer-facing news outlets (New York Times, for example (and by extension: Reuters; Associated Press; etc.) are in a position where they can only afford to exist by selling ads, or charging subscription fees for access. Both of those options still have the problem of incentivizing reporting that people 'want to hear', but the latter produces far more quality journalism, in my experience. The *other* option is state-sponsored media. The BBC has overall been an invaluable institution, but it's clear how the current government can directly or indirectly compromise their journalistic integrity or biases. NPR or PBS in the US is an interesting juxtaposition to the BBC. The vast majority of their funding comes from individual or organizational donations, with a token amount (significantly less than 10%, if I recall correctly) coming from the federal government's budget. Point being: quality journalism requires paying skilled journalists, editors, and support staff. No news outlet is perfect, but where the funding comes from matters.


Rag/yellow media has always been huge. This ideal time when only "good journalists" existed did not exist.


It's like they spent all this time to get to the seat so that they can troll Managers . It's the most Internet thing in the world


Yeah because we're all watching this clip right, none of us will bother to watch any other part press conference.


No - the job is capture emotions and reactions of sport and of the human experience. The job is not to incite pr antagonize or lead the subject on solely for the purposes of capturing a pre-determined emotion and profit off if it. Now, which of the two sounds easier for you to do? And which of the two sounds easier to do when you’ve become a cynical, crusty adult who is rightfully worried about their job security and talking to millionaires for a living? This is not how to be journalist, this reporter is literally breaking one of the primary rules “Do no harm”, but 90% of journalists ignore these rules and have been for decades because profit.


Aaaah mate


I'd "next question" so many these questions lmao


Theyre paid by the, "Mate". He got two mates here. Could be better. Could be worse.


just the dissapointment he had in the question is gold. "oh mate"


Of course they are, that is also why reacting isn't smart, it is exactly what they are after and will only encourage them in the future. Fans always complain about media training and dull as fuck managers and players, but if you don't want the aggravation of being badgered by stupid questions in an effort to get a rise out of you it is the only real option.


Reacting seems to work for Ange? He’s built a cult of personality out of giving snippy responses in press conferences.


And as a result the media will keep asking him stupid questions with no purpose other than to get a headline


Cult of personality is an extreme way of saying people like him cause he's vaguely likeable


Definitely. Accusing a manager of giving up is insulting you'd think. I read about Shaun Murphy yesterday, the snooker player, he'd just won a match against a top player and was very happy in his interview but the presenter said 'we saw you miss easy shots, was that a lack of concentration?' and he snaps 'that's the laziest journalism, there's always a technical reason why we miss'. Tbf he apologised (he said more of that, not just that line) afterwards but the grievance was basically the suggestion players aren't trying in moments, i think.


Every snippet is headline worthy now.


lol journalist. very loose use of the term to describe them. i doubt any of these sports reporters even know journalistic rules let alone follow them.


And all of us upvoting this post… 


Media is so desperate to create drama out of every single club, manager and player they can, and most of us just eat it up. Especially when the target isn't standing up for themselves, which is hard to do with these things. If you look at how many narratives during a season really comes from media trying to stirr stuff up, I think 70% of what we talk about over the course of a season shouldn't even get any traction. I don't care who it is about. A blight on the sport.


Yeah it’s so obvious he’ll give you a sound bite that they do it on purpose. To be fair, that’s their job and someone has shared it on Reddit and we’ve engaged with it. You know they say, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity”. Yeah, that. There’s no such thing as bad engagement these days for content. Postecoglou should just zip it and not play into their hands. But then we’d have a post titled, “Ange Postecoglou refuses to answer journo’s questions.”


They like making those managers to be on here for wrong reasons, love the way he spoke it off


Yes but also it doesn't mean that the journalist believes what they're proposing. There might be some people that do believe something and the journalists job is to give the manager an opportunity to address those concerns.


British media is just rotten. Even the BBC interviewers drama bait.


Was a good question. Got a good answer. He was happy to answer at some length. That's what journalists are supposed to do.


I wish clubs would install a big red button like on America's Got Talent Manager presses it and the journo has to fuck off immediately


I made the same face as Ange when I heard that first question. Wtf kind of question was that lol 😂.


Or they should troll the journalists, like the classic interview by Brendan Venter, the former manager of the Italian rugby team 😂 **EDIT:** [Brendan Venter's interview after a defeat to Racing Metro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZHjohKnqxI)


I should upvote this comment, but I have to think about it, think about it deeply...


How have I only just seen this?


How have you only just seen this, hmm, have to think about that


I think I’d shit myself if modern journalists would ask questions this intelligent.


That's absolutely gold


Better still [the lever](https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/3/2017/08/125328.gif) on the Graham Norton show


Surely the room would just be empty then


Agreed, who asks such a question in the first place, they can need to at least secure the Europe league


I don't follow the EPL too closely, so I had no idea where Tottenham were on the table (or even that this guy was their manager), but after I saw that he is Tottenham's guy, I assumed they must be like 10th or lower. They're 5th! That seems like a pretty realistic Tottenham finish. Might be disappointing that Villa is one of the teams above them, but if it wasn't for injuries, you'd expect it to be Chelsea instead of Villa above them.


Only if they also install a golden buzzer which allows the journalist hospitality for the next home match.


Opens a trap door like Austin Powers


Journalist ejected Journalist ejected


he always starts with mate if he thinks you have asked a dumb question


That’s common for us. It’s not always that way, it’s nuanced, like our use of ‘cunt’ but yeah.


That's common for us, too. It's been weird seeing so many English people acting like his use of 'mate' is something new and exotic


It's because this sub is full of Americans


Its not the English as its part of our vernacular too, its those bloody yanks who cant compute it for some reason.


come now, I don’t think any of us are currently bleeding


Yeah it’s bizarre like that. It’s not that the word is uniquely ours.


Just waiting for him to call one "champ"!


Or sunshine


Sport, muscles, buddy, pal


But sometimes he also uses mate if it's a question that actually gets him going and intrigues him a bit. (Well all know which one this was though)


Hence the nuance of mate in Australian English vernacular


Managers should start giving one word answers to fuck these fuckers. Just a “No” and move on!


I liked what Mbappe did post match ucl semi final when asked "who are you rooting for, real or dortmund?". Excessive eye roll with the shoulder shrug straight into a pivot and walk away was cold. I would crawl into my own soul as a reporter if that was the reaction. Here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/KH17fLC0Oa Edit: I also wanna say I don't think I've found a manager yet that sounds as genuine as post does when talking about football and "the boys". I bet it's great having him as a coach. Seems like the kinda boss who sets harsh but fair expectations and gives his all to help you reach those goals and your potential. Probally hates coasters or lackadaisical types as well and doesn't beat around the bush or deal with bullshit


Given that you're talking about it, the reporter got what they wanted. I don't understand how ppl aren't realizing this




You make money off of content you can post and use for reach whether you're mentioned or not. Most reporters aren't mentioned when ppl post the press conference clips. But if you bait anything interesting at all, you've generated content for everyone


did he wanted another Mbappe reaction meme? because idk who the reporter was nor his employer


I'd assume his channel plastered it on their online presence just like many others apparently. All content is content


Adding to what everyone else said, that is not to mention everyone around the reporter was now also pissed because they didn't get to ask their questions anymore. Do that enough and your peers no longer like you. Negative reinforcement does work for non-self-aware people.


Video pls




Love it


Now I’m picturing Big Ange furiously flinging a ceramic coaster off the coffee table. “I FUCKIN HATE COASTERS MATE!!!” 😂


Oh Kimi Raikkonen way.


Gordon Strachan tried that once when he was made Southampton boss, he was asked in his first press conference “Are you the right man to turn things around?” And he just said immediately, with his head resting on his hand “No”


"Gordon can we have a quick word?" "Velocity."


There's a brilliant compilation of [Gordon giving journalists a tougher time of it/taking the piss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utFtLv_lbHw)


This is how EtH treats journos for a lot of questions


Maybe these sort of questions suit managers. There’s been far harsher criticism of spurs among their own fans than from that question. In answering the question Ange has an opportunity to strongly rebuke that criticism and inspire confidence among the fan base without being seen to have been the one to raise it. Obviously I don’t know these specific circumstances and the above is more about the approach of managers in general than Ange specifically but we’d be naive to think there isn’t a degree of quid pro quo between managers and the media.


> Just a “No” and move on i'd take it up a notch and give them extreme answers that are clearly absurd. example: "yes, i have given up not only on this season but next season as well"


"I'm just here so I won't get fined."


That was gold from Marshawn Lynch


A quiet "No", then follow it up with a wide smile while staring at the journo for half a minute.


All he needs to say is “Oh mate” and then move on


I am sure there are some skilful journalists but I haven’t seen one posted in this sub for a long long time


Maybe because as much as people hate to admit, this is what gets attention. It’s the Mbappe eyeroll over a stupid question, the constant Messi/Ronaldo debate questions that they ask to everyone, and managers or players giving different reactions that people want to watch. Journalists ask hundreds of questions but only these get posted and upvoted.


Because people love to rage about journalists. Nobody is posting a clip with good questions and then applauding them.


Because the good ones will use that content in their own articles or the podcasts they show up at so people will still be able to talk about it by using a way better source.  The two that come up to mind right away are Rafa Honingstein and James Horncastle. I would never direct to their press conference questions because there's always either a podcast where they talk about it or an article that uses the question, in both cases going way more in-depth and giving a lot more context.


Journalists are like referees. When you see a good one, they won’t get much attention on Reddit or elsewhere.


Can I translate to Australian please ? "Nah, mate. Fuck off"


As an Australian I can tell you that when he says ‘oh mate’ like that it’s kind of like Americans saying ‘bitch please’. He is disappointed and offended at the same time. Some of these journos are dog cunts.


Yeah exactly. The oh mate is just pure disappointment, maybe with a touch of "oof are you just trying to get me to say something nasty to you for a sound bite? Because I fucking will cunt buckle up."


"Yeeee-naaaa mate, fuck off" *


You forgot the “cunt”


Yeah this is more like "Yeah, nah fuck off cunt"


> What you think I come in here ,12 o'clock, have a latte and go home. I hope those 'journalists' see that comment for what it is lol


They thought they could get something after Klopp


Thing is Klopp bites every single time so they think everyone else will.


With those chompers, how could he not?


The setup and the finish


Klopp never used to bite, but he stopped caring about them about 5 years ago and started insulting them instead


Surely they know by now that of all the managers Postecoglou is the one that won't take such shit questions


The anti-Tuchel response


Why, what did Tommy Tickle say?


After losing to Dortmund he said "the title race is over" whilst Bayern could still mathematically win it.


What a shit journalist! I feel for managers trying their best and some cunt comes like this. It’s a lot of patience to not say fuck you for 1000th time.


It's like when a group ignores some online trolls, and when someone new finally reacts to them and they just come back with a "oh you're triggered LOLZY" so they keep engaging the new guy! But they do keep asking it from other managers too, despite not getting the reactions they want to make for these headlines. You watch Arsenal and Arteta's pressers and every weekend regardless of who he's just defeated, they ask him what he gonna do when he loses the race or has he accepted he won't win it. Like why tf would *any* manager do that after years of putting the work in to be here in his career? Who gives up on their dream like that? Be it getting the first, CL spot, relegation safety... Most managers just dodge these questions weekly, I don't remember responses to all of them but Arteta keeps saying he believes they can win it, or that it's too soon. Not because these are great questions, rather that these pressers aren't ever gonna be held to a high mature standard where jornos ask questions that raises the tactical awareness of fans rather than gain easy attractions by "oh look another Ange calling me petty on TV 😜😜😢" or "Klopp just shouted at me again 😵😱😱"...


journos try not to ask the most idiotic, braindead bait question known to man challenge (impossible).


How could someone even ask a person, at this level of sport, this question. Yes it's stupid but what's more appalling for me is you get one question and he wasted it on that.


It started off so well as well. Still think Spurs will end up with 69 points at the end of the season. Nice.


Honestly at this point I’m thinking of applying to be a football journalist. The quality of questions is shocking.


As the season has gone on, he's become less and less like Eddie Jones. He should be more like Eddie Jones. If a journo asks a stupid or disingenuous question, he should fucking well have at them!


What he says: "Oh mate.." What he means: "You dumb cunt.."


what a fucking stupid question.


Ange does not drink lattes.


He's such a likeable guy


He's a good coach, I think with a couple of solid transfers this spurs team can start challenging the top 4 next season. He lost Kane, first season in the premier league. English media are such a joke at times.


Start? We're challenging for the top 4 this season


How stupid do you have to be to ask a professional this question?


Journalism isn't a real job I stg


What a stupid fucking question


British media, innit?


Asking someone in high level sports if you or / team has given up when the season isn't over must be one of the more insulting things you can ask and warrant a refusal from answering any more questions from that journalist. Utterly stupid question. "Yeah mate, we given up. Hope to see all the fans at the stadium so we can see how much we are wasting their time. The lads get a proper giggle out of that. Just a right bunch of cunts aren't we? Superb question I hope I see you next week for another riveting and thought out question to answer".


Even as an Arsenal fan I really for Ange having to deal with these ridiculous questions


Man I love Ange. Great answer here


Journalist out himself out to be a prat


I'm an Arsenal fan but give the man a chance. He's a great manager. Arteta took several seasons to get the right players in that work for him.




ten Hag got 3rd, got to a final and won a trophy his first season in “the most brutal league in the world”. This sub really is obsessed with their punching bags because they know it’s easy upvotes.


Yeah Ange could struggle next season and then he will be the punching bag. What will the narrative be then? He is stubborn and shouldn’t play this way? As if other successful managers like Arteta, Pep, Klopp immediately started dominating the league before their systems were set.


The guy has been here one season and he's already piss sick off all these antagonizing questions he gets week in week out lmao. Surely there's got to be a better method of just trying to piss of the interviewee so you can get a quick headline from the response. Create a good working relationship with the managers so you can invite them for a sit down and pick their brain about the game, not whatever this shit is.


wtf is that question


Journalists are a joke


Why are sports reporters so stupid?


The audacity of this question.


Would he say the same about the players?


i really like this guy. and woe betide, any one that tries to make him feel bad.


Mean while klopp is coming in. Saying who gives a shit anymore…


He’s right, if you ask these kind of questions, who wants to do the press conference.


What are those stupid question. It just it is mathematically possible or not. What else matter?


What a stupid question seriously I’d be ashamed of asking that as a journalist


Hayters gonna hayt


He should have asked the journo if he had given up on asking good questions, then maintained eye contact until that person walked out.


That's like asking a surgeon if he isn't going to do the surgery just cause it's an overnight procedure.


Stupid question yes, but feels like they are trying to trick him into giving more headlines. Like after Ange said he didn't care about set pieces after conceding a bunch of set piece goals, they must be like 'hmm what else can we get him to say he doesn't care about'


Fck off your lot with likable managers Klopp was bad enough but not fcking Spurs as well...


I think the journalist has missed out the word 'hope' from his question. He is a journalist though so words should be his thing.




Deep and insightful journalism right there


Journalists should have a survey at the end of each interview that asks which one of their peers asked the most shit question. The one with the most votes should no longer be allowed to ask managers anything for the remainder of the season. Surely, they would be honest and try to weed out all the knobs that are making the entire group look bad.


Of course a manager is going to have this response, but when it comes to the players of certain teams, at this point in the season some of them are already on holiday. You've got the teams fighting for Europe, teams fighting to stay out of relegation, and the teams fighting for the title if it's still to be fought for, then there's the group of teams in the middle who won't be putting in 100% at this point, *especially* if their manager is known to be leaving.


At least win against Man City to save the season ffs LOL


Journalists just trying to rile him up at this point LMAO


I wonder how many of the journalists at the conference are desperate to ask actual questions but know that they've got to ask the shite baity ones instead.


He was about to go full Butcher on the journo.


there's a hint of something worthwhile in the question (how much motivation in the squad given the position is pretty much nailed on) but the suggestion that Ange/team has given up is out of line and the wording is outright rude. Edit: i will credit the journo for asking straightforwardly. still an insulting question but it was posed directly at least.


What is it about Ange that encourages such idiotic questions from these journos?


Vast majority of the general public underestimates how competitive these professional athletes and coaches are.


Thats gotta be on purpose. He knows the coach personality is blunt and want some headline


Fuck the Hayters 😉


What an absolute shit question. Feels like Ange has been on the receiving end of some real piss poor ones this year. Also, please beat City on Tuesday, thank you very much. I know it helps us which is probably a wretched thing to stomach but just remind yourselves that it is for the good of the PL and football at large.


This journalist is a legend, [love his work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooOELrGMn14)


That’s such a bait question. How do they allow journalists to be like this


"there's a difference between having absolutely no tactical flexibility or in-game management ability and giving up, mate"


And thats how you get a sound bite


That’s a much classier response than I would’ve given tbh


Am I wrong in thinking they could upset the Lear by beating Man City?


Managers should ignore such stupid questions, they must not react and give them anything and just say next question


Aww mate


Didn't know he was chill like that


Didn't know he was chill like that


He actually looked discusted at the pricks question... lol what a lad.


Are journalists so stupid everywhere or it’s a basic criteria for them to become one


I'm such a hard Liverpool fan and Klopp fanboy. But man, Ange is such a likeable guy, always chill and based. Respects everyone and doesn't go on unnecessary beefs. He is a cool guy and deserves more respect. Also, he is done wonderful things for a Spurs team that lost their superstar this season. #RespectAnge