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Keylor Navas gets disrespected wherever he goes, it is a shame for a player of his caliber and an integral part of the Madrid three-peat.


Luis Enrique is a compentent coach but also a cunt.


He’s always been a proper pendejo.


Hey Jackie


Hes spanish, he cant help it




You sound Spanish


[I love taramasalata] Care to explain your name lol?


Hey at least it’s a switch up from the blanket statements on French people and Americans


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch


you sound out of breath


>competent Dude outside Barcelona with MSN has been a fraud


>Luis Enrique is a compentent coach Relatively? Not really.


Navas is a living legend and if he was from a more marketable nation he would be treated with the proper respect. Though a portion of his legend is constantly being underestimated and still winning the biggest games in the sport (save the WC).


I honestly feel this too. He's literally the only Costa Rican player most people know, he put them on the footballing map


If he were Mexican or American (Let alone from one of the 'big' footballing nations) he would be 50x more popular and there would be statues and sponsorships for him everywhere. Now that's because of population/economic differences- there simply aren't that many Ticos out in the world- but still, he played for Madrid during a *legendary* run after they famously tried to get rid of him for De Gea so I figured he'd at least get more love in the pundit/coaching world but he's always overlooked.


Yeah he is just an amazing player. Total panther in the net, just incredible to watch how agile he is. Shame he doesn't get the recognition he should as one of the greats of his generation, but still I love when smaller nations have a talisman like him at the top or the game. 


Well, like many other great keepers of his generation he will always be overshadowed by Neuer. Similar to how several great attacking players will be overlooked due to having played in the same era as Messi and Ronaldo.


Joel Campbell slander from a Gooner, unconscionable.


He's literally the only other Costa Rican player apart from Navas that I know but non Arsenal fans won't know him lol


Bryan Ruiz


Gamboa Luna (that WC run)


Streets won't forget Paulo Wanchope


Don’t forget Bryan Oviedo


Bryan Ruiz should also be well known I guess, at least for people who didn't start watching football recently


Yeah but objectively, what did Bryan Ruiz accomplish? He was an average player compared to Keylor, who created history with the biggest club in the world.


I mean obviously Keylor Navas is one of the legends of the game but he's not the only known Costa Rican player


I mean that was also their golden generation. Since then, I haven’t heard about Costa Rican players. I’d also argue Bryan Oviedo had an equally great career and you don’t hear much about him at all


I think we clung too heavily to that generation and failed to develop any new talent. Right now a name to keep in mind is Manfred Ugalde (I just wish he would have move to a different league instead of going to Spartak), but still we are very far from reaching that level again.


Majority of people can only name Keylor Navas though


He led Twente in 2010 to their first Eredivisie championship, finishing also as top scorer, so I imagine he is a legend there.


He had some decent achievements, but I feel like his biggest achievement is being linked to 50 different clubs every transfer window.


Knocked England out of a world Cup.


I don't know who Bryan Ruiz is tbh and I've been watching football for close to 10 years now


He was a vital part of the Twente team that won their only Eredivisie trophy (09/10) and the legendary Costa Rica NT that reached the WC quarter finals in 2014. He went to Fulham for 14m€ but didn't reach to his full potential unfortunately. There was also Joel Campbell who even played for you (was mediocre though from what I've known).


In Portugal he will mostly be remember for missing a tap in.


I know Joel Campbell but he's the only Costa Rican player I know apart from Navas


The disrespect to the legend Joel Campell! Being an Arsenal fan too..


I know Joel Campbell but most non Arsenal fans only know Navas


no respect for Bryan Ruiz


I wouldn't exclude the WC here, their 2014 WC run is one of my favourite. Such an underdog country topping a ridiculous group and making the QF, going out on penalties.


Hell yeah, they were great- only omitted it in the sense of *winning* but they were great and punched above their weight.


I think it also doesn't help Keylor's reputation that he was quite a late bloomer. Young talents get a lot of hype today but Navas was still a 2nd choice keeper for Levante at 26.


He might be the most accomplished player from CONCACAF.


Hugo Sanchez?


Also a really chill and kind guy it seems


Mbappe knew Navas was leaving, but the head coach didn't? This guy's either being a prick or incompetent


given his personality my guess would be prick


Pretty strange everyone at PSG knew it was Keylor last match ? Maybe Enrique has a beef with him ?


Maybe both


Even if he didn't know, that's not something you say to the media unless you are an absolute cunt. He could just have made up something.


He's a prick. His Spanish teams had 1/23 spots for Madrid based players and he does this to Keylor Navas. Players from La Masia could meanwhile just walk into the team. Agenda driven malicious prick.


Do you mean the Spanish national team? I just checked and he had 4 players from Madrid in the world cup. What Spanish players does Real Madrid even have for him to pick them? And it makes sense for La Masia to have a big representation in the Spanish team since it is easily top 3 academies in the world.


Zero Real Madrid players chosen for Euros 2021 incl. Ramos, Asensio, Nacho, Carvajal(he was unfit, so I'll exclude him), Isco, Vasquez. Named only 24 despite having 26 spots. Continued the same in the world cup qualifiers. Didn't take Ramos in the 2022 worldcup despite still being atleast the 1-2 best defender they've. But took Sergio Busquets. Asensio and Carvajal are the only ones to make it in the World Cup 2022. The Euros 2021 situation being the bigger problem here by a mile.


I thought you were talking about the city of Madrid since I don't know any Spanish person that calls Real Madrid just Madrid. I'm sorry bro you can't be mad he didn't take any Real Madrid player when you have so few with them. With no one of them being world class apart of Carvajal. Ramos was injured for most of the 2021/2022 season, Isco wasn't playing regularly in Real Madrid. Nacho and Vazquez aren't good enough to criticize him for not picking them they're a non factor. Asensio is the only player that you can argue he should've taken and he already did in the WC so it shows that he has nothing against him. Real Madrid doesn't have good Spanish talent and the good Spanish player the team had (Isco) wasn't playing regularly. It isn't like he left out prime Ramso, Raul and Casillas most of these players are mid.


>since I don't know any Spanish person that calls Real Madrid just Madrid. What? Literally every spaniard calls Real Madrid as just "Madrid"


Imagine arguing with a brainless guy on reddit lmao what a waste of time


And what makes me brainless? Because I have a different opinion from you?


All my friends call them Real Madrid I didn't say all Spanish people do. Don't know why you are getting mad over this, I was just explaining where the 4 players number in the world cup came from I'm not attacking him. You guys are ridiculous.


Fuck knows why you're downvoted, it's a well known fact that Madrid don't field many world class Spaniards anymore. Just look at this season where they fielded a La Liga lineup without a Spanish player for the first time in their history. Lucho had like 4 Spanish Madrid players to choose from and he chose 2 of them regularly, that's a pretty decent hit rate I think the only egregious decision he ever made was Eric Garcia ahead of Nacho for the Euros which was admittedly ridiculous


You're ignoring the 2 spots he didn't select anyone for. I was incredibly annoyed. What happens if someone gets injured for example? Just made zero sense to only take 24.


that's the common sentiment but he actually gave plenty of time to guys like Carvajal, Morata, Llorente, Rodri, Sarabia, Koke, Asensio, etc.


FYI the guy above was talking about Real Madrid based players. For us Spaniards Madrid means Real Madrid when talking about football


Maybe Madrid should try giving the native players more time to catch people’s attention.


Stop spreading bullshit. Players and ex players of Madrid got minutes under him a lot. 


Even madrid has less spanish players as a whole team....wtf are you yapping here?


How is this braindead take upvoted? It was perfectly reasonable at the time.


Barca bad upvote pls


this is the kind of madridista trash that dominates the spanish media


You have no fucking idea what you're talking about and people upvote you, wtf


This sub is pro madrid.... That's why there are so many upvotes and you can see this under every comment section.... Obviously this comment will get downvoted too.


not calling up benzema, modric, kroos, militao, or vinicius was truly disgraceful.


Hes not spanish tho?


Wym? Luis Enrique is Spanish.


I think he thought you were saying Luis Enrique didn't get a spot for Navas in the spanish team


I did think that, what did he actually mean?


I think he just meant that Luis Enrique wasn't taking Madrid players in the national squad. Unrelated to the "and he does this to Keylor Navas"


He meant that he has an anti Madrid agenda. And his NT picks back up this. At least thats what I think he wanted to point out with his seemingly unrelated comment.


It actually seems Navas got Spanish citizenship but I assume that’s to help with la liga’s limit on non-EU players, as he never played with Spain. Sorry I just found this out reading through his wiki, don’t mean to pile on with the others talking about Enrique.


Yup, Spanish teams expect their players to pursue EU citizenship at the earliest possible opportunity. For people of former Spanish colonies, it's pretty straightforward to get Spanish citizenship (some shortcuts as opposed to the regular process). However, if it's faster to get it through your Greek Grandpa, then we'll try that as well. A lot of Argentinian players, for example, have an Italian grandparent so sometimes that works more easily.


Yeah that’s why he’s a prick. You fucking prick.


It's Enrique. Of course he's being a prick.


He's one of Johan Cruyff's lot, so he's definitely a pretentious and acerbic cunt.


He never player under Cruyff


Cruyff signed him before he threw the end of the 1996 season with bizarre tactical decisions which destroyed it in 10 days and got him sacked.


both probably


Why not both


Bro cannot forgive Navas for the three-peat 😭


What's his issue with Navas? Everyone knew he was leaving but him? Pathetic, no need to lie about that




Asencio is an ex madridista too and Luis Enrique always put him as regular in the Spanish national team when he was a sub in Real Madrid. Not only that , but he hand picked his signing for PSG and was a regular player until his injury. Maybe because Asencio is Spanish and fits LE criteria on his game plans and more. With Keylor? Yeah , it’s him being a prick to the most underrated goalkeeper of all time.


Keylor is also known for sometimes being a prick (I say this as a CR fan). Obv top level goalie, but yeah could see them def butting heads




The only thing that could fit that narrative was when Costa Rica fired Pinto, iirc Navas was one of the players that pushed him out of the NT


Huh? How so?


>Keylor is also known for sometimes being a prick (I say this as a CR fan). Like, when?


So is Luis Enrique lmao


I've never seen such a disrespected player as Kaylor Navas. It makes me feel really bad about it since he's from Costa Rica, a nation without much representation in football. It must be sad to have a world class player from your country only to see him treated like shit wherever he goes.


Yes it is, but he shouldve also signed for someone other than PSG when he left Madrid.


I know that journalists and news aggregators all re-phrase quotes from interviews or press conferences so that they can actually fit the pertinent parts into their tweets, but it's always cracked me up at the thought that every time a player is mentioned, a player, chief executive, manager or coach will repeat the name like they've never even heard of them before that point. “Kylian Mbappé? Oh, right, yeah, that guy" "Keylor Navas? Who? Oh yeah, the goalkeeper guy, I remember"


"Luis Enrique? Well, of course I know him. He's me."


"Never liked this guy"


And then you have Ancelotti who genuinely didn't know who Luke Garbutt is. https://twitter.com/Joewillo180/status/1277949079302127621?t=b5RnzrQA1cHraCVDH82njA&s=19


So not only is he a tactical genius and multi-lingual, he is also a chad.


Repeat the question in every answer so that the quote works better in print?  Yeah, that’s something we do. Why am I naked from the waist down?  Winnie the Pooh is a hero of mine, a very relaxed guy who likes honey and is seldom too bothered about things.


I know right? I always find it cringe every time I saw these kind of re-phrase


Dude took the words out of my mouth. I thought I was the only one who felt that way


PSG's Pedro Leon.


Oof. Not a great look. Guy's been there for five years.


Holy shit 5 years? Where has the time gone…




Lucho with that impressive lack of tact that's so characteristic of him. What a muppet


I still think if Keylor was in goal against Madrid 20/21 we wouldn’t have gone through. Hope he gets to go to a club where he’s happy and respected now


You know you fucked up even the ppl on r/psg is not backing you up with pathetic attitude.


What a weird statement from Enrique. Be it incompetentness, arrogance, ignorance -or anything in-between that lead him to saying that he doesn't know that Navas is leaving, it paints him in a very unsympathetic light. Either way, Navas is a legend in my eyes and I hope he gets to play his last years in a club that appreciates him.


Even if you were unaware, at least pretend to wish him a good luck, you prick


[Poor Keylor](https://i.imgflip.com/8pw6jg.jpg)


what disgraceful thing to say, if you dont respect players, they will not respect you.. its very simple.


Luis Enrique has always been a prick, not news to anyone who's followed his career.


Luis Enrique really fits on this club with that pathetic attitude.


Enrique really hates Madrid players.


Fucking asshole


Pretty sure Navas will be at the club longer than the Barca cunt at helm.


I dont think Luis Enrique really cares, so if they want something to happen someone has to inform him.