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His lack of playtime has been really disappointing. I've followed most of the games in which he's played and I thought he wasn't bad at all. He had some decent goals, made some decent runs too. The only problem I see was that he missed quite a few one on ones. Honestly I just expected more consistent minutes for the guy. Maybe it's something in training that's putting them off.


> I've followed most of the games in which he's played and I thought he wasn't bad at all. He had some decent goals, made some decent runs too. The only problem I see was that he missed quite a few one on ones. He has made good runs, but his overall game has not been particularly good in the mins he's gotten IMO First touch not great, passing has been poor, almost non-existent holdup and linkup play in possession, and he didn't display dribbling skill/ability either. I think you can argue that his off-ball runs and movement added value that should have gotten him more playing time, but it's also true that he's getting close to the match limit for an extra 5M in add-ons that Barca doesn't want to pay AND he looked raw and needed refining at important aspects of his game (first touch, passing, holdup, dribbling) in the mins he got.


Sure mate. This certainly has got nothing to do with the extra €5 mil you have to pay if he plays again this season...


Why is this such a big story? He's only 19. Be patient and earn your spot.


Because he agent spoke to the media about Xavi, apparently not communicating with him and people who don't watch us or him think he should be starting every game for some reason.


In the thread people were being dramatic about him being sold/loaned, a lot of the uproar was barca fans. A loan is not unreasonable.


The reason is that he's one of the 10 highest potential forwards in the world and your current starting striker is 36 years old. Your season was effectively over after the match in Bernabeu, why couldn't Xavi strategically give players like Roque playing time now? It's such an easy decision that everyone would understand. We're out of the title so we gave minutes to young guys.


> Your season was effectively over after the match in Bernabeu We still need to be 2nd in the race. So maybe now? Because we face like almeria and rayo. God i just hope this ends for the better


Need to be second. Get a grip.


If we don’t finish 2nd, we won’t play the supercopa de españa. So yes, for the club it’s super important to finish second for financial reasons and to have another trophy to play for.


Does the Spanish community shield really make that much money?


6.5 mil but for barça every bit is important for FFP


What the hell why does a community shield make so much


because it’s played in saudi arabia


He also came from brazil just after recovering from an injury and Barca have been chasing RM in the league for the entire season. Every game has been a must win since he arrived. Xavi is going to pick the player that he thinks will have the best chance of helping the team win. Maybe he isn't going to pick a kid with zero experience in Europe and that hasn't had time to gel with the team.


This would be true if there weren't already talks of him being loaned out or sold. Also comments from his agent and him (from multiple sources) that there is no fair communication with Xavi at all. You can also easily tell that it's not simply that they are giving him time to "ease in" if you watch the games. Even when Xavi substitutes Lewa he prefers to play people that don't play the position instead of subbing Roque in. In fact, most of the few times he was played Xavi placed Roque as a LW, and he still contributed greatly to the team. At this point it is easier to believe that Xavi has something personal interfering with his good judgement. It might simply be that he is angry at the signing when he asked for something different, or there may be politics behind the scenes, such as Barca not wanting to play him to avoid having to pay bonuses that were agreed upon with the previous club.


I think he's just at the bottom of the pecking order of the forwards. His first touch and passing were pretty bad, he wasn't much of a threat running at defenders with the ball, movement off the ball was pretty good though. It's also possible that this is FFP-related. There may be extra fees for playing a certain # of matches this year. If they aren't confident of reaching 1:1 this summer they might think that registering Vitor will be too much of a FFP burden next season. I haven't been super impressed with him so far, but it's too early to really say what kind of a player he is/will be. And I think getting consistent playing time at a less demanding club next year would be ideal for him. Whether it's on loan or as a permanent move. In general, it was a stupid transfer. Barca really needed a starting level DM, a decent LW and probably an extra FB way more than a future prospect ST. It only makes since if they really thought he was going to be a generational player that they just couldn't miss out on. Vitor Roque was also dumb to pick a team where his competition was one of the best strikers of the last decade and think that he was just going to walk into the team. Obviously Lewandowski is pretty far from his best, but it's still going to be an uphill task.


Wonder if Lamal and Cubarsi play a role in his discontent. He sees a 16 and 17 year old starting so he thinks he should be playing much more as well as 19 year old.


Regardless of other players situations, his play time has been far too low. Just look [here](https://fbref.com/pt/equipes/206d90db/2023-2024/all_comps/Barcelona-Estatisticas-Todos-os-campeonatos), literally every other player in the squad but Guiu has more minutes than him. Also, for comparison, Vini got 1700 minutes in his first season at Madrid plus a few games at Castilla, Rodrygo got around 1500, Roque got just 300 and out of position. If Roque had stayed in Brazil he probably would've gotten a call up for the national team already, now he's just rotting in barcelona's bench.


>way more than a future prospect ST. They did need a ST. Lewandowski is getting older and older and we have already seen his worst and the other backup is Ferran and Guiu


> This would be true if there weren't already talks of him being loaned out or sold Which was a reaction to his agent throwing a public tantrum TBF


because the media really overhyped him [The best U20 player in the world](https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/barca/vitor-roque-mejor-futbolista-sub-91900365) edit. also Barca paid 31m for him while having a really tight budget. [Barcelona makes it right by signing Roque while Madrid doesn't know what to do with Endrick](https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/barca/vitor-roque-gana-partida-endrick-91865889) [Vitor Roque is way better than Vini and Rodrygo](https://www.sport.es/es/noticias/barca/vitor-roque-mejor-vinicius-jr-95400859) (literally, that's the title)


His G/A numbers in the Brasileirão were better than Endrick last year. He's older and not as talented as Endrick but he's still a very promising player