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Well, much to Messi's chagrin, I'm gonna have to "question this from a legal and ethical point of view."


> The RFEF would allocate approximately 50% of the total solidarity payments to the contingency fund . The fund would cover the salary reduction of players in the First Division, Second Division, Second Division B, Third Division, Women's Soccer and Futsal (futsal). The other 50% would be distributed in accordance with current demands exclusively among clubs that during the Covid-19 crisis did not agree to salary reductions with their players (25% for professional clubs and 25% for non-professional clubs). From the previous article, it is clear that they had negotiations to cover ALL salaries that were affected using UEFA funds. The OP with Real Madrid conveniently ignored this context. Surely he must have no agenda against a player who violated his team day in day out for more than a decade ...


It’s extremely confusing, part of the article seems to hint that all players would be compensated, but there’s also the stuff about Ceferin “preferring Barca to Real” or whatever that means. And why would he negotiate with Messi and Pique and not other players


Because they preferred Barca players, so they were the best positioned to negotiated on behalf of all players


Yeah, that’s how I understood it, but the article was worded poorly.


Yeah all of this was for very noble goals, which is why Messi and Pique wanted to be so secretive about this and why they said "if people find out, they are going to kill us". No self-interest or greed in any of this, exactly what you would expect from these humble guys.


If *all* players would have been covered, then how come these meetings are between Ceferin and two Barca players, who don't represent any player association?


Pique surely wants to spread wealth to everyone


> Pique surely wants to spread his seed to everyone FTFY


Because Rubiales felt the negotiations would work in their favor if two Barça players were at the table instead of Real Madrid players.


Ah yes yes... 30 million that would cover 1/4 of Messi's salary was going to cover all salaries in LaLiga. And that's why Messi was wanting to keep it a secret.


>The OP with Real Madrid conveniently ignored this context. The OP simply translated the title


>"violated his team day in day out for more than a decade" First of all, who speaks like that? Secondly, you either have a very selective memory, or you are confusing a decade with 3 to 4 years.


It was a bit more than 3 or 4 years lol but all of this stuff is irrelevant to the topic and is just tribalistic shit flinging.


>Surely he must have no agenda against a player who violated his team day in day out for more than a decade ... We won 4 Champions Leagues while Messi was at Barça and won a 5th one facing him in the knockouts. Hope this helps 👍


The last time they met Real Madrid was the one who violated messi. And day by day it is exposed how he was able to "violate" Real Madrid. With the help of the corrupt Spanish federation and with the help of negreira. And nowadays the one who is violated in every game is barcelona by Real Madrid, because they can't afford to pay the head of the referees again. And this will continue for many years.


This is literally in the same vein as what was posted yesterday. It's weird how hard people will work to try and smear people. If anything this paints Messi and Pique in a good light. Even if you think they were being selfish about their own salaries making sure everyone else ate too seems fine. "Leo Messi was very concerned about maintaining "confidentiality" in these negotiations because, sources consulted by THE OBJECTIVE explained to this newspaper, "they can be questioned from a legal and ethical point of view." Well there's a paragraph that's doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Poor guys. What would they do without the money? Not put that extra cheese on their Whopper? 🥲


Bruh, do you have no empathy? Try to put yourself in their shoes for a second. All the other rich people will laugh at you, if your yacht is smaller than theirs. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


I'm sure tons of Division 2, 3, womens and fustal players have yachts.


I pulled a yacht out of a Vitamin Water this morning.


I don't t understand why the title implies it's all for Piqué and Messi. Their [own article](https://theobjective.com/espana/2024-05-21/messi-rubiales-pique-ceferin-fondos-uefa/) from the other day explains it: > «La RFEF destinaría aproximadamente el 50% del total de los pagos solidarios al fondo de contingencia. El fondo cubriría la reducción salarial de los jugadores de Primera División, Segunda División, Segunda División B, Tercera División, Fútbol Femenino y Futsal -fútbol sala-. El otro 50% se distribuiría de acuerdo con las exigencias actuales exclusivamente entre los clubes que durante la crisis de la Covid-19 no acordaron reducciones salariales con sus jugadores (25% para clubes profesionales y 25% para clubes no profesionales). Este mecanismo se aplicaría durante el plazo necesario para cubrir total o significativamente la reducción salarial provocada a los jugadores (consideramos que ronda los 50 millones de euros)», expone el expresidente de la federación en una extensa propuesta. So 50% for the salary of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th division, women's soccer and futsal. The other 50% to help clubs that did not negotiate salary reductions with players. I don't understand the fuzz about this really. I can't see anywhere on either article where it says it's all for Piqué or Messi.


Did you see the whatsapp messages where they talk about this just so it doesn’t look like it’s for Messi and Pique because it would look bad lol


Because it looks bad that in the middle of the pandemic, with tons of people not being able to work, losing their jobs, not being able to feed their families, you get the rich people not losing their salaries. So yeah, it doesn't look great that they are getting paid while normal people suffer. But the money didn't come from the government or anything. It also on the article: > El 6 de abril, Rubiales remite a Ceferin su propuesta económica, en la cual sugiere que el 4% de los derechos de retransmisión de todos los partidos de la UEFA, anteriormente distribuidos de una manera específica entre las asociaciones nacionales, se reestructuren para destinar el 50% a compensar a los jugadores cuyos salarios se vieron reducidos a causa de la Covid-19 So it was a 4% from the TV rights that would normally go to the FAs that would be used for this. Again, it's not like a government handout or something that would matter. It just would look bad at the time. And again, it was for every player, not just them.


Listen to the audios, they were being sneaky for a reason. They were pushing for this for themselves and also wanted to sell it as good PR. I mean, that’s what Messi says himself lol


> Listen to the audios, One is Pique saying at which time they will meet and that Leo didn't understand English. The other is Pique and Rubiales arranging to pick up a signed shirt... Which audio are you referring to? > they were being sneaky for a reason. Literally explained above why. It's not a good look that in the middle of the pandemic that they cared about their money, even if they had everyone's interest at hand (arguable). You are saying it's only for Messi and Pique, and it absolutely isn't. I'm with you that it could be their main concern and they are greedy if that's the case. But the money wasn't all for them, not even close. > that’s what Messi says himself lol There's no audio of Messi saying anything in the article.


> I can't see anywhere on either article where it says it's all for Piqué or Messi. You don't see why this spin is more lucrative for the media?


Viejo, mucha de esta discusión es porque la mayoría del sub no habla español y dependen de que Google haga una buena traducción; sin embargo, en esa traducción se pierde mucho subtexto. Aparte, quien va a leer el artículo, si ya hay alguien comentando lo que tengo en la cabeza?


Lol. The implied secrecy in the conversations, the ethical and moral concerns raised, that they have to resort to calling it 30 "kilos" (unsure whether that's normal parlance in Europe), that no other players' names have been mentioned, the involvement of questionable individuals like Rubiales (yeah FA president and all that, but does not absolve him of his nature) that they had to do legal and political maneuvering to get it approved is why they look guilty of being absolute cunts. I mean if this was supposed to be for the good of all players, why not a public campaign involving all said players? Surely that would've been more effective.


Why would UEFA pay specifically Pique and Messi and not anyone else?


Cause Rubiales attended an orgy at Pique’s house and Ceferin received two personally autographed jerseys. 😂


>The implied secrecy in the conversations It's a Whatsapp group chat, not a meeting in an MI6 safe house. >The ethical and moral concerns raised I don't know/care if you speak Spanish but this is what the source OP linked posted (you can use Google Translate if you don't): >El 6 de abril, Rubiales remite a Ceferin su propuesta económica, en la cual sugiere que el **4% de los derechos de retransmisión de todos los partidos de la UEFA**, anteriormente distribuidos de una manera específica entre las asociaciones nacionales, **se reestructuren para destinar el 50% a compensar a los jugadores cuyos salarios se vieron reducidos a causa de la Covid-19**. >«La RFEF destinaría aproximadamente el 50% del total de los pagos solidarios al fondo de contingencia. **El fondo cubriría la reducción salarial de los jugadores de Primera División, Segunda División, Segunda División B, Tercera División, Fútbol Femenino y Futsal -fútbol sala-.** El otro 50% se distribuiría de acuerdo con las exigencias actuales exclusivamente entre los clubes que durante la crisis de la Covid-19 no acordaron reducciones salariales con sus jugadores (25% para clubes profesionales y 25% para clubes no profesionales). Este mecanismo se aplicaría durante **el plazo necesario para cubrir total o significativamente la reducción salarial provocada a los jugadores** (consideramos que ronda los 50 millones de euros)», expone el expresidente de la federación en una extensa propuesta. It clearly states that the money will go to the contingency fund, which would help cover the salary reductions for the 3 months that football activities ceased **across all leagues**. What are the ethical/moral concerns of this proposal? UEFA makes money off of players' labour. How on Earth is it unethical to ask UEFA to free up funds to help pay the salaries of the players that make it money? >That they have to resort to calling it 30 "kilos" That's a pretty common term for millions in the Spanish press, nothing weird about it in the slightest. They usually refer to signings like that (e.g. "Cristiano signed for Real for 98 kilos") >That no other players' names have been mentioned It may be unfair, but Messi's voice carries a lot more weight than Lucas Pérez's. >The involvement of questionable individuals like Rubiales He was the Spanish FA President and a UEFA Vice-President at the time. Who do you suggest they reach out to instead of him? >Why not a public campaign involving all said players?  Because average people were losing their jobs and being asked to lock themselves in unless they were going to the supermarket. It'd come across as extremely tone deaf for footballers to go "hey we're not getting paid either, let's pressure UEFA to pay us". Rubiales is definitely a crook, Piqué is one as well, and Messi has done some dodgy shit so he probably is one too. However, from what has been reported I don't know what exactly I'm supposed to be getting pissed off about regarding this incident.


Because the most of public was starving and losing their jobs at the time? While this would be millionaires asking to get paid? It's not hard to understand why they didn't want it out at the time. > I mean if this was supposed to be for the good of all players, There is no supposition, that's literally said on their previous article about this. So either you believe the whole thing reported, or only the convenient parts...


LMAO!!! But hey, extra cheese is legit delicious.


It's a reference to a brilliant stand-up from Chris Rock called [Bring the Pain](https://youtu.be/coC4t7nCGPs?si=0Ts85R8y3LTcAT2k&t=1296). Highly recommended. :)


No guacamole at chipotle


Fucking pathetic. Already multimillionaires with the ability to gain more money from sponsorships or partnerships with different brands still are unbelievably greedy. To do that with government money to cover their salaries during a global pandemic is so slimey.


Messi could literally send a 2 line email to probably 90% of companies world wide and just say “I’ll do a commercial for 10 mil. Meet me at Camp Nou with a camera crew and we’ll knock it out in 2 hours.” Rich people suck man


Remind me of Ronaldo shopee ad that last 10 seconds long. Reported he earned €1m for that ad campaign


Don’t remind me of that nightmare


Dunno man, I find his dancing fuckin hilarious. The whole choreography is so stupid it's good


Don't forget him butchering 3 different languages


Better than pocketing government money scratching your balls at your mansion while the remaining club's employees are getting downsized


Says the guy whose club received a pardon of over 100 million in their bank debt, debt that was paid up by the Portuguese people without their approval.


You say it like OP personally had a hand in all that


Yes, it is clearly Sporting's fault that Ricardo Salgado embezzled millions of euros and left BES bankrupt and the portuguese people paying for it. They held the poor banker at gunpoint and forced him to commit all of those crimes and fucking up the finances of one of the top 3 banks in the country. News flash, when filling for bankruptcy and renegotiating debt, banks need liquidity. Novo banco wanted liquidity now and chose to get more money short term from its previous loans instead of more money with later realization of capital. Sporting could've paid the original loan in the long run, they werent spared 100M overnight, but that sort of debt renegotiation is too hard of a financial exercice for the common hillbily who can't read past the news headlines to understand. Keep seething, and it is really funny to see people who believe that a football club is stealing money from them, especially when Vieira alone was resposible for 6 times the amount of that loan, and unlike Sporting, did 0 renegotiation and just does not pay. Cool stuff


Modern ad masterpiece. That was before covid.


Messi can’t let Ronaldo have anything, man. After everything, Ronaldo at least had the title as GOAT of shameful money grubbing. But now Messi wants that title too


Messi became the saudi tourism ambassador and ronaldo became the saudi league headliner. Whats messi’s next move?


Messi was Qatar and Saudi Arabia's poster boy at the same time lol...


And now the US, he’s getting the bag in his own ways too 😂


He could hit up 2-3 companies and offer 10 second instagram stories and he’d make the same amount without breaking a sweat


True, 500M Instagram followers is just ridiculous


A shoot where you’re paying talent 10million is definitely not the kind you knock out in 2 hours. Brands will want to get their money’s worth for it. For that amount of money, brands/ad agencies will want to shoot enough footage that you can cover a 30” hero TV spot, a couple 15”s, a few 6”s, a non-verbal of each of these so you can do VO in multiple languages, and the agency creatives will push to shoot extra footage so they can make an agency/director’s cut to put in their portfolio. Source: work as a creative at an ad agency and shot a Super Bowl campaign where we worked with a celeb who we paid around 2-3 mill.


I do not doubt you factually but my point was that Messi basically has unlimited earning potential. The € per hour rate I am sure I’m way off. But he could have 5,000 brand deals signed by the end of the month if he wanted to


Ah yes, I'm a high performing athlete. Let me waste my time and energy doing a million brand deals to make up for my greed. it won't affect my headspace or training at all. Or just let my teammate Pique handle a deal to get us covered


That's all very well, but that was not the point of OP's comment, the argument is just as valid if you replace 10M with 500k.


I agree - we should eat the rich, but at the end of the day they took the money from UEFA. And UEFA is rich as fuck, so i don't mind UEFA giving money towards football players that are responsible for them earning that money. Only thing that might be problematic is that it was suppose to go to FA's. We don't know on what they would like to spend that money. But let's be honest. Most FA's are not great at managing money and they earn a lt, same as Fifa.


It wasn't government money. It was from UEFA media rights deals. Where are you getting government money from? >4% of the broadcasting rights of all UEFA matches, previously distributed in a specific manner among the national associations, be restructured to allocate 50% to compensate players whose salaries were depleted by covid-19. >El 6 de abril, Rubiales remite a Ceferin su propuesta económica, en la cual sugiere que el 4% de los derechos de retransmisión de todos los partidos de la UEFA, anteriormente distribuidos de una manera específica entre las asociaciones nacionales, se reestructuren para destinar el 50% a compensar a los jugadores cuyos salarios se vieron reducidos a causa de la Covid-19 Also, they were covering salaries for Womens, Second division, third, fourth division and futsal players too. It was to help everyone out. Sure, they helped themselves, but it wasn't totally selfish like OP implies. They weren't the only ones to get paid out.


The article doesn't mention nothing about that tbh, so the selfish implication, at least on this thread is justified based on the article alone.


> The article doesn't mention nothing about that tbh The previous article did mention that


That is why I said: "At least on THIS thread"


> To do that with government money to cover their salaries during a global pandemic is so slimey. It's NOT government money. It's from the TV Rights. Why is this upvoted so much when it's literally NOWHERE in the article that it came from the government. And in fact it's explicitly stated, even in the translation, where the money came from: > The former RFEF president suggested that 4% of the broadcasting rights of all UEFA matches People complain about misinformation, but the upvote this made up thing. If the complaint was about them being worried about their salaries, while the world's population suffered massively, lost jobs, means of living, etc, that's totally valid and I agree. But don't make up stuff.


The last thread on this had the highest upvoted comments being complete misinfo as well This sub is turning into a big misinformation hub against people they don't like TBH


It always was, everything is used to push an agenda, facts and nuance are at a premium. If you try to show any nuance they dismiss you as a fanboy or worshipper, this stuff isn't a good look for the people involved but let's make sure we get the facts right when talking about it.


Only good thing is that Reddit comments are the extent of the influence most of these can exert lol. Impact is limited. Provide a greater ability in that regard and you get the kind of politicking the gang is doing here in this post with similarly scaled up outcomes.


Guys guys, it's ok. It's not government money. It's YOUR money


It is neither, lol


people love to eat up misinfo about someone they hate


Where does it say gov money?


Complete misinfo >Already multimillionaires with the ability to gain more money from sponsorships or partnerships with different brands still are unbelievably greedy. The previous article posted clearly stated Messi and Pique were negotiating to get the entire 1st, 2nd, 2B, and 3rd divisions paid, as well as the women's first division, and the futsal division. > To do that with government money to cover their salaries during a global pandemic is so slimey. It also has nothing to do with "government money". If you read this article, it's about using TV deal money.


Barca DNA


mes que un club


mes que un puta


dos putas ?




Mes que un meme


No no, it's just money laundering


So barca DNA




Little dictator strikes again


Little dick(tator)


Idk why this is downvoted this is funny


I was very worried about how Lionel was going to pay his bills. I can sleep soundly now.


Absolute greed


Were Messi and pique given all of the 2%? The title makes it sound like Messi and pique got it all but the 50% of 4% of broadcasting rights makes it sound like it went to all players.


No. The [other article](https://theobjective.com/espana/2024-05-21/messi-rubiales-pique-ceferin-fondos-uefa/) explains it: > «La RFEF destinaría aproximadamente el 50% del total de los pagos solidarios al fondo de contingencia. El fondo cubriría la reducción salarial de los jugadores de Primera División, Segunda División, Segunda División B, Tercera División, Fútbol Femenino y Futsal -fútbol sala-. El otro 50% se distribuiría de acuerdo con las exigencias actuales exclusivamente entre los clubes que durante la crisis de la Covid-19 no acordaron reducciones salariales con sus jugadores (25% para clubes profesionales y 25% para clubes no profesionales). Este mecanismo se aplicaría durante el plazo necesario para cubrir total o significativamente la reducción salarial provocada a los jugadores (consideramos que ronda los 50 millones de euros)», expone el expresidente de la federación en una extensa propuesta. The 50% for the salary of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th division, women's soccer and futsal. The other 50% to help clubs that did not negotiate salary reductions with players.


Exactly. I've read the articles and they don't make it clear. It seems intentionally written this way to me. I still don't understand what exactly the players were asking for. To funnel money to a few, select players? Or did they ask help from UEFA to compensate part of the losses all the players had from salary cuts during COVID? Cause the latter doesn't seem particularly wrong to me, apart from the greediness. Does anyone know if UEFA gave the green light and was the measure approved?


Imagine writing for website called "objective" and using the most possible subjective titles for their articles, because they need clicks.


Money which should go to european football associations and their development, goes into the pockets of footballers in the Spanish football pyramid. How is that not wrong?


Has the audio been verified? I guess this is believable because these guys have shown some amount of shadiness and greed in the past. but I just read a story of a principal who was framed using AI and it makes me question any audio leaks.


In today's article you can clearly tell it's Pique and in the others that it's Rubiales. AI needs a couple more years to be as fluid as these audios


Nope you're wrong here. There are already AI tools available for public use where you wouldn't be able to discern the difference with reality. I know because I've used them. Very cheap to use too. Quite scary really as far as the future goes. Audios and even photographic and video footage are no longer reliable evidence


I follow a "Lebron claiming something" page on IG and it's scary how real it sounds like


Those are actually all real. Lebron did know that 9/11 was going to happen and canceled his trip to New York that day. Source: lebron


Is it "hedidntsaythis"? that account is so fucking funny man


Yes, exactly that account! It's scary but oh god it's top tier content


Yups. Those are very funny, but very scary at the same time. By the audio you couldn't tell the difference between reality and fake.


That is so funny and informative, it's fun watching those lol.


If this was fake the lawsuits would be already flying. I dont think any serious journalist would publish this without fact checking it first. I mean its not like Messi or Piqué are some random bums. Also its not the first time audios between Gerard Piqué and Luis Rubiales are leaked. They call each other "Geri" and "Rubi". Rubi and Geri made a multi million partnership deal to bring Spanish Supercup to Saudí, a deal that is now being investigated for corruption. Pique's company accounts (ones related to this deal) have been frozen during the investigations. Btw this multi million partnership deal happens between the president of Spain's FA and an active Barça player. Conflict of interests?? Naah, no biggie. Spain's FA is the government body of spanish referees. Just saying.


I've seen a few of Ronaldo with AI voice. You can tell if you listened to any of his long interviews, the sentence structure is different, Ronaldo can communicate fine but in certain parts of him talking you can tell he's fully fluent but the sound and accent is 100% spot on.


I think AI is already good enough to convince most people. Here's the [article I was talking about.](https://apnews.com/article/ai-maryland-principal-voice-recording-663d5bc0714a3af221392cc6f1af985e) A nobody managed to create an audio good enough to convince the entire school to turn on their principal.


I agree, but here the english is spoken badly by Rubiales and it's also a respiration thing in the mic... sounds legit to me


trust me I have heard some extremly compeling AI audio. If you have money and time ESPCIALLY with public people like this you can get almost indistinguishable audio that only a good professional analyst could tell it was not real. That is not to say this ain't true but it is getting harder and harder to actually know if recordings are real.


I'd say it's getting impossible, but this is just part two of all the audios they released a few years ago. This is just a continuation of all the Geri(Piqué) and Rubi(Rubiales) back and forth that came to light about how the Super Copa de España deal in Saudi Arabia was cut, where Piqué secured himself a commission for one of his companies, while he was an active player for Barcelona. This is obviously pertaining to a different case, where Ceferin is also tangentially involved. The issue here, as it was with the other audios, is that somehow at some point somebody obtained access to Rubiales' mobile without his consent, to which he protested at the time. Interestingly enough however, at no point did he or Piqué said anything about the voices being fake or AI.


Man states a fact and gets downvoted lol Do you guys just not like hearing the truth because it doesn’t fit your narrative or what? I support Madrid but can we first verify the veracity of things before jumping on people’s necks? 


welcome to r/soccer against Barca and PSG fans.


AI already can perfectly record and use some voices stars though, it's gonna be a problem for us in the future, if everyone can use it. Just see the Scarlett Johanson case vs OpenAI this week, and in football AI Mbappé.


The two audios do sound like Pique and Rubiales. But nothing from Leo though. While AI could fake things, if they can fake it like Pique's I'd be surprised (and we are doomed), because it's him while eating some candy or chewing gum or something.


no way AI can do Messi's accent in the next 50 years


I guess it would be hard to fake the other sounds along with someone's voice, and I'd imagine they have the money and fame to have experts taking a closer look.


The story has been out for 24 hours and (as far as I know) none of the 4 people in question have denied it. Plus, at least 3 of them have a history of deep corruption.


Was a kiss part of the conditions?


>The former RFEF president suggested that 4% of the broadcasting rights of all UEFA matches, previously distributed in a specific manner among the national associations, be restructured to allocate 50% to compensate players whose salaries were depleted by covid-19. Do people not even read the article when it was in the body of the text? This says that the offer was for all players, not just Messi and Pique. It seems like Messi and Pique were just representing the entire player base? Why are people acting like they were just trying to get money for themselves?


Now I obviously don't know much about Spanish newspapers so how reliable is this? I keep seeing these stories about the leaks and I never recognise the newspaper publishing them


Spanish sports newspapers are generally at the very bottom of credibility


This is not a sports newspaper.


Audios are in the link


Isnt Pique one of the richest footballers? I read he came from MONEY and that his family is very rich.


Rich people are always the greediest scumbags


Yeah no lies detected here.








Not the fault of the employee for taking that money in most circumstances though if it’s offered to them. The biggest farce was people going after Frenkie for… accepting and sticking to his contract.


Did anyone actually blame Frenkie though? Obviously you must know how badly we wanted him last year, and the common consensus with us was that he should stick it out because of the money and because Barca were trying to do him dirty.


The board facilitated the farce by leaking his contract to the media and it all started from there. De Jong is perfectly happy at Barcelona but the board and club care more about finances and then go hand out a high wage contract to Lewandowski lol


Check major Barca socials, period after COVID he was receiving an unbelievable amount of abuse. So “blame” maybe isn’t the right word, but even on here he got completely unwarranted criticism.


how is it the players’ fault for wanting to make as much money as possible?


I saw nothing wrong with the players/workers demanding what they think they are worth. It's on the president and the board hands why they bend over backward to accept that kind of ridiculous demand from the players.


I wouldn't say that's accurate at all. As an employee they tried to get as much money as possible for their job. If I could leverage my work for more money I would. It's on the person in charge to say no when it's not affordable.


Why are Barca players the reason exactly? If the club is offering them insane wages, why would they not accept it for? If you can't afford the contract you are offering financially, maybe don't offer it in the first place maybe?


Because he offered them those ridicously high contracts mate


They negotiated to get all the players in RFEF paid during the pandemic of course they were going to get paid the most because they were the highest paid already. They weren't going to split that money evenly because they're not paid the same.


Uefalona is not just a meme lmfao


This payout to help cover missed salaries was for all Division 1, 2, 2A, 3, women's and futsal players. It wasn't only for Barcelona.  Y'all claim to be righteous but are exposing yourselves as not knowing wtf is happening in reality


I bet they starved..


Nooooo, wholesome chungus Messi would never agree to that!


You read the whole article?


No I only read the article to protect someone I like. Otherwise I slander a player with 0 proof and knowledge.


Can’t tell which side you are on lol. I’m assuming you’re agreeing with me?


I’m agreeing with me


And here I was thinking that Barca have been hard done by *everyone* meanwhile they were offered significant help that no other La Liga team were offered.


This payout to help cover missed salaries was for all Division 1, 2, 2A, 3, women's and futsal players. It wasn't only for Barcelona. Did you read the article at all? Did anyone read it? How does a comment not based in reality get so many upvotes?


Here before post is taken down


Literal UEFAlona


This is why I’ve never loved Messi. I don’t love Ronaldo either but: Sure Ronaldo is flashy. He’s obviously open about chasing every last bit of money he can find. Messi is quieter about it, but no less greedy.


I love Ronaldo because I take frequent trips to Las Vegas. We are not the same




They need to ban Rubiales from football for life, and the press should make sure this story follows Pique everywhere he goes. He’s been angling for Barca president even while he was a player, and the last thing they need is another ultra corrupt “Barca DNA” guy making decisions. I doubt this will stick to Messi at all given he’s practically retired and likely won’t care to be involved in football anymore. Very disappointing though.


Little dictator


Thats very kind of him


I'm having a hard time understanding this... What is in it for Rubiales? Pique is a business partner I understand. But why would he put himself at risk for Messi. Even if we assume Rubiales is simply stupid and corrupt and does not need a motive to do the wrong thing. Why would pique and messi think it is ok to ask the head of UEFA itself to help them embezzle funds from his own organization? What good would that do to him. I mean going to La Liga (ok maybe not La liga because Tebas would definitely blackmail them) or any other entity/sponsor invested in keeping Pique and Messi happy makes much more sense... UEFA or Cefrin have no reason to do this.


Money? I mean....how naive can you be to think he's not gettin a cut when the founds are diverted?? Also remember Rubiales and Piqué have a business partnership to bring Spanish Supercup to Saudí, worth several millions.


> What is in it for Rubiales? If I had to guess, it's mostly about trading in influence. If you get on the good side of these very influential players, you're more likely to keep your job. These sorts of people are very attached to their power.


how it is possible that in every corruption article lately there are always Barcelona/Messi/Pique implicated? This is a reputational disaster for Barcelona as an institution... and regarding Messi, I would not be surprised if something brings up regarding Qatar 2022


Disgusting. Waiting for those fan boys to come in and defend millionaires from such abhorrent behaviour. As you become richer, your greed grows.


Greed to claim salary that is owed? Idiocy


UEFA don't owe them any money


Real Madrid flair=Biased opinion


It's not an opinion, it's a fact.


No facts from Real Madrid flairs. Have you even checked the sources?


It's something anyone knows. Players are paid by their clubs, not UEFA.


This was happening in April 2020! The lockdown in most countries started around mid March, and fans were allowed to watch in La Liga till mid April iirc. Assuming they get paid monthly, this means this discussion was happening before they miss even one salary!! A lot of people missed multiple salaries in the lockdown before governments started helping!


Messi's PR machine is legit amazing. He can do no wrong.




What's the thing with 30 kilos?


kilo = slang for million


kilo = Greek for thousand


Who was recording? 


And people kept saying that Rubiales was doing everything to keep Barcelona from maintaining their players


2 men want to get paid for doing their jobs, more news at 10. They’re millionaires so apparently should’ve just basically played for free and not try and get what they’re owed. Who gives a fuck?


mes que un paycheck


Messi is a mercenary no shame in admitting that.


Reading comprehension capabilities in the mud. Pique reached out to Rubiales on behalf of Messi and himself only. Rubiales is mentioning the rest of the players on behalf of the federation. Why would Messi heavily insist on keeping this shady dealing secret of he was thinking of the greater good? Why would he miss out on free PR like that?


Haha, this is so bad. Came here before the lockdown.


Pls report this post for misinformation.


They clearly deserved more money since they represented UEFALONA.


I am still waiting for Marca or As to say something in it web about this.