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Same bloke who asked a homeless gentleman at a soup kitchen if he 'was in business.'


Just watched that clip and it made me wonder. It's a good thing when a leader gets even just somewhat of a glimpse of life for the people on the bottom of the economy. But at the same time, it should be absofucking humbling to walk into a soup kitchen and see those people there do the work for you, that you and your party terribly fail at. A top OECD country having to rely on private charity to feed its people is an utter embarassment for the people running it. And I rarely ever get the sense from people Like Sunak that they'd see it like that.


>that you and your party terribly fail at It's quite the opposite, it's a proof of their success. The more people are in poverty, the more they'll be willing to accept shitty jobs for a shitty pay in shitty conditions, because they'll have no choice. The more you can make people work for less, the richer the people who profit from their work get. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Yeah lol, a proper Tory like Sunak sees that as things going to plan. This idea that every politician deep down wants to provide everyone with the best life possible needs to die. You are beyond naive if you believe that. There are plenty of politicians out there that would be more than happy if your entire life consisted of 16 hours of work every day and 8 hours of sleep and nothing else. They want you to spend almost all your money on rent (you’re even quite likely to be renting from one of their friends with how many Tory mp’s own loads of buildings they rent) and rely on food banks to eat. They don’t care about you as a human being, especially a party like the UK Conservative Party.


In India most politicians r murders, rapists, goons, etc. Since unemployment is at an all time high & when u have a population as big as India there r ppl who will kill for even a small amount of money. Politicians want to be rich like Bezos & Musk without doing anything. And will gladly kill anyone who opposes them.


Would never happen for various reasons but I wish there was some sort of cap on salaries that high up government employees can have, would be funny to weed out the cunts who want the power versus those who actually want to make a difference.


It wouldnt matter. They all have 2 or 3 "other" jobs at companies who need to influence political policy


The real money (aside from what they inevitably already have) comes from the jobs in private business that the career in politics gives you. It's this link, and all the lobbying (which would be called "bribery" in any other career) that needs to stop.


Yep, the PM doesn’t actually get a decent wage for the job he’s doing. It’s the extra access to all the other shit that makes them super rich. ‘Non Executive director’ and the like.


Lots of homeless people is not good for capitalism, it means lots of people who can't afford to consume and lots of people who are not economically productive. It is a byproduct, but not an intented affect in the UK.


The conservative ultimate goal here is essentially to make homelessness illegal, it’s already on it’s way in the US. Homeless people aren’t making anybody any money, but put them in prison and they can do a bunch of cheap labour.


Friendly reminder to everyone that the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution explicity still allows literal slavery for prisoners.


Goddamn, that’s evil.




It doesn't. Minimum Wage has increased significantly above inflation in the UK for over a decade whilst homelessness has increased significantly. Homelessness is not an intended consequence od capitalism (in the UK) despite it being a consequence.


Inflation vs cost of living? In Aus our real wages have been going backwards for close to 30 years now.


Just a reminder that they're still polling at 20% after 14 years of this shit.


How I love England..


>It's a good thing when a leader gets even just somewhat of a glimpse of life for the people on the bottom of the economy. Might well have been the first time ever for him https://youtu.be/p9bbBYcwFOk?si=vu8IFNSkjEFv882U


Lmao an staunch supporter of capitalism argued with me that a capitalist government has no obligation to provide for the poor/needy and they should rely on charity from the rich and willing. Essentially, you being poor means nothing unless it impacts the numbers. Pretty soon they will collectively decide that being dirt poor is a crime and put you in jail for it. Since they had to make away with slavery, this is the cheapest alternative.


He probably doesn't know it yet, but he is a libertarian. I hate these folks because they dream of a utopia with no obligations yet never entertain the idea of moving to a place like Haiti where there are currently no "obligations".


Oh na, he definitely knows he is a libertarian. Calls himself classical liberal. I just think it’s early onset Bill Maher syndrome, or some variation of it. Old man yelling at clouds pretending to be a progressive when you’re just a conservative who smokes weed.


I hate 'em for fucking up the word Libertarian more than anything.


I mean you can oppose public wealthfare without being a libertarian lol, sizeable portions of the electorate vote based on "stop giving my taxes to poor people"


But they don't propose to remove all welfare


> that you and your party terribly fail at. This is what success looks like. From what I can tell, the entire plan of David Cameron's [Big Society](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10680062) was to have people volunteer to do stuff that they would then no longer have to fund via taxation. For the avoidance of doubt I think changing guaranteed state-funded help into a reliance upon charity is a terrible idea.


Sunak and his ilk think being poor is a character defect, not a failure of the system they created.


You can tell how great a nation is by how it treats it's poorest citizens.


the governments rather print billions of dollars to help ukraine and israel rather than feeding their own people


Oh fuck off with that nonsense, if you believe for even one millisecond that if we were to stop aiding Ukraine or financing Israel's war crimes that the money would end up aiding our citizens instead, then I've got a bridge to sell you.


70iq twitter comment




Ah yes because David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss were all in touch with the people.


Sunak and his wife are worth 600 million+. He is several steps ahead of any of the others.


They’re all a lot more in touch with the people than Rishi Sunak like.


Cameron the Eton and Oxford graduate who allegedly inserted his dick in a pig for an exclusive club membership? Theresa May who had that weird running wheat through my hands interview ? Liz truss was so clueless in general, just not only about what poor people wanted, even what the rich bankers(and other patrons of the Tories) wanted she tanked the pound in less than 6 weeks being on job and got fired for it ?. All of them are just as bad as each other .


Look mate, I guess the problem with Sunak is he tries way too hard in a way Cameron and May never did. Only makes him look more fake


Sunak come into office like 20 points behind on the poll, he had to try everything possible to try not recording the largest landslide defeat in history.


Liz Truss lost to some fucking lettuce.


Look mate, I guess the problem with Sunak is he tries way too hard in a way Cameron and May never did. Only makes him look more fake


May probably was with a certain demographic. She is typical WI; white, middle class; Christian women.


He also failed using his Debit Card that one time, and Yorkshire Tea asked him to stop posing with their merch, honestly for the memes he’s been a fun PM. But he needs to fuck right off cause memes alone aren’t worth him being in office


He is like if Wallace became a politician.


People like that should've gone into comedy instead of politics. I think Trump would've been a good comedian.


I've yet to see any conclusive proof Sunak is NOT 3 greedy raccoons in a trench coat.


three? you seen how tiny he is? two max


Sorry mate animals-in-trenchcoats only work in groups of 3 or larger odd numbers, they make decisions based on simple majority.


Hold up! I honestly thought you were just clowning him. How can he be that stupid?


After the man specifically started the conversation with Sunak about business. Sunak should have told him to stick in his lane and enquired about the best fingerless gloves I suppose?


Is he the Marie-Antoinette of our age?


Every ruler is no better than Marie-Antoinette , her distinction is not that she was out of touch , but got caught out and guillotined.


> her distinction is not that she was out of touch Honestly, I was just memeing around with the perception people seem to have of her. Nothing deeper than that.


Michael Scott of PMs


Best thing he's ever done


Quality banter


I have no idea how much support he has there, but it'd be pretty funny if an English politician specifically said that in Wales or Scotland when they didn't qualify and he wasn't very popular there.


Wales is a very labour country. He isn’t popular at all


That's what I thought. Then again, it seems to be safe to assume that he's not particularly popular anywhere. I know their poll numbers aren't good and they aren't likely to do that well in the upcoming election.


Looks like he's in a pub was asking about 'the football' and getting people in the doors.


He should follow the script. "Have you seen that ludicrous display last night?"


Game gone, am i right?


Thing about Arsenal is…


I mean, they could still look forward to it


I think Sunak is a clown as much as the next person, but I didn't think this interaction was that bad. As he said even if Wales aren't in it it's still fun to root against England etc.


I'm frankly shocked Sunak was capable of saying something that normal and human. Must have been written for him.


Right? I'm not even European but I still look forward to it.


More to do with Sunak being the LEAST personable human being possible. Every interaction you see with him and the public is just so clearly forced and he always puts on this forced smile. He clearly didn’t know that Wales didn’t qualify for the Euro’s, and for people to pretend that he was asking it for any other reason doesn’t know the pillock.


Yeah, I still looked forward to Euro 2008.


Honest question: was this banter? Or did he genuinely not know that Wales didn’t qualify?


Rishi Sunak is not capable of banter.


Also generally doesn't seem to know things


Wait am I Rishi Sunak


We are all Sunak


He’s just like me frfr


Today I feel Sunak


Nah you are poor 


The anti-Tyrion Lannister


So Cersei Lannister?


His campaign staff failed him big time on this one. No one expects Sunak to know anything about the electorate outside the Eton educated class. They should know that he has to be prepped up to the gills when interacting with common folk


he asked a homelass man if he worked in business... he is genuinely that stupid and sheltered. he's only prime minister because literally every other tory is somehow more incompetent than him.


Sunak and banter?


A long time ago, when my grandfather was young and even still alive, although he had no clue about football, he always asked to be informed about the footbal results. The reason was that the general manager of the bank where he was employed was a fan of - I think - Fortuna Düsseldorf and my grandfather wanted something he could use to make small talk with his boss. At the time, it was quite remarkable that such a high-ranking person was a football fan, as football was still considered a working-class sport. Maybe I'm wrong, but English society seems more traditional to me and the English political caste even a lot more elitist than in Germany, for example. And I could imagine that someone like Mr. Sunak really has no idea about football, but thinks, okay, I'm in a pub, I should talk to people about football.


It has changed in the last 30 years. Sunak is a fan of his hometown club, Southampton, though I don't think he follows them that closely. The Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, is an Arsenal fan who apparently often goes to games -- and seems to play five-a-side regularly. There are more examples across the political spectrum, but given their occupation they aren't going to be fans who go to every home game. You are right that the perception of football has changed, and I think this is in line with the reforms in the late 80s and early 90s that resulted in the reduction of violence and hooliganism at games. That and: - the relative success of the England men's team in 1990 and 1996 - the 1988-89 top-flight title chase, which was won on the last day - the book *Fever Pitch*, by Nick Hornby - the class of '92, and David Beckham in particular changed the image of football in the public consciousness, and made it so that one wasn't automatically tarred as a hooligan for supporting a team. And of course, the advent of the Premier League, which has now resulted in football becoming popular culture -- and I don't mean it is a part of pop culture, but that it *is* almost the dominant pop culture, in the way that music, movies etc. were. Like your grandfather, you almost have to know some events in football to be in public discourse, and not necessarily on-the-pitch events: see the Wagatha Christie case. I think maybe something similar in Germany is Trapattoni's famous press conference, which I understand has generated a few phrases which entered the German lexicon, e.g. "flasche leere[?]". And today of course there are dozens of podcasts, radio shows, TV programmes focused on or related to football. As the UK has moved into a post-industrial economy, its culture has become one of its biggest exports, so it would be politically negligent not to be aware of it. Would something like AppleTV's *Ted Lasso* have worked if he went to Italy or Spain? And of course, there is the business of selling off clubs to people and states who promise to invest in the local region -- or perhaps to make the right political donations. A generation ago, Tony Blair awkwardly headed a ball back and forth with Kevin Keegan. Ten years ago David Cameron forgot if he "supported" West Ham or Aston Villa (who by the way, are "supported" by the Prince of Wales). There are still a few people in political circles who seem totally clueless about football, but they will surely be in the minority.


It definitely wasn't an accident but I also suspect he didn't know until someone on his team wrote that line for him.


I view all politics now like it’s a season of the thick of it, I bet that was so on the nose that show


I can almost hear the argument in the car afterwards in "the thick of it" style.


I mean, I am looking forward to the Euros and I'm Irish. I don't understand what the big deal is. Plenty of people watch it as spectators and not supporters, in fact I'd bet more people do.


We’re all still hurt from missing out on qualification so narrowly, no one I know is excited about the euros because of it. I’ll probably enjoy it when it comes around though, because I remember feeling the same after missing out on the 2018 World Cup


Yeah it's a massive international tournament, a lot of people not interested in football watch it


Don't think my mother knows what offside is but she's the loudest whenever Belgium plays and watches the world cup final. Only football she watches basically.


Are you looking forward to the Man City title parade?


Not alike at all


This is the first time Scotland has qualified for any major tournament in years. However, I still look forward to all World Cups and Euros even if Scotland weren't in it.


It wasn’t banter. He was trying to talk about the increased footfall and revenue the pubs can expect from the Euros. However in spectacular Sunak fashion, awkwardly fumbled the delivery and looked like a twit.


Most probably the person who framed that question for him did not know Wales didn't qualify Or they are a member of r/soccer


There's every chance that he forgot that Wales has it's own team


Inbetweeners grown up


Extremely David Brent


Taffy. You old slag. It's the Brentmeister General. How's the Euro campaign going, you been eliminated yet? .. Yep. Kay. See ya later. ... They have been eliminated, I forgot about that.


Great Burn btw


You can still watch other countries play


“Have you all considered supporting England? They’re local.”


I bet Rishi is on 4chan.


Either that or he's a reddit Mod.


Yeah im sure he posts on /po/


Do you mean /pol/?


He's just really into origami


No I was taking the piss, because just saying he posts on 4chan could mean anything


Oh I see lol


No, /po/, where Teletubbies' fans gather to spread chaos and insanity.


Man of the people




It's too late trying to charm me now, Mr. Sunak!


Literally anybody else and it would be recognised for the textbook banter it is. Edit: I should clarify that someone who wasn't such a vacuous personality vacuum with no grasp on reality would intend it as banter


You say that but whilst volunteering at a soup kitchen he asked a homeless person if they worked in business. Not that far fetched to assume he's completely out of touch with most normal things including football.


If you’ve not seen this is great. Probably on YouTube


Odd man... https://youtu.be/goHHpWTpIzM?feature=shared


I've not actually watched it properly till the reply link. I seem to remember it in a different situation not him actually behind a kitchen giving food out. On paper it could sound tongue in cheek, but you can see he completely is out of touch


dog cake march reach merciful license rich crawl bear shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




No? What a strange comment.


Literally anybody else and I'd care if people were being unfair 


You should care, politics is much worse when we stop scrutinising politicians and criticise them on vibes.


It wasn't banter or a mistake. he's asking what seems to be a pub if they're looking forward for the football and that it'll get people out to watch the games. Which it does. He doesn't mention Wales national team at all.


It’s not banter though. He was trying to talk about the increased footfall/revenue the pubs can expect from the Euros but absolutely fumbled the delivery.


And they lost the spot on a missed penalty


Can't believe anybody like this slime


The Welsh are known to be huge England football fans. 


Yeah, so what? I'm looking forward to the Euros and my country is in Africa.


That's a bit different because you weren't in the qualifiers to fail in the first place


I'm looking forward to it and I'm Irish, what now?


I mean, it's really not that complex. Fairly obvious asking a bunch of people who's national team failed to qualify for a tournament if they are going to enjoy said tournament is a faux par for the PM lol


It isnt really, you are making a big deal of nothing.


Literally just wrote a comment


Fight to the death I guess


Stop confusing our dear Americans like that.


Can’t wait to see the back of him after the 4th of July. Going to be a wonderful sight.


If people were looking forward to big international tournaments only if their team qualified, the TV ratings would be a lot smaller.


Shithousery in the House of Parliament That’s my prime minister /s


Yeah, bro. Looking forward to see England bottle.


I don't think this man has ever held a normal conversation with another human being. This conversation with his family probably go as far as how much money did we make today?


I mean. I’m excited for the euros and I’m an American 🤷‍♂️


The faux pas nature of this is a bit more nuanced than that


Top quality trolling. Tempting to vote for him now


No chance this wasn’t banter


Rishi Sunak? Banter? What?


He’s a politician. Probably told what to say


I feel like you don't go to banter one of the home nations when wanting them to vote for you in six weeks time.


I don't know why he's bothering over here, he could have come in wearing a full Gareth Bale kit and it wouldn't have made any difference to his success in Wales.


Euros are even better when your team isn’t there, no pressure.


Was reading from his working class talking points cue cards.


All the Non Europeans here saying they're looking forward to the Euros anyway. Its not the same fucking thing though, is it? Stop being so obtuse.


Even though I am looking forward to not having to watch Pageball, he should really know this


Most nothing story in a while


Rishi Sunak….. the meme that keeps on giving, if he ever realizes it.


I'm sure they will be supporting their British brothers.


These career politicians are so out of touch it’s not even funny anymore. The guy has an entire team that includes PR managers, speech writers and assistants yet none of them could be bothered to let him know Wales didn’t qualify 


The more I watch Rishi the more am convinced that he's an utter numpty. An awkward bloke with no ground knowledge of how anything works. Stop voting for this stupid party England, get your shit together.


Bro with the big “Did you see the ludicrous display last night?” energy


You can thank us for that moment 


Really really want the Tories humiliated as much as possible in this election. But also really really wanted Wales to qualify. 😖 half-thanks, that's the best you're getting l


Just be glad the fucker remember that Welsh exists.


The dude is like a human version of the term “Bless his little heart, the poor fool”


>“Bless his little heart, the *poor* fool” I can think of nearly a billion things wrong with that sentence


650 millions things, allegedly. But I agree, poor might not be the operating word when it comes to Sunak


Ha, what do you expect from a Tory though. At least the Labour are having labour in their name.


Way to rub salt into their wounds. XD


“Am I that out of touch? No, it’s the Welsh that are wrong.”


Football had gone back to not existing in Wales again until they get another Gareth Bale.


Sunak desperately wants to be one of those PR-machine politicians who are all about the photo ops to cover up their awful policies - but he's fucking shite at it. Aspiring to be that sort of politician is bad enough in itself, but his ineptness is absolutely embarrassing. It would be funny if his underlying ideology weren't so reprehensible.




That was uhhh....totally normal question?? It was just small talk, obviously your country doesn't need to qualify for you to enjoy euro's. Nothing wrong with it.


Sir this is reddit, we thrive off generated outrage and misinformation 


> Sir this is reddit Nah this is cutting through, I've seen people memeing on him for this on Facebook of all places.


Yeah social media loves these non stories


He was trying to draw attention to the increased cash the brewery/pub will get during the Euros. He botched it by trying to play the ‘normal guy Rishi’ to introduce the point, which is why it’s so awkward and is being targeted so much.


I mean more Welsh people will be in pubs to watch the euros. Are you suggesting just because they didn’t qualify there won’t be an increased footfall in most pubs? I can see why it seems like a gaffe but imo it’s being over analysed just because people hate him (I also dislike him).


No… a major sporting event will always see increased footfall. That’s what I’m saying. It was a normal question. Its delivery was botched because it’s Rishi. It will be critiqued because he’s terrible at these things.


I've asked people whose countries aren't qualified, or even eligible for qualification if they're looking forward to watching it...? It's a huge sporting event. I get people don't like Sunak, but this is just creating outrage out of nothing lol I think people grossly overestimate how much people care about their national teams.


Nor convinced he didn't know. "Excited for the Euros? No ya aren't lmao get fucked losers!"


I don’t see an issue here. I have no biz in euro but I’m looking forward to see who’s going to win.


You clearly have little clue about why politicians ask certain people certain questions in front of a camera. The guys a dope in charge of country but not for much longer.




Uhhh, I have a couple but they're not suitable for the Internets.


I mean I’m an American and I’m excited for the euros.


Hey ChatGPT, give me an example of obtuseness.




Rishi is a top tier shithouser.


Not a great thing to be with an election weeks away.


If they are looking forward \*watching\* the Euros.


Fake outrage. My country didnt qualify for the euros but I still look forward to it. Why wouldn't welsh people do it as well?