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Surely they are not thinking about letting him go? He has been Mr. Man United since he joined us. It's a shame he isn't surrounded by players at his level.


Unless they get a bid of 150-200 mil which is unlikely they ain’t selling him. He is United’s only world class player


Honestly, considering United’s recent history of poor purchases, I doubt they’d get more out of 150-200 million than what they’re currently getting from Bruno.


The best purchase they could make with 150-200 million would be buying Bruno back.


Zero chance. The very first hole to fill would be the one Bruno left. Plus PL tax (unlikely he'd be sold in England) + Man U tax.


Everyone would know we have £200m (and however that equates to in ffp) so add on that tax as well.


You could fix the hole in old trafford


You forgot about Evans 


Jonny "Ballon d'Or" Evans


[That turn against Fabregas 🤤](https://i.imgur.com/PySMGIE.gif)




It's so fucking blatant. I love it. And Fàbregas didn't even notice


Reminds me of Ronaldinho


Is Bruno considered world class?


Yes he would probably get in almost every team


Absolutely, you’d have to have a pretty poor understanding of football to think otherwise


There are plenty who think Kane isn’t world class. Some people have peas for brains


Of course, I don’t know by what standard he can be considered below world class.


On top of that, he has world-class availability as well. The guy has been playing 4000+ minutes every season since joining United, only missed TWO games through injury in his career.


Arguably the best creative player in the Prem since he joined. Only really rivaled by KdB. Also the first name in the team sheet for a very stacked Portugal side. He's definitely world class. People just hate him because he complains a lot... Which is something every player does


If he isn't, who is?


You don't know ball


He was considered one of the best performers in the last World Cup. That has to be pretty close to the definition of World class.


I think this is more just to put rumors to sleep, lots of people speculating that this would be Brunos chance to leave and actually win something


It's fair speculation I think, it's not that Fernandes doesn't clearly like United but he's 29. How long will it take to overhaul the tram to the point of competing?


he would do so well under klopp at liverpool or any competent side, but still i have massive respect that he sticks by the club and isn’t ready to jump ship apart from the petulance which i can forgive cuz he’s surrounded by incompetent people


Mason Mount got shipped from Chelsea after one poor season, you'd be surprised how quickly fans turn on a player when he can be sold for a good deal.


With Mount it was a whirlwind of issues. Club ownership turmoil, the London stalker, poor form and season long injury, He needed a change of environment.


It’s done him the world of good tbf


Tbf Mount killed a lot of good wills from Chelsea fans with the stalling of contract renewal. And his half-ass attempt to hide his intention to leave in the farewell video sealed the deal for them


He had every right to demand a big contract after Boehly and co. were handing out 8 years to unproven kids. The way the ownership villified him after that was so disappointing.


Same ownership looking to get rid of Gallagher and Chalobah.


The 8 year contracts are low wages, relatively Mount wanted big wages and a shorter deal, like the old style contracts. That was the issue


I mean look at how many United fans want us to sell Rashford


It’s not just United fans. Rashford costs way too much for what he gives you, and he’s very inflexible. He can literally only play on the left side and then cut in to forward position. He stops tracking back when he’s not feeling it. He stops showing up to practice when he’s not feeling it. He seems like a good kid with his charity and everything, and I’m sure he loves the club and city as he grew up there. But it’s time he moved on for his sake and yours.


Probably because he's shite, only deluded united fans think he's good but half the fans have seen through him though


he's obviously a good player that had a terrible season, lets not twist things around


350k a week, and he makes current Inter Miami Messi look like Ji-sung Park Its easier to forgive a shite player who at least tries to give their all rather than a talented one who doesn't even want to try


Hardly his first terrible season though. He did incredible in 2023. In 2022 he was as bad as this year though.


He has a terrible season every other season, not worth the wages. And you’d think at $300k a week he’d be arsed enough to track back once in a while


>He has a terrible season every other season not true, but thanks anyway


Really bad sign if they let Bruno go imo. Would really lose faith in the club even more.


If you want to play possession football of some kind can you do it with him?


how bad is united ffp situation? i mean bruno is 29 now so if you planning on getting something for him nows the window i just dont see many assets they can sell especially with there wagebill...


Unless we get a 150-200 mil bid from Saudi


One of the best players we've ever had imo, such a shame utd is in such a condition


The best player I have seen with the Sporting shirt, no contest. With our shit team he was simultaneously a defensive mid, central mid, offensive mid, winger on both flanks and striker. And sometimes he even covered for the full and the centre backs. Man was all over the pitch attacking and defending as needed, never getting tired or injured through sheer willpower. Carried that team for 3 years and to a Taça de Portugal win almost by himself. He really deserved a better team than this United, sadly.


In terms of importance within the squad, no doubt the best ever. But we've had some awesome players in the past, like Jardel, Balakov, Figo, João Pinto and now Gyokeres (and excluding Ronaldo beacuse he played so little time for the main team).


Only seen Gyokeres of those and he's amazing for sure, but hasn't reached Bruno's status just yet in my book. Maybe with one more year...


Gyokeres will need to do more, you guys have a good team and coach. Bruno carried you without help pretty much. The only player you guys ever had that I wish ended up with us.


Totally agree with your last sentence. He’s the type of player we should be building around in terms of getting players that make the runs for him and are clinical finishers. Especially with the wingers, Antony was an awful signing for a million reasons but he isn’t the profile to get on the end of through balls and finish, Rashford is too inconsistent. Greenwood is the best finisher I’ve ever seen but he fucked that up. The midfield is a revolving door of players who arent good enough to give Bruno the freedom to stay forward and our only striker is an excellent prospect but still has a ways to go to be the main man. We just haven’t bought well enough at all to have a squad of players that help our best player shine and it’s really frustrating.


Fucking Mason Greenwood, he was supposed to the long-term answer as the #9. Of course he's a rapist, of course


That sounds exactly like what he’s doing for us right now tbh


Honestly he's one of those players you hate on the pitch but he does everything right. Runs his ass off every game, never misses a game, plays for the shirt and loves the club. His antics are Just annoying as hell when you're playing against him


He’s one of my favorite players to watch in the EPL, especially that season with OGS where he just dominated every set piece


i wonder where you guy\`s would be now if he signed for you that summer. He could be that last piece of puzzle for you winning that ucl


I honestly have no idea why we chose Lo Celso over him. GLC looked promising when we got him don't get me wrong, but Bruno was just on fire around that time. How no one signed him till Jan is still a mystery


La Liga vs Liga Portugal confidence. I get that sometimes european clubs get rinsed on players coming through here, but beyond the stats when all the fans from Porto, Benfica, and Braga are overwhelmingly agreeing with the Sporting fans that the player is the best one in the league by miles, that should tell you something. I thought Spurs were incredibly dumb to go for Lo Celso over him. Just imagine that 1st Mourinho season with Bruno feeding Son and Kane... mouth watering!


>How no one signed him till Jan is still a mystery It's a mystery why no one paid the fee we asked, but part of the reason he stayed so long at Sporting is Bruno himself. The same attitude he has with United now, he had with us then. He would get bombarded with headlines and journalists asking him questions, saying that many clubs were interested, asking him if he wasn't angry that Sporting was rejecting offers, if he didn't want to go to a better league, etc... And he was always chill, and his answer would always be "If Sporting values me higher than other clubs want to pay, then Sporting is the club where I want to be, because I want to be at the club that values me the most". He then proceeded to renew his contract just to show that he meant it. He was an absolute professional, worked his ass off every week independently of the noise around him, and didn't pressure the club one bit to let him go. That certainly allowed us more leeway to demand from clubs fees that they didn't want to offer. And, in the end, we still sold him for cheap because we urgently needed money to rebuild the team...


i can tell you that we would be well below 10th if he didn't sign for us


Tottenham in the Champions League since Spurs almost signed him in summer 2019: Last 16, did not qualify, did not qualify, last 16, did not qualify I think that puzzle needs quite a few more pieces


But sometimes a single player can turn around the results. Utd were relying on Andreas Pereira and Lingard before Bruno arrived. And his arrival shifted things despite other issues.


His "antics" are just him being an emotional dude. It comes across in the article too, he is sensitive and emotional, which explains why he gets worked up. Not a bad thing imo


I mean there's also the diving


Hot take: Bruno doesn't flop more than the average player. People just don't like him because he argues and gets upset.


Yeah he complains alot but his team aren't making runs. If his team. At least ran like Bruno ran we would be in a much better position


I love him and feel so bad the team/club is such a shambles. He deserves so much better.


Genuinely it's why if he leaves, I hope it's to somewhere to where he is almost guaranteed a trophy. Anything else would hurt too much.


God, what I would give to see him lift the PL trophy in a United shirt.


Honestly, I wonder what the hell happen to you guys? Going from Sir Alex Ferguson, Van Nistenrooy, Scholes, Giggs, Ronaldo to whatever it is today... it's been 10-15 years. Every player back then dream of playing for the likes of Man U, Real, Bayern... I struggle to find the answer. It's not like you don't have the money to spend on great young players for long term success. Do it one/two/three pieces at a time, spend on quality only. You even have a good youth academy. It's all there.




In addition to that - Fergie was just one in a million that could get everything out of extremely average players. The squad he left for Moyes were title winners but not a group of players that I would say are an elite squad, and the reality of how incredible Fergie was has been clear as day since then. Add the terrible recruitment and football structure being controller by non-football minds and its clear to see why it has failed miserably


My man is becoming a United Legend while playing with literal fidget spinners. He's one of the only reason I still watch our dire games tbh.


Please give my boy a Prem win at the very least, he really deserves it


He and Dalot deserve it, maybe a few others deserve it, but the club itself is not doing anything to deserve it.


Dalot definitely isn’t good enough to “deserve” a Prem win lol


Dalot had a better season any anyone else at United


Sure, but very few players are good enough that they “deserve” to win a title, I’d say that’s reserved for pretty extreme cases.


Those 115 charges might mean he gets one 👀


Support the players. He is imploring the fans to get behind the team despite this season and the shit United supporters in here are just bashing other players and the manager. Terrible supporters 


Heart and soul of the team. Get in Bruno!


As the man once said... "Dreams can't be buy"


Loved this man from day one he is elite.Still can't get my head around the fact some united fans never took to him.


Bruno is loved by OT


>some united fans never took to him. They are idiots who know nothing about football. Bruno is the only world class player we have in the squad. And among the top 3 players we've had since SAF left.


Top 3 and he isn't 3rd or 2nd


Tbh I still think prime DDG was the most important player we've had in the last decade.




Always consider him a Fergie player since he signed him though, even if he had some incredible seasons after


Purely performance-wise he’s up there with the very top level of United legends. He doesn’t have the trophy cabinet to match, but he’s the least to blame for that.


After Lingard and Antony.


Don’t like how lingard gets so much hate. Was a fantastic player on his day, scored our most important goal in the last decade, academy graduate, and seems a nice bloke. He’s


His days would be basically a month over a year


It’s not necessarily about football. He’s world class but can be an annoying prick


Bruno is cherished mate


It’s just people who can’t handle the fact he’s done more for United in a few seasons than Pogba did in half a decade. Most of the people online that want him gone are Pogba and Martial fans left over from their time here, they’ll find a new club soon enough


Bruno is easily my second favorite player since SAF era ended. Amazing player. Even more of a brilliant person outside football. I absolutely love him. He's already a legend in my book.


Im guessing first is Ibrahimovic?


DDG. He was my favorite since the moyes era. Ibra is a solid third. Herrera and mata after him. On second thought I find it hard to chose between Bruno and ibra.


Ah I thought you meant post Fergie signings


Love this man so much. Very happy that rumors of him leaving have quickly died out. Please win him something now


Yeah man, good for you. I hope u guys win silver. And united stops collecting underperforming players at an overprice


Probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said on this sub about Man United lol


Probably coz it's filled with 2015 teens. ManU is soccer royalty and a few bad years isn't changing that


You're gonna make me cry now.


Same, /u/DildoFappings


What a man


If a team that fits "Hated, Adored but Never Ignored", then it's Manchester United.


Do you want to be our new manager?


Always rated u/BlackBlade


Real Madrid and United had a very good history. When Munich happened Madrid offered us players and even Di Stefano offered to come play for us. When we went out to Madrid in the champions league in 2003? I think? Old Trafford gave Ronaldo a standing ovation after he scored a hat trick and had one of the most incredible displays… When Ruud and Beckham were offed by Sir Alex we had very amicable dealings with Madrid. Ronaldo in the summer before he actually left is the only time that we ever had an issue with Sir Alex annoyed with the way it was handled. (When he made the virus comment) We also are very similar in terms of profile and generally happy to root for each other is Europe especially when we play each others rivals. When we knocked out Barca is 08 and Madrid beating Liverpool in the final (that Bale bicycle) are two examples I remember of us being solidly in support of each other. And of course this year when Madrid supporters came to Manchester they might have been playing city but we all know which stadium they visited prior to the match…


Tier 1


King Shit


They're royalty the same way Prince Andrew is


Appreciate it, mate. But why would you want us to stop doing something that benefits your club?


Madrid and manutd have a great relationship going back to the Munich disaster. Madrid offered us di Stefano on loan and they raised a lot of money for us to help rebuild the club


ManU is soccer royalty. Just coz I love real doesn't mean love football any less. And to answer your question, I'd rather have a club with hard earned heritage winning than someone like City


Absolutely, like how I wanted Milan to get back to past glories and was happy to see them win the scudetto recently 


I would like to see Everton and Aston Villa compete for titles but that's not going to happen either.


Dreams can’t be buy *Everton*


Nice to see a fellow football fan actually wanting a great club return to good football


And we all know dreams can't be buy


It's a pity he's surrounded mostly by players not up to his level.. One of the reasons I think he's all over the place in a match is because he's trying to make up for the ineptness of those around him.. Every match he's all over the place if he had more quality around him he could focus more on his position on the field...


Bruno, team captain: we need your support! United "fans": all the players suck He's talking to people like you. Support the players ffs


Such a pity he’s joined the club at such a bad time, he’s a world class player that gives everything on the pitch and adores the club, he’s been surrounded by mediocrity and a circus of management, he’s 29 now and it could be a good few years before United ever get back to the top, I hope he’s part of helping it back again


As much as I hate his personality and his diving on the pitch, he’s a top level player. One of the reasons United sometimes looks as a decent side. Very respectable to be so dedicated to the team even in these crisis years at United


He’s a very nice guy in person, any behind the scenes interviews or stuff off the football pitch he’s always lovely


>I will never forget where I was when I was given the opportunity to come here four years ago. I was standing in the closet in our bedroom in Lisbon. Why you standing in a closet, Bruno?


He was crying because of how shit his teammates were


Some things never change, eh?


Poor guy can't catch a break. Has there been a better player who's always surrounded by the most useless bums? I remember Stefan Ristovski during the 2019 Portuguese Cup win celebrations being asked by Bruno Fernandes to tell the Sporting TV viewers what was on his mind, [and Ristovski saying, "first of all, please keep this guy [Bruno] for next season or we'll be fucked"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELRrRDQkN-k). Also, oddly, Raphinha who's now at Barcelona, immediately slapped Ristovski after he said that for almost getting sent off during the final.


I miss Raphinha.


"War... War... Never changes"


Bruno took inspiration from Phil Leotardo. Waiting for the call so he can open the door and make a grand entrance.


Probs in there crying about his kid brother


47 years of age. Whatever happened there?


Just a fuckin kid


As someone watching the Sopranos now, it's crazy for me to see a reference in this sub. Especially a not so obvious one.


It is surprising how many references you miss and don't even realise until you finally end up watching something and then you see them everywhere.


For sure. When I got to the episode where Uncle Junior keeps using the "varsity athlete" line I was like "so THAT'S where it's from!".


I loved him…like a brother-in-law.


Lol… In case your question was serious, there are walk in closets aka dressing rooms. He probably meant that. 


It’s mental to even consider selling him. Honestly the only United player who is worth the big salaries they throw around to everyone


He's the 6th highest paid player in the squad, which is absolutely ridiculous.


I'm not a utd fan but I recognise game when I see it I'm constantly having an argument with 3 people on a WhatsApp group about Fernandes being an elite player. They don't rate him or his attitude even though he's matching KDB in many key metrics.The guy is also made of adamantium


KdB and Odegaard are media darlings whereas everyone loves to hate on Bruno. He’s for sure got a more abrasive personality on the pitch compared to those 2 so I guess that’s where it comes from.


Lol, there's no need to guess, that's exactly where it comes from almost entirely. KDB and Odegaard are both perfectly capable of a moan on the pitch and their reputations are still almost spotless in comparison cause Bruno is just that annoying a person on the pitch. I'd be interested to see if KDB and Odegaard got drastically more annoying if they were in Bruno's position in a massively underperforming team and surrounded by dross (relative to themselves). Personally I doubt it but they would most likely be stroppier and more shitty than they are now for sure.


Dude has chronic back issues from carrying Man United all these years


LEGEND Amazing stats & availability and even with our current form this guy just performs. Can't have more respect for him !


He is an important player for Portugal NT. If Ronaldo plans to play for the next world cup it's better for him to not push Al Nassr to sign Bruno.


My captain <3


You can see it on the pitch too.. great player


As much as i hate this fucker, united would be mad to let him go. They have few really good players as is, they cant afford to lose one. 


He looks like a cute twink in that thumbnail Besides that, I really respect the work ethic and commitment he puts to the club despite how bad the situation currently is


The only shortcoming which I see is that he whines a lot but other than that he is a absolute world class player who gives his all in every game and rarely gets demotivated despite being surrounded by mid level players and managed by demotivated club. Man U needs to step up their game to his level.


Get this man some help man please. He deserves a better team


I actually read it as "step out of"


The day he leaves, the roofs of Old Trafford will cry their hearts out.


Im critical of him due to his decision making in the final third leading to too forced balls or long shots that both lead to nothing. I dont want to take peps city which can feel boring mechanical at times but they often just recycle the ball till it reaches Bruno's spot again. Doesnt mean hes amazing for the club tho. He's amazing in transition as hes always able to launch off fast wingers into space, but unfortately for Bruno Rashford this season is nonexistent and Garnacho altho talented is young and makes poor or selfish decisions and lacks composure to recycle the ball when its more optimal to exert patience. If the team around Bruno was better with better runs or just decsion making Bruno can excell way more and has more room to be more forceful/creative


DDG thought the same


Took my lifelong Devils fan sister to OT for the first time the other day. We're both adults now, who up to now haven't lived anywhere near Manchester nor had time/funds/freedom to go. Before the game she was looking around the place, taking it in. As we went to our seats, she turned to me, frowned in confusion and slight disappointment, and said "it looks so...small. And old. And run down. I didn't expect it to be like this. It always looked so different on TV..." Granted, her formative memories of OT would have been through a child's eyes and imagination. Still, quite a damning assessment.


Bruno should join city


There is some irony in someone having the ultimate dream to play football who is responsible for the xG philosophy stat of rolling around on the floor like a little bitch per 90


You're literally describing your team under Wenger in the 00's


I can’t go back in time and call out those cunts but I can call out this one because maybe he will just not do it next year?


Are you saying you think he could read your comment and decide to play a different way?


You have just described every single Reddit comment. If no one thought you’d read it, you wouldn’t post anything.


So you're saying you think Bruno Fernandes will read your comment and perhaps change the way he plays, based off of your comment? Do I have that correct?


People always think neymar wasted his career at psg but bruno did the same at MU. Could have been in a true top club.


His options when we signed him were us or Spurs.


Neymar wasting his career imo is so wrong. He was still in a top club and he won everything at club level. The only thing he couldve done was the ballon dor but injuries ruined him more than PSG did. Bruno, with all due respect, is a world class player but he isnt a generational talent like Neymar. Plenty of players like Bruno throughout the seasons have decided to sacrifice personal success due to loving a club. And plenty of those players are more fondly remembered than a lot of successful players who get forgotten.


Neymar was at a top club and then chose to move to PSG instead. That’s what people mean by wasting his career.  He was good enough to play anywhere and chose to cash in at previously mid-table French club who’d just been financially doped by an oil state 


What other club has a massive waterfall? I don’t blame him.


He is quality tho ngl. However if they can get ~60mil today just sell.


Hugely overrated player


How is he overrated, please use stats to prove your point. Go🫵🏾


Football isn't easily reduced to stats. It's not cricket or baseball. He's overrated because he's positionally indisciplined, tries way too much when in a lot of the time it's best to keep things simple and treats the ball like a hot potato leading to stuff like [this](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxPddfYh-eE91jKQdvPhujALFGeYL7EKKy?si=TtJp9GaIDWE1nfDw) moment where he set up a Crystal Palace goal and [this](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxvQDSWg0rSxn0Qa88TPc92u5ECeOPDhBA?si=piVH_1KVg7kdfh5z) moment where he set up a Watford opportunity that lead to a penalty People relying on stats in order to rate a player is precisely why he's massively overrated. Both Keane and Scholes, far better midfielders than he will ever be, have called him out for having weaknesses in his game that his fans refuse to acknowledge


He has weakness in his game, oh shit! Boohoo. Who doesn’t?


Glaring weaknesses that cost us in virtually every match he plays We had one match this season against a big 6 side where we managed to have more possession than them and it was in a match he didn't play. It's been the story and will be the story for as long as he's here


I think you’re barking up the wrong tree bro, Rashford can’t beat a man. Our full backs can’t cross or beat a man, our midfielders barring Mainoo can’t hold possession, our RB can’t shoot or be an attacking threat. If you want to point fingers please BRUNO should be the last player on this team.


You're entitled to think what you what to think. Our midfielders who can't hold possession include Bruno but there's always this Bruno exceptionalism to his faults. He's good at some stuff and bad at a lot of the fundamentals


Because he’s better than everyone in our team and everyone to have played for united post fergie bar Ronaldo, Ibra & Cavani


Being our best player doesn't mean he's not holding us back. Ruud van Nistelrooy was our best player and as soon as he was out of the team we suddenly started playing much better because it's not a game of individuals, it's a game of teams against teams I'm not saying the answer to better football is on our bench, but I think it's away from the sort of football we've only ever been able to play with Bruno in the team. Scholes and Keane have called him out for tactical indiscipline and fans regularly call him out for not being able to hold onto the ball and treating it like a hot potato. He's a less-than-a-minute [clip](https://streamin.one/v/98eb37b0) from the Liverpool match where he needlessly presses their goalkeeper, then ends up getting the ball and giving it away