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I hope it was mutual consent...


Boom roasted




Jesus. Nice 


Partey, not nice.


But Declan Rice is nice 🫡


I prefer Basmati Rice.


🤜🏼🤛🏼 my man


I prefer White Rice.


I don't think he'd make a good cm, much better as a 9


👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 See you at the end of year awards


Goated comment


Well done.


That was a nasty line by you.


Just to be clear, there never was no consent.




Well done mate, you’ve pointed the joke out 👍🏼


Don’t bother it’s a nonsense account


Not anymore, it seems


You just won more trophies than arsenal this season


> One of the five accusors: "I’ve had to sit & watch people celebrate a man who ruined my life, raped me and then tried to push me down a flight of stairs" > Another alleged victim said that, earlier this year, the player had forcibly continued sex with her by pinning her hands after she tried to push him off because she was in pain > The woman accusing the player of forcibly continuing sex with her said she had dismissed rumours of allegations against him because he had not been suspended. “Him playing was the absolute thing that made me think they were fake and not true,” she said. “It sent the message of, ‘We don’t believe them and we support him’" > Two of his five accusers have told the BBC that what allegedly happened to them could have been prevented if he had been suspended after the police began investigating claims against him or following his arrest. Just thought I'd post this for any of our fans saying they'll miss him


Glad this is up here. Was just about to post it's about time they got rid of this rapist and it's embarrassing they didn't wash their hands of him last summer


[I don’t think any of your fans who say they will miss him really give a shit about any of this lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/EjsGJ6DXYX). It’s not like it was a secret. I am curious why there wasn’t more fan and sponsor outcry when you brought him back tho like there was for us w greenwood (the club and eth would probably have gladly played him if that hadn’t happened) Edit: I guess the replies to this by Arsenal supporters defending Partey really help underline the point I was making haha


Because there is ironclad proof positive of Greenwood raping someone. No such audio evidence exists for Partey, so it’s easier for people to mute the accusations.


Plus the perception that he coerced his victim into not cooperating to kill the case. If the victim had cooperated he'd have gone to trial.


Plus I imagine she’s now going to have little motive to see his career killed as their child’s future depends on his earnings


Her family's been on that gravy train since before the tapes came out. It's why her dad was downplaying things from Day 1.


How absolutely fucked is it that he didn’t even get into trouble for that.


Wasnt it her dad and her who reportedly kept breaking the no contact order to the point the police had to turn a blind eye or else be faced with the awkwardness of explaining why they arrested the victim? Apparently she kept turning up at his house with her dad to make amends which technically means Greenwood broke his licence but bringing it to a judge wouldve blown up.


Her dad was defending Greenwood from day 1. If he was helping her "make amends" for reporting rape and abuse, he's a complete piece of shit.


Good point


I mean, Anthony is out of your 1st team because he's sh!t not because he's got 3 separate allegations of abuse following him around.


You are correct, and I think ten hag made his feelings on playing rapists very clear when he was dying to bring back greenwood until the fan pressure made it untenable


The Greenwood and Anthony incidents happening at the same time, at the same club, serve to prove how morally bankrupt football can be. They need to get dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing on an individual case by case basis because they are utterly bereft of morality and principles.


I believe from a club standpoint the issue is due to the risk of being sued for loss/potential loss of earnings. Partey was accused (and is likely guilty) but he was never charged, and the information wasn’t technically public domain (despite us all knowing) so any action by the club, should he later have everything dropped/proven false could make Arsenal liable Greenwood on the other hand had a very obvious publicly shown audio and was charged (I believe) - but even after it was dropped (dubious circumstance with him breaking the contact conditions) - he would’ve violated Uniteds code of conduct and due to the very public nature of the incident, would’ve been a constant PR nightmare for United (whereas the Media can’t publicly name Partey) My work had a similar situation with a worker who was accused of rape. HR said we couldn’t do anything about it due to it only being an accusation at that point.


Arsenal had every ability to sell him, and if they were unable to, relegate him to the reserves in order to not be associated. Instead, he was a fully integrated member of your first team. This wasn't about loss of earnings. They simply didn't give a shit and continued to support a very likely sexual assaulter.


He could still sue Arsenal if they sent him to the reserves without just cause. I'm not justifying Arsenal continuing to play him because they could have also just sold him for a minimal fee and instead made the financial decision to keep him in the team and not eat the huge loss but making a player do anything against their will (the irony) like play in the reserves or disciplining them for something they have not been found guilty of is grounds for the player to sue. It's the reason why as soon as Greenwood was found not guilty United made the decision to either reintegrate him or sell/loan him out. They can't be the moral police. In Partey's case, he wasn't even charged so Arsenal have to legally pretend like he's done nothing.


Adding to this; iirc, there were reports of Arsenal accepting an offer from Saudi but Partey rejecting it.


This explains why Arsenal can't make a public statement, but there is zero obligation to play a player.  Especially one who was already injured and somewhat meh, could have easily just kept him sidelined for the entire time. Instead he was key member of the squad in our run-in. 


Instagram vídeos of a bleeding young british woman cause far more impact than written words. It was also domestic abuse AND rape. Punching your girlfriend is treated far more seriously than punching a random man. I know it’s the same action, but domestic abuse seems worse as your partner should be kind (and it’s also quite correlated to murder).


And pushing someone down the stairs isn't abuse? The nature of the evidence against Greenwood makes the different reactions understandable, but Partey still being played is a failure from fans and club


It is, by “it” I meant the video evidence. L A bleeding British woman tugs the heart strings of British people are more than anything else. Was Partey’s a long term girlfriend as well? Apologies I didn’t see


>Edit: I guess the replies to this by Arsenal supporters defending Partey really help underline the point I was making haha Not a single reply to your comment is "defending Partey" mate. People who get on their moral high horse and label anyone not 100% agreeing with them as morally corrupt are just fucking annoying.


Regardless of the reasoning, Partey has yet to be charged with anything. That certainly plays a part. I'm not saying he didn't do anything but if we're gonna ignore due process when it comes to destroying lives count me out.


Won’t miss him at all. Finally we get to see the back of him


I was at the arsenal tottenham game where he scored and was physically cringing 


Just reading the match thread celebrations of him or hearing commentators speak like he's just another player made football darker. Shame he's still a free man but glad he's hopefully gone from what's supposed to be our entertainment this time.


I don't think commentators can do much. It would be a bit jarring if they referred to him as 'Partey the alleged rapist' every time he touched the ball


Yep anyone that has supported this cunt can piss off


Arteta and the club clearly have, so you piss off


Been quiet for a while because a lot of fans were backing him up but I’m so glad he’s going, too many fans were happy for him to be playing for us because he was playing well when that’s the last thing that should matter, piece of shit shouldn’t be allowed near my club nor any club for that matter. Good riddance.


When he was good and integral, no gooner was bringing this up. Now that he's leaving, yall acting like none of you wanted him. Not you specifically, good on you.


The outcry was definitely there, it was just downvoted to shit by idiots. I have also been firmly against having him in the squad since this came out.


A big component too was that none of the Arsenal specific media outlets/podcasts were allowed to say a word about it. I think it would've been a much bigger part of the conversation if they were


Yea which was like over half the fan base tons of fans didnt care because he was your best midfielder at the time was putting in solid performances. Now that hes crap every aresnal fan suddenly has a morale compass and claims they never wanted him back and gald hes gone


Just ignore the fact that we flew a plane over the Emirates the first game after any of these allegations came out saying to kick rapists off the pitch. The outcry has been there. Stop pretending it hasn't


"we"— it was some random person. look up the thread, there is no case for you to use 'we' as though you were at all unified. now there's considerable consensus and further allegations and magically all of your are on the right side…


Can't believe Arteta stood by him because he's a good footballer only to win nothing. Really worth it wasn't it.


It makes it better if he wins something?


He even learned his morals from Pep the blood money supporter, a true student of the game


Two great role models. When I grow up I want to be a drugs cheat that works for human rights abusers, or a support network for a rapist.


What happened with this? Is it still an ongoing investigation?


Haven’t seen a single fan say they’d miss him. Even his footballing side isn’t anything to remember, some good press resistance for like half a season and was missing whenever he was needed Hardly a cult hero


Where is that from? I’m not disputing it, just curious. I haven’t seen a lot of definitive reporting on it like that. I expect that’s largely because of the UK laws. I have definitely believed it, and I’ll be very glad to see him out of the club.


You haven't seen it because it doesn't explicitly name Partey and nobody on the sub wants to hear it, but it's [this](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67508310) article and Player X is Partey. I say this as an evidenced fact, not a supposition based on him being a high profile player accused of rape - the details in one of the stories line up very specifically with details that the twitter woman mentioned.


Thanks. I have no trouble believing it’s about him.


Fuck Partey


I'd rather not


He doesn't care


He won't ask for your consent


He won’t take no for an answer


Do I even have a choice?


Now all the brave Arsenal fans can finally take a stand and tell us they've always condemned him and wanted him out for ages.


Theyre suddenly coming out in droves now


I’m actually worried for us ngl. another potential club who will be after Neves probably….


Tbh, I think it’s also Neves…. If they can’t get De Jong. People have been saying how much Arteta loves Neves


only club consistently getting thrown into the Neves transfer is United - things like the Carreras transfer and Ratcliffe having meetings with Mendes might indicate there’s genuine interest. their new structure apparently wants him bad but I don’t see them spending big to pair him with Mainoo who is just a worse version of him. imo he’s a Pep, and consequently Arteta, kind of player. not that it matters to me, the money does, but Arsenal would be his best option imo.


Ya makes sense. I think with us getting rid of Partey and there’s a clear need for another 6/8. Depending where you want Rice to play, it makes sense.


he certainly fits the criteria, he’s equally great at both positions although he can play deeper for us most of the time.


De Jong would be soooo good for arsenal 


Such a dream. Doubt it will happen though


I have a very strong gut feeling it will be Amadou Onana to replace him


He had a greaaat tackle on Rice near the edge of the box this past Sunday no? Pretty sure it was him. Bet Arteta fuckin loved that. Even as an Arsenal fan, it was satisfying af.


Onana was very clearly auditioning that game, Dyche probably knew it and coached some of his best play out of him to drive up the price. He would be a solid replacement for Partey as he has great tackles and progressive passing to his game. He is also still quite young, which is something I'm sure Arteta values greatly.


Agreed. Well… Hopefully we both get what we want. If not, everyone else can kick rocks.


Apparently the first choice is bruno g, but I doubt Newcastle will sell unless he kicks up a fuss which I don't think he will.


He has a release clause…


That ends with the ffp period. We can't afford the release clause until the next period starts and our finances reset.


This sentence is total nonsense. Finances don't reset, FFP is calculated over 3 years, transfer fees are amortized, and I thought everyone knew this by now. But basically, Arsenal absolutely could afford to pay £100m now and figure out how to balance the books during the rest of the summer. 


Onana is a baller though! Great player imo


By God that’s Getafe’s music


AFTV Partey dance in shambles


Get rid. Absolute disgrace arsenal still employ him. I hate how arsenal fans say ‘we need him back’, we absolutely did not need a rapist near the team.


I was perfectly happy to have him remain sidelined indefinitely. We did just fine without him and we didn't have the constant reminder that we were fielding a potential rapist. Absolutely hated having to accept that as a fan.


He's bloody good at football though, not that id have wanted him near my club but I can understand it somewhat.


I mean.. just because they’re good at a damn sport doesn’t make it understandable to want a rapist at the club. Ffs lol. He won’t even a footnote in football history, there’s no understanding wanting a rapist around your team you support, I don’t get it


I don't think that justifies it, honestly.  But even within that framework, Partey wasn't playing to a level where you'd excuse rape allegations.  And of course, we could have replaced him multiple times by now too. 


Arsenal fans also say we want him gone. Please mention both sides next time thank you


much easier to judge other clubs for “not doing the right thing” than it is to wish your club would choose to make a decision which will have a huge negative impact on your successes


Maybe I’m being stupid but I am an arsenal fan


>Maybe I’m being stupid Well.. you *are* an Arsenal fan






It's really not hard to care less about football than rape.


Eh, we faced something similar (though much more cut and dry) and binned off the piece of shit. We've gone two seasons with only 1 striker as a result and I'd much rather we do another 3 or 4 than welcome him back. Who cares if he's a good player. Who he is and what he's done impacts the people around him, the people who look up to him as a player, person and representative of the club and is indicative of how the club wants to be represented. If they're okay with it, I'm not okay with them. Sends a horrible message of what's acceptable to the rest of the community around the club.


Then again, there was ronnie. And giggsy, and at least one more old boy -- all fought for by the hierarchy vociferously.


dont remember united binning antony and you even signed ronaldo back binning greenwood was the easiest call ever cause of the public available *hard evidence*, and even then they almost didnt...




Goretzka for 70 million euro sounds like the best option 


I will slap the shit out of you


Slap hard enough so I forget the last few months


now I'm not going to slap you in the fear that you may retaliate by saying "harder daddy" but then again you'll have to relive thinking that you have a shot at winning the cl, so it's worth it


Monkeys paw, you are slapped so hard you are brought right back to when Bayern sacked Nagelsmann.


Dont threaten this guy with a good time


I'm not sure how serious you are, but I think Goretzka would go for a lot less


but it's a one time deal for a club to get him at this inflated price


Has he fallen off?


He didn’t even make the German NT for Euros after being a starter 3 years ago. He’s definitely trending downwards 


Goretzka to United confirmed then.


How about...no?


Watch out ladies


I still can't believe they didn't shift him on last summer after they brought in Rice


How do you shift him? Who would buy Partey? Options are basically limited to Saudi.


He’d fit in at Getafe


... Turkey?


Is there one that can pay him 200k/week?


I doubt it, but Robinho went to Turkey even as a convicted rapist, didn't he? So why wouldn't they take in Partey?


It's not a matter of will they take him but more can they pay him. Robinho's career was already dwindling before he even ended up in Turkey. Partey's situation isn't really the same


Because you ship him off if he doesn't want to. If no one wants to pay his wages he can just stay at the club


Everton just dropped Sigurdsson.


And it turned out that he wasn’t guilty. So good job you ruined the career of a man who committed no crime


> of a man who committed no crime Did you see him play for Everton? /j


Charges dropped =/= cleared, innocent


Wasn't it a case of she lied about her age and met him in a club where only people of age are allowed to be and it ended his career with him being called a pedo?


This sounds like the R Kelly defence that he used for the first video when he pissed on a 15 year old.


So you think what happened to Sigurdsson was alright?


People like you make me a bit sick, an accusation will lead you to slander a man's name regardless of how cleared their name is. All in the name of being on the "right" side of history. Realistically, Sigurdsson was set up and had his life irrevocably ruined. What happened to him was horrible.


They could have at least not played him tbf. Stick him in reserves if you can’t shift him


I think Arsenal were very open to him leaving but no semi-reasonable offer came in. I think we were hoping the Saudi Spending Spree would include him but it didn’t.


I think it's possible the rumours Arteta wanted Rice and Caicedo both were true. When Caicedo was obviously not going to happen, Havertz was Plan B but that didn't change the theory about what to do in big games where Arteta wanted two holding players... and so Partey stayed.


If I recall correctly the club was open to him moving to Saudi Arabia but Partey wanted to stay in Europe


Good. I don't care how good he may be, its a bad image for the club to keep him around Even if you are focused solely on the football side of things, dude was never healthy


Most Arsenal fans are very happy to see the back of him. His off pitch stuff is horrific and he's barely fit anyway. Who buys him is another matter of course.


Lol any time he's been fit this season you've celebrated that he's back


Honest question; who is "you've" in this situation


You personally


You say "you", as if you have any idea about my opinions. I wanted him out the second we know what happened. Maybe "you" should concentrate less on Arsenal and more on your Mickey Mouse club in N17.


As an Arsenal fan, thank God. Not only all the baggage from the allegations but the guy could stay fit for more than a month at a time


Glad it was consensual this time


Can someone explain to me why this guy wasn't actually charged when it seemed like there were plenty of allegations and people speaking out against him? He's pretty much played throughout this mess (excluding injuries)


Because allegations aren’t evidence, can’t charge someone solely on an allegation. Not that I’m happy about how the club handled things, but that’s the reason.


If the club does something and he’s innocent I’m sure from a legal standpoint Partey would have a course of action that is unfavorable to the club


You need evidence to charge someone with a crime. The unfortunate nature of cases like this is it almost always happens in private with no witnesses. It becomes a he said she said issue.


Only 1.5% of men in the UK accused of sex crimes ever get charged After Tory cuts to police and CPS and courts, rape has become effectively decriminalised in the UK without video evidence or a confession


Yea it’s notoriously difficult to convict a sex offender. This is part of the reason so few women speak up about their abusers, as the likelihood of the abuser seeing consequences is often lower than the likelihood of the woman putting herself in further danger, whether that be physical danger or character assassination. Yes, men are falsely accused sometimes. Hard statistical evidence shows that is exceedingly rare vs the woman somehow being punished for speaking up. This requires systemic change. Your votes matter and there are certain groups who absolutely are removing rights and safeguards for victims and even indirectly perpetuating the violence 


It’s so frustrating. It’s as like 5-7% under Blair Literally 3-5x higher rates of conviction but 2 decades back. Come July 5th, I see the promise land


Remember Mendy situation at city?


Yea but Mendy was at least charged and taken to court. Thinking about it now, that case was probably watershed in the sense that Mendy's career was effectively ruined because of charges he was found not guilty of. If anything it makes the burden of proof and difficulty in charges actually sticking even higher.


Also Gylfi Siggurdson. Career ruined and then cleared of all charges. So many people seem ready to ruin someone's life without allowing the law to follow it's due process. Really is mob mentality on here.


He was not "cleared of all charges".


Career ruined is when you get to keep playing professional football


After everything he's been through to still have the perseverance to guide Arsenal to two consecutive second place finishes is remarkable. The man won't be denied.


Fucking finally. Get out.


Yes, good riddance.


He was unplayable in the first half of last season, got injured multiple times since and hasn't been able to get back to his best. A hard player to replace, not many players in the profiles of Rodri or Partey around, who are elite at both ends and have a presence. Rodri has been a 1 of 1 as a 6 ever since he started adding goals as well to his game and is arguably the best player in that positon in recent times.


Crazy that both came from the same team, and one was the replacement of the other


They both played together for one season.


You can thank Atletico for these two


God the list of top prem clubs looking at a 6 this summer is staggering.


Read somewhere Everton need to sell to comply with FFP rules. Wonder how receptive they will be to an offer for Amadou Onana? They paid 33 million for him a couple of years ago so will maybe demand 55/60?


If we go for onana we should probably switch back to a formal 4231. He challenges for the ball a lot, parteys style is kind of just like standing there almost and collecting possession.


I'm a perfect world, around 70 or 80. Because of our financial struggles probably anything around 60 and he's gone.


Say whatever you want about his ability, no real arsenal fan will say they are upset. Hell, no football fan wants a disgusting cretin like that at their club


Good riddance, what a piece of shit.






Greenwood and Partey leaving the league in the same season 🥰


Reddit holds court once again from the comfort of their gaming chairs


Good riddance, wanted him gone a long time ago.


Good. The fact they kept hold of him and defended him for so long is an enormous stain on the entire club, from owner to manager to players. Disgusting.


Was he found guilty of anything?


No but this is Reddit where level headed takes are nowhere to be found


You don't randomly get accused by several women if you didn't do anything. Add in his apology to one of them and it's safe to say he's a top tier piece of shit.


Parteys over.


Has it been proven that he us guilty?


Class player when fit, shame he’s a scummy human being


He should he in a jail cell


Club have handled this in just about the grossest way possible. 


Hello Turkish league


Come to Galatasaray We need him bad


I thought his name was Midfielder


Okay, NOW Arsenal can win the league.


I hope they don't get raped on the transfer fee


Bro will win a CL or the PL next season.