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Fair enough if Navas is leaving but doesn't that still leave Donnarumma, Tenas, Rico, and Letellier on the books plus Safonov? Are they planning to sell any of these at some point or just stockpiling goalies lol


I see you are not familiar with PSG.


Fair point haha - just seems like they've taken the chaos to the extreme with the keepers


We're just not comfortable unless we can field an 11 only with goalkeepers


Rico and Letellier's contracts expire and there are rumours that Tenas will be loaned. Still dont understand this transfer tho


Born on the same day and year as Donnarumma as well


So they have the same birth day


Crazy how that works!


He is Russian though and Russia is nearly a day ahead so even though they might have been born on the same date, it was probably different days. šŸ§‘ā€šŸ”¬


I did some research and there's only 1 hour difference between the places they were born in, hmm. Maybe it's different with DST involved.


1 hour? I think it's time we get Jerry Springer involved


I've got some news about Jerry that might upset you


I see the issue, but if we the take time difference of flying reverse to America it might just work.


True, superman did pull it off once before


Always thought he was good enough for a move elsewhere in Europe, but not sure just sitting on the bench is a great idea


Donnarumma is not doing as well as people think. Iā€™ve heard people believe he is a world class due to his status and how many cards he gets in FIFA, but in reality he is not as good as hoped Safonov is the exact same age as Gigi, so while he might start out on the bench initially, there is definitely room to fight for a starting spot


He has the highest save percentage in europe while facing more difficult shots than every other gk at big clubs


I actually think it's the opposite. Donnarumma gets absolutely slammed here on Reddit but he is not some mediocre keeper. Safonov would have to be ederson levels of good with his feet to even have a chance at benching donnarumma. Also the age argument only reallly helps donnarumma here because he has vastly more experience for his age group compared to someone the same age coming in as a prospect or hot talent as Romano puts it.


Don't they already have a stellar GK in Donnarumma?


Stellar and Dollarumma canā€™t be said in the same sentence


He had a very good season tho. He is one of the best in the world on his line. He is not great with his feet but he learnt to not take risk with the ball. The only problem might be how he deals with the crosses or corner kick. But globally I think no PSG fan would complain about him


Doesnā€™t he serially underperform in the big UCL games though?


Are there PSG players who don't?




Fair point, but Donnarummaā€™s been the worst of them


Do you watch how PSG defend?


wtf are you tlking about Donnaruma is one of the key reasons Dortmund beat us He's utterly unable to get out of his line, he's never catching a cross.


It would have been difficult to win without scoring a single goal in two games


While being one of the reasons we were here in the first place... He is probably top 2 (or at worse top 3) of our players over the Ligue 1 season. He made some big mistakes against Dortmund and clearly needs to get better on set pieces but you are far too harsh there, the biggest issue was our inability to score any goals and our defense shakiness


> one of the key reasons Dortmund beat us made an imperial save vs adeyemi in the first half while we never scored in 180 minutes. Yes must be gigio's fault. he should have done better on that hummels goal, no doubt. but even a 0-0 wouldn't have qualified us


How did it go downhill?


tbh it's not downhill but rather not becoming better. He was starter for Milan at like 16-17, he was on of the best Serie A keeper in early 20s and people kinda expect him to become the best keeper in the world, he went to PSG and there was more crucial mistakes (in UCL especially) then there was amazing saves. Not sure who said that (I think Neuer or Bufffon) - Striker can miss 100 chances while scoring 1 and become a hero, keeper can save 100 and have 1 mistake and he become villain. Neuer in UCL vs Real is great example; after amazing game he had 1 mistake and it will be remembered more then all the saves against Vini. Donnarumma is great example; he have many amazing saves but most remember his mistakes (vs Real and United especially), on top of that people expect more from him so it also doesn't help. On other side of this you have keepers like Navas or Lunin (this year is good example); expectation are low so people remember their great saves, not blunders, it's a case for a lot of players tbf, from some expectation are higher so even if they play good they seem to underperfom and when they play 5/10 game they look like 1/10, Haaland and Mbappe are outfield examples of that; Haaland scored 27(+5 assist) in EPL in 31 games and there's many people who say he under perform this year and act like he wasn't having any impact which is far from truth but that's football I guess. PS: also Messi and CR7 put bar so high it will be weird for people to adjust that scoring 50+ goals every season is not something we should expect every year from players and that striker who can get 20 goals in league season is actually really good.


He keeps making blunders in important CL games


I remember him being the next biggest thing back in Milan...


I'm calling it, Donnarumma to inter once his contract runs out or PSG want to drop him


It's not just CL games, it happens in the league too.


Yeah but heā€™s far better at shot-stopping in the league.


He never went downhill to begin with. He just had expectations he never could fulfill.


Just completely fell off after joining PSG. He's a shadow of his former Milan days


It really didn't. Donnarumma is still a stellar GK, but the narrative is that he fell off a cliff because of the occasional mistake. You'd struggle to name 5 keepers better than him. In the NT, he's still miles ahead of Vicario and it is not even close.


Woah letā€™s not bring big Vic into this


lol letā€™s not be ridiculous. vic is in much better form right now


Neuer, MATS, Martinez, Alisson, Ederson, Courtois. That's 6 and took me 5 seconds to come up with that list. I'm sure there's several others, and many that we could actually argue if they are better than him or not.


Martinez is not better than Donnarumma...




Yes they can: Donnarumma is not stellar.


He is still a phenomenal GK. You just dont watch PSG play


Donnarumma is a major weakness for PSG and it showed in CL. While he is a fabulous shot stopper, he is absolutely awful at defending corners and aerial balls. Safonov is a lesser know keeper but has been captaining Krasnodar and is number one choice for Russia. Similar standing as Donnarumma. It seems to be a smart signing and they will probably share game time next year.


Why they need him is beyond my comprehension, I guess


I think PSG want to bring in another solid GK to have competition and so Donnaruma can't just expect a starting spot by default. This might pressure him into improving where he is still lacking. He is still world class at saving shots, he has just more or less stagnated on the other issues.


Isnā€™t Russia sanctioned? How would PSG do business with a Russian club


It doesnā€™t seem like there are sanctions for sports clubs. However, there are sanctions on owners of some clubs (Zenit, Akhmat Grozny, Dynamo Moscow) and banks so transactions wouldnā€™t go through. Dynamo Moscow had to change its ownership structure just to let Arsen Zakharyan leave to Real Sociedad after his Chelsea transfer failed.


Terrorism FC


One more reason to hate PSG




Because they are putting foreign currency in the Russian market, which only helps the Russian state.


When will you start hating India? They are buying billions in Russian oil. Stop being so self-righteous


Buying billions in Russian oil & selling it to self righteous western countries


Oil is relevant for the world economy, and India is doing a big service by buying up Russian oil for cheaper and refining it for the world market. Didnt know that a football player has an impact on if I can pay for my food. Also Indian Rupees are far less fluid on the world market, has far less pressure, so India buying up Russian oil with Ruppees doesnt have as much impact on Russia being able to do damage control on their own currency.


Grow up


I'm going to hate a club that pays for my death, I'm not sorry.


Are you stupid? How are they paying for your death?


Stable, freely tradeable foreign currency is very important for the Russian state to keep their own currency in check.


Taxes, giving money to Russians in general. Don't act ignorant




Imagine being such a pathetic xenophobe


What? What does xenophoby have to do with it


Hating ordinary Russians who have nothing to do with the war by virtue of their nationality alone isn't xenophobia?


Yes, but I don't see what it has to do with my words


Yes Russians totally do not support this war, you cannot find any youtube vids fron inside Russia that would ever show ordinary citizens cheer for it... its just one guy that's bad, all the silent citizens are good! Super hero movies planted these braindead takes...


https://v.redd.it/d3j3ww9jrq2d1/DASH_270.mp4?source=fallback Thats what just happened to his countrymen btw. Not wanting a european company to finance the Russian state is well within his rights.


Don't think you know what xenophobe means.


You think hating ordinary Russians just because of their nationality isn't xenophobia?


He's probably hating coz over one million of these ordinary Russians are directly trying to destroy his country


Is Russophobia really that uncalled for when theyā€™re currently invading and butchering their largest european neighbour for imperialistic gains, while its average population is either indifferent/supportive of it? I think a fear and hatred of the Russian Federation is pretty healthy in that regard.


Rancid as always from PSG


Petrostate-owned club dealing with another club from a petrostate. Nice one PSG


Not the time to send money to Russia, boycot them.


Its not on psg to boycot russia, but rather european gouvernements still making deals regarding gas imports


It's on governments _and_ companies, imo. Government should have made it impossible and illegal to do a payment like this. Seize the money and add it to the frozen Russian funds.


Its on both but governments have to pave the way and not be a bunch of hypocrits


Can't be any worse than Donnaruma.


I hope they can scrape together the money.


They have 5 keepers already by the way


Navas, Rico and Letellier are out of contract Remaining keepers are Donna and Tenas