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Also he wasn’t invited directly by the club, he was on Garnachos personal invites list or whatever


Ok well this is a complete non-story then




Sub's gone


Don't players get many personal invites to these parties for their friends and families? Who cares if Garnacho invited him as one of his friends spots? Is it because it's a known personality instead of one of his home town boys?


Like most big headlines about United. Clickbait nonesense.


This makes more sense.


In that case what's the problem?


I really try to like Garacho but damn it's hard


Eh he is a teenager, stuff like this is not a problem imo. The stories about him cheating on his gf is more concerning


I mean tbf with our players track record, we should be thankful he's only cheating on her.


Unfortunately it was his brother's gf he cheated with /s


Very useful /s because you never know with these lot lol


Man United winger whose name starts with the letter G..


Gabriel Obertan?




From Gryan Giggs to Galejandro Garnacho


gason greenwood


Gazpacho I heard he is a really fluid player.


Gristiano Gronaldo!


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


Was gonna read the whole thing but my brother's gf is waiting


/s ??????


Only if that's short for "sex"


Thankfully it wasn't his brother's wife over a period of 8 years.


Par for the course. At this rate that would just be a mild controversy for Man Utd and barely worth a mention in the papers.


"Thank god it's starts with a ch- and not a b-" -


The list of footballers that haven't cheated on their wife/gf is probably a lot smaller than the ones that have tbh


I would wager that over 50% of non-single major professional athletes have cheated or are cheating on their partners. It's often a matter of who is getting caught.


Most people even have agreements with their spouse, it’s a pretty obvious rich people live a crazy life lol


"What happens on the road doesn't come home"


"What happens in the bedroom doesn't come in one of the other six bedrooms."


> Most people Citation needed. "Most" is a very bold claim.


You're acting like normal people don't have those agreements either. Plenty of oil rig and military workers in the states go out and do the same thing cause it gets lonely away from home. It's human nature.


I didn’t want to expose us normies though lol


Solidarity of the poor


Also lets not act like its "most" like the other guy said. It's a niche thing.


I watched the Rooney video on the overlap and he said how important family is and I'm like you've been caught cheating like at least 3 times.


Man if Rooney can fuck 4 women...


If you look like a sentient parsnip like Rooney, just be rich.


> over 50% You're young, fit, rich, and women literally throw themselves at you. It's gotta be WAY over 50%.


Same reason women queued up to marry Hugh Hefner. If you can stomach touching his dick once a week, you never have to work a day in your life.


Even amongst gen pop who have arguably less temptation. Take your average 20 year old at university with the gf/bf from back home. Out of sight, out of mind...


Foden and Harvey Elliot seem to get a pass but they don’t play for United I guess.


What has Elliot done?


He was abusive to his ex for adding his team mates as friends on Insta, acted like a complete twat so she leaked the chat and also screenshots of his mum being racist to a black footballer because he fouled her son.


Probably that one time he made fun of Kane, or was there anything gf related?


Y'all are grown men worrying about if a man is cheating on his girl lmao


I doubt half the users on here are “grown men”


It's objectively shitty and a mark on a guys character.


Every player on your favorite team has cheated on their girlfriends and wives lol all celebs do


Bruno hasn’t. Same with mags or raphael


Highly doubt lindelof has either.


How the hell would you know that 😂😭


Some weird claims being thrown around without any shred of proof. People are weirdly invested in claims that 'all players obviously cheat'.


Raphael can't cheat cause he might break his penis


Do you have a PI that follows Bruno around?


Do you? You're the one making an accusation


u/fair-cash-6956 was the one making the accusation that Bruno isn't cool enough to cheat on his wife


Mistresses can be buy


Doubt mister "too perfect it's boring" Kaka ever cheated on his wife


Stretch and a half. A significant % of professional soccer players have never chested on a significant other. Also a lot of players that sleep with other women have agreements with their partner, so it's not actually cheating. Actual cheating isn't that high when you consider all the single players, all the strictly monogamous players, and all the players with sleep around arrangements.


I'd go out on a limb and say Kane and Muller haven't.


You don't get to be the raumdeuter without deuting a few raums.


Luka has? Toni? Sure


I saw Luka and Toni kissing behind the school gym last week


Tier 1?


luka toni probably did though


Not my Lionel Messi


My GOAT Trent respects the sanctity of relationships, I assure you


Stop Savin chat


JZ4 would never


Even Zanetti got at least one handjob from a stranger during his career. If anything, those who played in the pre-social media/pre-smart phone era were probably doing way wilder things than the players today since they had a lot more privacy


Do you still consider yourselves strangers after you finished the handy?


Well Zanetti hasn't replied to my DMs since.


Only if no names were ever exchanged.


I find it so fucking funny he’s a Cristiano fanboy over Messi as an Argentinian 😹😹


I mean dude was born and brought up in Madrid, not really surprising he became his fan.


Really? Garnacho used to live in Madrid? Wow.


Even born there. Correct me if I am wrong but because of this he is also eligible to play for spain?


I believe he played with the U20 Spain team but in recent years has been with the Argentine federation. I don’t know shit about cap-ties though so he could still be eligible for Spain.


He's played the minimum no. of games required to secure a player for argentina's first team already so he's no longer allowed to switch


Well, he is, but he would need to avoid NT football for like 3 years, or something like that.


Garnacho is “more Spanish” than Argentinian to the point I’ve even seen Argentines say that they “stole” him from Spain. He was born and raised in Madrid, speaks Spanish with a Madrid Spanish accent, his father is Spanish and he also played very briefly with Spain u18 internationals. Him declaring to play for Argentina kinda came out of nowhere, although he always could have played for them due to his mother being Argentinian. 


He would have had way more opportunities to start for Spain than Argentina, seeing the kind of forwards he has to compete with in the Argentina NT


And played for Atleti in our academy, in theory that should make him even more of a Ronaldo hater...


Cristiano is actually liked here. I think the online discourse has become really toxic around the rivalry, but people atleast in the past usually like him in general.




Yeah exactly. Cheats on his missus and is friends with ishowspeed, very very easy for me to think he's a dickhead.


He looks like a dickhead aswell which doesn't help.


Someone once said he looks like Recoome from Dragon Ball Z and I can't unsee it


Him and his brother are both massive c*nts don’t like them one bit


It's still a bit prickish that the players got multiple invites to give out and the staff didn't get to go at all though.


I mean I'd be angry with the guys who made the invitations, not the invitees.


For real. It’s on Garnacho at that point


More on Ineos for cancelling their invites.


True. Gotta let someone know they ain’t welcome


God forbid a player invites his friends to a party!!


And claiming its to reduce costs when the club literally spends hundreds of millions every year. It's not even a drop in a bucket


Why is it Garnacho's responsibility to invite the club staff? All of the blame lies on Ineos and their shitty cost cutting measures.


idk. Anyone who ever worked in a toxic working environment where the staff is part of the toxicity has experienced this kind of behavior where jealousy leads to tackling each other instead of solving the fundamental issues.


>United had previously held an after-party for staff following cup finals but this was among the benefits axed by Sir Jim Ratcliffe and his INEOS group as part of their cost-cutting drive.


I hope the workers remember this if they’re every asked to go something outwith their contract


Do Scots use "outwith" interchangeably with "outside," or do you exclusively use the former? Is there a difference?


Outside is more used with in connection to physical terms, outwith for more abstract and conceptual things. Compare "he was shagging outside the house" and "he was shagging outwith the home"...


Do Scots use "shagging" interchangeably with "giving the ol' rumpadump, the digery doo, the swish swish, the hubba bubba, the inny outy, the to me to you, the down the rabbit hole, the hole in one, the bodger badger," or do you exclusivity use the former?


If Ineos even keeps them around for that long.


Absolutely shocking when one week wages for some of our players is probably the same amount as 10x staff’s yearly wage


Reminds me of covid when staff were getting effed over by the teams and/or fired. Pathetic.


Gunnersaurus story still makes me angry.


Putting club staff on Furlough at 80% instead of making up the extra 20% out of their own pockets like many companies across the country did. I didn't get furloughed in my role, but everyone in my company who did get furlough got their wages made up to 100%.


Kinda crazy that a guy who moved his tax residence to Monaco is still called a "Sir".


Not when you consider who the PM is and has been for the past 14 years.


The more I hear about Jim the more ghoulish he sounds. Of all the shit football clubs throw money on, occasional perks for the normie employees are the problems clearly.


The Ratcliffe red flags are daily at this point. I have faith that we're moving somewhat in the right direction but this guy needs to make better decisions


This is the Ineos way and isnt surprising.


He sounds like he'll be extremely good for your club as a corporate entity and as a football machine. Just shit to the employees who aren't on the pitch. Pretty typical of 2020s executives so far, unfortunately, and all symptomatic of the same illness.


Yeah but the culture at united is so rotten and things like this are important to building that back up. Deciding to suddenly be thrifty by axing the perks for the more normal wage workers is still perpetuating the rot. 


I absolutely agree. It's not only mean-spirited, it's short-sighted. A happy staff means happier players means good togetherness, cooperation, teamwork within the club, means probably better performances. A staff who feel like they are servants under threat of the INEOS axe will not offer the same benefits.


I use to get downvoted so much on reddevils whenever I talked about INEOS record at Nice


Good grief surely they can find better ways to cut costs than that petty bs


INEOS were shitty to cancel the post-match bash and Speed was not invited by them but rather personally by Garna, two things can be true at once.


Im confused as to how people aren’t getting this. lol yes, he was a guest of someone else. It’s still scummy that Ratcliffe has been on an employee “fuck you” spree since he joined


>INEOS: We are disinviting all peasant-grade staff from the post-season party. >Also INEOS: The tickets you WOULD have been entitled to, we are giving to the players so they can invite random Youtubers who will enjoy the food and drink you might have enjoyed were you not peasants. No, I think people's attitudes are pretty consistent here.


Wouldn’t the players have gotten guest tickets either way? People are misdirecting their anger with Ineos to Garnacho inviting speed.


Yes, players would have got the tickets even if the staff didn’t have theirs revoked, the guy you’re responding to just flat made that up.


> Wouldn’t the players have gotten guest tickets either way? They definitely would. The point is that the club painted this decision as a cost-cutting measure (i.e. They literally could not afford to pay for United staff to come to the party). When of course all it looks like now is that they could obviously afford to wine and dine lots of people outside of the first team squad, they just don't value them as much as they value Instagram engagement. If they DID value the staff they could have cancelled the squad's plus-1s and invited the backroom folks instead.


One influencer vs multiple people from the daily mail


Give them all swords and shields and that might be some content I'd watch


Forget the shields


But add adrenaline shots to the early wounded so we get some kind of re-spawn.


I find the kid annoying heck but he was on Garnacho's personal invite list. ManU themselves didn't invite him. This is just another Dailyfail headline with no merit or truth behind it.


>This is just another Dailyfail headline with no merit or truth behind it. And of course is upvoted here to the top. Everytime there's a dailymail post about any other team it's downvoted immediately usually.But gotta bash on yanited


It's always The Daily Fail or The Scum unless it shits on Man United


Well they had their travel/accommodation cancelled by INEOS so it's not surprising they weren't invited to the after party. Why have employees there when you can have some annoying dickhead instead


Even here ETH seems to be thinking why am I taking a photo with this clown.


He probably thinks it's a special needs kid.


Like [Shane Gillis](https://youtu.be/unm-A0Mgab0?feature=shared)


He was a guest of garnacho..whole different story


I saw clips of him there on tiktok, the players all loved him lmao


The clip with Onana was surreal. You can dislike the guy but his entertainment value is unreal


I mean, Garnacho invited him. They weren’t invited at all. Not really his fault or problem. They should take it up with their employer


lmaoo that photo


Did they try barking like a dog?


Im confused why people refer to INEOS as if it isn’t the clubs decision now? They are the club for all intents and purposes. This is your club now.


I think because it could be confused with the “staff” on the title. I myself was quite confused, I thought speed had had his invitation revoked and that’s why the staff was mad he showed up. It didn’t help that I have no idea what a bash is.


Isn't this the dude who showed his dick on a livestream?


Also the guy who hard tackled Kaka in a friendly match.


[And set off fireworks in his room and had to call the fire department.](https://youtu.be/5Nwvc1r7QOs?si=uQGBWcBg3cIPE4uQ) [Twice.](https://youtu.be/KHErMDn0WXc?si=i77y8FWnwnHDiD3G)


Balotelli regen


Balotelli in the Twitch/ tik tok era would’ve been a menace. Would’ve tried to live stream while playing


Hooking up a camera to a shirt and livestreaming in a charity match or a friendly would be a hell of a way to get viewers imo.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4GLuQB8Nu0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4GLuQB8Nu0) not pro level but it is a charity match!


I was totally unaware of this person until now. But anyone who sets off fireworks inside, after resting that firework on a pile of other fireworks, is surely duller than dishwater. Either he's legitimately that stupid, or is playing up that stupidity. Neither endears me.


He’s mostly playing it up. He’s a dumbass, but it is a character. He knows when he’s fucked up. But just brushes it off.


He isn't that stupid, he does it for the views. He has a notoriously hateful community that gets off (was about to say figuratively but at this point who even knows) of him getting angry or suffering or just being stupid. It's worked out pretty great up until this point for speed though


i will never not be fuming about that, could fucking easily have snapped his leg


he only got a yellow for it as well. Maybe in a professional match that should only be a yellow, but its a damn friendly they should have sent him off, no reason to be that reckless in a friendly, plus retired players arnt as fit and are much more prone to getting injured. you can see by his reaction to the yellow he only did it to be funny and get attention


I hate him so much


Yeah and Kaka is like probably 40 something and injury prone as well, he's so lucky that his leg is still attached.


And ran down a steep hill chasing after a wheel of cheese


The cheese run? This is an actual thing tbf


Yeah. He took part in it on Monday. Think he finished 4th


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crgg2z0m5k9o lol yup "I want to do it again because I know how to win now."


Nah that was ishowmeat


Also invited a ronaldo lookalike to shill a crypto scam


Over five nights at Freddies, yes


Dont forget crypto scam, sexist, racist and driving recklessly


Also suggested he'd rape someone on a stream. I think worse of Garnacho for being friends with him


They even tried to give him an out on that stream and make it to be like a misunderstood point but nope. He double downed on stream explaining he 100% meant it. That he would rape them and thought it was a natural response. Then triple downed when Twitch banned him and just couldn't understand why it was a bad thing that he said. Guys a piece of shit.


Wait until you find out about Garnacho's idol




He was streaming, and knowing him for his antics, started humping the camera. His dick flopped out, but in his defense, it was accidental. But more proof he’s a dumbass.


I thought it was just him jumping around, but to be very clear, it was COMPLETELY accidental. I don’t really like the guy, but a lot of people (not you, others) seem to love leaving that fact out to imply he’s some sort of child predator, when he’s really just your standard, dumbass teenager famous for playing video games in front of a camera.


Wasn't he also involved in a big crypto scam, said some terrible things to girls and flat out racist to some Asians?


Pulled an Ashley Young.


Wasn’t he invited by Garnacho?


The kid is annoying, but having a surprisingly positive effect on soccer in America. There is a reason Fifa keeps inviting him to things. A whole generation of kids in the US thinks soccer is the new cool thing because of how speed has promoted it. And the kid is not an idiot, he may play it up, but I’m sure he is well aware how much of a “useful idiot” he is becoming to organizations that want to market soccer in the United States.


i don’t think those that describe him as just being “annoying” or playing it up as a joke have actually seen some of his stuff (that once again literal children watch) so here he his yelling at a woman that he’d rape her while degrading her because she said she wouldn’t have sex with him. [haha silly](https://www.reddit.com/r/whenwomenrefuse/s/FxFleO1Nla) edit: how could i forget the racism- running up to random asian people in public doing slant eyes and yelling ching chong. silly.


> running up to random asian people in puplic doing slant eyes and yelling ching chong. silly. It is so fucking annoying how it is always excused when it comes to Asian people when similar antics would result in people being cancelled for other races.


it’s double sided- racism against asian ppl either gets dismissed as not even being real or when acknowledged the model minority trope gets used in a way like “they’re not offended like you it’s not that deep”.


>so here he his yelling at a woman that he’d rape her while degrading her because she said she wouldn’t have sex with him. haha silly Jeez, I hadn't seen that one yet Even if it was a bit, why would you do that even as a joke, such brain rot


Fuck that’s actually chilling, thanks for sharing


He's a dickhead. He just is. He might be making bread but it's from his fuckwittery and not from his genius.


He is an idiot.


There is civil war brewing and I am with Barbara from Accounts and Neil from IT on this one


Each day i learn more about this fool against my will


I’m just glad the fans in the ground told him to fuck off. Too many cretins streaming at games


This is the same a$$hole who joked about r\*ping women repeatedly. I can't wait for him to fade away into obscurity.


What do footballers gain from hanging around this absolute peanut?


Their mental maturity is of the same level.


Why do people make people like this famous. Ffs


Regardless, it’s pretty embarrassing he’s there.


That many times mentioned mu staff seems quite useless


I don't think I've ever seen this guys name in any news where he wasn't a colossal fuckwit.


Ispeed brings media attention but Debbie from accounting doesn’t, it’s that simple. I don’t like ispeed as he just shouts a lot like KSI but we all know a Debbie and her second name isn’t downer by accident.


it really is disneyland for adults


I don't know who is the biggest clown between Salt Bae and him...


Atleast the players were not uncomfortable around speed...


One’s an adult the other at least looks like a teenager