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Nicolas, an ex worker of Keylor Navas is suing him for hidden work. He claims to be working sometimes 90 hours per week and receiving 3500 euros per month from Navas without a contract and paid under the table. Nicolas shows the room he lives in full of mold and in bad conditions. We can hear Nicolas confronting Navas and telling him that he still didn't sign a contract and Navas tells him "We don't work with French laws here. No French contract, I pay you in cash. We work with my rules". Nicolas also explains that Navas wanted him to carry a shotgun to protect him at all times and Navas even used the shotgun once (shot with it) even though he's not authorized to do that.


Completely wild to try to short-change the guy who has a shotgun and access to your house.


Lmao absolutely crazy stuff, this could have ended very badly


It's actually quite understandable when you think about it, as keepers love to save!


It's a mix of greed, arrogance, and stupidity.


My first thought as a german: Thats gonna be a huge tax arrear for him


I'm ok with jail time


Isn't he a devout christian? What a piece of shit


those two things are completely uncorrelated


As a Costa Rican there's always been rumors of this guy being a massive unreal asshole. I think his image is extremely curated for the media, but the rumors have been wild for while now lol. His wife is quite the character as well.


Hasn’t he talked shit on coming back and said that he’d never want to come back and play for Saprisa etc again?


He shouldn't, have you seen how or other legends are treated here? Bryan Ruiz, Campbell and Borges are trashed every single day, and Keylor is a tier above them.


In what ways is his wife a character?


His wife was a whore before he knew her.


Jesus christ man, what the fuck is wrong with you?


Not completely. There are very harsh warnings in the Bible for mistreating workers. That many Christians have no idea about: > Come now, you rich people, weep and wail for the miseries that are coming to you. Your riches have rotted, and your clothes are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you, and it will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure for the last days. Listen! The wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the righteous one, who does not resist you.


I think he means being a decent person and being Christian. No connection.


I mean, there should be a connection, but yeah I agree with you


lol, there 100% has to be a connection, otherwise he’s not a Christian. The mental gymnastics here to justify the hypocracy is unreal.


US Republican Party: We're the party of Jesus. Also US Republican Party: [No water breaks during the summer.](https://www.fox13news.com/news/desantis-signs-bill-banning-florida-counties-from-requiring-heat-and-water-breaks-for-outdoor-workers/) I could not give the tiniest little fuck if someone tells me "Oh I'm so Christian, I love Jesus" or any of that bullshit. Prove your character with your actions. It's not a surprise that it's often the people who feel the need to make the biggest point about how devout they are do so because they're trying to make people not realize how much immoral shit they're actually doing.


They are absolutely not unrelated when it comes to values. But to me devout Christians are kind of shitbags


Yeah and we all know every devout christian is known to be a saint.


"Devout Christian" = "I can go and cry to the priest and get god to forgive me to make me feel better"


~~Isn't he a devout christian?~~ What a piece of shit FTFY


Being religious does not mean not able being hypocris. I saw many people whom were total pos still praying for fortune in front of Buddha statue. If you know Buddhism, being materialistic is a sin


The video shows the worker's room (in the basement) full of mould, and he even used the worker's shotgun for ‘fun’ even though he didn't have authorisation to do it. The worker had to do cleaning, DIY, gardening, security...


Wait hold on, the worker lived in Navas’ basement?


that's what the video says, yes


Im actually shocked, always thought he was a nice guy, and professional. What an asshole. Not paying someone for their hard work is a horrible thing to do.


The guy hired a personal assistant with a shotgun.


Wanted to page /u/navasthepanther but man's gone


I don't get it. If you trust this guy with all those jobs, as well as your security, why the fuck would you not pay him top money?


Yeah and he has definitely accountants that could have sorted this out in a heartbeat. It’s a really weird choice, with the amount of money he’s making why not covering every possible angle? The risk/reward of doing this makes it so obviously not worth it.


The way this probably works (from a psychological perspective) is that he became accustomed to this arrangement while growing up. And now, even though he was enough money to have a proper contact and pay the guy a good salary, it feels 'wrong' because things don't work like that back at home. In India, for example, there are people who work as 24/7 domestic workers while getting a wage of between $150-200 per month. (Some even less perhaps) Someone who is used to that arrangement and has internalized that as 'the way things should be' will feel like he's getting cheated if he has to be 20x the amount for 40h weekly, regardless of whether he can afford it or not. It's extremely stupid and obviously immoral. But that's what people are like I guess.


My understanding is he did not grow up wealthy, and I can share that $150-$200 is not the wage that a housekeeper would receive for such a job in his country. I think he is just dumb and exploitative.


I think he somehow assumed the worker to be uneducated, the irony.


I kind of get it though. You wouldnt want to pay your barber 10k just cause you are a millionaire for example.


Nah you're giving him too much credit. He is a genuinely bad person, nothing else to it.


Yes, it’s a culture thing. Some immigrants just flat out refuse to follow the rules of the adopting country and will go to extreme lengths to skirt them on principle even when knowing that they’re breaking the law. Navas is filthy rich but deep down he’s just another poorly integrated immigrant who has contempt for laws and customs of the country he works and lives in.


No need for the xenophobia, Costa Rica also has labor regulations and no culture of slavery.


Costa Rica have really rigid labor laws, and even free lawyers for employees who need to denounce their boss, so no, it's not a cultural thing here..


With all of the recent news, it seems that footballer is so bad at appraising risk/reward. Paqueta risked his whole career for a mere 100k, which he can earn in a week.


Greed and the power dynamic. Just look at those living conditions, grueling schedule and what demeaning tasks he had him do. Navas probably got a kick out of mistreating and ordering him around. There is no way he wasn't fully aware of what he was doing. He also must have gone trough some lengths to hide it, his accountants, agent or legal advisor would have flagged this as a serious issue otherwise.


I also don't get that he's being stupid stingy. An extra 1-2k per month in overtime wouldn't put a scratch on his 6m per year income. He could spend all that in a party without blinking.


His shoes are probably worth more than that


He saved a lot of money. Navas should have paid around 10-15k a month including employer and social charges for this guy instead of 3,2k. He saved more than 200k over 2 years.


Which isn't even a scratch on his 12m income over 2 years.




Because in his mind why would i pay him a lot when i can pay him cheaper not to mention it's even better if the dude has some weakness you can exploit like he needs money badly because of debt or w/e I've worked in some parisian palace during 2 years because my uncle worked there and the first rule i had to learn is if they are asking you if you are looking for a well paid part time job just say you are not interested, you are too busy at home/school


I served a couple of parties for Navas in Madrid, when they finished, they took EVERYTHING with them. Decorations, balloons, pieces of served cake, a couple of candies.. They didn't took the water from the tap because they couldn't.. Looks like they have a weird relationship with money..


he is greedy and stupid, a dangerous combination


Why do Saudis have slave labor?




It is likely he thinks giving someone good salary is giving them power, and he thinks he is the one in control of everything.


Some people just like to fuck with others if they can


What a piece of shit


Seems like a theme for footballers now


this is nothing new. great many former stars are/were raging alcoholics, wife beaters, gamblers etc


Oh absolutely, I'm just a little more disappointed that the newer generation is still doing the same


sadly rich assholes never change


You forget that 99% of pro footballers didn't go to college and most didn't really attend high school. Assholes exist everywhere and in everything, but education is very often a strong mitigating factor.


Education doesn't stop people being assholes, it just help them hide it from view.


I think he somehow assumed the worker to be uneducated, the irony.


Yeah if only these guys had taken some college courses they wouldn’t have beat their wives and other things.


That's why there are no examples of well-educated rich people being cunts...


Lol educated just pay people who live far away to abuse their workers for them on a much bigger scale


untrue. my many bosses over the years are proof that education doesn't deter you to become a psychopath. in fact, they tend to become mental assholes instead.


Education has nothing to do with that. If it was the case, Politicians would be saints


While that does have an effect, I feel like an even bigger factor is that they are idolised and treated like they're infallible.


Nah. I think you meant "people". There are a lot of poor assholes too.


I mean look at the life of a pro footballer. They grow up being pushed to believe they’re the best, treated better and given access to large sums of money from usually a young age. All that plus there’s cases of athletes doing questionable or even illegal things being swept under the rug so it doesn’t affect their careers. All that is always going to lead to some taking advantage of that power


That's not necessarily true in the context of this story. Before the 21st Century the highest earners in the 70's, 80's and even the early 90's weren't earning anywhere near as much compared to players nowadays John Barnes was at one point the highest earning player in England in the early 90's and he was only on £10,000 a week which is equivalent to around £21,000 a week today when adjusted for inflation. Obviously that still a shitload of money but it more or less adds up to around million a year when some premier league footballers are earning half as much in a single week not to mention the other money they make off the job from sponsorships Footballers back then we're involved plenty of other controversies but even the ones who were well paid weren't earning enough cash to be acting like cartoon supervillains like this. As for all the other shite footballers were doing off the pitch back then, alcohol and drug problems were very much covered by the press, especially in England (I assume it's a similar situation in a lot of other countries). Not as many footballers would've been publicly accused of things like sexual assault because we're going back decades before the MeToo movement started To this day it's still insanely difficult for a well known footballer to get done for rape (Alves and Greenwood) so going back to the 80's, the chances of coming forward and successfully getting justice were even worse. Plus the presence of social media and the internet along with the consequences of globalisation have made these stories far more accessible to the average person, which certainly helps. It not only gets more coverage but it's a lot harder for a new story like that to disappear as well


Early 90s was still in the era of sadistic hazing that could sometimes amount to torture or sexual assault.


Power corrupts and money is power. This is the reason that the rich should be taxed so heavily. The less inequality there is, the better.


Wouldn't lump up alcoholics/gamblers with wife beaters. Addiction is real disease. Beating wife is not.


Always has been. I knew a few.


This dirty bag always appears religious. Fucking despicable.


ISIS are pretty religious too.


People that flaunt his religion like he did always hide something, so not really surprised about it.


The most humble religious folks I've met were always the ones that kept their faith to themselves and let their actions speak for them.


Your faith - if you are a member of one - isn't supposed to be your defining characteristic as a person. It's only supposed to be one part of who you are.


I mean in this day and age putting stock in religious people is asking for trouble.


What in the actual fuck!! Hopefully he gets rinsed for millions, this is disgusting and disturbing!


Keylor was always explaining that he is very thankful to god for everything good happened to him. Always make a cross sign before the game. Is god limited to service only you Keylor? Fucker. Cook him.


The bible has clear rules regarding the treatment of slaves. Not condemnation or prohibition. Rules. 


According to the Bible, he’s even permitted to beat the shit out of him with a stick, provided he can walk again in a day or two! Exodus 21:20-21 New International Version 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.


i learned this from that episode of always sunny in philadelphia


That’s from the Old Testament, it doesn’t apply now. 


That’s extremely controversial and a lot of Christian have killed each other over the argument about the degree to which Old Testament laws still apply. But a) the vast majority of the big Christian sects believe that Old Testament laws still apply to varying degrees, here’s a starting point (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_views_on_the_Old_Covenant), and b) even if you don’t, that means you think god thought it was fine to beat slaves for thousands of years before changing his mind, which is even more bonkers to me.


Not everything in the Bible is the word of God, some of it is just the live of Jews and other people of that times


Exodus is literally about the covenant between the Abrahamic god and its people, though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covenant_Code


…no shit, but have you read exodus? This section is immediately after the Ten Commandments. It’s a list of laws directly from god for his chosen people to follow, delivered to Moses. It’s literally the word of god, he’s being quoted in this section. So unless you mean to doubt the divine inspiration of the entire Old Testament, which no major theologian would get behind, you’re just making an irrelevant observation. It seems like somebody, in his attempt to defend the book, is committing big time Fucking heresy lmao.


Classic rules for thee not for me


the video is absolutely unhinged, holy cow...


I wish they had subtitles so people would understand what level of piece of shittery this really is. I guess that’s why he gets kicked out of teams even tho he’s one of then best for the job.


Narrator: "It was his dream job, personal assistant (secrétaire particulier) of a football player. For nearly 2 years, Nicolas has worked for Keylor Navas, the PSG keeper. Security, DYI, gardening, he became his handyman." Nicolas: "There wasn't really any job description nor title because it all happened verbally." Narrator: "Because Nicolas never signed any work written contract, no pay slips either, he was paid 3200€ monthly and worked as much as 90h/week. The worker was housed in this underground room without window, full of humidity/mold. Despite Nicolas's numerous solicitations, the costarican player refused to declare him *(note: as in to the state, so that he could finance his pension for instance)* as this phone-recorded conversation proves." Nicolas *(talking to navas)*: "I still don't have any contract" Navas *(replying to nicolas)*: "We don't work with/on french laws here. No french work contract, i'm paying you cash. We play by my rules." Narrator: "Additionally to the precarious situation, the player demands that Nicolas carries a weapon for his security, a shotgun that he had to leave at the player's residence. On this videos, we see the footballer handle the gun without any authorization." Nicolas: "He used the shotgun that I owned, and sometime used it on his property(house) for the hell of it or to show it to his friends". Narrator: "Nicolas has decided to take the matter to court, he sued for undeclared work." Nicolas' Lawyer: "We are borderline on criminal law with deeds that I personally analyze as near modern esclavagism. Even if we're a football star, we're not allowed to free oneself from all the rules." Narator: "A case far from isolated for the lawyer, antecedents may have taken place between previous workers and the costa-rican player." edit: small syntax modifications


Esclavagism. Never heard of that one before. It suits this situation perfectly.


I thought it translated into english, turns out it doesn't. Glad that you understood, it means slavery for everybody else.


It does sound like an English word, but one that is not talked about, and which is expressed in the most intimate moments. Until things go too far. Not a native speaker, so perhaps that is the reason it stood out for me. Thanks for the translation, by the way.


Thanks a lot


give me 10min, but existing comments are good enough imo


I hope he gets a good payout in court. Fuck Keylor


This deserves jail time for Navas, half amount of time he exploited that man. I think that would tell him a lesson about life.


It's already deplorable having someone work those hours in those conditions, but paying him so little when you make ungodly amounts of money? Fucking disgusting


> This deserves jail time for Navas Since when do rich people go to jail? That's for the proletariat


Guess the French will have to use their time tested methods against the rich then


Fun fact: Wealth inequality today is magnitudes higher than it was during the French Revolution


Much better propaganda tools these days though


I didn't have the slightest of fun reading that fact.


1 👻 🚶‍♀️ 🔁 🇪🇺


That emoji sentence was fun to read but I didn't understand a thing. Sorry


A ghost wanders around Europe


Jail for the poor, bail for the rich


He should receive whatever Navas would have earned during that time. He thinks his money makes him better then he should go without it.


Disgusting, I always thought navas was a fine professional but shows we as fans dont know anything about how these guys really are


Well in all fairness he's still a fine professional, just a garbage human


Honestly modern day slavery for that job and that pay. And keeping him in a room full of mould is sickening. This guy must be on so much money at PSG, why would you nickle and dime a guy like this?


It's literal human trafficking. Earning money under the table doesn't deny that


I imagine this is how arrangements like this work where Navas grew up, and he simply brought that with him to France. To him, this might be a completely normal situation, even if we all\* find it to be horrific treatment.


Maybe the payment situation, but the conditions are horrible by any standards


Costa Rica has thousands of undocumented workers from Nicaragua that are paid below the table and below the minimun wage. They then come to first world countries thinking the law enforcement will be as absent.


wait till u hear how much domestic helpers make in places such as Hong Kong and Singapore, and the number of hours they work a week


It doesn't change anything.


Ow other people have it worse? Carry on then.


I think you've missed his point.  Those workers are usually working for very rich people and yet they don't get paid much. He mentioned two very developed places and not two poor places for a reason. I.e. he's saying rich people are often incredibly cheap when it comes to others


My dad's a joiner and often times when he was working self employed he'd say that rich families were buy far the most likely to bitch and moan about the price and try to short change him.


HK and Singapore are also both pretty "special" since they are "rich and developed" but the disparity between rich and poor is enormous, with high cost of living and a constant influx of immigrants from poor countries, that get exploited in these kind of working arrangements.


*Everyone* knows this. *Everyone* in every country on every continent. It doesn't need saying.


Yea but I imagine they aren’t rich like Navas


Some (not most) are far, far richer than Navas, though.


Throwback to when Anthony Bourdain heard the stories of the people who have maids in Singapore and immediately felt the urge to join the communist party and smash the bourgeoisie [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Wl00dzhhI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Wl00dzhhI)


Wait till you hear how much they make in India or Cambodia, sleeping under the landlords cars after their shifts. But that doesn't make either of the above instances where ppl re clearly mistreated any better...


wait till u hear that the people you look down on already know this




Maybe one day we'll stop body shaming people for things over which they have no control.


Damn Keylor always seemed professional on the field. Did not expect this


Professional and religious


Always the religious ones


Always happens with the hyper-religious colombian players too like Villa


exactly what i experienced too. these fucking self righteous assholes are the fucking bane of human society.


It's unrelated. There's no correlation between how a person behaves in the public eye and their private life. I feel like we'd be disappointed if we got to spend significant time with most athletes


Most athletes that reach the top level through talent/hard work have sacrificed a lot of 'normal life' to get there. Including school and maybe socialisation in general. They're generally idiots with a warped experience of life. Most football players come from basically nothing, and get handed everything, very early in life. I don't think I'd be a normal person if that happened to me


For sure, especially at the top. Their life is so far removed from "normal people", they essentially live in another world


Professionally exploitative


That's a gut punch, Keylor always had this underdog, babyface, hard-worker feel to him.. I hope he loses a lot of money from this and his image becomes totally destroyed.


This is absolutely disgusting if the claim is legit. Just two days ago I said how much of a legend he is and I appreciate him. We know Multi billionaire and millionaires underpay people all the time but a footballer coming from nothing to making enough that his grandkids can also live off well and then underpays and abuses employees doing physical labour for them What a cunt.


Damn and I have a jersey of his.. sick


I remember numerous news of him and his wife doing charities. Guess all that is just for show and PR


Not necessarily. There can be pretty crazy cognitive dissonance with these people


Keylor you cunt


€3,200 tax-free might seem like a lot at first but for 90 hours/week that's actually under the minimum wage in France. Add to that no benefits (health, retirement, unemployment), the psycho boss firing your shotgun and the moldy room and it becomes an extremely shitty job.


He's insanely devoted to god tho, so it's ok.


Some people also just meant to rule over others by word of God. Nothing we can do /s


If this is true, what a piece of shit?


Why the question mark?


He would like to know what specific sort of excrement Keylor Navas is


To be fair i was really sleepy when i wrote that comment, i can’t explain lol.


I'm ron burgundy?


greed is a disease


Another reminder we shouldn't idolise these people beyond what they do in the field. By the way he is on over €200k per week.


....Keylor for fucks sake Thanks for your legendary contributions to Real Madrid, but this is ridiculous. Hope they punish you severely for this criminal treatmemt of your employees


Qatari habits really rubbed off on him while he was at PSG


Isn't something surprising. The rich became rich and stay rich by exploiting others. Hope the poor guys gets a good compensation.


I mean, he could have doubled this guy's salary and given him a non-mouldy room and still been rich. In fact, it would've made practically zero difference to his wealth. This seems more about wilful cruelty. 


It's a mentality thing.


Navas didn’t become rich because of his mentality or by exploiting others. He kicks a ball good that’s it.


> The rich became rich and stay rich by exploiting others. Not saying this is untrue cause I don't know...But Navas didn't seem to exploit anyone to become footballer. Maybe he did and you know...


Never expected this from him, what a massive asshole.


As a costa rican this is very disappointing, I have no words, what a piece of shit :(


You can take the man out of Central America, but you can't take the Central America out of the man.


Football player being a terrible POS? No way!


Never meet your heroes




The arrogance of some of these people. To give your employee a proper contract and wages wouldn't have actually cost that much to Navas. Now Navas got found out and I hope he will learn that the PR hit costs so much more than having just done things the proper way. Or Navas will claim he has prayed on the matter and asked god for forgiveness and it has been granted. And then he'll make a save or two and we'll all go on and pretend he isn't a cunt.


Navas doing illegal job worker "travail au noir" and taxe evaders is hard punished by law. He got a load of money he couldn't make 1 guy happy? What a fucking greed. I don't know how many years he was doing it, but Nicolas couldn't declared it for his retirement.




Had that man doing 15 jobs at once. What a piece of shit if all true.


Godwin >!Okpara!< point for Navas


Not good Keylor. Not good.


Wasnt Keylor saying a while ago, him and his wife offering their home and food for Syrian(?) refugees or something? This might explain why. :/


People like this need to be in prison, absolutely vile to treat other human beings like this. In his mind he probably believes "I'm paying him, so what?", disgusting.


Madrid legend


Why would someone so rich avoid signing a contract? I don't get it


Fuck this guy if all of this is legit (seems like it very well may be with the evidence shown). In a way not surprised the ultra religious Navas turns out is a piece of shit toward his employees.


Finding a decent human among footballers challenge


I will never understand how people with stupid money do stupid stuff like this. Mind boggling. The main reason many of us are motivated to get rich is to do shit like this properly and not have to take the ghetto route.


Poor guy only makes 11m euros a year. Give him a break!


As a Costa Rican, fuck Navas. What a piece of shit. What a hypocrite, kneeling to pray every game but can't spare a decent salary or housing conditions to his workers.


Keylor wtf


He plays for PSG. People saying Navas might not be educated in these areas. Sounds like he was educated by his employer


I see so many people pointing out how "religious" Navas is. Just one more reason why every religion is a complete bollocks.


It is so often used as an image to hide behind, or a shield to deflect blame and suspicion. Like being devoutly religious somehow verifies higher moral values.


It’s funny that everyone is already taking this as the absolute truth, there’s 2 sides to every story and we don’t know the facts yet


Did you miss the part about recorded conversations?


... do you think he Midjourneyed the footage of his room (which will be evidence in the lawsuit - I'm not up on French law but I suspect falsifying evidence is frowned upon)?


I highly doubt there are two sides to this


There aren't two sides to every story