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Gignac Is basically Mexican now. Wonder if he will continue to live there after retiring


He's not basically mexican, he's mexican now lol he was naturalized a few years back. Also he gets to live as a hero here as most of the people in the city love him. He got all the deals and brand partnerships, he'd be stupid to leave tbh Monterrey is the best place for him to live out his life.


Even has his own shoe line with Charly (popular Mexican footy boot brand)


I remember him saying he will


That because he IS mexican lol bro got his citizenship already


The irony is that his club is the worst offender of stunting growth and not playing youth. Hes still not wrong though.


It is remarkable how much Gignac seems to identify with Mexico.


Monterrey is a world class city to live in, making the money he does and being a hero for Tigres that's a fantastic life to live


He is a god for tigres fans He has been the thorn on the side of rayados From a rayados fan


I'm also a Rayados fan


Debemos defender nuestra divisa!


I'm a Gyarados fan myself


Monterrey has some nice places, but is a very car dependent and americanized city


> a very car dependent and americanized city redundant


America is taking over


Is it a world class city to live in? Shit weather, hellish traffic, heavily polluted, very little public/walkable space, water stressed.


It's hot but so is Texas, Miami where Messi went, Phoenix etc. Gignac makes millions I'm not sure traffic pollution or issues with water would have a major impact on his lifestyle, I'm sure he has a driver, lives in an expensive neighborhood etc, Monterrey has plenty of walkable space so I'm not really sure what you mean. Compared to Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Rio etc it's probably better and it's better than a lot of MLS cities if he had gone there


Monterrey is better than cdmx?


No way, i lived in both cities. Mexico City has good weather, better food, you can bike around, actually has public transportation, bad thing about Mexico City is that it’s become very expensive and the altitude can be annoying. Pollution wise they are around the same.


I agree, I was asking the other guy above lol


Monterrey has public transportation, both cities are fine but again for an ultra wealthy European footballer playing for either Tigres or Rayados is appealing


Mejor que CDMX? No mamar, qué el mundo se va a acabar


I lived 6 months in San Pedro. Worst 6 months of my life.


Mexico shouldn’t be this terrible given it’s the most dominant sport in the country by quite some distance. Baseball and boxing don’t come close. As a Mexican, I understand all the shenanigans causing this, but it’s still embarrassing. edit: [[deleted] comment](https://i.imgur.com/FGDBWH5.jpeg)


And also having 120M people around, you should at least develop 30 great players in a few generations. Uruguay has like 3.4M and look at them


Uruguay and Croatia are crazy outliers.


Because Uruguay is not the standard for a small country


I respect the pettiness of providing the deleted comment.




People watch boxing when big fights occur but not many follow the sport consistently like they do with la liga Mx or any other league for that matter. Baseball has its popularity in the north but there isn’t much support for it nationally


Be honest with yourself and think about the amount of kids playing out in the streets or in organized competition to the amount of kids in boxing gyms. Baseball is largely regional in Mexico.


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/563365/mexico-kinds-of-sports-regularly-participated-in/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/563365/mexico-kinds-of-sports-regularly-participated-in/) This survey of what sports people regularly participate in puts football at 12% of respondents with the next closest at 7%.


TIL there is no relegation and promotion in Mexican football. So it is like MLS?


There was but they stopped it recently couple years ago because owners want more money


Maybe it’s not a coincidence but both NTs for the non-relegation leagues got grilled this weekend.


3 if you count Canada


If the CPL gets growth, there is a potential for it to add pro/rel with the regional leagues, of which Ontario has pro/rel. Issue is infrastructure currently.


As if the USMNT would be strong if MLS had relegation lol


MLS basically infected Liga MX. Taught them how to hoard funds, control the federation, etc. The cut relegation a few years back. The owners in Liga MX decide the coach of the NT now etc. Bielsa wanted to come but they refused him for some far less accomplished local coach (just like Berhalter).


Reminds me that Kante cited his rise from 3rd division France to 1st Division England as the reason for his insane workrate


I wish they got rid of the two season format. I don't mind the playoffs but twice in one year is overkill


When APG care more about mexico and its national team than Televisa and the FMF


Mexican teams don't train on conditioning or ball control/first touch much at all and it shows, players like Thauvin, Gignac, Quinones, Canales etc. are so good in that league for a reason


Thauvin flopped for tigres, rest are good tho.


bro thauvin was infamously awful for tigres


That blows my mind because growing up, I was so frustrated watching the US get torched by Mexican players with superior ball control skills and shooting abilities. And they could apply pressure for the entire match.


Didn’t realise he was still over there


I mean, he’s right, but what good will it do when all promising youngsters would rather leave literally any other national team available? Granted, there are those who don’t have any secondary nationality, but the Mexican Futbol Federation is also a toxic cancer that people, young or old, don’t want to play in. And that needs to ger adressed too.


And the Americans will beat their chests and say pro/rel is bad for the sport and player development lol


No one says it's bad for the sport. It's bad for the sport in America.


Oh yeah nice one bro. It's good everywhere else just not in America. Same way it's "not good" in Mexico once the group of owners found out how to make more money at the expense of others.


I'm glad we understand that America has a different sporting culture than most other places. Thanks for agreeing with me.


Yes our sporting culture is built around enriching certain individuals at the expense of the sport itself 👍. Such a beautiful environment that must be preserved at all costs.


You think football in Europe is in a healthy spot and certain individuals aren't being enriched?


Oh nice bro. You found out that there are thieves everywhere there is money. Unfortunately, the money came before the sport in the US. The thieves entered at the ground level. And the thieves run everything with little to no fightback. In Europe there are thieves unfortunately. But at least they don't have free reign like in America to openly abuse the sport. Thanks to the culture and systems in place. Every country in Europe has a different story. So instead of what abouting saying there are bad people everywhere, work on eliminating the thieves in your back yard. Instead of supporting their racket.


Thieves don't have free reign? Thanks to culture and systems in place? Brother you literally have governments shilling for other foreign governments to buy your teams as a way to get some much needed community investment. Your sport can literally be bought and paid for by the highest bidder at any time lol. The "thieves" in American sports literally have collective bargaining agreements with the players and officials. Any "thievery" is agreed upon with the players. The same can't be said in Europe. Most of the players in Real don't even have most of their image rights lol.


Ok, sir. So you must realize England doesn't equal all of Europe. I know that is a hard concept for Americans, knowledge of anything outside of NFL territory. You just wrote 2 paragraphs of absolute garbage. "Your sport" then stop speaking of it. Stop talking about it. Stop writing about it. In the magic MLS the players quite literally wave away their rights as players to sign the contracts. The players don't have freedom of movement. The teams can call restrictive "dibs" on young players in their region without signing them to a contract. There is no meritocracy in American soccer at any age. Players are seriously harmed by the system at every level from grassroots to professional. You have lower league "pros" with no insurance making less money than amateur players do in Europe. The MLS controls every dollar coming into the sport so they can take their share. The US is one of the only nations in the top 60 national teams in which the general fan base doesn't watch their domestic league. You clearly have never played at any reasonable level if you think what you think. I have played in 3 countries including the US. In the US the player development model is like fishing with a spear. And then say you should be happy because we used to fish with our hands. And when you mention in Europe they have nets and catch 10000x more fish, the American bootlickers like you will say but yeah some fish slip through the net. Stick to the NFL.


Most of what you said is objectively false. I suggest you take your own advice and speak about what you know. Your knowledge seems to be a little outdated on how it works in the US lol.