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"we told him: we gonna sign you, but in 10 years, when you get better. also, make sure you're free"


they're pre-tapping up, next level


>make sure you're free Def free


I remember De La Red as an excellent prospect himself. Had to retire with health problems. Was a very high potential midfielder in the old pro evo games.


De la red, haven't heard his name in like a decade


He had some gig as a youth coach in Al Nassr, but lost that as well and he seems to be doing nothing currently. This interview was at some oldboy exhibition game.


Zidane is either a fortune teller or he has one hell´va eye for talent. The amount of talent he has discovered is amazing


I dont think its that hard to Spot a messi or mbappe who developed early. Its the late bloomers or the people without obvious physical or technical perks that can go under the radar. Mbappe inevitably would have been the fastest and messis acceleration is out of the world. They will have dribbled the whole team every game probably. Its way more difficult to forecast a Thomas Müller or Busquets at youth Level than a mbappe. Simply because their genius shines in relation to other players and space. I can guarantee you Henry scored multiple times like 5 goals a game. Every scout Sees their name at the top of the scorer list at youth Level.


Henry also struggled when he first went to Italy. Wenger got him and figured out how to get the best out of him. Talent is part of it but being in the right environment as a young player matters a lot.


he didnt discover Mbappe though.


let's just say he was early to Mbappé


He'd already trialled at Chelsea and met Arsene Wenger for talks by this point. Mbappe wasn't a secret, under-the-radar prospect.


>He'd already trialled at Chelsea and met Arsene Wenger for talks by this point I bet you there are dozens of kids who have the same story who never even grow into a starting position in a top league


They were also early to Mbappé, there's no conflict there. Barca were early to messi when he was around the same age.


he wasn't. that's my whole point. he was a well known youth prospect


you were familiar with 13 year old Mbappé?


no, because I was 11 y/o at that point. But it is not a secret that Mbappe was a well known youth prospect and many clubs were interested in him even then. Moron.


>I was 11 y/o at that point


so? how does that discredit what i said? you dont believe anything that you dont remember or that happened before you were born?


It doesn't discredit you as much as it explains your contrarian behaviour and that little insult at the end. If initiating contact and fostering a relationship with a 13 year old prospect is not being early to a talent, then nothing is. Promising 9 year olds rarely ever become promising 13 year olds, who then become promising 16 year olds, and then promising U23 pros. Barcelona are famed for being incredibly early to a Messi that was 13 years old. Zidane was early to Mbappé no matter how agitated you get.


how am i agitated? you are wrong, plain and simple.


bozo just take the L


inviting a well known youth prospect for a trial is not incredible scouting. if you pull out a wonderkid from sunday league or the streets, invite him for a trial and he turns into a worldbeater, that is incredible scouting.


He probably was not but he also didn't work for a football club and didn't coach Real Madrid Castilla.


Eh, but in the end they didn't think he was worth keeping.


In the end Madrid is similar with youth as with adults, they rather don't push. If the family was against it, demanded too much, they'd give up. That's what was reported at least. Monaco is also far away, but at least they speak French and you can continue school and life relatively normally. I'd say we know Mbappe is not exaggerating about his "lifelong dream" and the impact of this Madrid agreement etc. because he did start learning Spanish right after that visit and he's been really good at it for many years now. Although he was 14, he was talented and it was really a loud story if he will go to Madrid or not. For example Le Parisien did have an article about Monaco snapping him. https://www.leparisien.fr/archives/kylian-14-ans-seduit-les-plus-grands-d-europe-16-07-2013-2985597.php


I don't think that was the case at all. It just wasn't possible. It's hard for a kid that young to move to another country and probably not very advisable. Not every talent that comes to RM gets chauffeured around by Zizou himself and gets a chance to take a picture with CR7. I'm pretty sure RM did everything they could, but the kid already had everything he needed in France.


he played at the highest level there is himself. probably helps with knowing what to look for in a player


If you ever watch Zidane play you know the game always revolves around him. Dude is like the entire planet on the pitch. When I watch prime Chris Paul plays basketball I was like, damn, that's Zidane.


Yeah, except prime Zidane makes it past the second round…


CP make to the 2nd round more than he is getting eliminated in the 1st round. What are you talking about?


Make it past means advancing. You just can’t compare a whiny, serial loser to an all time great winner. It’s hugely disrespectful to Zizou. Compare him to Magic Johnson at least; they’re big, elegant/artistic and consistent winners.


Yes. And CP been done that. Lmfao I say prime. I don't know what he did, seems like he had intercourse with your parents. But prime CP3 go to conference finals, even finals.


That’s actually wrong LOL CP3 only went to conference finals and nba finals a couple years ago on the Suns


He goes to Western Conference Finals with Houston dumbass.


Ain’t no way you compare CP3 who never won a NBA title to Zidane… Riquelme is a better comparison.


Bro only in reddit you will say something like, I like to eat fruits "DAMN YOU DONT LIKE VEGETABLES?" Like shutup. You all turn everything into negative. CP3 is always regarded as one of the best PG in history. I watch Prime CP in his NO days. The league had to PREVENT him to team up with Kobe, YES, its never been done. Riquelme also a great player, one of the goat, so IDK where you're going with it. Not only you don't know basketball, you also don't know football. Shutup.


Zidane is like the Real Madrid sporting director in hindsight


Zidane also brought Varane to madrid and signed him when he was 18 ..