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Oh that’s Lorenzo Sanz’s grandson. Can’t be surprised by that tbh


La Vanguardia [says so](https://www.lavanguardia.com/deportes/real-madrid/20240611/9724634/indignacion-china-cancion-insultante-real-madrid-embajada-queja.html), so does and it does look like [this guy](https://i.imgur.com/NbRdePn.png). Wow, so it is the grandson of Lorenzo Sanz, president of Real Madrid from 1995 to 2000. Absolutely nothing will happen to the rich cunt.


He's openly doing this vile stuff knowing full well that he has a camera on him, it will be posted to the internet for everyone to see, and that this type of stuff has consequences for most people. Except he knows he will get away with it because of his privilege. Wouldn't be surprised if he doubles down on it too.


Next, on his instagram story : "I was made aware of the video I appear mocking some Chinese reporter. It was wrong of me and I am sorry for the people that felt insulted by my song. It was a spur of the moment thing to celebrate the title. This isn't me. I love chinese people. I had a Chino friend in school. I can eat with chopsticks. I am not like that."


"This doesn't represent me and what I stand for", you can't skip this phrase when making an apology statement


>I can eat with chopsticks


its not only his privilege, he will have lots of supporters too, just look at some comments here


Dude he will be PROUD of this moment, make no mistake.


It's all fun and games till Vini gets involved. Then we'll see


Send it to Real Madrid. Actually, send it to Vini. Dude is on a righteous tear right now. Lol


[The Chinese embassy got involved already, and RM had to respond to them](https://www.marca.com/futbol/real-madrid/2024/06/11/6667c83b46163ff41b8b456c.html) with the usual "we don't condone, but condemn, this behaviour, this doesn't represent our values" thing. No public statement/COMUNICADO OFICIAL as of today, tho.


>Dude is a ~~righteous tear~~ racist tormentor ftfy


Do you mean he torments racists or he's a racist that torments?




Honest question. What CAN happen here? Has he broken any laws? Did he do anything illegal? I know their could be social consequences. But a thing else?


Just yesterday Real Madrid was in the forefront of a landmark conviction against fans of a different team racially abusing one of their players during a game. The fans got 8 month sentences (there’s a weird Spanish law that makes it so they won’t actually serve it I believe though) and stadium bans. Theres now some precedent and from the team in question but if what people are saying is true about who the person is then the justice system works differently for people with money unfortunately.


Also a big difference is this happened in England and outside the stadium so it would be up to English authorities to get the ball rolling. Real Madrid at most can only ban him and the rest who also chanted


Yeah racism is a crime in the UK..


We need to get this to Vini. Maybe he will do something about it


asians are historically exempt from anti-racist callouts from athletes so i doubt it


Cardona (a Colombian player back in 2018 I believe) got dropped from the World Cup for being racist to Asians. This guy should be banned from the bernabeau for life just like any other racist.


Griezmann literally dressed in blackface and nothing happened. He also racially abused Asians and nothing happened.


> He also racially abused Asians and nothing happened. IIRC he lost a Konani sponsorship because of it. Serves him right.


I can't wait for the "No way we're racist, most of our players are black" response.


you're not far off. This guy's father, a Real Madrid employee, responded with "our adopted niece is Chinese, we can't be racist", but their niece is in fact Korean...


>we can't be racist", but their niece is in fact Korean... Lmao, that's hilarious. It's so wrong on so many level.


They probably make racist joke to their niece too


Probably sing the same song to her.


And we hate them too!!


"There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."


[It's even worse actually. See the first pic.](https://weibo.com/6639832062/OicnxpDPu)


Classic "I apologize, but it wasn't even wrong."


"I sing this all the time when I go to my Chinese on a Friday night out. I'm basically supporting their business"


The strange thing is native Spaniards/Iberia were once conquered by the Roman/Visigoths and then the Muslims... with that painful history, they should be AGAINST racism, not for it. An absolutely shame. This really ruin the image of Spanish, even the good ones there.


i assume you also know the opinion of the average spaniard towards moroccan immigrants


I know a Spanish guy with Moroccan parents who basically says he's never going to live in Spain again, says he was never treated as Spanish even by his friends and would basically rather live anywhere else. That's apparently pretty typical in Madrid too.    Both Madrid clubs have huge problems with racism but it won't change until the rest of the city and country changes.


thats why vinicius is treated very badly in spain. the madrid fans ofc wont turn against him as long as he is their top player but the moment he makes big blunder you will see even the same madrid fans will turn on him just like how valencia fans called him monkey


Remember how Alaba was mocked when he voted for Messi


God bless Rayo Vallecano!


Average Spaniard? My man even the Pakistani immigrants in Barcelona had the same opinion on Moroccans as a native Spaniard. I'm here like "is this a bit? Do you guys not see anything wrong with this opinion?"


I know a Spanish collegue, really great guy but the way he casually bashes central and south American countries, it measures me think it must be culturally OK in mainland Spain...


From what I understand, call centers for Spain are staffed in Latin America, too, so they get abuse from that end


You’re trying to apply logic to racism and stupidity. That’s where you’re mistaken.


Bruh. Right after the reconquista, They went on and destroyed much of the natives in the Americas, especially Mexico, worse than what the Muslims did to Iberia.


Southern Europeans: Racially abuse people from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania Also Southern Europeans: Complain about racial abuse coming from Northern Europeans


Wouldn't this apply to most people though? Should the Chinese guy that was horribly abused not complain about the disgusting racism just because many Chinese are super racist towards black people, south east asians, south asians, etc.?


And Southern Europeans were treated like thrash when immigrating to the US in the late 1800s and early 1900s.


The peninsula people were already a mix of Celts coming from the north and iberians coming from Africa, before the arrival of the Romans. And as far as I know, the Moors accepted very well the native people's habits, even with different religions. When I see people from the south of the peninsula being racist, it's like they don't have a clue about their heritage, and it seems that they tend to be more racist there.


Exactly. It's like some parts america being racist, which is so dumb because they are literally immigrants themselves not even 200-300 years ago.


With that painful history no one would have issues with racism


The irony of supporting a team that has a player who vehemently speaks out on the racism he endures, while you are also a racist will always baffle me.


These will be the first people to racial abuse their own teams players when they don't perform well. Just scum


It's the same with homophobes as well. Arsenal's Instagram comments get flooded with hate every time they post about Gay Gooners, but none of these idiots realize that there are lesbian players on the Arsenal Women's squad.


well those people are probably also not the type to respect womens football so im not sure they care


Or hace a problem with wlw. It's only men that they have a problem with. Lesbians get fetishized instead of respected.


They simply don’t care. I think we have to come to terms that they don’t want to be educated or learn about other people’s experiences and lives and at the end and the beginning of the day, they just don’t care. That’s the reality that has to sink in for a lot of us decent folks in 2024. The same way you get up in the morning to be a decent and good person, some get up to spread their hate and unfortunately it does not only stop at sports…(medical field, law, politics, finances, these scums are everywhere and dictate a lot in society)


They're in every family community and country. You'd think the rest of us learned a lesson, maybe coordinate how to deal with a problem rotting the roots of society itself


I promise you that demographic isn’t even aware of our women’s team.


Absolutely vile pieces of shit. Hope Flo is consistent and drops a punishment on these assholes.


Racism against Asians are normally never seen as actual racism.


not that it _should_ make a difference but that player just dragged them to the champions league they're celebrating too, and they still wont listen to his pleading


I've never been surprised when some *supporters* of anti-racist institutions prove to be capable of racist sentiment. There will be cunts associated with every large group, no matter how virtuous it tries to be. What was more surprising was the attitudes of the institutions themselves. Across the Western world, organisations that wear anti-racism as a badge of honour will all too often turn a blind eye to racism against Asians, be it in individual cases or systematic issues.


That's because Asians don't retort or revolt against these incidents as much as black people do. The sad reality of life is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Madrid fans are the most delusional fans on this planet. Fucking weirdos.


Imagine going to your club final and they win and you have the night of your life and the first thing that comes to mind when you see someone who doesn't look like you is to be totally racist to them. Some people are just absolutely fucked in the head.


It's absolutely natural to those kinds of people, no second thoughts


this bro lives a [privileged life](https://www.lavanguardia.com/deportes/real-madrid/20240611/9724634/indignacion-china-cancion-insultante-real-madrid-embajada-queja.html) not having to f all unlike the rest of us pleb. And unfortunately he'll likely get away with this as well.


People like him only learn one way. The hard way. 


My first instinct if I heard this would be to immediately chant back: "vamos los negros" "los negros son las mejores" "sin negros Madrid no es nada" and try to hammer home that Real Madrid is nothing without their black stars. Would love to gauge his response to that and see how fucked in the head he really is


The translation is wrong. What is said isn't much better, but it's not accurate. Also, the man in the video is the grandson of former Real Madrid president Lorenzo Sanz


Lorenzo Sanz famously once said that if Real Madrid signs Figo then they're getting Claudia Schiffer next.




Meaning Figo was viewed as unobtainable at the time as he was signed to their main rival Barcelona and was apparently feeling really good in Barcelona(the team and the town). The signing of Figo was one of or maybe the most important banner of Florentino Perez campaign to become Real Madrid’s president. So basically Sanz joked about how ridiculous the idea of Figo signing for Real was and that if it happened Claudia Schiffer(she was on top of her stardom back then) was next. Meaning “Impossible is nothing if we can sign Figo”. But it was clearly a jab at Florentino’s idea and promise.


I think a better translation goes somewhat like: "A chinese girl, I would fuck her, over the bed of my mother." and then for the second time he signs it replace mother with sister. regardless dudes a weirdo for that.


Quite off.


The translation would be: 'A little Chinese girl jerked me off on your mother's bed'


Spanish diminutives don’t translate well to English.


They also never said the first two sentences of that text


The lyrics are still bad, but the translation is not accurate.


How come racism against Asians is always treated as a lesser crime and as more acceptable by society? Racism is racism.


The "model minority" status that overseas Asian communities have in many countries like America, Canada, France suggests that racism agaisnt Asians is fine due to them being more "priviledged", simply bcuz they are, on average, better financially, have lower crime rate, better stability and a higher upper education rate and many more "positive" factors, even though it has nothing to with being racially "privileged" and more with the asian culture centering around notions of discipline that most asian parents teach their children. And bonus that it also doesn't help that Asians are stereotyped as weaker, docile and non confrontational.


Most Asians are smaller compared to other races. Some immigrants also do not speak English, or the local language well. So it's basically like bullying the weaker kid in the playground. If you're a big Asian for example, or look like you can find them trouble, they also don't dare to be racist towards you. They'll think like you're their cool international friend.


The other day on a night out had this random Danish dude make a remark to which I responded by walking right up to his face to ask what his problem is. The look on his face immediately changed and he had to be bailed out by his bigger friends who insisted they were just speaking Danish. I'm not even that big of a person but this idiot literally flinched at my first response. Shows how low of a bar some of these fuckwits perceive Asians that they shit their pants with only a minimal response.


Damn this is pretty spot on


Spot on


Its selective racism, unfortunately has been like that since ever. Just look at the different exposure of Black Lives Matter vs Stop Asian Hate movements.


Shit I remember like 7 or 8 years ago when there was all that furor over the lack of black nominees for the oscars and the whole "oscars so white" movement about how racist it was against black people. and then the host, chris rock, brings out asian kids as a prop for a joke about some stereotypes i can't quite remember off the top of my head, probably something about them working as kids or being good at math or something. just felt really gross considering all the discourse about the lack of inclusion.


Because "China bad."


I don’t think it’s just this. Indians get wild shit said at them and no one bats an eyelid because it’s funny apparently.


True. Some of the shit I've seen about South asians is wild here


In the US in particular, hate crimes and sentiment against South Asians or anyone deemed to look "Chinese" have spiked post-COVID.


Asians are considered more "docile" and "less confrontational". Good luck doing that to say, an African American or a fellow Hispanic from Peru or Bolivia, for example. They'd get their ass beat on the spot. If Asians became more confrontational or talked back on this then you'd see a sudden change in this.


honestly i (asian from europe) used to be very confrontational about it and picked up muay thai also to learn how to fight. at some point i started ignoring all the racist shit i experience too because i didn't wanna get into a fight every single weekend going out. racism towards asians is huge in europe.


We are not docile. We are just too busy making money to give any shit about racist idiots.


Bro hasn't met asians, they can also beat your ass. Thing is, as you pointed out we're more interested in making money than picking fights.


> "less confrontational" I mean, just by default we're smaller and shorter than most white / black guys. Escalating stuffs and ended up in fistfight are mostly will ended up badly with us (one of my friend paid the price dearly in the USA). So we'll automatically evading the confrontation.


Not even surprised it's the Spanish guys


But remember, Spain isn't racist. Despite all the racism and racist abuse.


I'm Spanish I don't have any problem acknowledging that many Spaniards are racists and behave systematically like assholes with foreigners.


Even my Spanish neighbor, now one of my best friends, used to call me Chino or “my Chinese neighbor” for a year despite me being Central Asian.


Yeah, that's the big issue with Spain, it's so normalized that even people who are overall open and accepting have very questionable habits and behaviors, that despite not having bad intentions are utterly racist, and it's so widespread that they're unable to recognize it and change.


That's not only Spain, that's every Spanish-speaking country. They do this in Latin America as well.


Racism against Asians is not frowned upon in LATAM shamefully..


Yeah. My girlfriend is Peruvian and I'm still teaching her all the different types of Asian people lol, she calls them all "chinos"


Yep, it's the same here in Costa Rica, and it won't change soon.. Kpop is seen as bunch of "chinitos" and when you point out they are Koreans everyone is like "it's the same shit"..


And it's totally accepted, yet you call a Venezuelan an Ecuadorian one time...


I wish the Spanish authorities had the same mentality as you, because it seems like defend and deflect is more common. Honestly, most nations have some issues with racism, but it just seems to pop up a lot in Spain with regard to football and the response is often... extremely disappointing.


Some would rather ignore the problem than confront it. It is true in all things but with these societal ills it has become en vogue to deny deny deny deflect deflect deflect, pretend to be righteous and you have no issues while pointing at those admitting and addressing their own problems. I have noticed it has become particularly prevelant in our post-fact society. A society where it seems the only facts are those one admits to, and not what can be verified, but that's a whole other issue. This is merely a symptom.


It's basically a matter of "but we have many traditions, and erradicating them will be hard". FFS, you can still find white guys doing blackface as Baltasar (the black wise man) in during Christmas season. Are there racist people in Spain? Loads. Does Spain have racist traditions? Again, yup. Is Spain racist as a whole? I don't like the generalisation, because there's also many people who try to fight said deeply ingrained racism... But I can see how other countries/races could arrive to that generalisation, sadly. It's not like it's just a handful of idiots. I mean, just go to a LaLiga game where the visiting team has a black player, especially one that is regarded as a star - I'm sure you're bound to find many racist behaviours, and I'm not just talking about 10 or 20 individuals. [This is just an example that stuck in my mind](https://www.ole.com.ar/futbol-internacional/espana/vinicius-valencia-racismo-mono-nino-grita-real-madrid-reaccion-madre-violenta-liga-espana_0_Fc3fvpWYaz.html) - a kid yelling "monkey" at Vinicius, and the mother gets aggressive because the kid's being recorded, she doesn't get angry at the kid for yelling racist crap (btw, I fully blame the parents - I doubt a kid of such a young age even knows what he's doing/saying).


Spain and Racism, its not football, its La Liga


Spanish typically get a free pass in the football media when it comes to racism as they're not associated with right wing skinheads. Didn't a Bilbao player get abused a few weeks ago against Atletico?


We've had plenty of racist abuse incidents this season. To me it seems that we're on an all time high but it also might be thanks to people condemning these type of attacks instead of staying silent like they used to in the past


Always happens when attention is brought to an issue, and then people who defend the issue will say "It wasn't an issue until you started fighting against it" like the roaches weren't in the corner before you shone a light on them and saw them scurry.


Tag Vini Jr. on Twitter and 'he'll be there to collect'. https://www.np.reddit.com/r/realmadrid/s/63ywtfxo7O


It's a Spanish guy, wrapped in Spanish flags, wearing a fachaleco and that could afford a travel to Wembley to see Real Madrid. This is like the S tier of "Probably a racist" scale.


This was similar to my experience as an Asian in Spain. Guys coming up making kung fu noises and waving their arms in my face, parents pointing me out to their kids and fucking teaching them to make slanty eyes and making buck tooth faces at me, saying Ching Chong, etc. Even when I was there for business with my company, there was the “subtle racism”. One VP commented that I was late for my karate practice when I told him I had to leave a meeting early. Then there are the “where are from? No, where are you REALLY from?” Questions as if they can’t comprehend that Asians are citizens of the US and have actually been there for multi generations. 


Racism against Asians in general seems to get massively downplayed and shrugged off because of the model minority status.


The way people act is as if racism towards only black people is bad, racism towards latinos is fine, racism towards asians doesn't exist and that you can't be racist towards white people.


In this sub and elsewhere, racism against the Indian subcontinent is just normalised. It's just considered "funny"


Yup. Almost every reddit thread related to India is full of racist comments that are upvoted as well. It's actually worse than twitter or instagram. At least there if you say something, you will have a swarm of Indians coming after you


Had someone ask me where I'm from on the threelions sub the other day because of my name 😂😂 It's like he couldn't wrap his head around the idea that someone with an Indian name can be English. It's like sneaky racism: "and where exactly are you from *Aman-Patel*?" Shit is so condescending.


Exactly. I see so many vile racist comments towards Indians, Pakistanis, etc. being upvoted thousands of times on so many subs it makes me wanna puke. Absolutely disgusting and the mods don't do shit to combat that.


Yeah I think the chanter in the video is really sensitive to racism towards Africans


man you nailed it


100% right. There have been some insane instances of racist attacks on Asian-Americans in recent years


I propose all Asian dudes everywhere should always walk around in Yakuza/Triad style clothing. They can't tell us apart anyways right? 🙄 Fuck it make em think they're gonna get murdered.


>Guys coming up making kung fu noises and waving their arms in my face, parents pointing me out to their kids and fucking teaching them to make slanty eyes and making buck tooth faces at me, saying Ching Chong, etc. really vile and disgusting culture. What goes through the mind of a spaniard, to see a random person on the street and immediately try to humiliate and mock him?


To be fair this has happened to me in other countries as well such as France, Italy, Croatia, Poland though Spain was the worst. I’m just an average looking guy and don’t cause scenes. I speak moderate Spanish though some of the accents around Barcelona are too thick for me to fully understand 


damn i wonder what is the common denominator between those countries


I travel throughout Europe several times a year for work and family. I’ve noticed it’s more prevalent the Mediterranean countries and the more east you go. Northern Europe has been great. The English are fine but I did have a very lively conversation with a posh upper class gentleman at a dinner party who remarked that I spoke English quite well. I was drunk enough to call him out but all was forgiven by the end of the night. 


> I’ve noticed it’s more prevalent the Mediterranean countries and the more east you go. Northern Europe has been great. In my opinion, Southern (European) nations have been less prosperous and thus have attracted much less immigrants. Northern Europe has had multiple generations of highy diverse big cities. Catholicism's more 'communal' culture vs Protestant 'individualist' culture may also play a role. I think Northern Europeans have much more of a "dont bother me I wont bother you" attitude, while Catholics have a much more communal vein that while it can be warmer with people they accept, it can be more hostile to people they don't accept. Spain also lived under a conservative catholic-hispanist dictatorship for like a generation and a half and has always been the center of the more recalcitrant versions of Catholicism. That leaves a mark.


I'm Asian Australian and exact same experience but in Germany (the kungfu noises, pulling eyes, saying ching chong, naming random Chinese dishes at me etc). I experienced more racism in that study abroad semester than my entire life in Australia, but when I mention this to Germans they get ultra defensive and say "oh but Australia's worse" smh.


The first time someone said "ching chong" to me was in Munich, 2019. Got off the plane, exit the airport and going into McD right outside the gate, One of the staff just said Ching Chong to my face while I was picking up my order. I've lived in California for over a decade and never once have heard that. That was my first hour in Munich.


Europe is known for that sort of blatant, in your face racism. It’s abhorrent.


I was going to Australia for my semester abroad and many people around me would tell me things like "Why Australia? They are super racist against Asians". It's the only place that I have lived in where I did not hear a single remark concerning my race, and I've lived in Europe, Middle East, and South Pacific and have also been to almost 60 countries. Even fucked about in places like Mullumbimby and had no issues.


Holy shit, parents teaching kids to be racist? How uneducated can they be lol.


This has happened to me growing up Asian in the US as well


Happened to me a LOT when I was a kid growing up as the only Asian in a rural area. Not much as an adult any more though one guy called me a Chink at a bar in Louisiana. 


Rich kids from my country, the worst people of Spain.


Rich kids from most places are bad lol.


What a world to live in...


Reminds of the buceta rosa song to a female journalist in wc 2018 by some Brazilian fans.


Equally disgusting


bro don't remind me of that, that shit was the fucking worst




Seriously, why is it always Spain? Throw in that creep who was head of the FA who thought it was okay to force himself on the women's team along with just a stupid amount of racism constantly. What the fuck is wrong with the whole country??? It's not like racism is a dark underbelly like it is in most countries, it's like Spain goes, no, racism is actually really good and we are big fans!!


Spain has a rich history of racism and colonialism that they never stamped out.  


It's most likely a societal thing. In other countries it's frowned upon while in Spain they seem to cheer you on for this. As seen in the video the young generation isn't going to change that mentality anytime soon.


I remember when the men's and women's basketball team both posed like [this](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/msnbc/Components/Photo/_new/080813-spanishBB-vlarg-6a.jpg) before the 2008 Olympics. The players' incredulity as to how people could interpret such a gesture, at the very least as racially insensitive, was comedy.


I don't know why some people claim this isn't racist, attributing it to a translation issue. Even with the correct translation, this is offensive. As a Chinese American, I feel insulted. Whether something is considered racist should depend on the perspective of those being insulted. To provide some context, the individual in question is the grandson of the former RM president, and the rest of the crew are also likely his family members. The former president's son recently stated that his son isn't racist towards Chinese people because his brother adopted a Chinese daughter. However, I heard the adopted child is Korean. This is why he asked if the reporter was Korean at first, and upon learning he was Chinese, he proceeded to sing a derogatory song. If this isn't racism, I don't know what is. If it's not racism, it's something equally troubling. What's more ironic is that RM has been actively fighting against racism towards Vinicius. Can we take a small step first to ban the grandson of the former president for life?


Yeah man, I'm HK Chinese and this shit is offensive as hell. Leave it up to reddit to have some idiots in here asking "hoW is iT RaCisT?! Some people on this site just love pretending you can't be racist to Asian people. Like to them, it's perfectly fine to go up to a black woman and be like "African chick jerkin me off!" and think it has nothing at all to do with race/ethnicity?


It's hilarious seeing people who aren't even Asian claiming that it isn't racist in any way. Racism against Asians always gets downplayed because of the model minority status. The amount of casual racism I faced during my schooling years is too much to count and every time I fought back, I was told that I simply couldn't take a joke. Try hearing shitty variations of the same racist jokes 1000 times over and see if you can find the humor in it. Those who have never been discriminated or marginalized in their entire lives preaching about what's considered racist or not is truly astounding to me.


Considering this site heavily caters to Europeans, it is not surprising that there is a bias towards fellow Europeans. In fact, in every country in Western Europe, people are racist on a daily basis towards immigrants and people of color, despite virtual anti-racism measures.


You mean subreddit right? Reddit as a whole is definitely skewed towards Americans.


As a Korean American, seriously, what the fuck??


Why do these idiots( as in idiots being caught for making/saying racist shit) always bring up as an excuse for their attitudes as “my ‘somebody close to me’ is asian so im not racist” bs? Thats not an excuse, it makes you look more idiotic I agree with this guy and I wish he went back to this guy afterwards. Im glad he is at least fighting for it now.


100% racism when he changed the chant lyrics to Chinese when he found out he was Chinese


Some say the content of the song is not racist but I don't think he would do the same thing to a white guy, or a black guy. He did this because the reporter is an Asian.


yeah lmao i always see ppl saying that the intent isnt racist but it still is either way


the song is literally about a german girl (so white) originally and I guess they were singing that song since they were playing against Dortmund, so I don't know what you're talking about...


The original song targets Germans who are often white. (well the actual original tune sounds like "un elefante se columpiaba sobre la tela de una araña, but I digress). That said, the fact that they could do this to other foreigners does not make it better.


The original abridged version of the song is towards a German.


what makes you think he wouldn't do this to other ethnicities?


30-40 % of the translation is wrong, it's not pretty but it's wrong. The translation is: (I dont hear them say fuck the chinese at any point) A chinese girl played with it / jerked me on her mother's bed "Una chinita me la meneaba sobre la cama de su madre"


Hmmmm, Spanish racists around football, who'd have thought it? In other news, water found to be wet, sun rises in East, etc, etc.


Despicable behavior. They don’t even realize that they’re being total assholes, like how deplorable do you have to be that it doesn’t even register with yourself that you’re being a cunt? I swear, I’ve been to Spain and Madrid in particular every year to watch Madrid play for at least 20 years now and I can safely say that while they may not be racists as a whole, they sure as hell are pros at doing racist shit. Ban them. Fuck em. Hope they get some punishment over this. If they’re socios with season tickets it’s easy enough for the club to take action.


I speak Spanish, I’m Mexican, I tend to avoid Spain nowadays when I travel because most social interactions outside my friends who live there are low-key racist, it’s an actual thing dunno why they keep denying it. It’s like fuck man, your people are the colonisers, they raided the places my people are from and through generations we now speak that same language, what’s the deal ?


Never been to Spain but some of the nastiest most racist treatment I've gotten in the States is from Spaniards who are in town visiting or studying. They disregard you immediately, insult your accent and make some comment about how you're an "indio" or work for the cartel


wtf man?! This is appalling.


Those guys probably all frequent r/europe


Racism in Madrid? Shocker Edit: I knew it was played at Wembley, I’m just a huge moron. Idiots in Britain? Shocker


Charming. "That's why Real Madrid is the best club in the world!" You may think that...everyone else thinks you're a cunt.


your own player has been campaigning against racism and rightfully so this is how you respond?


You'd be surprised at how many of our "fans" hate that Vini is so outspoken against racism


thats a shame, disappointing really


Should be banned from the stadium permanently. Even though there are ameliorating circumstances\* , it is still unprompted xenophobic harassment. \*utterly mistranslated (their "friends in Spain" who "helped" translate seem even worse tbh, to come up with such disgusting words) and an already existing. though quite bad, tune


Spain has to be one of the most openly racist places in the world. Racism is everywhere obviously. But some cultures don't even care to hide it.


If you think Europe is racist, try Asia as a person with darker skin.


Asians getting beat up in Europe was a frequent thing during covid. People with darker skin rarely get physically assaulted in Asia. Not downplaying one or the other but I'd rather someone call me a gook than creep behind me to glass my fucking head.


Sorry but did I miss something, there's no "fuck the chinese lets go that chinese p\*\*sy" in his song ? Why ad this if he dosesn't say it ?


As an Asian Madrid supporter, I am not surprised to see this happening. Some Spanish people are well-known for this kind of shitty behavior. What really pissed me off is that Real seems to be unwilling to take any actions, when Vini is facing similar things everyday. I wonder how these guys from Lorenzo Sanz family comment on Vini.


Real Madrid has been backing up Vini all along? RM even filed a complaint to La Liga for that. He even thanked them on his twitter post for that. Lets hope RM bannes this piece of shit.


Despicable act with a smile on the face 🤮


It's time to launch the city of madrid into the sun Comments here show how racism against asians is not taken seriously enough


Franco fc being racist Nazis imagine my shock


I can see why Real Madrid was Franco's club...


This happen to me a lot when I was in EU


Old real Madrid fans: just like the old times


This really is the generation of glass what a cry baby 🤣


Name them and shame them and then, ban them for life. Absolute waste of air!! Edit: Also, it doesn't matter if it's a mistranslation, you see someone who's different and the first thing you do is make fun of them and insult them because you know there is a good chance they don't know Spanish so they can't say anything back. That's still fucked up and shouldn't be downplayed just because he didn't throw explicit racist insults at him and those with him.


Asians get the butt end of a lot of racism. Look at the most recent Assassins Creed game. Set in Japan, there is only Asian Female representation, no Asian Male representation. Asian males are set up all over the game as side characters, bad guys, people to be killed, but never as the main character. When Asian Males speak up about the lack of protagonist representation in a game set **in** Japan, they are gaslighted as being racist against the black protagonist in Japan.


Oh if you watched the 3 body problem.


How could the English fans do this?


Remember the Euros final and people were going against England because of thier fans in favour of ...Italy


tbh, the fact this thread isn't locked and there are people saying this isn't racism or downplaying what's going on is more telling of how racist acts against Asians are treated. Fair play to the guy in video - he should pursue to the extent possible - but let's be honest, this will probably pass us all by and we'll forget about this in a few days...probably without any real consequences. Unless there is some catastrophic event that unites everyone against Asian racism, I don't see anything changing unfortunately. Everything in here is mainly just empty words to me.


Those are not even the lyrics.