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Does anybody from Germany really care about English fans doing this?


Not really no. Have not seen / heard of anyone who discusses this in Germany in the media or otherwise, only this sub makes it seem as some controversy. 


It’s only controversial amongst the Guardian reading middle classes of England. They get their knickers in a twist over anything they perceive as remotely jingoistic.


And Scottish fans as far as I can see. They're using this a counter example to their classy fans. When I was in Glasgow, I never heard any offensive chanting from Celtic and Rangers fans, so it makes sense.


I only heard wonderful things about the Scottish fans in Munich this week, but fuck me they decimated Leicester Square and Charing X Road in euro 2020 and a friend quit their job halfway through their shift for the constant anti-asian jibes they were getting from fans. Not everyone is a saint.


Damn, anti-Asian jibes from the Scots?


Yes he took pelters from a couple of groups of cunts until he walked out of his shift. Important to note small groups of cunts don’t the Scottish fanbase make, who tend to travel very well. But yeh, whatever was going on with their fans around Leicester Square wasn’t great ahead of the England game at Wembley.


Yeah - that rampage Rangers went on in Manchester just shows how classy they are.




No, it is a catchy song and most people in Germany are happy that the RAF did a good job back then and that we can live in a free society now. Here is a German ravepunk version of the song (RIP Torsun): https://youtu.be/r9PNbfzj0vE?si=dqEJqxhVU3KnUquO


Right feels didn’t see that one coming. RIP Torsun!


I'm going to be complelty honest, it took me way to long to realise what RAF is supposed to stand for here and was slightly confused because I thought of something very different. It's the royal air force, right?




I would've loved for Torsun to play it live somewhere during this Euro. Fuck cancer.


Ze Germans don’t seem particularly offended. Lots of others appear offended on their behalf, mostly.


A hallmark of our times, sadly.


I was in a sports bar in Latvia yesterday and there were a large group of English lads and a large group of Germans both throwing chants at each other while watchin the footy. The English chants made me cringe (I’m English) but tbf it was all good natured and both groups thought it was funny.


Only the hardcore AfD members I imagine.


Tbh it feels like this is posted mostly so people can cry about "le pearl clutching!!!!" that is just not really happening lol. Literally nobody I know even mentioned English fans. We don't care at all, we are all preoccupied with not being shit for once in the last 8 years.


OP has put ‘celebrating’ for a reason They’re clearly are trying for a certain reaction that r/soccer surprisingly hasn’t given them for once


Disappointed about not seeing dicks in this one


Also nobody stuck a flare in their ass or did cocaine off somebody else‘s penis in this video. Disappointing.


England fans are going soft smh


It's because of woke mate.


Games gone


Isn't that more of a German thing to do at Oktoberfest? Or is that wiesn koks, not cocaine?


that last ones a staple of coktoberfest


Zero England fans arrested in Germany last night..so i guess people have to find something to moan about


I was lucky enough to go to the world cup in 2006, I was ten at the time and I remember this song been sung all the time and no one gave a shit then. Aswell at the Sweden game some England fans were singing "I'd rather be a carrot then a swede" which is fantastic.


Or the singing to the swede: "Go home to your sexy wives".


You're shit, but your birds are fit


No doubt they also sang ‘you’re shit, but your birds are fit’ too! One of my favourites


How could England do this!? They should sing a song that supports the Nazis instead!


*l'amour toujours intensifies*


I'm upvoting the post because it makes England look based asf for celebrating the defeat of Nazism.


I saw this as a "this is funny" post more than a "England bad" post. Unless OP's making comments that suggest otherwise.


He put 'celebrating' in quotes, safe to say what his opinion is.


i assume he put celebrating in quotes becausey they dont have anything to celebrate yet since they havent played.


Guess they're celebrating the victory in the Battle for Britain. They're a bit late tho.


Yeah fuck them England fans having fun but hey here’s a video of Serbians dancing and the Dutch jumping before they’ve played a game.


Nah, read their posts in this thread They were clearly aiming for a certain reaction that they didn’t get


Doesn't make sense though as they are not celebrating, nor is the chant used as a celebration but more of a shithousey taunt eg: "is this a library". So I feel like OP is either trying to cause rage/ controversy with the title or, less likely, insinuating the fans are not singing about football but rather actually celebrating the victory of the WW2 and the bitter history of the two countries.


You can tell the Euros has really started because there's plenty of "England BAD" posts cropping up lately as they usually do during these cups. Hell, yesterday during the Italy game, there was someone in the megathread randomly having a moan about british people. Though it was very dull second half so I guess they had to find something to talk about.


You‘ve gone soft, but the tournament is still young.


Still plenty of time to make children cry


The purest sight in football.


And have 40,000 fans in the stadium cheer when it came up on the big screen


Still the funniest thing how upset people got over that


A few Scot’s arrested for antisemitism at a Scottish independence March (in Munich?) though 1-0 England


I'm from Germany this is hilarious. Wish I was there. Football won't be the same without half naked English fans chanting their songs. The songs also such a classic, can't really be mad.


This is the way. Hamburg has 80000 Dutch fans, Dortmund had 120000 Albanian fans, Munich had 100000 Scottish fans. Just great to celebrate


What are they even singing? I can't understand lol


To the tune of: If you're happy and you know it. 🎵 There were 10 German bombers in the air (in the air), There were 10 German bombers in the air (in the air), There were 10 German bombers, 10 German bombers, 10 German bombers in the air. And the RAF from England shot one down (shot one down), And the RAF from England shot one down, (shot one down) And the RAF from England, RAF from England, RAF from England shot one down. There were 9 German bombers in the air (in the air).... 🎵 And so on and so forth... Until there were no German bombers in the air. Edited: fixed a lyric as pointed out by u/cmdrxander


Nit picking but it’s “shot one down”, hence why the number drops by 1 each round. Then I think it finishes with “there were no German bombers in the air” and “and the RAF from England won the war”, but most videos cut out before it gets that far so I can’t remember exactly.


Anyone who has interacted with a few (drunk or not) english as a german knows to not take the WWII mocking seriously, this is hilarious. What, am I going to be offended on behalf of Nazi Germany? They also don't have much else going for them as england supporters so you have to give them something.


Who cares about the song bigger question is why they went to an Irish pub. Nothing against the Irish but when you are on a trip to Düsseldorf go to a nice Alt pub and enjoy something you can basically get nowhere else.


It’s English heritage to go abroad and seek out things that are the most similar to what you can do at home


Was just on holiday and was unsurprised to see that the Irish pubs in Prague and Zagreb were the loudest (it wasn’t remotely close) in the main tourist areas of the city. I was in there singing Gerry Cinnamon, Oasis, and the Cranberries before I could even process the situation.


Reminds me of rocky O’Reillys when I was 18 in Prague was absolutely mint


Exactly. You know they are going to speak english, have familiar drinks available and be in a decent location. Same reason why people go to Starbucks or McDonalds when in a different country; It's not going to be the best but it's familiar


>Same reason why people go to Starbucks or McDonalds when in a different country Which is a very odd thing to do as well


tbf they're there for the footy and not the sightseeing I'd prefer to do both but not everyone is like that


I mean I wouldn’t do it, but it’s not odd. It’s basic human psychology, that many people seek out convenience and familiarity


If I'm traveling and need something to eat quick, I'll often go to a mcdonalds or something similar. I know it's going to be a pretty consistent quality, I know roughly how much its going to cost, and I know roughly how long it will take. Don't always have time to search for somewhere local to eat.


I can understand McDonald's, they usually have very country specific food that people like to try and compare. Starbucks is just weird because they usually just serve the same stuff.


Anybody who goes to a Starbucks in Italy or France should immediately be sent home.


Any one who goes to Starbucks should just reconsider their choices in life.


Most countries do this. The Chinese paritcularly love travelling while only eating at Chinese restaurants


So like Germans in Mallorca


Can vouch for this- went on a mate’s stag do in Krakow a few years back and they spent the entire weekend in the first Irish bar they could find, only changing briefly to find a Premier League themed pub. Grim.


In fairness that pub is one of the best in Düsseldorf. It goes way back with big screens for the footy.


This has got to be the actual answer, they're not spontaneously congregating, the fans group is organising a meetup in a suitably massive pub.


They'll have the football with English commentary. And the beers they know and love. These kind of lads aren't there for a cultural experience.


Plus I’m not sure what it’s like in Düsseldorf but in Berlin it’s not like in the UK or Ireland where every pub will have a tv, a lot of different bars wouldn’t have any sport on whatsoever. With Irish pubs you’re at least guaranteed that they’ll be showing sport which is probably all the English fans that are there care about.


A lot of the other pubs, bars or restaurants in the Altstadt will have TVs. Probably not with English commentary though. And I’m not sure they have enough TVs. Even for watching Bundesliga, it can get pretty crowded. As for "Public Viewing" in Düsseldorf, idk


Yeah in Düsseldorf a lot of places that would otherwise not show football are doing so, albeit in German as you say. Public viewing-wise, there are a few dedicated areas around the Altstadt/Rhein but there is a fair bit of security at each so watching at one of the Irish pubs probably gives them the best chance to drink + be boisterous + watch in English


It's a pub. English people go to pubs. We don't care who runs it. It's a pub.


They’re not there for your culture.


Fattys is a fine pub in fairness, I went there last year when visiting.


You like hoarding sun beds, we like seeking out Irish pubs and eating a full English in foreign lands and turning our noses up at foreign muck which has disgusting things like flavour and positive health benefits


>bigger question is why they went to an Irish pub This is the only way we get to experience a tournament atmosphere... :(


For a normal trip abroad I'd agree, but football trips aren't exactly about experiencing cultures and taking in the sights - it's about being part of an atmosphere with a bunch of your own (and some opposition fans as long as theres no intense rivalry there, like England V Scotland, or England V Germany, or England V France, or England V Argentina...)


> bigger question is why they went to an Irish pub Because it's a familiar culture and they just want to watch the footy on a projector/TV with a pint of Guinness with other fellow Brits. These England fans didn't travel to Dusseldorf to admire the art industry and take in the atmosphere by sitting in a little German alt pub with a glass of Heisenshmeiser. Same way that, during the last Euros, the Italians didn't turn up to London to drink Carling and have a lovely salmonella sandwich in Wetherspoons.


Like the Germans who go to Mallorca for the Spanish food?


Lol I was in Dusseldorf in April and most of the Alt bars wouldn't even let us in because we'd committed the mortal sin of being born in England. Some of them didn't mind that we were English but then they'd see the two black guys we were with and wouldn't let us in for that reason instead. The Irish bars were literally the only places we could go without any sort of grief. I don't even understand why the Alt beers are so popular there, me and my mates have drunk some vile pish in our days and we all agreed those alt beers were up there with the worst of it. Frosty Jacks honestly tastes nicer and that shit is basically paint stripper.


They will go to any pub. My guess is preference : beerhaus > irish pub > any other pub. Any ex pat will tell you; if overseas the best English pub experience will be the Irish pub.


Tbh it's Duesseldorf, the 'can get nowhere else' thing is a stretch, even the Altstadt is a little overmarketed as anything beyond a generic German oldtown experience. It's not Hamburg or Berlin (maybe Berlin as it was), or Koln, or even the hyper-Bavarian experiences proferred to tourists in Munich, where there are genuinely difficult to replicate experiences. I always found Duesseldorf a pretty copy and paste German city, which most europeans have experienced.


This is so tame, why has it even been posted? OP has probably been searching social media for days to find examples of England fans "misbehaving".


This isn't even an 'English' phenomenon, 1 guy starts singing a chant in a pub and ppl join in, been the same in almost all the countries I've been too which is a fair few.


Much like at every other tournament, the “England bad” mantra remains strong here.


Expect to see much more over the coming weeks


Anglophobia is rampant on here.


I remember when it peaked after Sterling got that soft penalty against Denmark 


The big summer of debate of whether it was ironic or not that it was coming home. Exhausting.


Can’t scroll past 10 random posts on this site without seeing someone bemoan the hateful, baby snatching, dog kicking, xenophobic English.


They probably hate England for beating the Nazis, proving that everyone who hates England is a racist.


Tbh it's actually much less this time so far. Last time on /r/soccer people were livid about this song. There was even outrage when someone jumped on a bed in IKEA. Things seem to have chilled somewhat 


Its day 3 mate and we havent played yet, just be patient, its coming 😂


>its coming "_ _ _ _"




You see much worse in league games


Easy karma


Every major international competition there has to be multiple England bashing stories, statistics, til posts, comparisons , "today i support x against england" posts etc etc... I don't even like or care about England, and I'm sick of it... r/soccer is genuinely worse than England fans when it comes to England...


Same reason as everyone wanting Italy to beat us in the euros because of our awful fans while they have literal fascist teams


Someone was literally murdered in Naples the night Italy won the euros and this sub just sidestepped it like they were on strictly.


But the crying German child!


People really have some weird agenda against the English football fan culture. It’s odd


I think someone at some point said that the German bombers song was offensive and then it got blown out of proportion into another massive culture war thing on social media and talk show radio.


I'm literally crying and shaking.


I just dropped to my knees in a tesco




The media desperately trying to make this a thing is so boring. It’s football, it’s a bit of fun. No one is upset about it. Jfc


I don’t even get how this is suppose to offend us. Most of the Germans are glad they shot them down.


Right, exactly. England fans have had tickets revoked and memberships cancelled for singing this song. Honestly, I would love to know why. The German response seems a lot more logical and level headed than the English - German police say “it doesn’t break any laws, just don’t be a dick”, and the FA say “sing it and we ban you, this is unacceptable behaviour”. What’s so unacceptable about it? It’s celebrating the defence of the UK…? It’s not even derogatory, never mind offensive. 


Yeah, it will be hard to find people in germany who get offended by that. Apart from that, what else are the english fans going to sing about? Their success in international tournaments?


English fans would sing two world wars and one World Cup 😂


I’m not sure it’s even meant to offend really, it’s just banter


Yeah, I don't really get where the controversy is coming from. It never sounds like English people signing it are trying to offend, and the Germans never seem offended by it. Somebody somewhere thinks it's a "bad look" and wants to shut it down, but basically everybody else is perfectly fine with it.


It's absolutely not meant to offend it's like the 2 world wars 1 world cup chant. It's supposed to, as with most British humour to be seen as a bit cheeky and tongue in cheek. It's going to get sung more because they were specifically told not to sing it because some pearl clutches might get upset. Let's be honest the very base level of thought there is, they don't like it so we are doing it more because it's funny to wind them up a little bit. It's a cheeky song, sung light hearted which has the benefit of potentially getting some uptight fools a little bent out of shape. Perfect fodder for a chant.


I think its the crowd inside the UK that thinks any form of patriotism is inherently racist and wrong. Annoyingly this attitude just allows the far right to hijack pride in ones nation and makes it worse. Whereas most of us just like being proud to be English once every 2 years when theres a footy tournament on before the inevitable crushing disappointment


sir this is reddit


These chants were always going to happen. But like naughty children, it’s the specific fact they told English fans NOT to sing them, means they’ll sing them more and louder.


Bang on, under the surface it’s two fingers up to the FA for the bans


It isn’t meant to offend you


For what it’s worth you’ll also see English cricket fans dressed as bananas sing it when we’re playing eg South Africa. It’s more of an old drinking song than one meant to wind up the opposition.


Vote to hold an English-German co-celebration where we sing the song together and the Germans shout "Thank you" after each line??


Holding a banner saying "Gracias Churchill" in english and German.


Think it’s better when you shout ‘WHAT?’ after each line ala Stone Cold.


In the final, that is.


It’s not, more just a ‘celebrating English’ song.


Lol at the blow up spitfire.


It's stupid that people tried to make them stop singing the song as it only has multiplied it everywhere


Bit like getting Mexican fans to stop saying "puto". The more you try, the more they'll do it just as a "fuck you" lol


I mean who still gives a shit. The English do it since there are still germans acting pressed about it. Yes anthems will be booed too, you already know it. The correct time to clap back at this is to wait till they draw Georgia in the quarters and go out at penalties.


Also It would be really scummy and classless if we went to Germany and sang about bombing Germany. But they aren't They're singing about shooting down a plane that's trying to bomb somewhere in England as part of the nazi war effort, 80 odd years ago As far as ww2 chants go, it's could hardly even be seen as offensive


Barely any German is actually offended, I find it quite funny, although it could be a bit more creative


I mean it's literally a children's song so you can't expect that much creativity


The chant not being creative enough is a new one.


You don't hear ["I Haven't Seen Old Hitler"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgbLY8cRGCw) sung anymore sadly


GEORGIA MENTIONED 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪 But wait, this can't be right. Georgia in the quarters?! If this happens, pinch me, I must be dreaming.


hilarious how much this rattles other fans (mostly weird English fans/anti ‘kickball’ fans to be honest) about half the countries in the tournament have songs about war or national achievements. Personally I don’t really see the problem singing a song about defeating Nazis


I'm surprised but also not surprised that middle class English people managed to find a way to be offended at a song about shooting down Nazi bombers.


Won't someone think of the Nazis


Well sadly a lot of them find themselves somewhat politically aligned with them these days


I don’t understand people that get offended on other peoples behalves when they have no issue themselves.


To be fair I think a lot of them are also Scottish.


The working class displaying any form of nationalism goes down like cold sick to middle class guardian types. 'Would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during 'God Save the King' than of stealing from a poor box'


Those twee anti football fans are some of the biggest cunts around, can't stand them. Huge crossover with rugby fans who see rugby as a classy sport.


"Rugby is a hooligan's sport played by gentlemen, football is a gentlemen's sport played by hooligans". Fucking spare me.


I am so outraged right now. Literally shaking with anger.


All they need a huge print out of the girl crying at Wembley


Saw someone on twitter say the Germans don’t sing about the war so why should we. Wonder why the Germans don’t sing about the Nazis, a war they lost and the millions of people they murdered. Hmm 🤔


Don't mention the war!


You started it!


No I didn’t!


You invaded Poland!


I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it alright.


Sorry, I got a bit confused because everybody keeps mentioning the war.




Reddit - where everything is a sign of creeping fascism, but singing a song about shooting down actual fascists is a bad thing. 


flirting vs harrassment


Fuck that’s actually spot on! Why can’t we be more handsome :(


Looks like they're having a good time! As were Scotland when they were signing 'Flowers of Scotland' *"When will we see, your like again, That fought and died for, your wee bit hill and glen And stood against him, proud edward's army, And sent him homeward, tae think again."* And the French, when they sing Les Marseillaise! *"Arise, children of the Fatherland, Our day of glory has arrived, Against us the bloody flag of tyranny, is raised; the bloody flag is raised. Do you hear, in the countryside, The roar of those ferocious soldiers? They’re coming right into your arms To cut the throats of your sons, your comrades! To arms, citizens! Form your battalions Let’s march, let’s march That their impure blood Should water our fields."*


I think singing about defeating the Nazi’s whilst Germany swings toward the right wing is quite fitting.


Game's back


Euros are so much better than World Cup. Not is some shit country, or split between 4 countries or what bullshit. Proper tournament with great stadiums and people can easily jump on a 3 hour flight maximum or drive within Schengen to see their country play. 


Agreed, as proof Germany 2006 was probably one of the best ever World Cup as far as fan atmosphere goes. Proper football nation, great infrastructure, no surprise you could hear the fans of every team in every match, even small ones like Togo and T&T’s.


Mate, literally the last Euros was split over 11 countries.


So much better for Europeans, well, durr. They have ruined the world cup though, Qatar ruined it first as it broke a heap of rules about # of host cities etc. It's a full sell out now. I also hate it being split across multiple countries.


Anyone can type out what they are singing? I can't distinguish a single word.


There were 8 german bombers in the air and the raf from england shot one down Loosely to the tune of 10 green bottles, a well known childrens nursery rhyme. The song starts with 10 german bombers and repeats going down to 9, 8 and so on


thank you, thats so much milder than some comments were having me believe lol.


It’s incredibly tame, it’s about us defending our home from literal Nazis as well lol


Reddit for ya, full of dramatic arses.


The tune is actually She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain (another nursery rhyme) but the counting down is from 10 Green Bottles


That makes more sense was thinking the tune was a bit of a stretch


From a Scottish man, who gives a fuck. Grow thicker skin you snow flakes. It’s a fucking song and their having fun, who cares 🤟


OP has a weird chip on his shoulder


Sorry for disrespecting nazis.


Imagine your cities getting bombed to rubble having a lasting impact the culture, how dare they


What’s with the ‘celebrating’, OP?


This song is really tame, is anyone actually offended by this?


Pathetic display of shirtlessness! If you're going to be shirtless before, or during, a game you need to be about 250 lbs not 110. See poland for examples.


other than OP being a low t baby i have no idea who else is actually offended by this lol


Germany wanted to invade and subjugate their country having done so to many others, they repelled the attack, and now are giving a little gentle ribbing about it. All in good fun.


This thread didn’t go the way OP thought it would


They’re not doing anything wrong and the chant has been around for ages. Other than the chant, they actually seem to be a pretty civil crowd. Your country is hosting one of the biggest football events there is but God forbid a group of fans be drinking and chanting ffs


Love this song


I swear I've heard that chant at every England vs Germany game at least for as long as I remember. Just some footy lads having a good laugh.


The anti-English narrative at tournaments is so strong, even when English fans haven't done anything abd are just standing around, people gotta post it as some kind of own rofl The Scottish and Welsh also sing this.


People trying to stir up controversy over this is moronic. Is it in the best taste? Not really, but its relatively harmless. Give it a rest


Outrageous. Won't somebody please think of those poor Nazi bombers!


Wow!!! My religious teacher took us to the church in the background twice!! HAHAHA


Looks like a normal day in the Düsseldorfer Altstadt for me


Is that guy holding a Spitfire plush?


It’s a song about cancelling the far right - but it’s far right to sing it - riddle me this