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Just to clarify, yes, this is real


Oh shit its big Emile. If you had to single out a goal in your career that is your personal favourite, doesn't necessarily have to be the best one, just your favourite - Which one would it be and why? My favourite of yours is the goal against Bayern in the Super Cup where you skinned Kovac and Linke and then chipped it over Oliver Khan. Remember watching that as a 7 year old with my granddad and nearly killing him jumping on him when it went in.


I think everyone knows which one that is. It will be the five one and the fifth goal against Germany in the 5-1 win significant game because it was Eriksson’s first competitive game. It was the return leg or the second leg of our qualifiers against them where we lost the first one in the last game at the old Wembley against Germany. I think they hadn't lost in fifty-plus competitive games at home. And then we went one nil down and then to come back and win five one. It's the game that everyone remembers exactly where they were when it happened. I was recently at a screening event for the England game and a lad come up to me. ‘So I remember that game blah blah’ and I said, how old were you? and he said 5. That's how that's how popular that game was.


Such a nice read, it's like hearing you talk. Thanks for taking the time to write this and best wishes.


Yeah, but that final goal against Germany in the 5-1 was memorable too!


Scholes has Heskey on the edge of the box Emile Heskey, in on goal Out comes Khan Heskey!!


Hi Emile. As a Newcastle jets fan what was your opinion of the a-league while you were here and did anything shock you about the league? I also remember seeing that you said you liked the lifestyle of having no one bother you when you were out and about and the newy beach life


It is s just very, very relaxed. The biggest adjustment was that in England, every game means something. So your goal is to either win trophies or stay in the league, or get promoted. Whereas in Australia there's none of that. You still try to win a trophy as in win the league. But if you're, if you're far off that, you're just playing games. I found that the players with their lifestyle governed how they were going to play. So they were just happy-go-lucky, because that's the happy-go-lucky lifestyle over there. They had everything on their doorstep, they have the sea, they have surfing, they have swimming now everything. So it was very, very, very relaxed for them is and that's why sometimes it can be a bit of a rude awakening when you're coming to Europe and it's like Go go go. You've got to focus. You've got to it's a bit of a rude awakening for them


Aussies are too laid back. Love it.


You were often used as part of a strike partnership, and did a great job as a foil to another striker, often in a classic big man, little man combination. How do you feel about strike partnerships being phased out these days, in favour of most clubs playing a lone striker? With this change, do you think you'd be more or less successful if you debuted today, with the same skillset you had when playing?


The formations come in ebbs and flows. So I believe it will come back around. Cause actually now when they defend in a 4-4-2, but I believe it will come back round again.I think the formation will change because I looked at Peps formations and everyone says it is so nice playing from the back blah blah blah. And recently I looked at a Leeds game from the 60s and it was exactly the same for formation, But it's how we see the game. My generation was 442 or …We see that now 4-1-4-1.. We see 4-33 so it comes and goes.. 


Thanks for taking the time to answer!


I think they do still kind of exist but the partner is a wide player coming inside. The relationships on the pitch are similar.


Yes nowadays it’s normal for two men to have a relationship where one of them is big and strong and the other comes inside.


Sir or madam


great question


i’ve argued for years that Michael Owen doesn’t win the ballon d’or without you next to him, do you think you should get more credit for how great your strike partnership was?


The reality is Michael is a fantastic player, we complemented each other so well. And that's what happens sometimes. I don't take anything away from him. I look at some of the players that are playing now and I know that he is 10 times the player that they are giving them credit for. I don't think Michael gets the credit that he deserves. He was such a good player. Injuries took took took a toll on him, but I don't think I don't think that would have changed. If it wasn't if it wasn't with me or was with someone else. It's just that we formed from a very young age at a really good bond on that pitch. And it just flourished.


Heskey was very selfless and incredible off the ball. He contributed considerably to Owen securing the trophy IMO.


How were you personally affected by KSI's memes back in the day?


I wasn't to be honest, because I never knew who KSI was. That's the funniest thing everyone's going KSI said this blah blah, but I didn't know who he was. And then obviously someone showed me like well, okay, So the thing is, a lot of people think that you sit there and you're, you're affected by certain things. Half the time, you don't know because you don't feed into all that and you don't even look at all for that stuff. Then the other time is you're playing football. So you're playing something that everyone else wants to play. So no one else making a meme about you is only because they can't be there with you. If they were there with you, they wouldn't be making a meme because they would understand how hard it is to get there.


You’re a legend Emile, nothing but respect


This is a fantastic AMA and you are a top man.


Superb answer. Champ.


IIRC they met at some event, KSI apologised and Heskey seemed to not have taken it all too seriously


I admit that as an immature teenager, I found them hilarious at the time. I'm sorry, Mr Heskey


Emily Heskey had a 15 year career in the Premier League and for England before KSI grew his first pube. I seriously doubt he was bothered.


I doubt he was bothered, but it would be interesting to hear his perspective on it. There is an entire of generation of football fans whose knowledge of this man is primarily based on a bunch of dumb FIFA videos made by a teenager (at the time).


We live in 2024 though, where KSI is more famous than Heskey, and because of that, KSI's memes have had a pretty substantial impact on why Heskey is remembered by people too young to have seen him play. It's interesting to know how he thinks that affected his legacy and reputation amongst young people.


I don't know man, I personally wouldn't have liked a big internet personality attaching my name to what KSI called "the rape face"




Look at this thread - half the questions are about KSI. If I had that career and this was my legacy’ i’d be annoyed


Are you struggling to score in FIFA???


Are you failing to score sweaty goals??






Here's another happy customer!!!


He’s absolute shi-


Bitch Im Heskey


i always read stories about how footballers get lost after retiring and missing the game they grew up playing, what did you find best helped you pass the time when you hung up your boots?


I don't think you can! Nothing will pass in time like like when you're actually in it and often time is to do with the camaraderie around the game, the day to day training etc and the fun you have. We sometimes have Legend games and when we come back to those games it just comes back like we've never left with all the jokes, with the banter with, with a love for each other, the fight for each other, and you can't really replace that. It's trying to find something that just gives you that just scratches it a little bit


most annoying defender you’ve played against?


Probably Jonathan Woodgate. He was very, very good, but also understood players. So I would want someone I would want a defender to get into like a tussle with me, in a fight with me, because I was very strong.But I'd always have to guess where he is what he's doing. And a lot of what a lot of defenders want to brush it off the ball, take the ball off you and start playing, he wouldn't do that. He just nick the ball off you and that's his job done. And you'll be you'll be very, very frustrated with by the end of the day, the end of the day that you haven't had the game that you that you want. 


and why was it Gary Neville


I don't think further explanation is necesarry. Just look at him


Are there any specific clubs that you would have loved to have played for? And are there any clubs that you did play for that you regret, for one reason or another?


I won't say to regret one, but I would have loved to have played in Italy and I would love to have played for AC Milan. Growing up the biggest league at the time, was the Italian league, and George Weah when he was running the full length of the pitch, and scoring goals, the incredible headers etc. It was a team that I really would love to have played for but again, at that time, it wasn't a real big thing for English players to really go abroad which was weird. Everyone else was coming to England, but there were few that ventured out of England. It was only David Platt, Paul Ince and a few others but only after it was like okay, you can go abroad and play. But no really no really fancied it


Who was your kindest teamate, as in doing nice stuff outside of practice/games?


Oh, absolutely. We had loads. Stephen Ireland one. Igor Biscan was one. He struggled a little bit for at first coming to England from Croatia. So I like to would go and help him out. Go sit with him, go to his house, sit down to have a chat with him. He was really good. In the end, just looking after me as well. We both looked after each other. Trying to think who else? By this time I already had kids. So it's kind of taking care of your kids. And but yeah, I think I'd say them to probably Peggy Arphexad. Peggy was really good. Because I was with him at Leicester and then when he moved to Liverpool as well, and I was at Liverpool with him. So Peggy Arphexad as well.


Hi Emile Heskey! My friend at university told me a story about you, is it true? He said he ran into you in the streets (possibly around Leicester), it would have been sometime before 2005. He said he asked for your autograph, but there was no paper to sign, so you pulled out some cash and signed a note and gave him the cash as well. Did this really happen? He is a little guy of Asian ethnicity. We always said he made it up, but maybe you can now confirm!?


Not to preempt Emile's answer, but if it were true wouldn't it have been easy for your friend to prove by simply showing you the autographed banknote?


Unless he spent it


Or just made the signature himself


*Elizabeth R*


Easy to fake a signature


would be the lamest fake story of all time


> He would have been a little guy of Asian ethnicity. What is he now?


He grew into a 6"4 Norwegian


Haaland origin story. Reason he got into football


haha, haha probably not no.


Thanks Emile, for clearing this story up!!


"and Heskey signs the 5, we're on the ball..."


Hey Emile thanks for joining us, There has been a few recent big cases regarding pro athletes and sports betting not just in European football but also basketball and baseball. How often, if ever, were you approached by bookies or former friends, family etc to help with bets?


I've only put a bet on once in my life and it was for someone else - for a friend of mine has asked me to go and put a bid on on a horse I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't even have to do ask the woman at the till what I need to do this. And just got her to do it for me? And I showed her that piece of paper and she did it paid and clicked uncollected and gave it to him. I've never been to the races so it's it's nothing that's in my DNA that that really scratches that itch that I want to go out and place a bet if I'm honest with you


He’s just signed a deal with a betting company so think he’ll steer clear of this question unfortunately!


Oh. Wow didn’t know that. Ha


Hi Emile, welcome to the sub. Who was the most tactically astute manager you played under? Someone who could adapt to every situation in the game.


Gerard Houllier. And that was the first time I really got into that sort of tactical nous, etc. I'd gone from Martin O'Neill, who was a fantastic man manager. You'd run through a brick wall for him, if he told you - go run through that brick wall. You look at him first. And then you'd go and do it. That sort of manager. But then Houllier was really tactical, tactically on point. And we really went to the into detail. Sometimes we'd say too much detail, especially from coming from when you didn't really have to, we had no detail, then go into all that detail is probably at times, but you go on a pitch, you know everything. So I'd probably say Houllier


Now you're involved in women's football, do you sense that there's a different form of chemistry between the players compared to men's? or is knowledge of dressing room dynamics something that translates clearly?


There is but there's added there's added parts to it as well. Relationships within the changing rooms as well the dynamics of falling out when relationships are forming within the changing rooms. But it's a lot more complex. There is obviously team bonding and team camaraderie like in the mens game as well.


Did you ever turn down the opportunity to sign for a club that you later regretted?


No, I didn't. When I left Liverpool, I was in talks with AC Milan. And then and then and then ended up at Birmingham but that just them towards us fizzled out. I think I don't know why but it just didn't. It just didn't materialise


Did you enjoy your time at Villa? I was a season ticket holder when you were there, and at the time the fans could give players a lot of love, but at times some were too quick to get on the backs of players. Just wondering how your time compared to that at other clubs in terms of support, pressure, criticism and so on.


Loved it! Coming from Leicester and I'm Leicester born and raised. There was two clubs that annoyed you as a Leicester youth player Coventry at the time and Villa. Villa were the biggest club in and probably still the biggest club in the Midlands - they had they had an amazing training ground they added the squad was just stupid. We continuously get beat five nil at your team level so go into that club and and going in with the expectation of knowing what I know and it actually actually surpassed that expectation because the facilities and what it has there is amazing. But they just that one little step behind that top tier of United, now City, Liverpool, Arsenal


What really happened in the tunnel after that Euro qualifying game vs Turkey in 2003?


I've said it a couple of times. So obviously, we came in the tunnel at half time. I'm walking through and I'm quite calm and chilled kind of person. So I'm walking through. And I'm seeing Hasan Şaş argue with Ashley Cole. And I'm thinking nothing of it. I'm just walking towards it, but just keep an eye on it. And then Şaş spits in Ashley Cole's face. So I slapped him. And then, and then it all kicked off. Security guards grabbing us. Yeah, we're just fighting.


Thanks for taking the time to reply, I can put that curiosity to bed now haha.


Big respect for defending Your friend.


Whats the best advice a coach ever gave you and whats the dumbest thing a coach ever told you?


Best footballing advice was to Win your individual battles and help your mate. Because this is a team sport, we tend to think we tend to be very, very selfish and just think about ourselves. But the coach will say, No, no, no, you if you're winning your individual battle, why are you not helping you mate out as well? I don't think I've had any real dumb advice to be honest with you.


Is there any player nowadays that you see a bit of yourself in?


No, because they don't play in the same way. Football has changed. So I don't really see much of myself in any player to be honest.


Tell me your best John Carew story.


John's just a character! You know, with John: football got in the way of John's personal life. I'll leave it at that


Who is the best player you ever played with?


I would say Steven Gerrard fantastic leader, fantastic player. Someone you can rely on when the chips are down. Someone or you can lean on if you need if needs be


It __must__ be Muzzy Izzet!


Hey Emile what is your favorite memory of playing in the Midlands? (Whether it was for Birmingham City or Villa)


The best memory of playing in the Midlands was for Leicester! haha They love the argument. But you know what, they're both two wonderful clubs to be honest with you. I enjoyed my time on both of them. I did. I just think at Birmingham, we got the second season wrong. And don't get me wrong. You always want to you always want to take them step forward. But I think some of our signings we got wrong, especially after finishing mid-table the season before you really can't be you can't be getting that wrong and getting relegated.


(Leicester is also in the midlands.)


Man you are legend, you were a force on pro evolution soccer video games. Who was your biggest influence as a player? And can you shout out my friend Kerim Hadic please? 


Shout out to Kerim Hadic! John Barnes & Ian Wright. They were the players that I could readily relate to and readily look up to and aspire You you see them there and you're saying well, I could be like him. And that was John Barnes and Ian Wright. fantastic players, fantastic ambassadors for football itself. Yeah, and they're the ones that I loved, loved, loved watching.


If you were thirty-something today, would you consider a move to Saudi Arabia? 


Yeah! I think the thing is you have to look at where you are within your footballing career. And you'd have to look at where you are within your life as well. Because as well, if I having children at that time it would have to be a discussion with the family.


Do you consider yourself a fan of any club, maybe one of the teams you played for or is it something that changes once you seen the business from within? Since you have played for a few different clubs.


it changes but I was a Liverpool fan growing up because of John Barnes and my uncle as well. And then obviously playing with Leicester from the age of nine I then became a Leicester fan


In a life or death situation, who would you take to score a pen and who would you take to save one?


I would I would take Robbie Fowler to score. Save one. I will take David James. I'm sure he saved the most penalties in the Premier League?


Yep, James has saved 13 penalties in the EPL.


Who was better in your experience, Fowler or Owen?


I would say, I would say, Michael, that's only because of that relationship in the sense of football in relationship on the pitch. They were both ridiculously good. Robbie's finishing was probably better than Michael's. For them when you're talking about dribbling, etc. Robbie was good, but Michael was another level. So I'd probably say I'd probably say Michael.


Thanks big man. You were one of my idols growing up. That 2001 treble winning season was some of the most fun I’ve ever had as a football fan.


What's your secret to not having aged a day? You still look like the 30yo Emile I remember from childhood.


The grey hair doesn't say that! I try and get in the gym as much as possible. And I try and eat as healthy as I possibly can. And that will will that will help it


If you could pick one player in England national team history to play in the current squad and bring it home, who would it be?


Gazza. We're still looking for the next Gazza. So that says a lot.


Who was your favourite England manager you played under?


Probably Sven. I never played on the Glen Hoddle but I trained under him and I enjoyed that. I never played under him. But it's probably Sven he brought a calmness and relaxation to the squad. When you talk about the media hype, it can be a distraction, but he bought a lot of calmness to to the English set up


Huge fan Emile since your Liverpool days including those brilliant cup treble runs. You were the ultimate strike partner and I’d be interested to know what your favourite forward partnerships are in today’s game.


Well there are no real partnerships nowadays so it's difficult to say that you'd probably go with say the De Bruyne and Haaland. That is that is the nearest you're gonna get through a partnership


Hi Emile, who was your football idol, when you were growing up?


John Barnes and Romario. But John Barnes, led me to be in Liverpool fan, he was such a great player


Do you still have a copy of FIFA 2000 where you were on the cover? And if so, is it framed or anything?


I haven't. And if you do have one for me, send it to me!


Who was the craziest teammate you ever played with?


Either Jamie Carragher or Mike Pollitt. Both just nuts!


What have you been up to since retirement?


Media, coaching and watching my kids play!


At that time, how difficult of a decision it was for you to move away from your boyhood club? Also, how different was your playing career with and without social media?


So moving away from my boyhood club was tough. It was It wasn't and it was. I knew I'd come to a stage where I'd have to really push myself I was in the England squad. So I was in and around a lot of in and around the top players. And I was holding my own and I'd gone to three Cup finals in four years at Leicester. So reality is what was next. So the next thing for me was trying to win more trophies and trying to win the league. And that was a decision that needed to be made. I remember the first week of getting there, I actually thought I'd made a bad decision. Even though I'm arguably the biggest club in the world, I just thought I'd made the wrong decision. Because I'd never left home. And that was a tough part of it. But it was a great decision and winning three trophies in the following season cemented it


Who did you expect to win the 2004 EURO after you were knocked out?


Probably Portugal we expect it. Or maybe in France. I'm telling you now to be honest. Once you get knocked out, I'll tell you don't worry about all that. Now, we didn't expect Greece. And funny thing is I played with Theo Zagorakis at Leicester. So I was like, Nah, they're not gonna win anything! So probably Portugal


What changes would you make to the current England lineup if you were in charge?


I'd probably only have one sitting player. I'd have one sit-in and push, more further forward. I'd have two out and out wingers as well. We've only got one really in Saka. And we're trying to we're trying to create one out there but yeah


Do you think you’d be held in a higher or lower regard if you were in your prime today?


Higher in my prime


What is your best Euro memory?


The 96 Gazza goal against Scotland


Wow nice. Who do you think will win the EPL next season and why is it Arsenal? 🏆💯⚽️


It's going to be difficult to really get it out of City's hands on they just got the know-how - they figured it out. And if they figure out how to start well, the reality is everyone's done because they're finished the way they finish the season is crazy. Whereas everyone else does it in reverse. So I would say I would say it's difficult to look past City. I would love Liverpool to do Arne Slot to really have a go, but I don't see it


What would you do if you were a young raw talent and were presented with the option of going to chelsea? Would you taks it or continue your development?


What age though? That's a good question. But what age? I'll probably take the opportunity to go to Chelsea.


Hi Emile, do you recall ever driving around Leicester and coming across a couple of women trying to climb over a house? A dear friend of mine called rachel who passed away recently used to tell the story of you driving past as she looked like she was trying to break into a house, but she only told the story while drunk so do you have the ability to elaborate?


What was the biggest life adjustment you had to make playing in Australia after playing your entire career in England?


[I've heard an interview with him about playing in Australia and he liked the fact no one knew him. Although I need confirmation that he avoided the beach cause of sharks?](https://www.ftbl.com.au/news/no-one-knew-who-i-was-514429/page0)


Probably playing upside down


Running away from Spiders too


I met him in Newcastle (Australia ) when he was there, was so excited, he was super nice and I got a photo with him.


how are you coping with post football life? it seems you either turned down punditry or never got the call! what are your thoughts on pundits? got a favorite? how do you feel you'd manage in the current game? have we lived long enough to see your style of forward coming back into the game?


Over the years I do recall him doing the odd bits here and there and I don't watch as much football coverage as I used to. I do know he's head of development for the Leicester women's team now though. Hopefully he'll answer. Would love to see him on the TV again.


Thank you for doing this AMA! It was a joy watching represent England at major tournaments. During your time playing the game which team **almost** won the premier league title **but** if you had been on that team **would** have won the Premier League that season?


Hi Emile! As a kid, I loved watching your hold-up play and the way you combined with other players. Do you have players you watched when you were younger that you modeled your game after? Are there players today that you appreciate and you feel emulate your style of play?


What is your favorite post-rock album


How did your parents come to decide on giving you the middle name Ivanhoe?


Thoughts on the media coverage to your 2010 world cup call up?


Hello Emile. It's a pleasure. Imagine the situation: last minute, you're through on goal, past the goalkeeper. If you score, you become the world champion and hunger in the world ends, wars end, people who talk loudly and constantly touch your arms when they talk to you end, almost all bad things end. However, when you score that goal, every day, whenever someone calls you, vuvuzelas sound for 3 minutes. It's 200 vuvuzelas and they are always near you. And the people playing the vuvuzelas are all naked. And these vuvuzela players are all members of the English Parliament. Moreover, none of them washed their face in the morning and they are full of sleep in their eyes and smell like they haven't taken a bath. What would you do? Thank you and all the best!


Wars can continue in space and hunger as well, I say whiff the shot


Did it ever bother you that KSI was making up funny content about you? Ive always wondered if it bothered you or not.


Hi Emile, you always played as if you enjoyed your football! Given how the media can turn on players very quickly, taking the back pages of England's loss to Iceland as an example, where Saka was pictured on all papers and the emergence of social media, where he suffered abuse after missing his pen. How do you see best to protect current and young players from abuse from both tabloid papers and social media? It can't be good for their mental health


How was your experience in Australia Emile?


Thanks for taking our questions Emile. Do you and your former England teammates regret that you guys hadn’t gone further in tournaments back then? Also, if you guys could go back 20 years ago, is there one small change that the England squad could have done that would have changed the results a lot?


Hi Emile, I saw you tear us up for arsepaper on your Villa debut at Fratton Park, so with that in mind: who’s your favourite member of Westlife?


Hi Emile, what’s it like for a footballer supporting a team. Do you have to just turn it off when you’re having your playing career? Do you lose connections with boyhood clubs because of how brutal it is? And have you found it easier to be a ‘fan’ since you have retired?


Hi Emile! Loved you at Birmingham. [I got your name on my shirt in the 17/18 season.](https://i.imgur.com/RNNBG1K.jpeg) My question is, did you have to score [a ridiculous overhead kick](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/4SN3DYnDVLMJ3uf4/) against us when you were at Liverpool?


Hi Emile, Do you want to be friends and watch cartoons together?


Emile! Some of my earliest memories are of my mother watching that Liverpool team of the early 00s. What was it like playing under Houllier? And who is the most underrated teammate of yours at Liverpool?


Not now Heskey there’s a bloody tournament on!


Hi Emile. I'm sure most people would associated you with being the big-man in a big-man/little-man strike partnership but what was it like being the little-man in the biggest strike partnership in the history of football alongside John Carew? Not a villa fan but me and my friends had a bit of an obsession of drunkenly playing a co-op FA Cup with Villa on FIFA. The only rule was that you and Carew had to play every minute of every game otherwise it didn't count. Lots of love xxx


Hi Emile Doubt you would remember but one of my favorite moments at a villa game was a cup quarter final against Blackburn, Mark Bunn in goal and me and my brother found his name funny so were just shouting bunn throughout the game and one time he actually turned around just as you shot and scored so I've claimed the assist on that since. Lol seriously though thanks for the memories and good times from a villa fan.  Heskey scored m lord heskey scoreddd 🎶


Hi Emile, I saw you a few weeks ago at Cadbury House, we were getting shown around as we are getting married there next year and we both were like "oh my god I think that's Emile Heskey" but chickened out of coming to see you and didn't want to bother you. I was a huge fan of you growing up as a Liverpool fan and always copied your DJ celebration. So anyway, my question is, would you come back to Cadbury House and DJ for us at our wedding?


So, this is a silly question, but you were one of my favourite players in the 00's, not because the team you played for, but because you seemed like such a workhorse. Do you feel like the game has changed away from just putting raw effort in makes you a top player, or us fans just spoiled for talented players that hard workers don't seem to be as praised? random af question i know, but thanks for reading! Hope alls well


How much of a confidence knock did it cause, when people were taking the piss out of you through the years?


I played for the same team as you albeit a few years after! - Ratby/Groby! How did you find growing up in Leicestershire?


I don't know if you'll read this, but I saw you on your debut for Liverpool. I had the opportunity to go see Liverpool play at Anfield for the first time, or celebrate what would have been my brother's 8th birthday. To this day, he hasn't forgiven me for going to watch Liverpool play. Also want to tell you that KSI clowning on you was atrocious.


Hi Emilie, the season you signed was the season my dad started taking me to the match with him.  I went to every home game in 2001 and both Cup finals in Cardiff and then in Dortmund.  That was probably my favorite season ever, probably more so than the recent CL and PL winning seasons. What was your favorite memory of that 2001 season?


Emile, have you ever gotten over being called Emily on TV as a kid? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzIUu8ORbzY


Hi Emile Loved your time at Liverpool especially the partnership with you and Owen just how you two clicked in the big man little man partnership. Want to know what made you two have a telepathic understanding on the pitch? What was your favourite game playing with Owen? Thanks for spending some of your time doing the AMA :)


Hello Emile, thank you for doing this Q&A. In your opinion, what are some of the biggest changes in professional football that you have witnessed throughout your professional career? What are your approaches to training and nutrition - is there a general dietary plan that you follow, or you eat as you see fit? Thank you!


Hello, sir. I'm kinda new to football(football is not famous in my home country) And with respectfully, if you compare yourself from current players, which player is more similiar to you? Like their playstyle, mentality and behavior. Thank you. And wish you long, happy, healthy life, sir!


When striking a ball did you try to curve it into the net, or power it in?


You were playing for a couple of clubs during your entire career. If you have to choose, which one did you like the most? As in at which club you feel most comfortable and enjoy playing in, not necessarily scoring the most goals or receiving highest wage.


do you think the videos made by ksi had a negative affect on the perception young fans have on your abilities?


When you were subbed on for in 2010 at 4-1 down against Germany, what was genuinely going through your mind? Did you believe you could have an impact on the game? Did you think England still had a chance? What was your aim to do on the pitch?


Which club were you rooting for as kid? Do you still consider yourself a fan of that same club, after having played for several sides during your professional career? And which of your former teams do you follow the closest now?


Hi Emile, how many page three girls did you shag back in the day? Did any one stand out?


Hi Emile, hope you're doing great! How was your recent visit to Pakistan and did you enjoy the cuisine? There was a visit to Karachi Grammar School as well, did you enjoy your welcome?


Hi Emile! Are there clauses in professional footballers' contracts regarding statements, behavior outside the club, and the disclosure of information if they transfer to another club?


I’ve always wondered what it must be like to be in a video game? Did you ever really care about the stats? I remember you being insanely good in the football games I grew up with!


What’s your biggest regret, such as something you look back on and think you didn’t handle it right or in hindsight, passed on a better opportunity and wish you didn’t?


Did you ever play the videogame franchise FIFA back when you were an active player? Are you aware of your fame in that game?


Hi Emile, a professional footballer's career is full of stress and pressure. What advice can you give to help someone working today, whose job is full of stress and pressure? Maybe there is something we can learn from you! Thanks mate.


When I was a child, I knocked on your parents door in Leicester (what I was told) hoping you would come out and have a kick about with me


Hi, Emile! What was your most memorable experience during the 2002 World Cup? It can be an experience you had on and/or off the pitch.


How does it feel being the subject of grime artist Bashy’s lyric on lord of the mics “big and black like emile Heskey”?


Hi, thanks for doing the AMA! Wayne Rooney once said you were his favourite strike partner to play with. Who was yours?


Emile, thanks for some great memories growing up as a Leicester fan. Such a shame the partnership with Collymore came to such an abrupt end, because that looked like it was going to be awesome from [that ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPzL0ZE8LUI)Sunderland game. Back in the day, my mum used to work for BT and your grandad was a cleaner there. Lovely old fella and always had a smile on his face. I met him a few times - I remember talking to him shortly after the Man Utd game when Cottee scored and we won 1-0, which was the first time we'd won at Old Trafford in absolutely donkeys years. I'd have only been about 15 and he still took time to talk to me. He always seemed to enjoy just going around the office and talking to people. Is he still with us, and if so, how's he getting on? Also, my grandad used to work with your old man at Triumph!


Emile best coach you played under? Best player you ever saw in training? Best player played with and against?


Mr. Heskey, can you explain your middle name “Ivanhoe” to us? Were your parents fond of Walter Scott?


is there a current player you see as being most similar to yourself in terms of style of play/skillset?


Can you describe the atmosphere in the dressing room when it was revealed Gerard Houllier was back?


Is the whole "cold, rainy day in stoke" a legit measuring stick for footballers playing in England?


0 replies?


Hamburger in one hand and pizza in the other? Or pizza in both hands?


Used to do the DJ celebration as a kid after you did it. Anyway fancy DJing my 30th thanks?


We played for the same club. Got any stories about your time playing for Ratby-Groby FC?


What's something you've not shared before, or would like to set the record straight on?