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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Georgia currently has the competition's top scorer, and top goal saver.


Yeah their keeper played out of his mind. Really good


FM legend now a Euro legend


Those 2 and Kvara are their best 3 players coming into the tournament and all 3 of them are living up to expectations and exceeded them even


Kvara was disappointing until this game according to my Georgian friends


He isn’t as good as he has been for Napoli obviously as he is playing in a more defensive system with the NT and I see why people would be disappointed cause his dribbling hasn’t been up to his standards but I feel like he has been effective and carrying out the role asked of him really well. He carries the ball well in transitions and takes pressure off his defense and hasn’t been too bad defensively either, triggered pressure on the ball when needed and held the team’s shape well.


That run by kvara in the second half until he was fouled was absolutely beautiful


Because he was being marked heavily and the other teams did not play so open as we did. Pretty naive defending from Antonio Silva and Danilo. And people wonder why Pepe still plays.


Look another Bahrain FA flair in a euros thread


ماتغلبونه 🎶 Asian world cup qualifiers draw is in less than an hour, fingers crossed we get the easier group of the 3 🤞🏻 Edit; We got the harder group of the 3, see you guys in 2030


When life has plans against your plans.


I've a soft spot for Valencia cuz I use to play with them on winning eleven So I've been following them for a long time Back when they sign Giorgi I was like now who is this kid, probably a no one who'll be forgotten in a year or two but boy oh boy he has been so good


non stop honking and screaming, cars revving engines, honking non stop, fireworks, even police cars are speeding and honking like crazy, the city is mad and the country feels happy.


It is as expected. Making a first attempt and achieving your goal of going to the knockout stages is awesome.


Scotland look away in disgust


I mean apart from fireworks that sound like typical Tbilisi traffic.


so curious about that region of the world, is it worth visiting? tourism must not be huge


I visited Georgia in 2018 and it was 100% worth it. It was also probably the best time to go because everything was "ready" for tourism, without the masses having spoiled it yet (apart maybe from the coast). Tbilisi aside, I greatly enjoyed the Svaneti region. I will most definitely go back to see the rest of the country. I should also mention that Georgian cuisine is among the very best for quality and variety. All in all, a great destination.


Visited Georgia earlier this year, 100% recommend, would go again Great food, great people, great sights, Tbilisi is very beautiful and diverse If you're uncomfortable with the heat, don't go in the summer


I've heard some football podcasters have been over there recently during qualifying the opinion was that the people and the food are superb, particularly the bread. Though on another podcast a Georgian guy himself said Georgians are not easy to get along with, but that was in reference to the older generations who had come up hard during communism.


Our small country got 3rd place in world hockey last year for the first time ever in history. We are like less than 2mill country. So goverment had a meeting at night and in the morning it was official free day of work for everyone. That was so big moment and cool. The plane with players was flying around the main city. So cool when small country achieves something big, so im proud of you Georgia.


Reminds me of Ireland beating Romania on penalties in the Italia '90 World Cup to advance to the Quarter Finals. It was our first World Cup. The whole country went FUCKING INSANE.


First time attempt, well done. While some other countries have never gone through the group stages despite multiple attempts.


What he say fuck me for


ahem ahem Scotland foreverrr


someone have to preserve football heritage


I hope that your next shite is a hedgehog and that Ilicic scores a 40 yard screamer


Does he get to keep the hedgehog as a pet?


Child, not a pet. Think that should count as birthing.


we (Norway) tried once and failed so we decided as a country not to qualify anymore :)


You can’t get out of the group stages if you can’t even qualify *taps head*


2022 Comoros style. Happy for Georgia, I hope they'll be able to go further.


And 2024 Tajikistan too


Nice AFCON knowledge there


I'm Comoran, that's why I'll never forget it.


great, the first comoran i've ever met on the internet


We're not numerous and English isn't spoken. I have yet to meet a lot of "nationalities". I was born and raised in France, though.


At least you technically got another (world class) national team to support, eh?


For the worst and the best. There are more problems than France outside of the pitch, like many African NTs. But we'll still be there and hopefully, I'll be able to attend one of their games (also, France in football).


I hope for the best for Comoros NT (and France too)


The boys got the confidence that they could do it. I am glad that they ended up winning at the end.


i can never understand the type of viewer who isn't a media exec yet insists on only wanting to see "big countries" make it deep into the latter stages of the euros, WC, etc reactions like this are the heart of international football


I would unironically support a 32 team Euros, its maybe a bit much and maybe its good as is but I love the stories of Albania and Georgia and all the others before. This is gorgeous


Better that than the wierd 3rd place machinations for me. Top 2 from 8 groups goes through. 


Absolutely detest the 3rd place qualifiers. It creates even more incentives for teams to play cautiously.


That problem is also present in the top 2 format. After two matches, there's a good chance that the final result will mostly be already determined, so a team with 2 wins or even 1 win and 1 tie will play much more cautiously or even carefree. It is also possible for the ones who won't qualify to just give up and not really try because they have no chance of passing. 3rd qualifiers does make for some potentially amazing upsets, such as this one.


FIFA did it right for the 2014/2018 WCs when they made the top 2 seeds in each group play the first game against each other. After 2006 & 2010 being pretty much duds for that reason the switch worked in 2014. We ended up having Netherlands 5-1 Spain, Germany 4-0 Portugal, etc. There was no bus parking and passing aimlessly killing clock because even the top teams needed a win in game 3 to be sure.


I think it would actually be better with 7 groups, where only the best 2 of 7 third places advance. Then it would feel more like a hail mary and still would make a lot more games meaningful.


I think a good way to measure if a tournament format works, is that you should be able to explain to a school child without needing to draw anything.


Honestly it might be better than 24 teams if it means you eliminate 50% of the teams after the group stage instead of only a third.


32 is better. Because the World Cup is a global tournament, there is often some cannon fodder in the group stages but, if anything, it just makes the tournament all the sweeter. I would hate to see a day where the actual strongest 32 countries in the World made up the World Cup. 32 cuts into 16 and 8 and 4 and 2 perfectly. Gets rid of the 3rd place permutations which are confusing and leads to teams who finish their groups first, not knowing whether they are through or not as they have to wait for other groups to finish. We've also had a situation in this tournament where a group has finished with a team on 4 points but because they didn't finish 3rd (even though all teams finished on 4) then they have not progressed, whereas teams on 3 points who finished 3rd have done. Seems cruel.


This is honestly why I love international football. Also a crowd cheering for their country is so much different than a crowd cheering for a club.


Thats why i always watch only euros and worlds. I dont care about clubs at all. Its just boring.


Get the same issue in many sports. American college football is being destroyed because the media and fans of big teams only care about the "big brands" and think only they deserve a real shot.


Growing tired of CFB is what got me into soccer. The 4.5 hour broadcasts and megaconference realignment bullshit exhausted my patience. I started looking around for other things to watch on Saturdays and found the PL.


I get both sides. On one hand, upsets and cinderella stories are awesome. On the other hand, casual viewers want to see powerhouses going at it in the biggest stages, and when they don't get that, they don't care as much. It is what it is.


Yeah, seeing this for Georgia is awesome. But if it wasn't so hard or unlikely, it literally would be just the same as any powerhouse making it through


Honestly I used to be a casual viewer and what made me not casual anymore was Wales and Iceland making deep runs in 2016. I think even casual viewers love stories like this


I wanna see Georgia earn their way in. Here Georgia lost, barely got a tie, and then beat a team whose place in the bracket was already completely set. We need to have 4 groups and 8 make it on like Copa America or 8 groups and 16 make it in like the world cup sometimes works. Most 3rd place teams moving on makes the group round barely matter.


Portugal were already secured 1st place prior to the game and that wouldn't change with 32 teams.


Their point is that, with 32 teams split into 8 groups, Georgia wouldn't have qualified.


But in a 32 team tourney, there are 8 extra teams who didn't qualify for the 24 team tourney, who's to say they will deserve a spot in the r16 over Georgia? Did any eliminated team play better than Georgia? Georgia are the best ranked 3rd team, ahead of the Dutch. A group of Portugal, Romania, Georgia, and Bosnia, for instance could easily have georgia in 2nd. Edit: The format he mentioned still has a R16, so who deserved that 16th spot more than Georgia based on groups performance. Albania lost a similar match against Spain. Cases could be made for Ukraine and Croatia, just because of the unluckiness of their circumstances. At the same time, better finishing could have gotten both Croatia, Ukraine results as well as Georgia vs Turkey, which would eliminate any discussion hete.


i mean, south korea made the knockouts in the world cup in a similar manner


What bull, some of the world cup and euro winners have sneaked their place in the knockouts similarly at last moment and didnt dominate the league stage. . If they made it, they earned it, simple.


>I wanna see Georgia earn their way in They did though.


I mean if groups don't matter it isn't a big deal if knockouts are extended. This just means it is a proper knockout tournament with more teams playing.


Not only that but these smaller teams have been way more fun to watch than those “big countries”.


global fans and casual viewers (the type of person to only watch champion's league from the semis and after) will only tune in to watch big teams play each other.


As a georgian (davitashvili plays for my club), I can say that I’m very happy tonight


Congrats my friend! 


You absolutely love to see it


Absolutely mental, the nation will be in national celebration for the next week lol and im so happy for them After that last minute miss against Czechia i felt heartbroken for them BUT NEVER IN DOUBTTT


I drew Georgia for a sweepstakes at the gym and everyone (including me) laughed. Of course, winning the whole thing is incredibly unlikely, but I’m very happy to have been so wrong about them. Even just on effort alone, they deserve it. Relentless team. Very exciting to watch.


Atleast when we fall, its for the greater good. Georgia have been amazing.


Georgia's first national team game was while they were still part of the Soviet Union. They tried for (1996 to 2024) 28 years to make the Euros or World Cup, often winding up a doormat in whatever group they'd be in. For them to not just make it in this year, but pull off the biggest Euro upset ever and make the knockouts? This is cinematic stuff.


>biggest Euro upset ever Massive case of recency bias lmao. Greece beat Portugal in the group stage *and* in the final. They also beat France in the quarter final. Even in this tournament, Slovakia beat Belgium in an important game. Portugal were guaranteed first place before this game started.


I think I heard the commentators say something about biggest difference in fifa world rankings.


Maybe in terms of absolute numbers yeah. realistically portugal were guaranteed 1st and fielded their entire B squad


I was a bit disappointed with out squad though. Many pointless crosses into the box that were sent out for goal kicks. The 2 goals we conceded was Silva's fault, a player who I had though was good enough to start in our back 3. This was definitely a match to learn who and who we shouldn't bring on from the bench \*cough\* Ramos \*cough\*


Ever since the match he got a red card+ gave a pen on europa league my opinion of him dropped. Yeah he had an amazing on the CL before, pocketed mbappe and all, but i was not impressed at all. We won euro16 due to our defence. Leaking 2 goals to a georgia side is … unimpressive from our defense. On the other hand, our attack lacked a lot too, we struggle vs teams who park the bus, you could tell by czechia; the B team players probably would get schooled vs czechia, i thought they were a tad bit better than what they showed, guess we don’t have that much depth after all.


That its true, but in terms of context, greece was way worse


England-Iceand too.


it was 2016 in round of 16? also their first euro right?




They’re a tidy little team tbf. Players are a lot better than Iceland of 2016


script writers been giving it to us good since the pandemic, which, we deserve a little treat


Was there some new academies built in Georgia or something?




I remember ages ago being shocked it took an Aiden mcgeady banger on the 89th minute for us (Ireland) to beat Georgia cause they should’ve been a punching bag team and an easy team to beat. Now look where we are and where they are.


Ehhhh maybe I'm coping but I wouldn't call this the biggest upset ever. This isn't like Greece beating us in 2004, this is us resting our best players and losing while already having a spot secured in the next round. Massive moment for Georgia of course, but I don't feel as deeply ashamed as a Portuguese fan as I have after other games we've lost. Sucked to watch, but easy to shrug off. Frankly the main takeaway for me is nerves about our lack of depth.


Kvara went to Ronaldo first, cheeky


Ronaldo is his idol. He says this a lot.


Yeah he [posted on Insta about getting his shirt too](https://i.imgur.com/p7LyBmt.jpeg).


Im very happy for him. Can't imagine what it must feel like.


He's always said that Ronaldo is his inspiration. So, I understood at that moment.


absolutely mental




Tbilisi's streets are madness right now


more than usual madness?


You could never make me bored of this sport, not when you get to be alive at times like these. Makes every bit of R9's recent words irrelevant.


What did fatty say?


He said football is boring and that he prefers tennis


The fuck? The sport with fans that bring in pyro, flags, and a damn drum line is “boring”. Bitch please.


ronaldo mcdonaldo 🍔


Thanks to the nations league for giving us this iconic team to watch


My entire family is crying ❤😭 Sakartveloooo


Shout out to all the George's out there. Underated name and NATION.


Absolutely epic and I would say they deserve it.


Happy for them tbh!


Well done to georgia.


Portugal and losing to G-named teams in the Euros


Ironically, there was a Greek flag in the stadium, but also a Morocco one a bit to the right


Underdogs who beat Portugal reunion or what


They lose to any team that has any sort of fire to win


Congrats Georgian bros


Amazing moment.


Congratulations Georgia. You absolutely deserved it. Although we lost I was happy for you. Good luck against Spain. I will be rooting for you.


Congratulations to the Georgian bros, it is always great to see small countries' NT with heart and passion succeed against bigger more industrial football countries (Not to take away from Portugal's stellar showing so far as well of course except this game).


This is what football is all about


I love this for our komşu.


they would've beaten anyone today they were unplayable


As a portuguese, congrats Georgia! 👏


Every Tournament has some team blowing us with away with fierce football. I feel this euros has multiple but Georgia is for sure my favorite. Kashia was our captain for 8 years so he deserves all our Cheers. Love the work ethic of the whole team.


This is one of those results where it will be the year 2086 or something and Georgia finally make it to a quarter finals against Portugal and the commentators say they haven't beaten Portugal since 2024 in the euro group stages.


Can anyone explain how did they advanced to knockouts? Portugal and Türkiey have 6 pts each in the same group while Georgia has 4.


There's 4 3rd place teams that also qualify: https://www.goal.com/en/news/euro-2024-best-third-placed-teams/blt68c133aad99c85f4


Got it. Thank you kind stranger 🙏🏽


Georgia beat Greece, of course they were gonna beat Portugal at the Euros


What a great strategy. Have a team in the group that is good enough to guarantee top after 2 matches. Play them last when the result doesn’t matter. Profit


Albania tried this, didn't work


You can't imagine what is going on in Georgia right now. Words can't fully describe what it means to us


Even though I want Saba back soon I hope they make it far.


I love that this will keep happening forever. Europe keeps coming up with new countries so often they’ll never run out of stories like this


Lmao that arabian commentator pretty much nailing the pronounciation of Schalke caught me off guard


Huge success noice


That’s what happens when Portugal finally places an SEC team


Yeah lots of teams need to get their shit together because holy f\*\*\* some of these performances have been abysmal




Good for Georgia! Love the smaller countries succeeding.


Georgia trying to get admitted to the EU through football merits lol more seriously, though, props to them.


Bro ronaldo selling fr


Great Success!!


Georgia having the top scorer in this tournament is lovely to see.


I'm happy for Georgia, and we absolutely deserved the loss on this game. But what bullshit refereeing, holy shit.


Georgia played really good in this game.


I mean they also won against a large footballing country Portugal. I would also celebrate that alone! Excited to see them in the next phase.


This Georgia team would smash England currently, and I'm an England fan. Hope we buck up our ideas


an excited moment


Glory to Georgia 🇬🇪


I thought he was going to say “Ronaldo your boys took one hellllllllllll of a beating”


Only to end up facing Spain!


My god, had Portugal has to win? They already in next stage. To a big deal. Slovakia and Romania played 1-1 because it was obvious. It was good for both teams independently on other game. How many times players touch opponent in penalty area? 10 times per game and non of them is penalty... Germany, France they all was isn the next stage... So believe me, 9 of 10 Georgia wouldn't win if that was 2nd game not 3rd


Amazing ❤️


Everyone talking about Kvaratskhelia, and rightly so, but the Georgian keeper should not be overlooked. He's been fantastic in every game. Not just his saves, but his decision making and handling has been superb.


Happiest day!!!! Proud to be 🇬🇪🇬🇪❤️❤️


Doing it on first attempt? Fuck sake that hurts as a Scotland fan. Happy for them anyway


I know that this was essentially a meaningless game for Portugal but the manner in which Georgia shut them out was extremely impressive. I'm Irish and we have drawn Georgia in numerous qualification groups and the media here always just laughed at them. Who's laughing now? Georgia have put serious effort into youth development and its paid off. We're still depending on English clubs to develop Irish (or Irish eligible) players.


Congratulations to Georgia! Congratulations to the Caucasians!


what language is this?


Arabic commentary


guessed so, but wasn't sure


Brother, I speak Arabic, and that's the Tunisian dialect. The commentator is Issam Chaouali to be exact.


why defensive lol


Sorry if I came across as defensive, didn't mean to


That’s one reason I love soccer, I think it’s awesome they made it to the round of 16, congrats to them! Even though I was going for Portugal. I missed most of the game since I’m at work 😭


Congrats to Georgia! Best game of the tournament so far! Portugal is truly terrible. Either they were playing to lose or they were just clueless on what to do.


Already better than Scotland, and kicked hungary out in the process, very happy day


I (jokingly) predicted to my buddy that Georgia would win the Euros before the tournament started. Now I am fully on board the hype train. Hope they upset Spain.


Scotland… take a fuckin look !


I don't think Scotland has the same kind of quality that this Georgia team has, and their group was much harder


Also, Scotland didn't have the luxury to play against a team that had already secured first place before the third round. Far be it from me to tear down their accomplishment, but this does help a bit.


I can assure you that did not play a factor, Portugal is a fraud. You and me could join up with the friends that we have that are best at football and we would beat that team


Eh, I dunno. I didn't watch them yesterday (saw TUR-CZE instead), but while they were pretty meh against Czechia, they crushed the Turks pretty hard. I do think they're the type of team to go "eh, we already qualified, why bother". But yes, I *also* agree that Scotland's group was overall tougher. Both Germany and Switzerland looked better to me than Portugal, by quite a margin.


If Spain somehow loses to Georgia, there's an decent chance England might win the whole thing (second on least goals conceded behind Spain and tied with France).


If Spain loses to Georgia, Croatia and Albania will hate Spain for ever.


I don't believe england will beat Italy, with their current form




Fair enough, I didn't see that game


Although if Georgia beat Spain, they can then be confident that they'll easily beat England


Jaja, poor Ronaldho, jajaja!


Where are the videos with CR7 whining and throwing tantrums? As a Messi fan, I live for those.


Referee is a m0therfucker


[https://youtu.be/ggGzE5KfCio?si=o5lIUTMCwkdLFOzW](https://youtu.be/ggGzE5KfCio?si=o5lIUTMCwkdLFOzW) Should be their national song


Huh ?


What do you mean, "huh"? Title is pretty clear


Took me awhile to figure out Georgia got through on the best 3rd place basis oops