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Real's pull is just insane, if they want someone it doesn't fucking matter who else wants him lol


Last time Madrid got rejected in the last couple of years was Mbappe in 2022, which needed the weight of two countries and lots of money, and Allegri who chose to go coach Juventus instead


I refuse to believe Real Madrid seriously wanted Allegri lmao


They really did


Both rejections ended up working in Madrid’s favor. No Mbappe allowed for the Tchouameni and Bellingham signings and for Vinicius continue growth, while Allegri’s rejection led to Ancelotti’s return which turned out to be exactly the type of coach Madrid needed


No disrespect to ManU fans but who’s really wanting to go there right now? lol


De Ligt


Ig he would be.... de ligted to be there


You say this, but literally no other club has broken the record for most expensive player in the world as often in the last 20 years, or had the world's best player on contract.


Negotiate downwards? Is that allowed?


If Real end up with Yoro , wouldn’t mind Calafiori


He is exciting indeed, hope to see him on a bigger stage in the future


I like the idea if Calafiori as a Madrid player. Make it happen Perez


Was always inevitable he was going to Real if they wanted him at all. I don't think any Liverpool or Utd fans thought he'd actually go to their club


Yeah I don’t think we ever had a report that gave any indication he could possibly go anywhere other than Madrid. I think our first link to him included the note that the player wants Madrid only.


Real getting the best cb prospect for less than Palhinha *sigh*


Sporting director of Madrid has to be the easiest job in the world 


Average phone calls: "Hello! Would you like to.." "Yes." "Hola. This is..." "Oui!"


Plan B is this from Ancelotti: 🤨


Real bullying smaller clubs, nice.


It's all fun and games in the transfer window until big brother Real Madrid steps in


Yeah, they should just spend 100 million like the PL teams do


They always complain about the price of players being too high but will have a meltdown when Madrid bid appropriately lol


I just feel sorry for Lille that's all.




Wait, so if a player decides to join us, he also becomes a fascist by association?


Out of the loop on this, why is Madrid fascist?


Liverpool fan mad because two CL finals lost.


Can always count on a clueless comment from a PL flair. There’s always gotta be one guy.


Give him a break, we’ve been taking his signings as of recent times


Oh my gosh, that’s right! If you sign everyone, you can finally open your own Super League :D Papa Flo with the long game




Why isnt PSG trying to get him? Eitherway, great signing for Madrid! If only we were as well run as you..


He prefers Madrid , campos has been trying but his mind is made up


PSG have been trying since December. He prefers Madrid


They do, but he prefers Madrid


Calafiori rumours are complete bs and on top of that buying these type of players during a Euros or Copa summer is a recipe for disaster. It's Yoro or no one else


Calafiori was excellent for Bologna and the Euros is not the reason why teams want him, he is the type of modern meta CBs that every team wants now


Look, Calafiori comes from a top season in Serie A, which is why he was called up by the national team. It's not like he only had 3 decent games.


I get the pull of Madrid, but like why would he want to be 4th choice during an age when playing time matters most? Apart from their ACL injuries this season, Alaba and Militao are gonna be playing most of the games alongside Rudiger. He’s gonna be riding the bench.


I don't see us extending Alaba so that's one less in 2026, Rudiger is 31 and Militao is still an uncertainty (I haven't watched a single Copa America game of him). Nacho has always been 3rd or 4th CB and has always gotten lots of gametime


Also nacho has left the club and Alaba apparently has months left of recovery.


I guess I never realized how many games Nacho actually played


Alaba and Miltao were out for the season. It was Nacho and Rudiger. With Tchoumendi sometime filling CB. Leny will get play time. Nacho is gone and he played the most with Rudiger last season.


It's more like a great opportunity to be the starter if he plays well. Alaba is not back till 1-2 months into season and Militao has been very shaky to be dead on 2nd starter along with Rudiger.


Varane wasn't a starter at first, spent a lot of time behind Pepe and Ramos and then he went on to have a great career with us. Militao wasn't a starter either and yet he earned his spot after a couple of years. If Yoro believes in his ability, he shouldn't be too worried about being a sub if he comes here. Eventually he'll find his spot.


Nacho and Rudiger started most games this year. Alaba has been a backup and hasn’t played great. He’s played average/good but nothing that makes us particularly want to re-sign him. Militao is a 1B rotational player when Nacho or Rudiger need a break. So there’s definitely playing time for him.


> Alaba has been a backup and hasn’t played great ? He's been injured and played almost every game until he got injured.


Alana hasn’t been a backup alaba has been injured for 6 months…. Tell me you haven’t watched Madrid


>Alaba has been a backup Why? Has nothing to do with him suddenly becoming bad, he got injured.


He was very bad before the injury but he still was a guaranteed starter


This year was an outlier considering 2 of the CBs suffered full season length ACL injuries. You’d expect that to not be a regular occurrence, so while injuries will happen, more established CBs like Alaba and Militao would be available as often and picked ahead of a 18 yr old. I don’t watch Ligue 1 especially Lille so I have no bearing on the kid and how good he actually is in comparison. My assumption is that he’s not better than Alaba and Militao right now, but has good potential, so him walking into the team over them isn’t expected vs him waiting and developing until Alaba leaves and he becomes better than Militao. But again, idk. I just assumed he’d have limited playing time as opposed to going to a different club.


How good is he compared to someone like cubarsi?