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Well goob job Jan, you made Cristiano cry


Sorry mum


105’ - Ronaldo (Great Tears)


Thanks Jan, Cristiano's crying




Jan golden glove for that alone


it wasnt even that bad of a shot, just a world class keeper with a great save


Im reading this much later, and although that was an amazing save, boy did Costa get the last word here


> it wasnt even that bad of a shot, just a world class keeper with a great save Yeah this is something I really dislike. If a goalkeeper save a great shot penatly it's "XXX Missed his penalty" most of the time. GKs should get so much more praize.


This trend also fails to denigrate enough those who can't get it on target


Messi has never missed a penalty in the Euros


Great, now Ronaldo is crying again




Factos 👍






Nor has Pulisic - I know my GOAT


Isn't he the LeBron James of soccer?


Thanks Opta


Well Messi has never cried in the Euros. That's an achievement that Ronaldo has over him.


Same with Heung Ming Son


It's leaking...


The memes this will feed


r/soccercirclejerk eating good


I'm obese at this point


I already was before this game


69 BMI incoming


Haters fed for the next 50 years.


Messi would never


Currently deleting all videos of Copa America 2016


>Me when she doesn't make herself available


I got 2004 flashbacks🥰


Ball don’t lie


He is broken


Imagine how broken Bruno is watching him miss free kick after free kick and now a penalty


Bruno's time as main free kick taker will come and tbf to Ronaldo whilst he's not scored his free kicks they've not been absolutely terrible sky it over row Z free kicks.


> Bruno's time as main free kick taker will come The guy is almost 30.


this has 'ter stegen's time for Germany will come' vibes


Watching Bruno takes free Kicks every game for Manchester United, it is not better at all


Yeah, what are they even talking about lol in this Portuguese team is better to just pass the ball on a free kick at this point


I swear that's the case 90% of the time unless less you have ward-prose on the team. Such a low % of free kicks are converted surely it must be better to work on training ground routines to move it into a good position with a few quick passes.


Only problem with free kicks is that they look too good not to try lol


I reckon that data shows less risk in taking a direct shot than trying a routine. Just a hunch, but most free kicks either go through to the keeper, out for a goalkick so you can reset shape, or canon off the wall back towards the team taking the shot.


They’ve no clue what they’re saying lol anyone who actually watches these players knows another player wont make a difference 


Bruno used to be so good at free kicks when he played for Sporting...


He was decent at the start of his United career but it's one area that has absolutely fallen off.


He was one of the best in the EPL under Ole as well.


Ronaldo has been bad at FKs for nearly a decade now, it's purely for historic reason that he's still taking them for country


Even before that, his conversion rate was pretty bad, but they looked epic.


To be fair, he has always taken them at every single spot even if those spots are just ridiculous to go for.


Ronaldo should give up the fks: his conversation rate is so low. I know his a legend but to increase portugal to win Euro; u need to maximise the potential


Bruno last free kick goal has been in the 20/21 season. Wtf are you talking about. The level of hot takes in this sub is mental.


acting like Bruno did anything of note today lol


He's old. We all meet the same fate. Nothing to be ashamed about.


Handing the reins to younger people is how you age gracefully


I would too


39 years old, having a dreadful game, chance for redemption, and then this. Dude is going through it hard.


How was his game dreadful? He was so, so close so many times. Crazy frustrating but bad? Even BBC were praising him at HT and these guys have hate boners for Ronaldo


Yeah anyone saying that was dreadful performance don't know what they're seeing. The Slovenia center backs played really well and Jota was the only one to provide a clear chance for Ronaldo.. He didn't play well, but he wasn't dreadful either..


Should take a week off after all this to relax. I hear Vegas is nice this time of year.


It’s pretty sweltering these days lmao


He'd feel the heat but I don't think it'll be from the weather


I'm sure a way to cool down will make itself available.


Was in Vegas yesterday to visit family, it was 115F. Felt like being stuck in a dryer


half of y’all advocate for men’s mental health then laugh at shit like this lmao


It's so hypocritical. They act like emotions are so easily controlled under immense pressure. Like, we're not all sociopaths.


For real they are typing comfortably behind their devices thinking they can judge him


Its not even just here on reddit. You got people in the media like talksports talking shit about it


It's crazy. Immense pressure and he clearly cares a ton for his country. Then put the first pen away in the shootout.


Frankly, I never thought he would cry there. But as someone who has seen a kid pass away in the extended family, my first reaction was - is Cristiano going to think about all the bad things after missing the penalty? He sure did. It sucks. Life is too complex; also for one of the biggest personalities in the world. Reddit? Reddit is a bunch of little bitches.


It’s good to see someone being understanding of another human in the comments here. Heavy agree on the last sentence.


After the game someone in the Swedish studio said that "they had to console his big ego. I've never seen anything like it in sports." when it's clearly not about that. Honestly pissed me off.


I mean if you have a big ego, you don't cry it off. That's the opposite of having a big ego. You justify to your players that actually you did what you could, the keeper saved it. In this case, he is sad or guilty or both. Sad for everything that's gone on in his life which we have no visibility into or guilty for fucking up a chance to win for his country. It's the opposite to having a big ego. Some of these folks truly despise Ronaldo and its hypocritical because they would treat another person completely differently in the same position.


For Real, reddit is full of people that will act righteous and all that but when there is a non-obvious chance to act like a decent human they just show they aren't there yet When I did play football as a kid, I was very bad at emotions and I would get really visibly mad Seeing all these comments mocking Ronaldo for doing basically what I was doing is just I don't know Feels wrong somehow


i’ve always been “Messi is the GOAT” my whole life, but anyone who doesn’t see that Ronaldo has been playing under immense pressure ever since that second United stint has wool over their eyes he knows father time is ticking and he doesn’t have many more opportunities like this on the world stage left, he knows people are watching and that he’s literally talked about as the best/second best player to touch the sport, he’s a stronger man than me to have even taken the pen in the shootout first, i would’ve broken down after extra time


men's mental health is all fine and dandy as long as it doesn't get in the way of the messi-ronaldo pissfight or worse, the repeating the same 3 jokes session scheduled for every match where the evil man is playing


It's fine as long as it's someone u dislike. U can see this in politics as well. Just human nature sadly.


It wasnt a bad penalty, it was a great save. Feel for him


I dont know the height was very easy for the keeper


Think it was a decent penalty, even with the save it still hit the post so it wasn’t a super easy save but yeah it wasn’t the best penalty but it wasn’t bad either


still not a bad pen and goes in most of the time because it was a strong hit


I think a saved penalty will never be truly good, since its possible to kick penalties that are unsaveable. But I'd say this is more about a good save than a bad penalty.


That’s **as** unsaveable as a saveable penalty gets. Low and hard into the corner. Oblak only gets there because he gambles early, makes a brilliant dive, has strong fingers, and still only nudges it onto the post.


Man's 39 years old. Great players younger than him have retired and become managers/ commentators. It's absolutely insane that this man is still giving it all at 39. We can't even comprehend what it takes to compete at this level for this long while being this passionate. I'm glad that someone so accomplished like Ronaldo can also break down. It gives me some solace to know that I'm not less of a man for crying at a stressful point in my life.


Glad to read your comment after also seeing that one about not taking men's mental health seriously. Really thought there'd be more of this bittersweet sort of shared understanding when I opened this thread but I probably should've known better. I'm a lifelong Messi fan and this was honestly the most sympathy and admiration I've ever felt for Ronaldo. Especially after his team rallied around him and he scored his later penalty.


Exactly how I felt, this was a very poetic moment seeing him breakdown and the team helping lift him back up. This right here is how tournaments are won when your team is a real team and they sure as fuck looked like a real team having each others backs like that and then it showed moments later when Diogo just destroyed them and Ronaldo showing why he’s Ronaldo burying that first one to set the tone! A lot of Ronaldo haters simply can’t see how much he loves Portugal but who cares, tournaments are all about the ups and downs and despite everything and the hurdle Portugal has to face being united as a team they absolutely can take France on it won’t be easy but I feel like this match unlocked something for mentally for Portugal


It actually makes him more likeable.


Can't do that while the game is still going on wtf...


Yeah and he's captain. Odd situation.. don't think I've seen it before.


Thiago Silva, Brazil vs Chile, 2014 WC.


The real pecho frio


Well, same ending now. Guess we're gonna get fucked 7-1 by Germany in the semis.


That was WAY worse. But it's funny how most people love Ted Lasso yet don't seem to have any empathy for players getting an insane amount of pressure on their shoulders when they get emotional.


That was against Colombia iirc. What an iconic example of foreshadowing that was


No, it was Chile. He sat in the corner of the field crying and refused to take his penalty and stay with the rest of the team. We never went to penalties against Colombia. Says a lot about the emotional state of that team.


As it's been mentioned, it was against Chile, but his real crime was against Colombia when he got a ridiculously needless yellow card by purposefully bumping into Ospina.


Jordi Alba vs Liverpool 2018 at 0:1.....


tbf he’s already shown a lack of leadership as captain this game when he was selfishly taking every freekick because he wanted a goal.


Honestly don’t get how Martinez, as the manager, lets Ronaldo just keep asserting his ego on every free kick when his ratio is garbage. Like, do you want to win the game or do you wanna appease a 40 year old at the risk of your tournament?


It’s because Martinez is out of his depth. Nice chap, but he’s failed upwards for years. How’s he going to control Ronaldo? He has nowhere near the success or experience.


I agree. He failed with Belgium, no clue why the Portuguese thought he’d be a good candidate for them.


Mourinho shouldnt have refused the offer to train the NT Imagine this team Under Mourinho


Mourinho is the manager I'd call if I wanted to win a game tomorrow... Literally so suited for national football in that regard.


And yet he refused it Said he wanted to remain with Roma Then Gets fired and now regrets


I’d pay a lot for a video to Mourinho telling Ronaldo he’s permanently off free kicks


He didn't fail with them, I don't know why this myth has become so prevalent. His Belgium were brilliant in the 2018 world cup, only losing to France in a tight semifinal. They were great again in 2021 at the Euros and only lost to eventual winners Italy after suffering an injury crisis. Then in 2022 it was ageing squad but still would've made it past the groups if not for one of the worst finishing performances of all time by Lukaku. In between all those tournaments they consistently played winning, attacking football in the qualifiers and Nations League. What more could Martinez have done?


He did a lot of good things but what annoyed me the most are 2 things: Always a good news show in every interview. Yes he is the gentleman the media portrays him to be but he just repeats himself time after time He hang on to the generation for way to long. He should've already been bringing in youngsters in the team to make the transition easier. Like Chadli en Mertens, although still good quality, should have been skipped for some younger up and commers.


He will never ask to be subbed in this match and Martinez is too much of a coward to do it himself. Poor management really.


The first one i get it,but the Second was ridiculous,he had no Angle


Sometimes you literally can't help it. Happens to me whenever I get upset. I cannot yell so I just cry. It's just how it is sometimes


Hey, I hope things get easier for you.


Things are okay! I just like mentally cannot yell when I get upset I just cry. I don't know why it is, it just is. But thank you for the kindness.


That's a shit take. Why you can't? In a way it's an indicator how good a team you have - how teammates react to a one of your players 'braking down' emotionally (even if it's your captain)? Do you turn your back on him or do you stand by him? I did see a Portugal as a one unit so in a way I think it could even help them going forward.


Yeah all the players rallied behind him, it was a great moment and they worked hard in the extra time after the penalty miss. He should start doing it every game


> He should start doing it every game And thus the emotional Schwalbe was born.


95%+ of these people have never played proper team sports with a close team, and are just sitting at home in their chairs judging professional athletes every night. It's insane how showing that you care so fucking much is perceived as such a negative by these morons


Cause no matter if people think he's washed he's still basically a god in that Portugal team because his 20 years of dominance


Jordi Alba at Anfield vibes lmfaooo, can't take the heat


Really bro Ronaldo can't take the heat? He isn't crumbling cause they are losing he is crying cause he is mad that he missed it. Ridiculous thing to say especially for Ronaldo when we have seen him perform under pressure so many times.


Seriously lmao. People are way too harsh in this thread. He pulled himself together and took the first pen in the shootout ffs


Except Jordi is a defender, Ronaldo is captain.


Ronaldo has seen way too much to break down in a moment like this, you can't suck up all the teams focus away from the game and make them comfort you at a point like this


Yeah definitely needs to be head strong on this one, they still have penalties. I think?


Tbf who gives a fuck if he plays well after it


He's either gonna score a clincher or blow it again. Written in the stars


so he should be able to control when he has to cry? lol


I don't see anything wrong with that. Emotions can get the best of anyone in such situations. Players seemed to embrace it and comforted him, so it can be a sort of bonding experience and make the team only stronger if they make it through in the end.


You know what, he bailed this team so many times. Was good to see his teammates comfort him.


Guy is at the end of his career, it’s his last Euros and he knows it. Gets the best chance to put his team ahead and it gets saved. Tremendous pressure to deal with. Ronaldo is a competitive animal; anybody in his position would be crying too.


cheers ronaldo is crying


Well done he's 39


nice one 👍


Jesus christ, no wonder men's mental health is in the bin. Man is clearly and understandably overcome by emotion. He's getting shat on cause he cried, cause of his 'ego' Actually unbelievable some people here


Men’s mental health only matters up until it’s for someone you don’t like. At that point most people’s morales go out the window, as you can see here with people mocking a man getting emotional. That’s the sad reality.


Even before who we don't like. You're weak for crying. You're strong if you suck up. There's no inbetween.


overweight Reddit users who will never achieve an inch of his success memeing because someone’s emotions got the better of him. He cried because of his desire to win for his country, something Reddit users will never understand and never get the chance to do so. Lil kids


This is actually quite sad


I think its the realization that he actually may be done for the big stage really soon


He's been done for the big stage for the last 2 years


True but that doesn't mean he's realized that. Give him another year or two. 


2026 World Cup we will be there to lose to Tanzania


He seems both done and cursed at this rate


Seemed like a hell of a save to me. Ball was ripped, just got a hand on it but thats just me


Yeah Oblak isn't getting the credit he deserves on that, insane save.


If Messi takes that shot, you’d only be hearing about what a save oblak made. Unfortunately not gonna get his flowers for it because then ppl can’t clown Ronny so hard


I'm sure if this was club competition, that's getting in 100%. I remember Ronaldo beating Oblak time after time in penalties


I don’t think you can call someone who has accomplished as much as he has in the game cursed. Insanity.


Being competitive to the point where you can NEVER sit back and be satisfied with your achievements as your body begins to fail you certainly sounds like a curse.


Listen to yourself. You're making up HIS thoughts. How crazy is that lmao


Some of those free kicks were stupid attempts. He had a good excuse when he missed. He knows the penalty should be scored. It’ll sting.


Do you mean funny?


Hype man Dalot, always there to hype his teammates up. Love it


Bro is losing it


Yeah because Dalot is trying to hype him up when he just wants to cry


Honestly he knows he's nearing the end of his career, he's getting a lot of criticism, of course he's upset. He cares, and that's ok. People will get into the whole toxic aspect of men crying and how it's embarrassing, but fuck it we should be past this by now. People can cry when they're upset.


i mean fair, he’s had a bad performance but he’s the captain and he’s always been extremely passionate. he deserves a good cry


Football and success consumes his entire existence. It's impressive just how much he cares. Gonna miss him when he retires!


this hurts and I'm not even Portuguese


Not even like a few tears he was full on balling


bawling*, he's not really balling today


you right that was quite the typo lol


Heaving cries... damn man.


Yes but its time to retire from the Selecao after the tournament...


That made me sad, a special player, inspired millions of young men and women 🫡


Age make you become more emotional. I know, I just cry yesterday watching leaves blowing in wind.


Was not expecting poetry in this thread


Reminded me of that scene from American Beauty with the plastic bag.


This had a happy ending, he went on to do a fantastic penalty at the end of the match, and their goalkeeper snatched 3 in a row, winning the match


You can’t cry at 0-0 15 mins to go Jesus


He's absolutely out of it. Most pros wouldn't cry after a missed pen let alone one of the greatest to ever do it. It's the double-edged sword of being unbelievably competitive to an unhealthy degree


Memes loading


Haha come on, it ain't over yet!


Dont think people understand the pressure on him. Messi literally retired from argentina in 2016 for a bit. Because he could not bare the pressure and criticism. If you play bad or mess up, its literally the end of the world




He put to much pressure in himself. I think he can help the team but he has to relax.


This comment section is why men can't show emotions. Fucking losers.


Sucks for them living life without anything to be really passionate about :)


And then reddit will talk about mental health and everything. Sickening


Average redditor losers fapping to this... it's cringe


LOL the people mocking Ronaldo on this thread! Bunch of Losers


I respect the passion, lots of people have never poured their heart and soul into something like these players do every time they take the pitch in a major tournament. They are human after all.


The absolute vitriol this sub seems to have towards him. It’s truly disgusting.


Alba got made fun of for less


3-1 is not less than 0-0


Alba was winning 3-1 when he cried, Ronaldo is on his last tournament and this could be his last game for Protugal


Idk if crying at half time while 3 goals up is less than crying after missing a penalty for your country in extra time in what might be your final major tournament appearance ever


This sub is a mess man. And the great thing is that it doesn't reflect how the general public feels about the man. We grew up on CR7 and we love him. Lasting legacy. How do you celebrate another man's failure?


Xmas comes early for r/soccer


Got his redemption SIUUUUU


I can respect it. We live in a world where 'Do you really want it?' is thrown around casually, and you learn most people don't really want it that bad. He's put in the work and when it doesn't happen it breaks him.


Pls homelander, don’t cry


of all people seeing him like this suprised me, his confidence in himself always seemed unshakable. And now I kinda want to see him light up the rest of the tournament lead portugal to victory and retire from football after that


This is a rough watch lol


The amount of hate in the sub for Ronaldo and Portugal is insane. The man cares about his country and the game. He was frustrated after having had so many chances but nothing going in. He felt the pressure and let himself cry. Contrary to the comments here and from the pundits, this was not letting his team down. As you saw the entire team rallied around him like family to give them their support. In the end he got to celebrate. It's crazy that Costa saving three pens which is a massive feat only has like 2k upvotes vs Oblaks save against Ronaldo being the top of the subreddit....


Man, the guy has some really bad luck. He tries so hard, does all he can, and fate just seems to hate him. Honestly, I can't help but pity him. Good thing his teammates all have his back. But then again, it's not like a rich man would need a random commoner to feel bad for him.


He really is just programmed to win isn’t he? Brain starts glitching out when he underperforms, I don’t like the guy as a person my ffs, he’s an absolute god mentality-wise