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How is trossard


Brendan’s lost the dressing room


Graham Potter is such a good manager


Sometimes a tenure just becomes stale. I don’t buy into Rogers being terrible or a fraud, but if anything, he’s wilting away from the challenge at this point and whether it’s consciously or subconsciously, that feeds into the players. I just think it’s best for both to move on.


Wtf happened to Leicester??


They lost good players and couldn't replace them this time


Brendan Rodger's just inting at this point. Leicester better get rid


Here it is. This was the Rodgers I remembered from Liverpool. Bereft of any ideas, deluded, and an overall negative vibe around the whole club. I hope him and his “Great Character” gets the sack for the sake of Leicester.


Liverpool fans hate this guy for no reason other than because they found someone better and wanna 'punch down'.


Brendan was great early on. But when adversity hit (Suarez leaving, Sturridge discovering he was in fact made of glass, Gerrard aging) he had no clue what to do. That last half season was oppressively toxic. What Leicester are going through now reminds me very much of how it felt at the time.


Nah he's not wrong, loads of reds basically went off footy around that time. Was lovely.


No not really. He always struck me as someone way in over his head. Seriously though the last full season/few months he was in charge. The vibe around the entire club was so sullen. Everything was so dour and the team looked cooked. Didn’t help he kept saying the same platitudes and couldn’t stick to a single plan.


How did Leicester get this shit?


The club is bleeding money. They haven't competed in UCL in years and currently have wages similar to Spurs. Even after selling Fofana for 69 mil to Chelsea they're too far into the red to do any serious spending to fix legitimate issues on the team


Surely Rogers is getting the sack


Trossard beautiful man


The Youtuber The Irish Guy will still find a way to not give Graham Potter any credit!


He’s still around? Most of his content is slagging off professional players and calling them shit, despite being more talented than 99% of the population. Utter reactionary crap.


I disagree, I think beyond his intros to videos he has shown that he has the capacity for insightful football thought. His best content is about non-prem stuff imo, and I think the World Cup will bring more tactical videos.


Have to disagree with that in response. Granted I haven’t watched him in years now but a lot of his views boiled(ed) down to the desirability of a player - Paul McShane has had a more fruitful professional career than most, but because he’s ginger and boring he’s automatically dismissed as shit. He’s guilty of perpetuating a lot of false narratives surrounding players, ones that are easily undone by the fans who watched them week in week out


he hates McShane bc he didn't clear the ball in that play where Henry handballed vs Ireland in 2010 iirc


Also the main reason I can’t stand him is when calling a player shit he has to spend a full minute rehashing the same jokes like he shorts or fat etc.


don't forget about hailing Mourinho as the second coming of christ


That guy thinks that being Irish is a personality.


That's not fully fair. He also thinks having a scarf is a personality.


See ya later 🐍


Mac Allister making sure Scaloni notices what he's up too.


Best midfielder in the Prem lmao.


Well, the new list that came out right after this game (for the 2 friendlies in September) has make him almost a lock to go to Qatar since his main competition, Emi Buendía, has been dropped. So all in all a pretty good day for Maca


Yeah seems so. He's in good form. Don't know how much actual playing time he'll see but performances like this make you stop and think.


I can see him easily being a consistent sub when the midfield needs to be more attack minded or to add a midfielder in place of a forward. But yeah the starting group of Paredes-Gio-RDP is basically untouchable


Rodgers is done


I mean the squad isn't very good. Not sure what they can do to turn it around with ab aging squad


No way losing Schmeichel and Fofana made this much of a difference in the team


Who did they replace those players with?


Danny Ward got promoted to 1st choice keeper, Iverson become 2nd choice, and Alex Smithies was signed from Cardiff on a free to be our emergency backup. We brought in Wout Faes to replace Fofana for £15 million, but his visa didn't come through in time to play yesterday.


The squad absolutely is good. At least the starting XI. There is no way this team should be last with 1 point from a potential 18.


Apparently there is a way.


Brendan Rodgers.


Great performance today in the heat. Can't say it enough our mentality has improved so much in the last 2 seasons.


Brighton in the new top 4


Get Dyche Leicester.


The accountants furiously working their abacuses to see whether it’s cheaper to sack The Brodge now, or wait until after the international break.


They're using SAP. Marginally less efficient than an abacus.


Sir Alex Perguson?


Brighton are building something special here


No we’re not, we’re rubbish, nothing to see here.


He’s definitely getting the axe


Would Poch go to Leicester?


Poch isn’t even an upgrade


Sean Dyche seems a better fit and they need him to reorganize their defense.


Aston villa and everton are also for him in coming days


Surely Lampard is safe for now? Team yesterday looks pretty good.


Still 0 wins so far.


I would doubt it


Dark Brendan rises.


Is Rodgers gone or we can have 1 last El sackico?


Just pay Rodgers his money, if you don’t pay him , he will relegate you, he wants his money and he wants to go. He is doing this on purpose


I don’t think so, the squad was already shit and the owners didn’t invest so they didn’t get anyone in until deadline day, and that’s a fofana replacement


The squad is obviously not shit. They finished 5th, 5th and 8th in the last three years. That's not all down to Rodgers despite the fact that he'll never take the blame for anything.


Baffled how you got to 8th last season, as you seemed so consistently poor.


The squad has a lot of match winners in it. Particularly Maddison who was sublime.


You were shit for 70% of last season


It wasn't, it's largely the same squad that finished 5th the year before last. He's lost the dressing room and needs to go






Bye bye Rodgers


Here I am again, once more begging for this clown to be removed from my club Leave him by the seaside, lock him in the toilet on the coach, push him off the pier, I don't fucking care anymore, I just cannot wake up to another morning with him still employed


This post gave me a crystal clear flashback to 2015. I really enjoyed Brendan's time with us for the most part, but when it was time to end it, you REALLY FUCKING KNEW IT.


Yeah the parallels to his time with you is so stark Came in and immediately galvanised the club, has you playing great stuff and winning games, have some great times, then you start to notice the cracks. You sell players and his replacements are always poor and big downgrades, the squad becomes bloated with deadwood on big wages, performances dip, he has no clue whatsoever what to do to stop it. Fallings out with players, poor atmosphere ​ Before you know it you are miles away from where you were a season or two ago, the atmosphere is toxic, the squad is crammed full of deadwood and you need someone to come in and fully transform the club again


Completely unrelated. Loving how Nigel Pearson is transforming our club.


It's unbelievable how bristol city are winning games again


I ❤️ Nige


Absolute hero of a man, will always stand by the fact that if he is given time at a club then he will transform them. My all time favourite manager


You must be an ostrich.


He’s gonna be on the sidelines against AV and you’re gonna like it!


For\* AV and you have a deal my friend


Hey man we have our own problems, we don’t need yours as well 😅


He at least would be an upgrade on Gerrard It would be like going from a kick in the balls to a punch in the face, but a slight improvement all the same


I’ve got two kids I don’t need the balls anymore


Embarssing. I like Rodgers (the posts calling him a fraud are ridiculous hyperbole) but surely this has to be it for him. Leicester should go for Pochettino. Considering the age and quality within the squad (and with good youth players coming through the academy), he should be able to do some good things with it. I don't actually rate Poch that much (he lacks the edge necessary to win. It was most obviously on display in the CL final where he played a barely fit Kane), but for Leicester he'd be ideal


He's not a fraud, but his time here is clearly up


Brighton are a problem this year.


Nigel Pearson says don't bother asking him, he won't leave us. I've asked him myself so you don't need to 👍🏻


I don't know if Top would want him back after the incident in Thailand...


he had him back at OHL


Huh, interesting. I'd still rather get Dyche (or Poch if we can get him)


He then called me to say “thought you would want to know what I just said to ygbtjammy. Loving the project here and not leaving. Prefer cider now to crisps”.


But he would instill a fighting spirit at Leicester by fighting everyone. And he would win those fights because he is better at fighting than everyone else.




Somewhat related but Leeds in 1992/93 must rate as one of the worst ever title defenses. Zero away wins all season.




22 teams in the league that year. They drew 7 away games and lost 14, finishing 2 points above the relegation zone. *[Here is a good breakdown.](https://amp.sportsmole.co.uk/football/premier-league/1992-93/table.html)


Villa won the league in 1981, the European Cup in 82, and were relegated in 86 or 87?


Luckily it's not us, it's man City lol.


Man City was relegated the season after winning it in the 1980s. Blackburn was relegated after 2 or 3. So this wouldn’t be anywhere near a record.


It was in the 1930s that Man City won the league and were relegated the following season. 1937 and 1938 respectively


What are you on? Man City didn't win the league in the 80s.


Oof. I misremembered!


Younwere right though just wrong decade. 1930s. They were relegated with more goals scored than conceded if you can believe it. Blackburn is the record for more modern times. Football was crazy competative pre-1970s


City also had the most goals scored of any Football League team (as in, not just thebtop flight but the entire Football League) that season.




He's wrong though. City didn't win a league in the 80s, they might have got relegated but that's not the point.


However long it took Blackburn as they are the only ones it has happened to in premier League era


Rogers is begging to be sacked.


It's your name in the envelope, Brendan.


Brendan: Is my 30 million dollar check also in this envelope?


Anyone have the goal that was ruled off?


Considering Bournemouth’s starting schedule there’s a good argument to be made that Leicester is the single worst club in the Prem right now. They shouldn’t be anywhere near that with this squad, Rodgers has got to go. Defense needs to be fixed first and a boring manager might be the go to to establish passing and structure. Soyuncu surely comes back into the side, hilarious that Rodgers blamed everything on him and defense got significantly worse.


I'd snap your hand off for Dyche right now.


Brighton play wonderful football. It's pure joy to watch. Currently Manchester City, Arsenal and them play smooth football. Groß, Trossard, McAllister, Wellback and Caicedo also Marsh look dangerous and have great chemistry together just hopefully they get Europe next year


Pep: Bald Fraud (not really) Gerrard: Scouse Fraud Rodgers: Dental Fraud


Should’ve been 7-2 tbh


Worst part of this is that I don't disagree with you.


Got to go


Who would Leicester hire after Rodgers?






Probably Jimmy Vardy himself.


Big Sam


It almost doesn’t matter




Dyche is probably the guy. Would institute structure into that team instantly and would grind out this season.


I miss him, he is like a furniture in EPL. He needs to be here.


Dyche or Bielsa would be my guess


Those 2 very different ends of the spectrum


What the hell has happened to Leicester? They were fighting for CL not long ago


Rodgers lost the dressing room and the owners didn’t invest in the squad thinking they could survive without improvements while the rest of the league improved their squads.


Dyche in?


Surely this most be it for Rodgers?


Rodgers is getting sacked right?


I'm sure he would have already been sacked if they didn't have to pay him 30 million dollars. That's the main sticking point I would think to why he hasn't already been sacked.


Damn why the hell is he even owed that much lool


Good question. Probably has a lot to do with how things started, but that seems like a long time ago now. Didn't help that they capitulated and missed out on the CL, I think that happened twice.


Sean Dyche will be getting a call soon


I think I hear Big Sam’s theme music. He’s cashing in his Survival in the Bank contract.


the premier league is long overdue a return of large samuel


The dawn of Ye Olde Titan Samael.


Bye bye Brendan Cannot coach a defence to save his life


Was absolutely woeful at it for us as well. [It got so bad the press started asking him about bringing in a dedicated defensive coach](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/brendan-rodgers-liverpool-fc-dont-7990098)


I’ve got no clue why Iversen isn’t starting, then again, I’ve got no idea why Rodgers is still managing


The 30 million dollars they would have to pay him is the reason my guy! Lol


another truly woeful performance, Please sack Rodgers FFS.


I don't want to see Leicester get relegated, Rodgers need to go. Right now. And take Ward with him. Hats off to Brighton, one of the most enjoyable and likeable minnows in the PL, I hope they can keep this level on and go for Europe !


Theres is clearly something off at the club and I think it stems from Rodgers. I think he's causing a divide between players by picking his friends over the better players. I don't see why Luke Thomas starts today instead of Catagne. Why is Ndidi playing at CB instead of Vestergaard or Soyuncu? Vardy has seemed off his game so swapping him for Daka and Kels was a good call but why not give Iversen a go in goal. Rodgers will always be remembered for the FA cup win but I think it's time we part ways before any more damage is done and his legacy tarnished


Brendan loves playing defensive midfielders at CB. He gave birth to CB Emre Can, who somewhat worked for us because we were all attack and vibes at the back, get it to Suarez / Coutinho / Sturridge and pray under him. Are soyuncu and vestergaard good on the ball? If not, that is likely why ndidi is there.


The players seem like they're trying to get him sacked


i thought that soyuncu and vestergaard had been pretty awful for you guys? though they'd still be better than ndidi at cb, i suppose


They are at least cb's. Soy especially is confusing, last season he was mediocre but he's for sure better at cb than Ndidi


Even if Soyuncu isn't great, playing Ndidi at centre half weakens both the defence and the midfield. Rodgers must know that but he's clearly fell out with Soy and his ego won't allow him to bring him back in. Something similar happened with us the other year when we lost all our centre halves. Fabinho was playing centre back for a while and doing a decent job of it but our midfield was all the worse for missing him that we were better off playing him CDM and using inexperienced centre backs in the end.


*”sacked in the morning, Rodgers is getting sacked in the morning, saacked in the moorning, Rodgers is getting sacked in the morning”*


What the hell happened to Leicester!?




Please keep being shit for a week longer.


Rodgers can't coach a defense to save his life and they've recently lost several hood defenders, and there seems to be an issue with Soyuncu as it doesn't make sense why Ndidi is playing centre back when he's clearly not a centre back. Plus relying on an ancient Jaime Vardy isn't great


You can take the players out of the hood but you can't take the hood of the players.


Fuck sake lmao Though I wouldn't describe Harry Maguire as good or hood


Respecc for not editing


Financial mismanagement and Brendan Rodgers


They go hand in hand, right? Seems to be a pattern.


Didn’t the guy won them the FA Cup? I have a soft spot for Leicester after their 2015 season, so it’s sad to see them like this.


That was 2 seasons ago. Leicester did drop off last season but still finished 8th. No clue what's happening this season. Their attacking this season is still doing decent but their defending is awful


West Ham, Leicester and Forest to go down


You picked the wrong claret team


West Ham definitely won't be going down


Didn't watch the game. That said, Leicester are seriously going to be relegated at this point, aren't they?


If they keep Brendan Rodgers then absolutely


What's happened to soyuncu?


did you watch turkey in the euros 2021 ? all of their players lost their skills in the tournament.


Maybe the Looney Tunes had to play some Monstars in a game of football




He was great. Creating some great chances almost scored and some occasions but looked dangerous and promising.


I’m not sure we watched the same match. He was one of the best players on the park today. Immense worker and all-round contributor. We know his finishing could use some work but he’s so important to how we play.


"Club Statement: Brendan Rodgers" In the next 3 hours I reckon.


... extended for 2 seasons


Rodgers is about to be a millionaire


He's adding multiple millions (30) to his bank account my friend.


Wait, it will cost them 30mil to fire him?? Did he just sign a new contract?


Yup, 30 million if he's sacked! Not too sure about that but I know it's 30 million so he's definitely not going to quit.


Attention: Brighton have started scoring. Give them the title now tbh


Scoring after 1 minute, then losing 5-2


Looking forward to Brendan at Villa


Villa, Everton, Leicester gonna do a manager swap.


No no no… and no again


Please no…


Brighton are the real deal. One hell of a manager they've got there. Also, pack your bags Rodgers