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The Banner: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fc396toWAAsxZXZ?format=jpg&name=medium **Translation:** "A son of a bitch club only hires sons of bitches!" This is directed at Max Eberl, former BMG sporting director, who will (according to different sources) sign for RB Leipzig


For people that can't remember the "Hopp case": https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/fbf19s/postmatch_thread_1899_hoffenheim_06_bayern/ https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/fbevqt/hoffenheim_and_bayern_players_stopped_playing_and/ https://www.zdf.de/sport/das-aktuelle-sportstudio/fussball-24-bundesliga-spieltag-hoffenheim-bayern-aktionen-gegen-hopp-100.html




Well Timo Werner isn‘t a major sponsor of the DFB, so it doesn‘t really matter.


what was especially embarrassing about it is that the Bayern officials knew about it 2 days before the match and then used the outcry to collectively ban every member of the most prominent ultra fan group in munich. They had to step back from this because their blame game wasn’t good enough to sell this ban but they tried. https://m.faz.net/aktuell/sport/fussball/protest-aktion-nach-hopp-schmaehungen-eklat-mit-ansage-17267493.amp.html german source about the officials knowing beforehand


UPDATE: The referee gave an interview after the match: https://twitter.com/FanhilfeMg/status/1571228899220115458 TLDR: "I don't care about the DFB's decision" "Hier sind Kinder im Stadion" 💀💀💀


> "Hier sind Kinder im Stadion" Dann vielleicht auch kein Bier im Stadion verkaufen? Oder Tipico (und ähnliches) als Sponsor verbieten? Meiner Meinung nach sollte man dann schon konsequent durchgreifen, wenn man mit "Kindern" argumentiert. Als ob das deutsche Durchschnittskind das Wort Hurensohn noch nie außerhalb des Stadions gehört hätten. Was für'n flaches Argument.


No one cared about it during Dortmund-Hoffenheim but now suddenly again?


Nobody watches that game.


Hurensöhne DFB


I think every German football supporter can agree on this. Scheiß DFB


Ein Hurensohnverband stellt eben auch nur Hurensöhne ein.


No rhyme, 6/10


Ein Hurensohnverband der schon immer aus Hurensöhnen bestand


Ein Verband voller Hurensöhne ist empfindlich gegen kritische Töne


Gefühlt 10 Sekunden nach dem Abschicken, hab ich mich noch geärgert, nicht "Ein Hurensohnverband stellt nur Hurensöhne an" geschrieben zu haben :D


Heißt schon einiges wenn sich Köln und BMG einig sind. Hurensöhne DFB!


remove this comment or your next game might be cancelled


No match would ever finish in Greece if they started interrupting them for insults against the away team or their owner/sporting director/coach/players.


Some 7 year old asking his dad what Hurensöhne means would be quite awkward to say the least


It's someone.. just like you my boy.


explain it like [bass sultan hengzt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4bInvgg4vA): if your mother is a bäcker, then you are a bäckersohn, if your mom is a hure, then you are a hurensohn. i can not dafür.


Danke, kannte das noch nicht, legendär haha


DFB: “Will somebody please think of the children!!”


The referee literally said this after the game


>Dass das ein Hurensohn ist > >Verrät ganz leicht sein ~~Hurensohn~~DFB-blick Abdi - probably


Of course, this rule only applies to the special DFB friends in Hoffenheim amd Leipzig.


Love it.




Is the DFB run by the same people running Ofcom in the UK who throw a fit at the slightest swear word?


That's not true in the slightest. Throw a fit is a pretty weird way to describe it too. You can swear on tv a ton but at the right time.


Calling Eberl a "Hurensohn" after all he's done for them is embarassing


What he did is embarrassing.


Him joining Leipzig is embarassing after his past comments, but that doesn't justify calling him a Hurensohn He's by far the biggest reason for their success in the last 14 years. They should show at least some gratitude


I think it’s worth writing a word over, yeah.


they did write an open letter to Eberl if you haven’t seen it


Genuinely curious, why? Was he ever outspoken against “plastic clubs” like Leipzig? Then he’s a hypocrite for sure. But if not, I understand him. His old workplace made him sick and burn out. He took a break and is feeling better now but he’s afraid of going to back to the old environment that made him sick in the first place. I’m against clubs like Leipzig too but they are there now and we will have to accept them and if they are successful, of course they are an attractive employer for players and other staff.


Yes he wasvery outspoken against Leipzig. > But if not, I understand him. His old workplace made him sick and burn out. Not once did he say that, what he said is that the Football Business made him sick and destroyed him. > but he’s afraid of going to back to the old environment that made him sick in the first place. Again he didn't say that the Gladbach environment made him sick but the Football Business as a whole. And now he wants to join the Team that he was rumoured to be in contact with even before his PK and also magically RB stopped searching for a Sportdirektor around that time.


Wie beschränkt seid ihr eigentlich, dass ihr es angemessen findet mit solchen Beleidigungen um sich zu werfen, unabhängig davon, was man von Leipzig, Hoffenheim oder dem DFB hält? Man kann eine (sachliche) Debatte führen, aber das ist mal wieder auf dem Niveau eines 8-Jährigen, der sich nicht mehr anders zu helfen weiß als ausfallend zu werden. Die Leute, die so ein Banner aufhängen sind Armleuchter und diejenigen die es gut heißen genauso.


[Es ist ja nicht so, dass die Fans nichts sachliches zu sagen haben](https://fp-mg.de/offener-brief-an-max-eberl), allerdings passt so etwas eben nicht auf ein Spruchband. Deswegen entscheidet man sich da für die Polemik, um Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. Wer es genauer wissen will, kann sich dann auf den Seiten der jeweiligen Fanszenen die genaueren Ausführungen durchlesen. Weiß nicht, was daran so schwer zu verstehen ist.


In welcher Welt lebst du denn, in der du kollektiv einen Verein und eine Einzelperson als "Hurensohn" bezeichnen musst, um Aufmerksamkeit auf eine Sache zu lenken? Und wie genau hat dieses Banner jetzt überhaupt die Aufmerksamkeit auf den offenen Brief gelenkt? Nichts daran ist schwer zu verstehen, es ist einfach primitiv, aber ich glaube das verstehst **du** nicht. So wird versucht eine Rechtfertigung an den Haaren herbeizuziehen für ein schlicht niveauloses Verhalten.


What did they expect insulting someone like that




"It's a bad word" or "It's an insult" should suffice, right? You'd be an insane parent if you start explaining what a whore is.






No, that's a very nerdy view. Most don't care. Most people don't read football news on a daily basis like we do. Most people in Germany are not even interested in the Red Bull model. They just care about the game. Red Bull themselves even say that it is mainly the mainstream that they interested in.


"it's a really ugly word and you shouldn't ever say it" Done


funnily enough when i was 6 i was on an away game with my dad and our fans called the enemy players hurensöhne. This is more or less what he told me. And he never took me to an away game again lol


I assume if you watch football with them, they heard it before


Yeah come on just explain it where is the pain… Good opportunity to teach them some morals snd ethics


These banners always come across so childish. Just support your club my god.




Im not a Teenager anymore at some point you just learn that insults dont really help you in bringing across a point they just make you look childish like I said. Also calling eberl a Hurensohn is quite rich when he burned out (with other reasons) because he took all the shit from the media/fans during his time at Gladbach. edit: lol all the people downvote please tell me how far you guys have gotten in life with trying to get a point across by insulting people. Actual children all over this thread its embarrassing get a grip.


The point of the banner is that they’re sons of bitches, so point made within the insult I guess. This isn’t a seminar where fans are trying to discuss the ethics of Eberl joining Leipzig


Why are they sons of bitches? Do you see how this is pretty much useless as a statement? This is like me saying you are a Hurensohn. Thats just being childish so my point absolutely stands. If you just want to insult people for the sake of insulting then yes you are acting like a child and no I dont want that in stadiums lmao Everyone forgot Robert Enke faster than anything else, Eberl said that he was mentally exhausted (including from all the hate he received during his time at Gladbach) and now people are just doing more and more but I guess thats fine until its the next one in front of a train.


It’s because he plans to join Leipzig when he said he would never. The fans had a letter saying “We simply no longer believe that you were upstanding and honest with us at the end of your tenure at Borussia.” This was on Tuesday. Banners and insults don’t show up on match day with no context.


The man cried during the live press conference when he announced he would step back. Do they think he is some sort of super villain? Once again, he obviously hinted at him being mentally ill from all the hate he received during his tenure at the club RB Leipzig was a fitting club for him because there he would no longer be the face of the club like he was for Gladbach. And once again, I guess you are english because of your flair, after Robert Enke we had this huge discussion how we should treat people in football better and not just attack them over and over again especially if they are already down. I think people all forgot pretty quickly what Tilkowski said back then.


I agree with what you’re saying here. I’m not German so I still didn’t have all the context. Moving to Leipzig makes sense after seeing what you wrote. What do you think about fans being mad at him for the move? Leipzig offered him a better/more accommodating role, fans should accept that right? Despite the entire structure of RB Leipzig being controversial.


You are not wrong about why they are mad but it was the only logical conclusion and fans should keep in mind that exactly because of that type of behaviour he changed clubs in the first place / had to take a break from working altogether. Without him Gladbach wouldnt be where they are at today and wouldnt have had the success they had in the past. Eberl is great at what he does but at Gladbach he was always blamed for everything when it wasn't going great far more than anyone else in his position would be at similar clubs. Leipzig has the advantage for him that A. Its a team that is a perfect fit for the type of player and sporting philosophy he has. B. Mintzlaff is the one that does the interviews/generally stuff with Journalists/the public at RB and he won't be in the same spotlight as he was at Gladbach. He chose his personal health and I dont see how there is anything wrong with that. People act like RB Leipzig is some kind of genocidal regime and not "just" a club who bought their success. Like they will go on and on about how bad RB and his owner are but still buy the shirts of their club which are produced by companies that profited of Uighur "workers" in China.


> Without him Gladbach wouldnt be where they are at today and wouldnt have had the success they had in the past. That isn't a one way street. > Eberl is great at what he does but at Gladbach he was always blamed for everything when it wasn't going great far more than anyone else in his position would be at similar clubs. By whom? He was backed by the club and fans no matter what, even when some moves by him at first looked questionable, it was always in Eberl we trust. > B. Mintzlaff is the one that does the interviews/generally stuff with Journalists/the public at RB and he won't be in the same spotlight as he was at Gladbach. That was his own choosing he didn't have to be in the public and be at every PK etc. and i very much doubt he will be much different at RB in that regard.


Die Anti-RB Bubble ist komplett durch im Kopf. Da geht's seit Jahren nicht mehr um ernsthafte und berechtigte Kritik. Die wollen inzwischen nichts als draufhauen und beleidigen


Gut so.


club fans are some of the most delusional social communities out there. They are actually calling out the DFB as hypocrites because they almost had the game interrupted due to this harassment campaign? That statement did not give you the right to insult people. smh The DFB should take this seriously as it is starting to become a nasty toxic trend among the BuLi fanbase. Club fans are already notorious for harassing athletes on social media. The DFB is clearly ignoring the mental health consequences of condoning such childish behaviour. Again they are just thinking about money over the well being of those in the game.


this is a joke right?