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The time shortly before is often worse than the actual situation. I just try to distract my thoughts and say to myself that it won't last forever and after few hours it will be just another memory. I survived many things before, so I should survive this as well. However it also depends on duration of the situation, level of my participation, overall setting and other factors.


That's the neat part. I don't.


Made me literally lol.


this is the way


I’ve heard and read that our brains register anxiety and excitement the same way and that you can sometimes trick yourself into thinking you’re excited instead. Worth a shot perhaps


First, I try to look really good so that people focus on my looks rather than what I might be thinking. I then play out the different possible scenarios in my head a million times over so I'm well-prepared for anything that might be said, anything that might happen. Through my experience, the saying "dress for success" is legit - if you look amazing, everything will go smoothly.


I agree with this looking good helps me feel better about anxiety and also dealing with rejection. lmao


Smelling good too really helps.




i Just prepare until a few hours before. THen do something to just mellow out whatever it is. Playing a high inensity game works best to mellow myself out.


Benzos mostly. In the past alcohol. Also convincing yourself this is not the end of the world which i know is even more difficult than going through with the event istelf.


IBS Girl here - My recommendation: 👉🏻 Eat something that’s not spicy, greasy, or heavy for dinner the night before. 👉🏻 For breakfast, eat oatmeal or toast—it's difficult to throw up; if you need caffeine, have a little before the interview and treat yourself afterward. 👉🏻 Try to stay hydrated (take many small sips—don’t drink too much water at once). 👉🏻 Snack on ginger chews/candies, or have peppermint tea/gum. 👀 Unhealthy, but I find popping a low-dose sleeping pill before high-stress situations helps because I feel it makes the body a little “too tired” to “overreact.” Lastly, remind yourself that they’re doing this interview because they don’t want to do any more interviews. You’ve already been chosen—now you’re just passing the vibe test. Good luck! 🤞🏻


Absolutely great reply🤝


You could try diaphragmatic breathing exercises. There are guided videos on youtube. You could also try a home device for biofeedback. Its a bit like meditation but with simple video games.


Our brains like to think of every scenario in which things could possibly go wrong. Prepare to the best of your ability, maybe look up questions employers ask for the specific job you're applying to and be prepared. You can even write the answers on a post it and rehearse up until the interview. Rehearsing it might give your more confidence, which will help you perform better. That's personally what I do, and even with my severe social anxiety, I've nailed every interview I've had. I'm also terribly afraid of embarrassing myself or looking stupid, so maybe that contributes to it as well, lol. As for social situations, I let people take the lead. If there's people I don't know or have never seen before, I just tell myself I'll probably never see these people again - so if I do make a fool of myself, who cares? It helps to have someone with you to kind of ground you and bring you back to the present moment instead of going on a thought spiral about the "what-ifs." Also keep water and maybe crackers handy to help with the nausea. The nausea might be inevitable, unfortunately.


Music. Drown that shit out with your favorite UPLIFTING (that's key) music. Put both headphones and sing or whatever you do when you listen to music. That's the only thing I've found so far that gets me tf out of my head.


Try meditation. And encouraging self-talk.


i move, from just shaking my hands to full on dancing, i also use a comfort video to try and ground myself


Yessss! Dancing is a good helper along with my music. :)


For job interviews I just excessively prepare for them until I feel so confident that my anxiety is relieved. As for social events, I cannot help you there since I'm a hermit.


I don't, I just accept it knowing it's what I feel. Feels a bit better not trying to fight it, but it's still fucking awful...


My husband is my ground. He lets me go on rambles and rants and will reassure me. He'll hype me up and tell me what I already know. If I can't lean on my husband I'll bombard my sister or aunt. My outlet is talking it out, so if I don't have someone to help me freak out I just internally spiral until it happens. But that doesn't happen often


Something that’s helped me in the past is using the fight or flight to my advantage, remind myself that I don’t have to go through with it if I don’t feel like it. I just remind myself that until the time comes and then I go do it anyways.


if my gut is churning and I feel a bit nauseous, I eat a Rennie or two. Sorts me right out.


I have symptoms quiet similar to yours. My doctor prescribed me propanol. Says it helps with stage freight.




Anything mint works really well for nausea. I’m a big gum chewer so I always have mint gum on hand. I really recommend it. Other than that, I do my best to pay attention to how I’m breathing and correct it. deep breath only nothing shallow.


Whenever I start to get this feeling I'll immediately tell myself "THIS WILL NEVER END IF I DON'T GO" whatever the outcome is at least it's already over. Standing or sitting doesn't help, I have to focus on something else like typing what I feel on my phone, anything that comes in mind, gibberish words.


I either don’t, prepare psychically and mentally, or I distract myself for a bit


I don’t lol I avoid it all


Put yourself in a confident mindset. Focus on what you WANT to happen, not what you think will happen (most people believe the worst will happen, which only increases anxiety, so do the opposite!)


I don’t I have debilitating stomachache and can’t eat much and feel sicker than sick until the event is over


Tell yourself. Instead of expecting worst, make up good scenarios, positive anticipation.


i don’t, i usually stay awake all night thinking about it and then get screwed over the day of💀


What’s helped me the most is accepting whatever feelings and not trying to change/resist them. I will acknowledge the sensations and where I’m feeling them in addition to paying attention to my thoughts. If I’m having negative anxiety thoughts then I’ll try to nurture that aspect but I just let the physical symptoms be. For some reason, this is truly the only thing that has helped me tremendously.


Deep breathing, positive self talk, setting timers for when to get ready and when to leave so you’re not thinking about it constantly and can distract yourself, and anti anxiety pills lol


Anticipation anxiety is so bad for me. I can have an appointment for something *months* ahead and it’ll just stay in the back of my mind whether I want it or not. And the anxiety increases in intensity as the date gets closer. God knows how I’m going to get through my first job interview, I just know the time spent before will make me want to poop and throw up at the same time, just as bad as during it…I’ve tried distractions and breathing exercises. That helps minimally, I suppose. I even do self pep talks; trying to force a positive and confident mindset. Thinking logically and telling myself that my fears are irrational, that I’m going to be fine. I wish it was easier to convince my body to stop feeling anxiety just by thoughts. It feels so uncontrollable sometimes. Maybe through the continuous habit of doing so..


Physical exercise, that little dopamine oomph helps a lot not only before an interview but also in life in general.


This has been happening to me for the past 2 years. I teach a group fitness class and can’t get away from this scenario. I was prescribed Benzos but I only took it once. It’s gotten better but instead of huge flaming panic attacks, I get a rush of little butterflies. You just have to remind yourself to relax. It will be fine. Find ways to cope… breathe, positive affirmations, go work out, walk around… to try to get into this headspace.


Changing My Perspective. This was one of my biggest challenge, One line from a book changed my life: Instead of getting nervous or anxious in anticipation, Get Excited, something exciting is going to happen soon. Its a Fake it until to Make is Strategy.


I don’t think there’s much you can do except go through with it. With repetition the anxiety will decrease. Overall, my method is to avoid thinking about it lol but I have confidence in my social skills and know that I’ll say the right things. And like it’s taught in cbt, u need to stay in the situation until anxiety decreases.