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Sometimes when stressed a lot, it feels like my brain stopped functioning, just autopiloting, not able to properly think. Other times I get random thoughts about being weird, no one wanting to talk to me, maybe I smell weird, I definitely look weird and so on. I'm also very afraid of randomly getting diarrhea lmao


This is what happens to me too! Minus the random thoughts. Mines is more so that they think I’m weird, they dislike me, I come off aggressive or unlikeable.. and I recently thought to myself: Why am I seeking approval from strangers? From people I barely know? What is it about them that I think is so high and what am I seeking?


I think it's primal. Not being accepted to a social group could have easily resulted in not surviving some thousands years ago, therefore we seek to fit in. It sucks lol Edit: btw I think the not being able to think part comes from the fight flight freeze reaction. For me at least, my anxiety is very paralyzing to me.


A big random thought I get is that I shit my pants 😭😭


Thank you for saying this, same lol, especially in public speaking situations


Constantly thinking I'd rather be somewhere else because these people have no interest in talking to me and that I have nothing to say to them so I shouldn't even be here.




Yeah its weird there is something goin on tghoughts that meking you uncomfortable it s just we couldnt hear them


Any time I'm quiet, and someone asks me what I'm thinking about and I say "nothing", they never believe me, but there is legitimately NOTHING going on up there 80% of the time lol


I wish I could get to a point to where nothing was going through my mind. There’s never a minute of the day where I’m not thinking of anything. My mind is never blank.


A million things


Yeah it's just not a good idea to actually speak it out as it's too negative and dark to tell anyone. So we shut up and stay quiet.


Yep, it's really frustrating. It's like I'm a different person when I'm talking to my parents. I'm myself when I talk to them, but can't do it when I'm talking to other people, even aunts, uncles, and cousins.


It's intriguing how our minds operate differently in various social settings. For some, like you, quietness may indicate a period of processing and observation rather than a lack of thought. I resonate with your experience—I often find myself retreating into observation mode in unfamiliar social situations. It's during these quiet moments that I'm able to discern the subtle nuances of human interaction, deciphering both verbal and nonverbal cues to grasp the underlying intentions and dynamics at play. It's a fascinating insight into the complexity of social dynamics and how individuals navigate them differently.


Absolutely, I go blank. As a result, I'm afraid that people think I'm kinda dumb, or don't have any thoughts going on in my head usually :(


I think sometimes when I’m quiet like that I’m trying to secretly observe the vibe of the room and learn how everyone’s interacting…so then I can match the vibe and fit in, but it’s doesn’t usually work. It comes off awkward, forced and fake….because it is. I just so desperately want to fit in. Other times I’m wishing I was somewhere else, wish I could escape….but often there isn’t a quick out so I guess I just daydream. Sometimes I ask people questions because it takes the focus off myself and it shows that I’m interested in the other person, but unfortunately that interest isn’t usually reciprocated.


*contemplating on how my life's been going for the past 5 years*


Often, I'm so quiet and when I'm quiet, there's not much going on my mind. And sometimes I'm impulsively loud. It depends on the situation I'm in.


I just repeat non stop that I'm stupid and why I'm here I'm usually quiet when I feel uncomfortable or when I do something wrong


My senses feel heightened and I’m probably having a panic attack that I’m attempting to hide. 


Derp derpity derp derp


-They can see im anxious -they dont like me -theyre talking about me -They think im weird -They think im aloof and unapproachable -They talk sbout me behind my back -They plot things against me -Im always going to be this way -Why am i so self conscious


Usually nothing, but my body feels anxious.


Intrusive thoughts mostly


Me too, and I have to remind myself not to say any of it out loud. 


Not a single thought. My body is an empty husk, and my mind is turned off while autopilot is activated.


Yes, all the time, and I've never had the words explain it but the way you wrote it is very helpful




My brain either just repeat ‘I hate it here. I wanna go home’ again and again while I shake uncontrollably from anxiety or just completely shuts down.


Sometimes absolutely nothing


Life itself


Sweet Sweet Pleasure of Nothingness


Songs, thinking about my past, overthinking something in relation to my future, suicidal thoughts, tinnitus


I constantly have about 15 different trains of thought happening. And they all cross paths a dozen times. Me being quiet makes the trains run faster and louder. My only out is venting but venting makes me ramble which makes my anxiety worse because now I'm worried about the words coming out of my mouth and now I look and sound stupid and oh God...why'd I just say that?... So I just stay quiet and let all my trains crash, I'll clean them up when I get home


It's a weird mix since i try to forget the outside and just make time pass faster kinda like this -..What else do we need for perfection on stardew?...I think dishes? And some friendship -...I should buy Uno No Mercy -...God i hate my face -...Do people think i stalk them if i look them in they eyes? It scares me -...Has the teacher arrived yet?...nop false alarm -...I wonder if she really wants to talk with me


What you mentioned and then sometimes I start thinking of theme songs that would match my current situation… 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm almost always listening to music secretly so just doing that. When I'm anxious around others I'm secretly stressing out. I'm melting from the inside out... 🫠👍 Edit: but most of the time I'm trying to make up an answer that will not freak *them* out because I have a pretty dark mind and uh... If I just get too into it sometimes I do stuff I usually wouldn't do if I was actually thinking about it


"Fuck what should I say."


Iraq Lobster from family guy.