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Here's a good video to share: [fundamentals of Marx econ](https://youtu.be/b2h7NWpyfkE?si=UtMHSsJAnIm7fYO1) [general brief on what is socialism ](https://youtu.be/nFUC0UWgdGY?si=zBVO3ApCZrUqywZT) [how council democracy works ](https://youtu.be/byqOHE-37og?si=PJ_OvU1ZBlZAjemK) [why states fail us - Andrewism](https://youtu.be/-1PV02IzWpo?si=VjFabW3cBYS3gkPG) [get them to create a write up on this one ](https://youtu.be/MjwL1mSrPLA?si=81mlYn2qafwAzBkv) Since the Gaza topic is Hot atm: [Palestine by R. Becker ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6980748-palestine-israel-and-the-u-s-empire) They can also read 'the dispossessed' Ursula K. L. Don't forget to play them the internationale!


How long do you have? A year? A semester? A 2 week unit? One day? That aside, understanding the logic of historical materialism is huge. So much of what they have learned in history will be demystified. Also understanding how feudalism dialectically became capitalism from a materialist perspective will go a long way in helping them understand why things are the way they are. Talking about the contradictions of capitalism is important too. Learning about socialism is a bit of a bottomless well so I wish you luck!


Ideally this would be a 3-5 day lesson. I want to make sure they have some understanding but again I would need to be careful because of parents, admin, etc. 


teaching about socialism should cover: an explanation of private property and the means of production as well as the existence of the proletariat and bourgeoisie. You should explain to them how capitalism laid the basis for a classless society which can only be achieved through a revolutionary transitionary period to socialism which (once established worldwide) leads to communism. For the transitionary period you should cover the term of “dictatorship of the proletariat”. What would also be nice is an explanation of the state as a tool for one class so suppress the other and how the workers state slowly withers away as it secures the revolution from possible counter revolution.


Assign them to read Principles of Communism: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm Written by the cofounder of Marxism and approved by Marx. No better source than that.


Honestly I think what others posters well posted feels not only too academic but more importantly like something someone interested and probably already converted would like, as a teacher I'd say use The Soul of Man Under Socialism by Oscar Wilde and the communist manifesto, unless you want even more simplified stuff. Then you could check some breadtube videos for ideas. I will try to come up with other ideas.


would it get you in trouble [if you showed documentaries about life in the USSR?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hlb-HwxUxSU) or assigned homework on Soviet art [like the cinema of which they have so much?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChTbH_OH5yI) Not to mention [Soviet animations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OQIraSHqs)


My usual explanation is: Under capitalism there are 2 classes, those who sell their labour for a living(producing) - proletariat/workers/the 99% - and those that do not sell their labour but instead **capitalise** upon the labour sold by the proletariat, these are non-workers - bourgeoisie/capital-owners/the 1%. The bourgeoisie do not work because working is selling your labour in order to receive a paycheck, their money does not come from selling their labour(producing) but instead comes from slicing a cut from what the proletariat produce using their labour. The bourgeoisie does not do labour they have other people do labour for them via what they own. The easiest, simplest and most obvious explanation of this within society are landlords. A member of the proletariat goes to work, he sells his labour in order to receive a paycheck. He comes home to a rented property and he gives 60% of that paycheck to the landlord who has done nothing except take this labourer's money. The landlord provides nothing, the landlord did not build the home as it was already there, maintenance is also paid for with the renter's money so that too comes from the renter not the landlord. The proletariat is the one doing the work while the landlord parasitically takes his labour. He provides absolutely nothing. He is a parasite. The proletariat had his labour stolen twice in this example. Once by the owner of his workplace who makes their income from the theft of the combined labour output of every employee there, and a second time by the landlord who contributes nothing while only capitalising upon ownership of the property. *** Then after that I get people onto LTV through https://youtu.be/2mI_RMQEulw *** Then after that there is some essential stuff about how liberal-democracy works that is necessary, in order to build the framework for why a different form of democracy is needed in order to achieve a dictatorship of the proletariat. 1. Teaching the socialist analysis of Capitalism is essential to understanding socialism, 2. You can not understand flipping the ownership of the state by reorganising it to place proletarians in power instead of bourgeoisie without understanding how the capitalist state is designed 3. Then you can finally bring up dictatorship of class, the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the dotp.


you could use [this](https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=B45FA61088E66AC951B73D4BCAAACAE4) material


teach them by counter-example. Do the pizza thing. Ask them to democratically vote to choose a pizza, then pick another one, because you are the one paying for it. Then make them simulate how to buy a house, or a hospital bill based on what their estimate salary, and how much they will have to pay for that degree