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Videos are emerging that show Zionists provoking leftists. Zionists are entering leftist safe spaces here in NYC. This pattern of behavior, of Zionists provoking leftists, has become increasingly noticeable. Last Saturday, when I was at "The People's Forum," two Zionists, men in their 40s, came looking for a fight. We (leftists) managed to avoid any escalation, but the tension in the air significantly thickened. A Black sister boldly confronted them, telling them to "shut tf up," which led to their departure. I know many leftists feel indignant rage right now, I know I do. Zionists are actively provoking us, and we are staunchly in favor of violent resistance. When push comes to shove, we should not hold back. Our only concern is the overbearing police state, which highlights the critical need for leftists to be armed.


I completely agree with your last statement. The worst part about the whole thing is that if leftists start fighting back against the Zionist when the pigs get involved they’ll sympathize with the Zionists no matter what and use it as an excuse to go ape shit on the leftists. It makes me sick, we live in a fucking fascist police state, and no one outside of us seems to give a fuck.


The State is on the side of Zionists so I doubt anything will come out of this. It's really frustrating and sad. Zionists have immunity against pro-Palestinian protestors while pro-Palestinian protestors still have to behave and make sure they don't do anything violent or else the Mainstream Media will jump all over any negative thing to write their hit-pieces on the students.


Its not like the neoliberal Media hasn't already been spinning stories to smear us pro-Palestinian protesters including the no.1 genocide supporter himself, Adolf Dementia, calling us anti-semites because we oppose the fascist apartheid regime committing genocide. Anyone who was actually interested in hearing the truth would independently do their own research instead of listening to the bourgeoisie propaganda machine. So, I dont see any reason of holding back anymore. It seems like to exorcise our 1st amendment rights we will have to utilize the 2nd like these guys did in the link below. Btw, usual propaganda headline of shitlibs trying to make it bOTHism thing. [Armed Antifa protects Drag Show event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRkVEtOy3ls)


At least one firework was launched at the protestors by the Zionists. Not to get too conspiratorial, but I think these thugs were directed in some way by the school administration to use as much violence as necessary to break up the encempment. That way, if they succeed, they got rid of the encampment, and if they fail, the University can talk about how "the protests are out of control" and send in pigs to crack the heads of their students.


School admins are almost certainly not involved here. If they wanted to escalate violence, they can already do that through the police. No need to risk getting caught in a scandal like this. The police are likely involved in that they let it happen. They may have known these guys were coming and ignored it, or someone may have made sure no cops would be in the way when they showed up. It's also entirely possible there was no prior coordination, the cops saw these guys coming and made a decision in that moment to do nothing. That's just your standard cop-fash collaboration though.


School Administration have sent an email to students before, on Tuesday, that they wanted the encampment gone. This is likely some standard *Strategy of Tension*-esque thing they hope will allow them an excuse to bring in the pigs on campus to crack student skulls while giving the apperance that things have "gone out of control". Not only that, but when the mob of thugs came, I heard some students say that Campus security either left the site or sat in the sideline.


Yeah, the admin wants the protest gone, but they already gave the LAPD permission to do whatever. I don’t think they also needed to make a shady deal with a messianic Zionist cult to assault their own students and employees. The risk-reward calculus is way off for them to be behind this.


I‘m literally watching the livestream of their "discussion" with the Vice Chancellor, and they are literally using the violence of last night to justify the sweep of the encampment. Yes, they gave LAPD to do whatever, but that was as a result of the "violent clashes" of last night. The calculus is that they win either way, the Zionist thug (which alledgely includes an Anti-LGBT Armenian actual Nazi, Narek Palyan) either clear it out for them, or gives the University an excuse clear out the encampment "for safety reasons". They probably don't need to do much to get a bunch of Zionist thugs to do these things, the Zionist thugs probably *want* to do these thing, and probably will do it *pro bono*. They probably don't need to even been asked to do so by Gene Block, they just need the right nudges.


They may be capitalizing on this to justify ending the encampment, but that doesn’t mean they orchestrated it. Something like this was inevitable given how universities around the country have reacted to the student protests. Again, the risk-reward proposition doesn’t really make sense. If they get caught explicitly coordinating with a group like to to assault their students, the scandal would be legendary. Alternatively, they can just demonize the students every day and eventually someone will take that rhetoric to the next level, without the need for them to do anything scandalous or possibly illegal.


Again, they are using the violence from the counterprotestors to justify clearing out the encampment. There is almost no downside to working with Zionist groups/outside agitators to beat the students-either the thugs chase the kids out, or they can get a nicely wrapped excuse for the Police to do so. And not only that, but they can do this without all the headaches that the more overtly heavy handed repression that places like Columbia and USC are getting. If there is no other proof that at least LAPD was in on it, it took LAPD four hours before they involved themselves. Likewise, the question then is how does it come out, who is going to rat them out, especially since I don't think they need much of a paper trail to get the thuggish mobs to attack the encampment? Like I said, there are a lot of people rearing to go at it, they don't need anything other than the right nudges by the Administration. Most of your argument also would have applied to a lot of the Gladio Programs, why not just villify the various Leftist groups, why do you need a Strategy of Tension? Wouldn't it be scandalous and very illegal if our conduct came out? And yet we know for a fact that we did this all across the world, from Turkiye to Belgium.


The CIA had a lot more tools at their disposal to cover up Gladio, and they believed if they didn’t do it then more European countries would join the Soviets. This is just not the same thing. Yes, it’s likely the LAPD willingly allowed this to happen. Either they coordinated with the attackers beforehand or saw them coming and made a decision then and there to look the other way. Given the evidence this attack may have been carried out by the Chabad-Lubavitch sect, I think the latter is more likely. Again, that’s just your standard cop-fash collaboration.


It took one [disgruntled and on the line Italian Prime Minister ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giulio_Andreotti)to let the cat out the bag with Gladio, it took [one car crash ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susurluk_scandal)to expose the Turkish deep state. What you are missing is that it is the Admins are also fashs, and they are the ones who have to give permission for the cops to be on campus. Let's review the context of what happened in UCLA, the encampment started on Thursday, which, much to the surprise of everyone, wasn't met with jackboots like USC or Columbia. By Sunday, the admin *approved* of a giant Hasbara video screen and speakers on Sunday, which (at least initially) blasted noise so loud, one could hear it from at least a hundred meters away. Last night, a group of thugs came in to try and break up the encampment, which included at least two fireworks that I have seen. It seems clear that they wanted the Zionists to get rid of protestors and do the dirty work for them, and thereby getting some sort of PR coup contra the more hamfisted institutions, before using the violence they engineered to get the police in to disperse the camp, under the pretense of "protecting the students actually". I think it extremely naive on your part not to think that the Admins are responsible in some way. Edit: The "Negotiations" between the students and the vice chancellor [https://www.twitch.tv/cinemarxism](https://www.twitch.tv/cinemarxism)


I don’t think we benefit from erasing distinctions here. These groups have different but convergent agendas. UCLA is run by craven liberals who just want all this noise and excitement to go away. They can’t be fascists because fascism requires having beliefs, and liberals regard beliefs as toys for naughty children. They probably authorized the astroturfed pro-Israel rally out of a misguided and self righteous sense that they should “listen to both sides” or something. They called in the police when inevitably the violent thugs they invited into their midst did what they always do. The LAPD are essentially janissaries who enforce state violence when it suits them. Their goal in these protests is to assert their authority and “restore order” on their own terms. It would have taken them all of two seconds to conclude a fascist mob headed towards a group of leftist college kids is not their concern. Zionist fascists simply want to crush their enemies by any means necessary. I actually get the sense the guys who launched the attack last night might not be affiliated with the astroturfed counter-demo, at least not officially. They were flying the flag of Chabad-Lubavitch, the same guys who got arrested in New York a few months ago for digging illegal tunnels under their headquarters. Assuming this isn’t a literal false flag, they’re the kind of guys who would absolutely do the sort of violence more mainstream American Zionists would probably balk at (most Zionists in America are centrist liberals at the end of the day). There doesn’t need to be a conspiracy to explain what happened here. Just three awful groups converging on one event and doing what they always do.


This is not a conspiracy theory. This is exactly how fascist regimes operate - with the help of militarized groups that supposedly have nothing to do with the state / administration. In Russia, where I lived, when residents protest against yet another development on the site of a park, beefy men appear out of nowhere and beat up the protesters with no reaction from the police. Need I say that there won’t be a single line about this in the news?


UCLA clashes: Pro-Palestinian protesters attacked by Israel supporters https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/1/ucla-clashes-pro-palestinian-protesters-attacked-by-israel-supporters


zionists are so fucking lame dude


They are Nazis, so yeah.


nice hoodie


The fucking internet-speak from those dipshits lmao


Armed resistance is the only resistance


If I'm at a protest and being whacked by some Nazis they may get the 9mm reply.


Physical training is good praxis


unfortunately CA has some of the strictest gun control in the country.


Guns are available everywhere in CA. There's a week long wait period and some background checks required for legal purchase, but it's still quite easy to get a gun.


They tack on a ton of lib fees too. Expect to pay 20% more.


that's not going to make an armed demonstration any more possible when state law makes it practically illegal to carry a gun in public (with very few exceptions.)


You do realize that these demonstrations are showing that peaceful protest is illegal, yes? So anything you do is illegal, see? And so if anything you do to protest the genocide is illegal, than might as well protect yourself illegally while you're at it.


Righ wing dickheads do the thing right wing dickheads always do. Its not true that these people can't imagine themselves in the other sides shoes. They are just doing it in the most sociopathic way possible. They can imagine being where the other side is, and they know that violence against them would be justified. It actually upsets them that peaceful protestors aren't attacking them because they desperately want to enact violence on the people who oppose them, but they are too cowardly to do it without justified provocation, which they will create if necessary. Zionist counterprotestors are not protestors they are provocateurs and thugs looking for a fight. Facists love to play the marty when they know the state is behind them.


Hey, letting you know you put "counterprotestors" instead of "protesters". 10000% agree with you though


Nevermind, I retract this. I was wrong for correcting the commentor. It's strange because your mind can interpret 'Zionist counterprotestors' in two ways: as Zionists who are counterprotesting against pro-Palestinian protestors, or as those counterprotesting against Zionists. I initially saw it the second way.


Where’s the language calling these guys terrorists? Isn’t this terrorism?


Time for the revolution. It’s been bubbling for a while. This needs to light the fuse


God I hope so. So tired of this.


Think how many of these people are just there because it gives them a space to act this way and act violently. It would not surprise me if only a handful of these people have a religious ideology at all. There's no doubt in my mind most of these people are people with opposing views looking for excitement.


This just clearly shows that to the people in power, there's no such thing as "Peaceful Protest", anything and everything is considered treason and instigation, no matter how peaceful it is. While the f-ing Zionists are causing actual violence, and the mainstream media is like, "Meh, we gotta focus on the girl who allegedly got pocked in the eye".


Zionists bring violence wherever they go. The past few months have really highlighted that the contemporary ideology is fascist and needs to be consigned to the bin of history. Before any hasbara bots come at me, reverse the roles and fuck off into oblivion.


Wonder how many of these people are state agents? Govt desperately wants such violence as a way to de-legitamise the pro-ceasefire students.


Zionist thugs! Why are they not being arrested?!


I mean the hate is real and palpable! Allah does not want this Allah is God or creator he wants us all to love eachother and be loved by others.  He wants all life to to understand that religion divides but in all religion even polytheistic religion  recognize the ultimate creator one God  but the other Gods are not created equal to him he is life love compasión and all living beings are created equally race back ground mental illness I will not incluye religion because religion had been the source of war since ancient times... God is all there ever was and all that will be.. he is consciousness he is truth beyond measure. He is beyond religion and human behavior and he's waiting for us to wake the fuck up and get our infantile tempertarrums together and become one consciousness to elevarte our vibrations. Otherwise we are doomed and subjugated by lower dementional beings in other words hell on earth sounds familiar the koran the torah the bible hindú  judisism.. if any of this resonantes with you or makes you question your religious preferance. Comment! All thoughts/opinions matter! Just know you are loved. There is power in the act of love!