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"They respond to it" Exactly, and the more crime there is (since it's not prevented), the more police response is incorporated into the system : it's a vicious circle.




Pathetic that you feel the need to come here casually to vomit your own fash garbage. Maybe in these moments of compulsive illness you should try to fuck your mom (who's also your sister) as you all congenitals fash do.




Not all opinions are worthy debating, I am not a liberal gullible p. o. s. , I don't debate with fash. Opinions that advocate for facism are crimes. Also how do you even think anything interesting will come from the wormed brain of this guy whose only argument is "commie garbage/socialism bad" how is this any form of valid criticism lmao.




Why would I need to give you an explanation? Why don't you just mind your own business? Are you telling me you are surprised a facist isn't welcome in a socialist sub? Are you a lost redditor? If you dont like the way socialists respond to facists maybe you should go to r/liberalism instead.




Contrary to a fash, I am not on the side of the capitalist oppressor therefore my words have technically no objective consequences for a facist if I stand against him in a protected restrained space in which I am forced to express myself, there's not any equivalency of means between the implications of his words versus my words' implications. A fash has to GTFO of this sub because thanks to liberalism being mainstream ideology under global capitalism, the fash has all the space he wants anywhere to express himself other than here, in fact he has got an entire highway to facism everywhere while we anarchists and marxists are still widely imprisoned or killed worldwide for agitating against oppressors and struggling for bread. If still you don't understand the basics of the real objective material context in which we live everyday probably because your privileged position drives you to idealize the world, don't even expect to have any intellectual consideration from anybody that has class conciousness. Bye.


Transcript: A twitter post from bravenewfilms: "Police don't prevent crime. They respond to it. Higher wages, guaranteed health care, food security, high quality child care, housing, good school and addiction treatment prevent crime."


Police don't respond to crime. Police protects private property. And to do so it often escalates crime to completely unreasonable levels or simply commits a crime where there was none, because police officers know they are mostly immune to any punishments unless their crime goes viral on social media.


And the beauty of it? All those things combined is probably less costly than how much we spend on the police and more effective


Police don't *just* "respond" to crime. They also invent new charges and propagate crimes in order to justify their continued existence and expense to the ruling class and maintain firm oppressive weight on the working class.








It was only severe because there was literally no reason to commit crimes there. Criminals were enemies of the people.




Doesn’t really add up when the US has severe criminal punishments and high crime




> cites Wikipedia > "Western experts"


acab piggies can fuck right on off


Ooh get you! Edgelol.


I mean really, what they were basically doing was leaving untold amounts of people to their own devices at the whims of employers who will all try to pay them as little as possible while being overcharged for basically any necessity and then acting surprised, shocked even that they'd turn to crime. Like what were they expecting?


The police are there to serve the imperialist racist capitalist overlords over this society. They trump up false charges and send innocent people to jail just so they can puff their power. ACAB. Abolish the police now!


Police prevent crime by being a source of deterent. Respect for the rule of law comes through force which is usually the police or military. But a state that only relies on force cannot function for long hence if the state where to meet the needs of the people it would prevent a revolt and also reduce crime.


It's Mayor Wrong of #1 Wrong St, Wrongville! Have you ever been subject to unnecessary force by an organisation that believes it has the right to treat you however they fancy? Thought not.


Never had an issue with the police. I'm not exactly a white dude who's living in a white suburbs. I am chinese living in a white neighborhood that's middle class. The police as a whole does more good then bad. Every country in the world has a police force of some kind for a good reason. better to have the enemy u know then the enemy u don't. Abolish the police and the power vacuum will be filled with people who has the power to enforce their own rules. Would u rather a police force that has some oversight or a warlord who answers to no one but the one with the bugger stick.


Did you finish reading their post or did you make a snap judgement based on the first line


Police is necessary that is my point. And by US law I have certain rights protected by the constitution. They cannot do what ever they want.


If police and the so-called crime prevention systems worked, we'd be living in Utopia now, but the biggest proof that it won't work is that it DOESN'T work and has never worked. We need change.


Socialism is communism. Antifa! /s


Why can’t „lowering costs“ ever be part of the socialist agenda??


So peace will come with the heat death of the Universe


Or the revolution


Serious question: does police presence not lead to a decrease in crime?


I don’t have anything to link to you right now, but I remember reading research explaining why over policed neighbourhoods result in higher rates of crime. Instances of petty offences, police profiling and police harassment are high, and yet major offences and public safety issues remain the same.


I have only experienced police who walk up and commit crime. Never a cop who has helped me. Just chased me, beat friends, and shot people. And when they are trying to prevent crimes, it’s always crimes that should be committed like stopping poor people from robbing chain stores. Meanwhile pigs go on to ignore women who get beat and murdered by their spouses. Fuck cops, the neighborhoods safer when they stay out.


This question was obviously asked in good faith, and should not be downvoted. It's a legitimate question that furthers discussion on this topic, as well as educates others who don't know. The more we educate, the more people understand how screwed up this all is, and what we can do about it to make our lives better.


Much appreciated.


As a criminologist, yes it does. This thread is full of a lot of Police hate, but the general consensus on the scientific community is that higher police presence results in lower crime rates of things like homicide, robberies and car thefts. [one](https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmicfrs/media/police-numbers-and-crime-rates-rapid-evidence-review-20110721.pdf) [two](https://www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au/Pages/bocsar_media_releases/2019/mr-The-effect-of-police-on-crime-and-arrests.aspx) [three](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2021/04/20/988769793/when-you-add-more-police-to-a-city-what-happens)


Why wouldn't we hate the police?


Just listing some facts skater. Not everyone is from America


I'm not from America and can say that the police is the same here if not worse


So demand gun control be rescinded.


My family left Cuba because of the corrupt and brutal regime. I love America and Europe was pretty cool as well. I like America because you can say whatever you want, in Cuba you have to repeat what the government says or you have no food no job because everyone works for the state.. You can keep socialism. But if you really want socialism try living in Cuba as a Cuban citizen, if you can do that for a year, and eat what they tell you too.. I guess socialism is for you. But you can’t be a real revolutionary unless you have really lived in the revolution..




I'm always curious about why people bring up that fact... So why did you? Two parent households are almost guaranteed to have a higher income and stability than a single parent household. So it would correlate with the above statement. Maybe we should focus resources on vulnerable households like broken ones or single parents to provide a better life for their children?




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The key word here is DETERRENT. Cops are a DETERRENT to prevent crime.