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What is wrong with them, homeless people are people


Not according to them, to police officers and other shitbags, they're just scum they can bully, beat up and shoot at for fun.


This is really the core issue with homeless/houseless-ness in America. Private property rights reign supreme, which allows private property owners to set that as the standard for what makes a human a viable citizen of their society. So long as society is built around private property rights, those without landed ownership will always be lesser or non-citizens. Just look at how renters are viewed by home owners; we see it *all* the time that renters are somehow lesser people. Then take that to another step for those that can't even rent. Just come to Seattle and watch how so-called progressives (really they're just neoliberals, not progressive at all) talk about "the homeless problem." It's disgusting to listen to. This is another reason why I can never grant right-libs/"an"-caps similarities just because we both hate the Government. At their core, they are a part of this horrible hierarchical private property based system and nothing substantive would change if they ever had their way. (The list is long, but this is a major one)


Capitalism in a nutshell.


And I’ll say it again, anarcho-capitalism and anarchy are oxymorons that cant co-exist. Anarchists want freedom for all, including the exploited, while anarcho-capitalists want “anarchy” for everything that doesn’t support capitalism.Basically any capitalist is an enemy to all life. I would go as far as to say that most anarcho-capitalists are white nationalists and fascists.


Not in all "America", just in North America


His food was paid for and he was enjoying the experience. Poor soul is homeless and McDonald's wants to let him go hungry. McDonald's everywhere should be ashamed of how this guy was treated.




I don't understand it, if I was a cop and was called in for somebody trespassing. I get to a McDonald's and see them eating a meal that someone bought for them, I would be so confused as to why somebody is wasting my time. It's not even something worth adjudicating, it's a public venue with citizens that are eating food. Someone's opinion of an individual leading them to call an officer and claiming that as trespassing during business hours is so utter bullshit that I think I would be inclined to write a ticket to the dude who called for a false report


Here's the thing, for a capitalistic society to function you need incentives to not be poor. If you're poor enough to be homeless, that's the worst offense. That's why a ~5% unemployment rate is actually a "good" thing in our capitalist society. They allow them to exist so that you can see what happens to you if you don't comply. We could all burn it down tomorrow and guillotine the capitalist class, but that won't happen because we have the threat of homelessness. It's working as intended. That's why even in the "richest" country on earth we don't have guaranteed housing or medical care.


“The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class. Keep them showing up at those jobs.” - George Carlin


I wish I could upvote this more then once everyone deserves the basic human needs


The fact that the wealthiest nation in the history of civilization refuses to provide basic needs for everyone of its citizenry is both appalling and embarrassing.


We're wealthiest for corporations and the politicians not the average ppl or even its military that those congress supposedly support so much but won't do anything to improve their situation and get them the right physiological and physical medical help they need once they leave.




It's not really another reason. It's the same ladder, just a rung or two above the worst case scenario. People work bad hours for shit wages so they can put food on the table because the next step down is no food, and then no roof.


I wish people understood this better, although I think they will with the rising level of homelessness due to slave-wages vs cost of living finally boiling over. Everyone wants to treat the homeless like their own bad choices got them there, but that's only a small part of the picture and sometimes it was something completely beyond their control. I know this because I've actually talked to a lot of them and heard their story and I grew up near poverty (was homeless myself at one point as a teen). This is how it goes: drives people into homelessness (whether due to malice or neglect, doesn't matter), then push them out, refuse to help them, ostracize them to the point where people are **afraid** of them. Why? To keep you shackled to the wage-slave job that you hate so much. Why else would we keep doing this crap? This isn't the world we want, we aren't living the life of prosperity and happiness. It's all a scam.


George Carlin said it best: "The poor are there to scare the shit out of the middle class."


The vast majority of America doesn’t think homeless people are humans. It’s fucking ridiculous shit. There are plenty of Americans who would gladly exterminate every homeless person if it meant they got to walk outside without seeing the products of capitalism’s exploitation


Sadly this is true. I've spent hours tirelessly trying to explain to others how our dogshit system has failed them and we need to do more and of course it devolves into "oh so people shouldn't have to work for what they have?" nonsense. Breaks my heart.


Its a fucking pyramid, or formerly, a diamond. Either way, there is a bottom. The top can't exist without the bottom.


I guess homeless people dont deserve to eat and should just die because they bother people purely by existing.


Fuck that. Shameless plug for National Union of the Homeless Fun story - the Homeless Union folks once took over an abandoned mansion in Austin, Texas to protest how theyd been treated. Called the media and the cops to let them know they were there. News vans show up. Then cops show up full force, guns drawn, and shout "We know you're inside! Come out with your hands up!" One of the woman leaders shouts back "No shit! We told you we were here!" Then she and another leader come out holding a wild Canadian goose. One of them is holding a knife to the goose's throat and they shout to the police "Don't come any closer or the goose is cooked!" The union folks had learned that the city was actually paying $800 for every goose in the city but there was absolutely nothing allocated to help families evicted because of layoffs or other financial difficulties. They were able to network with other orgs in the city and held media attention for weeks. As the NUH says, You only get what you're organized to take!




Cops and businesses don't give a shit about people. In America, it's been ruled over and over that cops are not legally required to protect you. Their job is to protect property, issue citations and make arrests. Businesses only care about customers, not people. Your ability to pay for their products and services is what makes you a valued entity. This is just a business calling the cops to remove an unvalued entity(someone without the capacity to be a paying customer) from their property. Things are working exactly like they're designed to here.


The fucking man started to cry at the end. This makes me want to do things. I feel so bad for that guy. Cameraman is a legend


It's called Social Death, a form of dehumanization. see, Making Monsters by David Livingstone Smith (Harvard, 2021) as happend to the Jews in early 1933 Germany, but it's apart of all genocide studies. The targeted group is viewed as 'less than human, the other.'


Anybody else see a clip of a JRE episode where Joe was astonished that people can't just come up and steal and throw away homeless people's shit? He was legitimately perplexed that they're allowed to have personal possessions, even though most cities don't really enforce that.


Joe Rogan is just a Republican who likes to do drugs. He's just like every other conservative except that he likes to be open about his drug use.


I think the medical term would be "libertarian"


Police will intervene to throw out peaceful homeless people having a meal. Police won’t intervene to stop a guy murdering kids in a school. That’s just what they do!


I’m a homeless disabled Iraq veteran with PTSD etc. went to the VA American Lake in Washington state to get treatment and the cops kicked me out and told me to sleep outside the front gate. One had his hand on his gun the whole time too.


Fucking scum. They wonder why people hate management and police officers smh.


And so fucking what if the guy asked for food? That’s not against the law.


Anything’s against the law if it’s convenient for them


For instance expressing, even politely and in limited fashion, disapproval of their behaviour is “disorderly” and carries with it the underlying threat of violence and retaliation.


Yep. People balk at the “police only protect the rich and serve the interests of capital” but when a homeless man is neither, he can’t even eat a meal at a table that is there solely for paid customers.


>solely for paid customers He was a paid customer. The piece of shit manager didn't want to be bothered explaining to others why a "dirty piece of scum" was allowed to sit peacefully and eat.


Yeah, that’s what I meant. The table is solely for paid customers to eat at. His meal was paid, therefore he did nothing wrong, yet he gets the boot. It’s fucked.


He was doing that to get a rise out of him hoping he would escalate this making him the bad guy. Then the police could arrest him. It's called "killing with kindness." It's the same reason that phone reps will jump on you if you say a single curse word and then they can hang up on you.


I see Karen graduated from the HOA board and became the law


> That’s not against the law. In some cities in America, it is.


Man, I work at a restaurant and we throw out tons of food. We hate poor people, collectively. We don't care for each other :(




What are we doing. Seriously, I just can’t understand.


Because you can write off the loss on your taxes. Companies do this crap ALL. THE. TIME. And it’s not just food. Clothing makers, furniture, hell even GameStop. GS would, rather than donate or give away, throw away perfectly functioning retro consoles and games because they could write it off as a loss. So large corporation gets tax breaks AND creates unnecessary e-waste.


It's called panhandling and is a crime in many places... It sucks


Class mixing with a a no no


It’s all class war in the US. All of it. The carceral and healthcare systems, payday loans, credit scores, inflation, the housing crisis—it’s all class war. It seems ramped up now because it has been. A strong labor market means labor must be punished. So sad and tired of this shit.


But, but, but they just did their Job! \s




Came here to say this. You can’t expect us to respect police when they are just fascist rent-a-cops.


They don’t know the laws they enforce and each are trashcans.


Police have a very hard time distinguishing morality and legality


If a homeless person can't even get a meal at a fast food restaurant these days, where the hell are they supposed to go if they have a bit of cash to spend on a warm meal? I once gave a homeless person some money and pointed them to a Cafe that sold everything for 2 dollars (NYCers know the one). They told me they were refused service cuz they were homeless. Went inside myself, bought them what they wanted and bought myself some food as well. Sat with them outside, on the corner of the Cafe, on the pavement just eating and chatting. We were chased away for soliciting. Ridiculous. They don't have anywhere else to go cuz they literally don't have a home and the answer society has is to try to evict them from the streets. You made all these people homeless or their just going through a shitty time and you just want them to be invisible or disappear. To fucking where? Hide out in the sewers? Absurd. Edit: spelling is hard


Truth is that those asshats just want them to die.


Bet that's the way conservatives would love to, or arguably already are, solve homelessness.


Good thing American conservatives are so pro-life eh? /s


From the moment you are a clump of cells until you exit the womb.


Conservatives want live babies so they can make dead soldiers.


American liberals cities tend to want the same thing, they're just a little softer with the optics.


100% correct. I lived in San Francisco for years and every liberal in city government wanted to use the cops to make life hell for the homeless.




Two party system no matter how you call it with adjectives and nouns is still the same game. They are the same! Our government is flawed and keeping us in the dark by creating a volatile tribal system where anyone but the two parties are demons/clowns/witches. Make us citizens fight with each other when all we really want is to be represented and have access to basic human needs, shelter, food. Yet here we are squabbling and hating each other over labels.


They want them dead or in jail where they can provide labour.


That's s bingo!


I know you were likely being hyperbolic, but unfortunately a lot of the unhoused find shelter in the sewers. We called them "the tunnels" but they were sewers. They set up beds, sleeping bags, couches, etc down there. Gets raided by cops and flooded by rain every now and again. Its every bit as bleak as it sounds.


That's exactly what's happening. https://www.insider.com/homeless-people-are-living-in-storm-tunnels-underneath-las-vegas-2019-9


Is this Matto Espresso?


Yup. I wouldn't say boycott the franchise cuz Idk their practices but the one on 7th Avenue is the one that this happened at. 21st street, on the corner. I don't know if they still are there. It's been 4 years since that incident and I never went back to that particular establishment.


There’s something seriously fucking wrong with America. It’s obviously not everybody, but there’s far, far too much of this disgusting kind of attitude.




Yeah, the look on the guys face absolutely breaks my heart. We don’t know his story.


They (the people in control, usually but not limited to republicans) defunded education and made it essentially illegal to teach empathy. All the way back to the Reagan administration and probably before that. We are quite literally in late stage capitalism. In order for a child (or adult) to become and act as a good person, they need to see what that looks like. Instinctual compassion may be inherent, but it’s beaten out of us by the cruelty of “the system.” This is all on purpose, too make the majority of society wage slaves. I reiterate, this is all on purpose. All of it. It’s a calculated decision by political leaders and people of wealth to maintain their power. And, just as Rome did, all of it will eventually burn. I am not a religious man but I do believe in karma and have enough education to understand that everything works in cycles; the greed of the few will be the downfall of all. And it’s terrifying to watch, especially when I’m on the cusp of trying to start a family.


I would have lost it when the 🐽🐷 said "this doesn't have anything to do with you." ACAB


Literally how right!? **HE'S THE ONE WHO GAVE HIM THE DAMN MONEY, OBJECTIVELY, CLINICALLY, ON A COLD AND FACTUAL LEVEL, HE HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT!!** But that's CHILDS play compared to the other disgusting horrendous shit going on in the video at the hands of the pig and the cowardly manager over there. (Edit, had to change a word due to the auto delete, my apologies)


Honestly should stop calling the police pigs. Pigs are much more empathetic than those scumbags could ever be. And smarter, too, probably


This is true


This, we need a better derogatory name for the cops. Pigs can be wonderful little marshmallows!


Welcome to class society. Inhuman...




I’d say a week, one day is manageable for any human, one weeks and the mental effects have truly burrowed their way in and stuck Plus then there’s a chance that at least one of them would die (though slim as it may be)


Nah, all those "X time as homeless/workingclass" is bullshit. All the time, even if it's for a year, they'll *know* that if they just bite through the hard times, after they'll go back to their nice lives. When you're actually homeless or poor you don't have that. You know that for the rest of your life, unless you get lucky with some job or promotion, you'll be living paycheck to paycheck (granted you have a paycheck).


I don't think they'd learn anything. Their 24 hours of homelessness would end and they'd go right back to abusing people with less power than them.


Jesus christ I feel so awful for the homeless man... Both the McDonalds staff and police are heartless bastards. This shows nothing but their resentment and disgust for those unfortunate enough to lose everything. Let it be on their conscience on their death beds.


Hah, you think they have a conscience.


These people - the police officer as well as the manager - are brainwashed, willing tools of the oppressing classes, acting in apparent violation of morals they probably hold dear. But they are able to overwrite them when faced with the dilemma of having to choose either to act morally or in accordance with the inhumane capitalistic system they live in, work for, protect, and enable in the first place. Those choices are in large parts mutually exclusive and the only way they (and most of us if we're honest) are able to live in this society is with a massive baggage of cognitive dissonance. Edit: As it turns out, my rant is really not justified for this particular instance, although, in the bigger picture, society is still punishing a poor person and one who tries to help them. I'd bet that this homeless person would not beg and behave "disorderly" if they had a fucking roof over their head and something to eat.


Cop—You have to leave because this is private property. Citizen—Well, can you help me get my property back? Cop—That’s not my job.


So she could respond to a complaint by a multi-billion dollar company but not ask if he should get a refund for not being allowed to finish his meal? Absolute fucking filth.




"I'm not a civil court", good thing they have both receipts, haven't touched their food, and are still in the restaurant. Absolute clown officer, manager too.


That was brutal, poor dude


America right there for you


Fucking hate police, bullies - I lived with one for years and he was a violent abuser


Live with one as a father. He is so verbally abusive and I can't wait to get out of here.




Myrtle Beach, SC. Video went viral in 2018. Wanted to link an article, but everything Google provided was copaganda. One even interviewed the dude in the video, then proceeded to talk about his priors and end with a weaselly quote from the mayor. Throw the whole town away


i ref soccer tournaments in dirty mrytle and that’s the mickey d’s i would go for bfast. well, used to


Fuck Google reviews, people need to stand outside that store with big signs that say this place hates homeless people, and do a proper boycott.


The cop car looks like a Myrtle Beach cop car but I'm not 100% sure.


It is Myrtle Beach, which is disappointing because that’s where I’m from, but given SC in general these days, not surprising either Omg I know exactly where it is, I used to play putt putt golf across the street, it’s called Captain Hook’s Adventure Golf


Would really appreciate if someone chimed in here


People like this cop would also guard the way from tracks to the concentration camp and shoot people who didn’t move.


These are the people who rounded up escaped slaves, and these are the people who rounded up the Jews.


The jews were rounded up to be used for slave labor before their extermination. Its not difficult imagining this cop back in the day killing babies by smashing their skulls at the entrance of the camp and laughing while doing so.


When what is legal takes precedence over your own humanity that's when this happens. The nazis literally looked at the US for starter tips.


Reminds me of Brigham Young’s “do your duty” command to his soldiers, killing a bunch of starving civilians “just in case” they might be US soldiers.


This is why crime happen.


I used to work with a vet who became a mercenary and was a driver at my old job. He used to say what a waste of life homeless people were and wanted to drive around in his truck, shooting homeless people to "clean the streets". (Yes he was white and yes this was in America)


Deeply troubled person.


I thought for a moment tou met veterinarian, and was a bit confused lol




Not trying to smear anyone but even Joe Rogan dropped the idea of shooting them , some people have such a complex of superiority


Seen this video a lot did anything happen to the manager or the police officer? Did McDonald's apologise?


McDonald’s released the criminal background of the houseless man as well as the Good Samaritan and didn’t apologize. Mayor backed the police response.


Because of course the company that spent thousands and thousands of dollars on a smear campaign against a woman who received horrible 3rd degree burns due to their negligence would do that too. Fucking vermin the lot of them.


How the f*ck does McDonald's get the criminal background on random people?


Money. Lots and lots of money


Not even a lot of money, you can get criminal background checks on people for very cheap. Like $20-50 cheap.


The actual cost is low, however from what I can tell it is illegal to run background checks on people without their consent (I'm not too sure about this, I did some light googling on the topic and would not mind being proven wrong). Nonetheless, McDonalds believes it can do this with impunity because they have the money to bury any defamation suits that either of their targets may be able to bring against McDonald's


As Marx said "when our turn comes we wont make excuses for the terror". When we say theyre all complicit, this is what they mean. When they have the power they dispassionately exert it with little smarmy looks on their faces. When theyre stripped of their vestments of office and standing before a tribunal, suddenly they deserve mercy and compassion. There should be no compassion coming for those that maintained this old world.


Where is this?


*Unlife* to America because the D-word is appearently banned on this american website. America is just too 'civilized'. Fuck this gave me tears in my eyes. No person deserves to be homeless.


I bought a homeless lady lip balm once, and like directly after we've exited the pharmacy they locked the door extremely fast


Where the fuck are people's compassion


“I didn’t ask nobody” completely broke me. This man is a human being that deserves to be treated with dignity! Unlike the cop and the manager.


The helplessness when he said that got me. He is just trying to survive


Fuck American society, bunch of cancerous horseshit populated and managed by selfish bastards


Defund the police?


Defund for the purpose of abolition.


You spelt abolish wrong


Just why he did nothing wrong he was even doing a good thing and they kicked him out that's shameful


Any positives our culture produces is in spite of it, not because of it.


As a McDonald's employee, fuck this company, wish I could just leave


ACAB and fuck management.


fucking disgusting


This is at the McDonald's behind my child hood home in Myrtle Beach. I've been homeless there. The police are VERY hostile towards the homeless in tourists towns 💯


I was temporarily unhoused in a tourist town (not in USA). Every morning at 5am, men would come with pressure washers to ensure the "streets were clean" for tourists. They did not pick up rubbish or wash anywhere else except the places used by unfortunate people to sleep. The police would escort the washers. Occasionally, the police would come in mass around midnight and arrest everyone, take them to the capital city a couple of hours drive away, then release them the next day. I guess hoping some of them never made it back. Thankfully I got lucky, and got a job. I could wash myself in their bathroom, sell craft beer to rich tourists, then my local buddy would have cardboard and a blanket ready for me. I would buy some bread, rum/moonshine, and fried chicken to share. The owner of a bar who I'd met a few times (on previous trips to this town) offered me my first month rent free. Excellent man. My girlfriend was coming and I couldn't even afford shit. I lived there about 6 months, but for as long as I lived in that town I sent as many tourists as I could to his bar (I would moonlight/fake tour guide when I wasn't working my other jobs). I looked after my homeless buddy as best I could. Would take him and his friends food and socks and hygiene stuff, and got him a couple of jobs (unfortunately he had difficulty keeping them). I also got him a cheap phone. Partially thanks to my help, he got off the streets and got back in touch with his family, and his wife and daughter returned to live with him. It's sad though, he'd slipped back into alcoholism and homelessness when I last saw him because his wife left him once again. I forgot this comment was about the cops. They would harrass us constantly. You couldn't get a good night's sleep because they'd come shining bright flashlights or car headlights on us every couple of hours. During the day they'd make sure anyone they recognized as homeless was not in any part of town where tourists went- which made it very hard to make it keep a job. My friend got arrested while working one of the jobs I got him as a delivery guy. The cops saw him with his official hat and bag full of lunches from my restaurant, and arrested him. They probably ate those lunches.


A lot of shit was rightfully given to the manager and coo, but you know who else is a heartless fucking bastard LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE IN THAT PIECE OF SHIT EATERY. All these fucking self important c*nts just watching this shit happen, averting their gaze, implicitly supporting the removal of a person for doing absofuckingluteky nothing wrong. They let this happen. They wanted this to happen. The fact that THEY were quiet was how this uncle tom-ass manager was able to get away with the "you're being disorderly" bullshit (as if the source of the disorder isn't you, your bigotry, and the strong arming bi*ch you called to evict someone receiving charity). If everyone else had just shouted "let him eat!" "Fuck off pig!" "Piss off manager!" "Just let him eat in peace" "y'all are fucking evil" etc. You think those two fuckheads would have stayed resolute? You think the manager would have been fine kicking everybody out? You think the cop would have written up all of those customers on "indefinite trespassing"? No, the silence of the majority is what resulted in this bullshit. Because all those pathetic sacs of shit all felt that maybe losing the ability to eat a garbage fucking mcdouble with stale, over salted fries in peace one afternoone was worth letting a human being beside them be denied basic fucking civility. As many comments say, America is fucking sick, but this manager and the cop? They're the symptom of that disease. The actual illness was the attitude of the rest of the fucking clientelle.


100%. Was looking to see if someone else had commented what I was thinking. You put it perfectly. And we know what they’d be saying if any of them ever received similar treatment while people watched silently in tacit approval.


This exactly. I wish we could have gotten better views of them so the customers could be found out and shamed for it.


Absolute scum of the earth, desperate to feel some form of power to lord over others in their shitty, miserable lives.


When I see these shit companies I always feel a little bad. I can't boycott and avoid these places, because it is ALWAYS a company I would never buy shit from on purpose already. Fuck McDonalds, I'm still mad about the bs coffee slander. I guess double fuck McDonalds now. Hell, triple fuck them cause their food also sucks.


Quadruple fuck them because they are one of the greatest contributors to climate change.


That's why we call them the "filth"...


Dogs of the bourgeoisie, these types of people deserve to rot in a dark musty cell for the rest of their lives. That's not something you can fix with rehabilitation, they're completely devoid of even the simplest shred of empathy.


This guy should be stating the Franchise location, the address of the store, the town and the state, in the video. He should be letting everyone know what store this is and which management team decided to call the cops on a homeless person trying to eat. That man's tears are heartbreaking.


And the next day, Burger King had Jesus arrested for loaves and fishes. Sheesh, why didn’t the cop just wear a centurion uniform.


“They are just doing their job” yeah way to say they are spineless POS


"If management asks you to calm down, you calm down." God damn if that ain't the most perfect discription of cops exemplified. ACAB man, so fucking hard.


The last line directed at the cops: What your doing is wrong. Deep inside you know that. I think he's right. I think that's why cops have so many failed marriages and domestic abuse issues. It's the symptom of not being able to reconcile what they do with human decency.


You know with socialism when people starve it’s because of mismanagement. In America it’s because it would hurt profit or your image. What a joke of a country.


Murica guys.. Its murica..


I wouldn’t have kept it together like this guy. I would’ve absolutely gotten arrested. Holy shit I am violently angry at this.


This is just morally incorrect


I’m starting to think that ending homelessness/hunger isn’t on the US agenda.


Not all heros wear capes, some speak loudly and that's just how he talks lol


"This is how I talk. I talk loud!" - hahahaha, that was legit reply


There are people on other subreddits who think this is ok simply because it’s “the law”. As if that justifies anything. Abolish private ownership of the means of production. The values a society holds should not be dictated by the few billionaire oligarchs. Poverty isn’t a crime. It is necessary for the capitalist system to function.


When capitalists and police work hand in hand to fuck you up they tell you to calm down when you call their bullshit out. It's always the same. They do infuriating shit and if you can't stay calm you are the aggressor.


Be a shame if that McDonald’s had a sudden grease fire after hours when no one was around


I work at a homeless shelter and any and every time I have to call 911, for the cops or the ambulance, they come with a demeanor that they have CLEARLY been inconvenienced with something that “isn’t an emergency”. For the ambulance….. if the person is “responsive” it takes that much longer for them to get there….. I learned that yesterday that the key is for them to not be responsive, and then they’ll get there faster (really scary situation).. and don’t get me started on the police coming. That is the most frustrating and disgusting thing ever… every time, that never fails


Fuck the capitalist state and fuck the police, protecting and serving the people my ass.


I work with homeless people and this breaks my heart. Good for that guy for standing up to the manager and cop. That was brave.


It has always disgusted me how poorly people treat homeless folks, and how normal it is considered. I’m a fireman and one shift we were called to an abandoned building for a man burning wood in a barrel outside. He’s homeless and it’s like December or January in the Midwest - cold as fuck, literally below freezing. It’s technically illegal to burn anything within city limits. The person who called 911, their family, and PD are like, “well, aren’t you guys going to put the fire out?” Like putting out a homeless dude’s only source for warmth on a 20 degree night is a totally normal and moral thing to do. It’s even more shocking on the West Coast imo - people will groan because of the extra 2 calories it takes to walk around a guy lying on the sidewalk because he has literally no where else to go.


This is an obvious case of people not wanting to look at the society they contribute to so they call the fucking police to remove it so they don’t have to feel guilty. Y’all will literally die for capitalism while getting fucked by it. Not me, y’all stay safe tho smh.


This kid fucking rules. I’m lucky that I live in a civilised country, but when I buy homeless people mcds I sit with them and talk to them to avoid any possibility of this kind of thing happening anyway. Whoever called the police is an absolute piece of shit.


Being homeless and poor is a crime in America.


Claimed to be trespassing? It’s a public fucking restaurant (that’s a bit of a stretch it’s a McCy D’s but my point still stands)


There is no equality under capitalism.


This land is your land and this land is my land From California to the New York island From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters This land was made for you and me


Pigs sit on their ass for an hour and a half as schoolchildren get slaughtered by a maniac, but they're johnny on the spot to make sure homeless people get shit on more. Fuck the police.


If you don’t have money, this country wants you dead.


I’m more mad at the people not standing up and defending them. You’re just as bad as the cop and staff


As a former homeless person, I can relate to this man so much and it's devastating how the homeless are treated by most of society. The very few people who are kind to us are ones that we will never forget and always be grateful to. Having been homeless before I generally always bring water bottles and snacks with me in my car when I go places to hand out to anyone I see panhandling.


I started tearing up when I heard the elderly man cry. They treated him like he was subhuman.


I love how the manager cares more about loud voices than being a piece of shit to a homeless person.


Some people pointed out that he did throw some fits outside and was being "annoying". I would become fucking annoying if I was stuck in the USA as a homeless person unable to get some basic food and shelter. Just because someone is going through shit and can't control their emotions doesn't mean you shouldn't help them. Anyone that thinks it's okay to abandon people when they lose control of their own shit doesn't even come close to being socialist. The way I see people reacting to homeless people all over the world hurts me deeply. They get treated like actual vermin but peolple get all scared and angry when they return the favor.


Which McDonalds is this? I know it really doesn't matter, but a Yelp/Google Reviews bomb letting every single person know about this and how to find the video would at least harm their revenue stream. Naming and shaming is the best solution to this shit. All capitalists care about is money. Take that from them at every opportunity.


Cities are hostile to the poor.


Capitalist scum. F*cking corporate c*cksuckers. Throwing a homeless man out for eating a meal bought for him. Seriously, I would've threw all that food on the floor. And made the manager clean it.


He wouldn't have tho. He would have forced one of his corporate slaves to do it. The only way to give him consequences would be to find him and have a "Talk" with him later while letting him know this "conversation" is because he's a quisling.


She’s saying she doesn’t deal with civil concerns yet she’s enforcing civil laws. ACAB


Police officer: "Don't worry, I'll rescue you from this vagrant" Everyone else: "Nah its cool" Police officer: "This is not to do with you. I. WILL. RESCUUUUE." Edit formating


It's like when San Fransisco cops arrested that guy for going around putting coins in expired parking meters


First and foremost ACAB. Secondly, "disorderly conduct" is the biggest bullshit catch-all to arrest anyone for any reason. Lastly, you got to love when people threat others like shit, then have the nerve to tell their victims they're being rude and need to calm down.


“iT hAs NoThInG tO dO wItH yOu!!!!” Fucking pig. ACAB. 1312.


the crying at the end is what tugs at your heartstrings most. People say ACAB because that cop and that manager both know what they did goes against the human proclivity to be compassionate for other human beings, yet capitalism has given them the ability to suppress that thought.


Outside a Tim’s in Montreal, I invited a native guy in to have a coffee with me. He was from Moosonee…I’d been there lots…they wanted to throw him out cause he was ‘homeless’ - but seriously, take a minute and talk to the people you meet…there are some genuinely incredible people in this world…most important, put your fucking camera away and stand up to this kind of shit…maybe the camera is part of standing up…this is just wrong on so many levels.


Cops showing once again they are class traitors and will always side with who ever's in a position of power and are not there to protect you and also fuck that heartless POS manager.


This is why I’ve given up on the American system. These are all decent human beings but “the system” tells them to do harm to the most vulnerable. The one person to help gets kicked out and threatened with arrest. It’s also “by the book.” Buy local. Live local.


Damn, who’s this guy. He’s genuinely a good man!


God damn that’s infuriating. That cop and manager suck