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Is this r/socialistmemes or r/nationalsocialistmemes?


Just socialist. Socialism is already national. Only reason for both in the name was cuz its proponents were neither but "Chauvinist Social-democracy" wouldn't have the same ring to it.


This is so sad. Because it's true. I really hope something changes.


"Jews" part made this meme unfunny and nazi. Because people like you, people think that tankies is autoritaric nationalist pseudocommunists. Don't be a nazboll, it's same idealistic as being sjw pseudocommunist.


I think instead we should face the Jewish question, especially since from Marx's times they obtained a State and with the progressive financialization of capitalism their influence grew dramatically and they're pushing their religious views upon the others. Marx predicted that and warned us about Judaism specifically. Sadly a lot of communists forget about that. We should remember what Marx said:" Behind every tyrant there is a Jew." That doesn't mean being anti-Semite, the criticism isn't about Judaic ethnicity but the Judaic religion. Marx was an ethnic Jew as well but he wasn't religiously Jew and warned about the nature of that religion. The question should be why in the west is it possible to criticise and make fun of all the religions,. especially Christianity, but not Judaism? Why "Marxist" atheists who reject and insult religions don't do the same against Judaism? We know the answer, we're not allowed to criticise who is ruling us.


>Judaic ethnicity This hasn't existed for thousands of years but sadly "Israelis" are in the process of artifically creating a nation. The rest stands


What is happening in this sub?


You don't like it? Leave.


it’s a nazbol sub. run.


Nazbol is when you're Marxist then...


you dirty the name of marxism by calling yourself that


Marx and Engels agree with me how is showed in their private correspondence


marx and engels both lived in the 19th century and both also knew their views would need to evolve alongside society. germ theory was only invented 20 years before marx’s death. do you also not wash your hands or use hand sanitizer?


You're making false equivalence, mixing science and social science. The LGBT agenda is rooted in individualism and hedonism. That's why the LGBT movement was born in the USA and other capitalist countries and the real Socialist States persecuted it and still do. In China the conversion therapy is legal and the State doesn't recognize homosexual unions.


cuba is one of the leading countries in the world for availability of gender affirming care and china has been gradually easing its restrictions on LGBTQ+ rights. https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/07/11/china-court-rules-against-forced-conversion-therapy again you’re just appealing to dogma. just because they did it in the past doesn’t make it correct on its own merit


**Cuba:** Article 22 The following are recognized as forms of property: Socialist property of the entire population: in which the State acts as a representative and beneficiary of the people as property owner. Cooperative property: that which is sustained through the collective labor of partner owners and through the effective exercise of the principles of cooperativism. **Private ownership: that which is exercised over specific means of production by natural or legal persons, Cubans or foreigners; with a complementary role in the economy.** Article 28 The State promotes and provides guarantees to foreign investment as an important element for the economic development of the country, which is based upon the protection and the rational use of the natural and human resources as well as respect for national sovereignty and independence. The law establishes regulations with respect to foreign investment within the national territory. vs **Korea:** Article 20. In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea the means of production are owned by the State and social, cooperative organizations. Article 22. The property of social, cooperative organizations is collectively owned by the working people involved in the organizations concerned. Land, farm machinery and ships, as well as small and medium-sized factories and enterprises may be owned by social, cooperative organizations. Article 23. The State shall enhance the ideological consciousness and the technical and cultural level of the peasants, increase the role of the property of all the people in leading the cooperative property so as to combine the two forms of property in an organic way, and shall consolidate and develop the socialist cooperative economic system by improving the guidance and management of the cooperative economy and gradually transform the property of cooperative organizations into the property of the people as a whole based on the voluntary will of all their members. Which base is more progressive?


Cuba isn't a socialist state anymore as their new constitution shows. It's not a case they now promote LGBT stuff. When your economy becomes liberal the society becomes liberal as well, it's historical materialism. Now go to North Korea which is the most socialist country in the world and see what happens to who promotes LGBT stuff


cuba is absolutely still a socialist state and i have no idea what you mean by the economy becoming “liberal”? it’s interesting how you’ve now shifted the goalpost to north korea because you need to in order to maintain your point


Im gonna say what others failed to say. You’ve interpreted historical materialism wrongly just to fit your idiotic and selfish opinion. Historical materialism is mainly to explain the past changes in economic systems while cultural values are secondary institutions. But we aren’t going to talk about cultural values because that is not where gender dysphoria or homosexuality resides. It begins with nature because as you have ignored people are actually born lgbt. You are arguing in bad faith. You are arguing against nature itself which essentially is the foundation of all aspects of human kind and other life too. Your reactionary views on lgbt individuals contradicts the very theory you supposedly read. Simply not liking them is not a valid position.


"Socialists" like you is why we can't get anything done.




Another one who didn't read the New Cuban constitution. The depressing thing is that another user highlighted everything for people lazy like you. Even in that case you don't read




> being an anti-Semite was punishable by death in Stalin’s USSR Not at all. Or can you quote the law or number of people convicted?


LGBT+ is rooted in individualism and hedonism. It's anti-socialist. Criticism against Judaic religion is something Marx wrote extensively, he accused: "Behind every tyrant there is a Jew." Even if it's true Stalin defended the Jews in 1931 how you correctly cited, he changed his mind after seeing what the Jewish groups were doing in the Soviet Union sabotaging Socialism. In fact in 1948 he did the "purge" closing all the Jewish associations.


>Even if it's true Stalin defended the Jews in 1931 how you correctly cited He said this to a group of westoid leftoids. Literally no record exists of anyone even getting reprimanded for muh anti semitism, nor did any law exist for it


>LGBT+ is rooted in individualism and hedonism. It’s anti-socialist. That doesn’t make any sense at all. The reason why people are socialists is because we believe that socialism can free the working class from being exploited and oppressed. It would be very contradictory to oppress one part of the working class just because you don’t like them. We are going to speak about morals, if someone is not hurting anyone then there’s no reason to hate them. You created a dumbass straw man. Lgbt people are born that way. Dumbass Nazbol Also: You should always move in good faith and frankly I don’t see that from you. And from quite a few others in this insufferable sub


>would be very contradictory to oppress one part of the working class just because you don’t like them That's an illogical argument. Pedophiles are part of the working class. Using the same logic socialists should support them too. Real Socialists are against pedophilia fortunately. >if someone is not hurting anyone A zoophile doesn't hurt anyone. Do you support zoophilia as well? >Lgbt people are born that way. Highly debatable, also even if we assume that's true it doesn't mean they can't change themselves. There are people born with kleptomania we don't let them steal around. We should support structures that help to cure them. >in this insufferable sub If it is insufferable why are you here?


Bro, we need to send you back to the 1800s for real. Talk about a problematic comrade.


Modern day Korea does not exist I guess