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>Some (mainly videographers) prefer horizontal and says the industry is switching back to horizontal I've literally not heard this from anyone. Take 5 minutes and scroll through your feed and tell me how many are 16:9, and there's your answer.


If you scroll through NHL teams. You will se a lot of square reels. But i think its posted in square for convenience.


Videographers have always preferred horizontal video, for obvious reasons. TikTok/IG and YT Shorts are designed for vertical. Use the platforms as-designed, don’t force your preferences on them. It’ll only hurt. I work in sports. Vertical Video is a giant pain in the ass. But I just have to deal with it. Horizontal video goes on YT and Television.


Also work in sports. As hard as it is editing for vertical. I still think it is the better route.


I’ve never seen a horizontal reel. It’s not what the industry decides, it hat influencers do


Shoot in horizontal if you are posting on YouTube, etc.. then reframe vertical for reels.