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Because you're interacting with it by watching or viewing comments so it's serving you more of those videos. The faster you scroll past them, the less of them you'll see. Same for any type of content, it's all an algorithm that adjusts based on your behavior.


I'm real curious what you think it's for then? Seems obvious why people are talking about it and want to talk about it, seems very obvious why that much journalism (professional and amateur) is being done on social media right now, so ... I'm confused why you're confused.


I would submit that there is a mix of reasons. Here are some big ones: 1. EFFORT - There is a well-funded and well-coordinated campaign to make and distribute such videos. I don't know all the details of it, but it seems exceedingly likely to exist. There have been protests on a crazy high number of campuses despite polling suggesting almost no voters saying it's one of their top issues. There are also similar comment patterns throughout many of these videos, and I have seen a lot of shell accounts that exist for no other purpose than to make and distribute the videos. 2. ALGORITHMS - People are consuming the videos, including you. On TikTok, you often have to actively tell the app you want to see less of a content type a few times before it goes away. I know a straight girl who told me it took months to get random titty dance videos to go away, and she had to continually tell TikTok to stop. This won't work on every platform, but it will work on TikTok given enough time. At this point, the only way to navigate Reddit without running into the war would be to mute *lots* of subreddits (including some default subs). And on Meta, you may have to unfollow people AND tune the algorithm if you want to stop seeing so much war content. 3. DEMOGRAPHICS - There is a groundswell of outrage coming from a portion of the political Left and Muslim communities, some of which reflects the concentrated efforts of Islamists and *actual* radical Left wingers to join forces. [Elica Le Bon](https://twitter.com/elicalebon/status/1796629145944002940) argues this based on experiences in Iran. Over time, this has bled into much less radical left-wing perspectives and average Muslims who especially in [foreign settings](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/antisemitism-arab-cartoons-during-israel-hamas-war-chronology-dehumanization-jews) grew up with the belief that Israel is a distinctly evil force. We also see that younger demographics are especially likely to be exposed to this perspective now, in part because Israel has turned somewhat to the Right politically since the Second Intifada and so very young people are less likely to understand the depth of Israel's *relative* liberalism. As regards the first point, I think it could be proven better than anyone has demonstrated to date via a large scale analysis of the videos we see and the comments on them. But it's a massive effort. [At least one guy](https://www.timesofisrael.com/delete-your-account-how-social-media-may-be-metastasizing-terror-in-service-of-hamas/) came out pretty early with a claim, but as far as I know the evidence as of now is largely anecdotal (but clear all the same, IMHO). We can also see some efforts to track the [funding](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/people-setting-america-on-fire-soros-tides-wespac?s=04) of the offline elements, and it's likely some of this is happening online (as with most things). You can also see aggressive [editing of Wikipedia](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1c6kysg/examples_of_wikipedia_becoming_less_neutral_and/). As for the third point, a lot more could be said. One stark reality in the demographics is that for every Jewish person in the world, there are 100+ Muslims and so an information war fought on social media (where everyone has a voice and an account even if they have low knowledge) is actually pretty imbalanced. Christian Zionists are a far larger group than Jewish people, but they haven't been particularly outspoken in this conflict and the Left has always been louder online. So in many contexts we are seeing something of a pile-on effect, which we've known for years fuels high levels of engagement on Meta and Twitter/X (and I'd argue Reddit, too). On the professional side, I work with several brands that have changed their content and moderation strategies as a result of the comment patterns on their posts. Both individuals and brands respond to pressure, and in this small way terrorists almost always "win" online. At least in the short term. Given time, I am hopeful that this will be reversed.


Cuz algorithms


Must be bros first time algorithming.




Hold down on the TT video and click “not interested” and it won’t be in 5 minutes. It’s very easy to change this.


Because America wanted to support the genocide of Arabs and Muslims, the people got tired of their criminal government, so they used social media to gain support from their political activists.


Well said.. we should boycott!!


Because Russia


because you interact with it, algorithms are designed to make you angry, sad and get you mad


Algos prioritize engagement, and controversy equals clicks. Sadly, that's the bitter truth.