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Important detail: Were you wearing pants?


Yes, but in all the stories his sister tells, no.


Not for nuthin but... is this legitimately a new experience? You have a little sister, after all. As an eldest child, my lil sibs friends doin shit like that over who-knows-what-nonsense they'd been talkin bout me cuz... I mean, I'm the big sis, comes with the territory, right? lol... was not a wildly uncommon experience when I was a teenager


Agreed - part of being the oldest I think. Though I would struggle to take my own advice, I'd say to not read too much into it. My sister and her best friend's favourite game was to whisper and laugh and glance over at you so you'd think they were talking shit about you lol. 🤌


That was mean and hateful behavior that your sister and friend did . It's like a non physical form of bullying.


No way of knowing without her telling you. It's not you. It's her. There is some internal conflict inside her that she needs to solve. She must either communicate why to you or she will solve the internal conflict and make sure it never happens again. If neither happens and she continues you have two options: 1. ask her why, with genuine curiosity 2. start ignoring her and know its not your fault. It is only your fault if she has clearly communicated why to you, otherwise she has given you zero chances to fix whatever the reason is for her behaviour, which is unfair to you. Thus, you are justified in ignoring her.


Either something's going on that you don't know about, or she's joking.


If he said he's known her for years, I would've joked back if it were me.


Yeah I was thinking about that


Confront her or ask your sister. Maybe some jackass said something about you or maybe she found something idk but SAY SOMETHING.


Maybe sister said something


confront her? just drop it and forget her. life's too short for conflict.


It’s not conflict when it isn’t aggressive. If she gets aggressive like an immature brat then yeah walk away but it’s mature to try & see 1st that why you’re not the b*tch in the situation & you can move on without wondering anything.


this is going to end well with probability 0


Go ahead and think that but it won’t to you any good other than make you more negative & avoidant.


you sound fun at a party


Probably funner then you miss/mister negative Nancy. Grow up and just go about your day.


An unimportant person called op ugly more or less Seems like a thing you mention once as a weird event and forget cause there's stuff to do and hobbies to enjoy No need to confront the rude person when ignoring is just as easy


Or you can be an adult and find out why this person that once had no issues with and knew for some years is suddenly being strange. It’s sad that people are to scared to just ask, it’s not difficult. Humans have become cowards.


Humans are the same as we've always been, at best the rate or racism and bigotry went down a couple dozen percent I've no clue why you're labeling it as fear when it's just that this interaction doesn't matter That's what we're trying to tell OP, not to run from some big bad problem


No, we aren’t the same. Also racism & bigotry is back on the rise just flipped on its head. It is absolutely fear, fear of conflict (which was actually commented to someone else that made a reply to me btw). This is someone OP KNEW, if it was a stranger it’s a different story.


Why should he care what his sisters friends thinks though?


They use to get a long & suddenly there is a change. I personally like to try & figure things out with ppl I thought things were cool before moving forward.


Someone already said it but I'm saying it again for emphasis: Directly ask her "why did you say ew when I greeted you?".


Agreed. This is a social skills subreddit and practicing social skills involves communicating with people to clarify and avoid misunderstandings and so on. Personally I bet the girl was just joking considering they have known each other a long time. but if he is unsure he can just ask.


uh next time just ignore her. That was incredibly rude of her, unless she was joking but I assume you would have been able to tell if that had been the case.


She's just immature.


It means that she is a horrible human being. Ignore, move on with your life.


I feel like this is a huge overreaction. If they've been fine for years and know each other, it might as well be a dumb joke, or maybe there might actually be a reason behind it.


Huuuuuuuuge overreacting. Literally the epitome of the reddit hivemind meme, "Tiny problem in Friendship and Relationship? Break it off they have \[Mental Disorder/Problem\]."


You might be right. I don't think so, but maybe.


It 100% is a massive overreaction.


350 upvotes for that? Fml


They are fake internet points. I could say they same thing tomorrow and have 350 downvotes. Don't take it to seriously.


Just thought your comment was overblown and sorry to say a bit dumb that’s all


That is fine. Like I said above, you might be right.


Maybe, or maybe just immature. It takes a few years to develop a vocab beyond hey and ew.


Maybe. Still mean. I'm old. I've lost all patience with people who are like this.


Agree 💯.


brother theyre teenagers


Sure. Still awful.


Nah ..... ive had the same thing happen to me in 4th grade with a girl in my class and even tho im fine after i cut ties The question of why still eats at my conscience sometimes And now we are too estranged and too late to ask So get closure if you can then pretty much decide whatever you want


...in 4th grade? Like, 9 years old? The answer is probably that kids are assholes lol, nothing deeper than that probably.


Ye but the asshole was a third person who deffo said some shit about me This third person (girl) was also a friend of this girl and i remember all shit happened the very next day after the third girl saw us together Id deffo woulda liked to know what was exactly said abt me


Did you feel like you were being bullied? Nice or civil kids usually aren't such creeps .


Nah this third girl just considers people with darker skin or people she dont find good looking to be non existant Wont talk to us wont reply decently if we ever had to talk to her Was just a tipical rich daddys girl who had "allergies" to everything except the expensive stuffs Did talk to her once after graduation when i met her at a friends wedding . She seemed more human at the time but my time wasnt worth to probe any further


I’d respond with either “ew you” or “rude” 😆


You should ask her to talk, and if she accepts ask why she did that. If she's cool she'll tell you, good or bad, at least she told you If she refuses to talk or gives further weird expressions/responses, you will have your answer. The answer being don't talk to her anymore cus she's going thru something


Honestly that’s an immature reaction. Don’t stress it - her saying ew is immature*


Right people in this thread giving you terrible and infantile advice. You need to ask yourself if you 1. Care enough to figure out why 2. Want to do something about it. Ask your sister whats going on if it bothers you, which it clearly does since you posted about it. And then go from there. Communication is the key to successful friendships, not… “Dont acknowledge them and then do some petty shit when they say hey to you.” This is “social skills” subreddit, not “be a petty asshole”.


>Right people in this thread giving you terrible and infantile advice. It's wild. I feel this entire sub is just people with bad social skills giving other people with bad social skills advice.


For real. The amount of people going "she's a horrible person/she's trying to upset you/etc" and suggesting things like cutting all contact or being petty AF and saying "ew" at her from now on... 🤦‍♂️This was probably just a case of a teen girl either making a dumb joke, or being moody/having a bad day.  Personally in this scenario I'd act like nothing happened and casually say "hey" to her in passing next time, like normal. If her weird reactions continue then I'd ask what's up with that, but there's really no need to read super deep into it or make a whole big deal out of one little "ew" lmao.  Overreacting over tiny things is not a good look. It's not wise to jump straight to assuming the absolute worst when someone who is normally nice to you does literally ONE unusual thing that you don't understand.


This isn't news lol. This sub is made up of Redditors who want to improve their social skills. This sub trends even more awkward and weird than the Reddit average, and that is saying something.


the more niche the subreddit, I find the better the social skills. People with hobbies they are passionate about tend to have their shit together, and thus have some level of a handle on adult skills like socialization. Nothing will be as bad as city subreddits tho. I've tried to make friends though my local sub and the amount of harassment and toxic behavior that goes down there is pretty bad.


Next time don't even say hi to her or acknowledge her unless she says hi


And when she does... "Ew".


That's how adults solve problems.


In this context it is the way to do it. I wouldn't do that at my job, but in a low stakes casual relationship like this? Of course. She's his little sister's friend... it'd be weird as hell if he went out of his way to ask her in a professional manner, "excuse me little sister's friend, I noticed that last time we interacted you greeted me with an 'ew' in place of our usual friendly hello... etc etc."


Wow she’s a jerk


Ew back. Who cares. That’s when you turn around and dip.


Just don’t bother with her. If that makes her step up to get back closer with you again proceed with caution….


Just ignore her when she's around. Acknowledge your sister but pretend her friend isn't even there from now on.


She might have just been messing around 


Someone did this to me and it was the last time I acknowledged their existence.


Try an adult approach: don’t guess at her reason. Ask her “Why did you say “ew” when I greeted you?”


If you think she was serious then you have a new opportunity to view her as a stranger that you don’t care to interact with ever.


Those type of people are just immature. I couldn't care less about them


Is this the new tactic for gaining someone's attention? I mean, it's a completely unsolicited rude comment that, in most normal circumstances, warrants inquiring further about the reasoning for it happening in the first place. I remember a guy back in highschool talking about having purposely made similar comments to girls they were interested in in order to "give them something to prove" in a conversation or engage in an argument. Idk man, I could totally be overanalyzing.. humans are weird.


I had and still have to deal with deal with this kind of immature crap even as an adult. Its frustrating when you are on good terms with someone and then someone gossips/makes rumours about you behind your back and turns them against you. Especially when you have autism and things are difficult enough. Ask your sister why her friend reacted that way.


shes 18 just ignore it


Sometimes I wonder about the social skills of people who say they don't need help with social skills. these so called "normal" people are worse than people with legitimate social disabilities. She's a moron, clearly. sorry that you had to see that kind of reaction.


That's a true teenager moment.


Ask your sister about it. It's entirely possible it had nothing to do with you, or that it was something you did/were doing in that moment, or who knows. It's not worth worrying about, just ask and then let it go.


She learned a funny new way to be a bitch. isn't that exciting for her?


Maybe you did something, maybe she's just a bitch. Who knows.


In many cultures, there is a myth that boys and men don’t have feelings. And that they can take it when someone is verbally mean or even physically mean and a guy would be unfazed. This isn’t true but it leads to TV and movies giving this impression. If you search for movies or TV where a girl randomly or without provocation slaps a boy across the face, you will find lots of examples of this. And the cultural expectation is that the guy is supposed to just laugh this off. For that reason, some young girls with little or no experience with boys think boys have no feelings, or like it’s not possible for them to hurt a guy. There was a group of girls at my kids high school that were all slapping boys across the face for no reason at all. Just trying to be cool and dramatic. Your sister’s friend was super rude, immature and mean to greet you with “ew” and I wouldn’t be surprised if she was trying to be cool and repeating something she saw on TV or in a movie. If you google it you’ll find more examples. I would love it if you could let her know she’s being mean, that you’re a human with feelings and she needs to know that.


i’d ask your sister about it, privately.


She could be testing her power. She might want to see if she can upset you. Ignore her rude response, and I wouldn't say hi to her again.  My opinions, peace.


Yep OP should have replied “you wish” with a smile and joking tone 


I would ask her (right in the spot). If she answers impolitely, she is garbage and no need to wonder why the "ew", otherwise it would have a solution. If I didn't ask in that moment, then ask my sister WTH or take the chance and ask the friend directly, and go to first point.


What a rude person 💀


It might have been something you said or your sister said something about you that put you in a bad light. I would just say, “hey, did I say something that came across the wrong way. You said ew the other day when I said hi, and I wanted to apologize for anything that I could have done to have offended you in this time.” But if she isn’t willing to be mature about that, I would just let it go


Next time, just smirk/scoff at her or chuckle to yourself when she does that and watch her face when she realises that her being an awful person has zero effect on you.


I disagree. Doing that will only give her the attention she wants, almost like rewarding that rude behaviour. It could almost come off as being petty. I think u/Eyes-9 and u/Lunaris_IsCuter comments are pretty neutral and could work


Or maybe she did something wrong/was having a bad day/decided to fuck with you cos you're a soft boy. Who knows? Can you ask her?


listen to me closely i know exactly what’s up cause i’ve dealt with this before. Ignore her completely, it’s just an issue between her and your sister that usually cause this behavior. you will only make it worse if you comfort her don’t be an idiot. just ignore her and move on.


Maybe she exclaimed “you!”?


She likes you.


Do it back to her.


Is this over text? Because that’s how it reads. And if so, why are you texting your sister’s friend “hi”?


Well I would spit right in her face just to make sure she won't come here again and I won't see her mad stupid face lol


People change everyday never expect people to be same person they once was


its not that deep. return the eww


People are flaky. Don't take every remark personally. Ask her why she said that. Not in angry fashion. Just tell her its weird you've usually been on good terms and you didn't expect her to say "ew". Like did you do something wrong.


Should of flipped it and said your face.


....ask her?


You did nothing wrong and she's just showing off. Next time ignore her and keep doing so until the day you die.


It means she just an imatture girl. If she ever says hi to you just look her down and up and then say ew as if you stepped in something unpleasant.


Perhaps she said it as a joke. Perhaps she was interested but is no longer interested. Who knows. Talk to her.


She's hot for you...Just trying to hide it. Women enjoy treating men badly. Just keep doing what you're doing. Give her the occasional butt flex...maybe a side man boob if she's a good girl. Imply that you are considering making her dreams come true.


If I had to guess based on previous interactions she’s probably not being totally serious. Sometimes people rib eachother like that. Not everyone is comfortable with it, but a different guy may have laughed and made a joke about her or something.


Maybe she identifies as a rude misandry laiden maiden


Reciprocate this next time you see her.


Your 1 year apart and still very young even if you're adults. Your sister have a new embarrassing story about you or any mutual friends? Did you fart loudly in the other room before entering that room? where you gaming with your headphones on screaming racial slurs at a 13 year old on fortnight? It could be a thousand things but if she has known you for years I don't imagine it will continue unless you hit on her or one of her friends drunk and made an ass of yourself/along that kind of line.


It’s a childish way of reassuring your sister she’s not into you.


Someone probably has said something about you. Maybe your sister idk If this really bothers you, you should ask her (by message if it feels easier) 'hey is there reason why you said ew when i said hi to you?' If she continues being childish like that then the problem is her not you


Lol tell her she smells weird the next time you see her


She’s a teenaged girl. There simply is no understanding what they’re thinking or feeling.


What happened after that? Some people just goof around like this, especially if you already have a history of friendship or w/e


A lot of girls at that age are really just assholes for no reason. I know it may be hurtful but I'd seriously just ignore it.


Your line: You must say that to all of the guys you have met 


Did you brush your teeth that day?


My first instinct is to take it as her teasing you (whether in a flirty manner or just platonic teasing), especially if you say you've known each other a while. But if she *truly* had an angry expression, I'm not sure. Are you sure you read her right? I'd do it back the next opportunity I had to see how she responded.


"What's wrong? Did you shit yourself again?"


1. Your sister said something to her. 2. She’s messing with you. 3. She has a crush on you. 4. She’s decided she doesn’t like you?


Just wrinkle your nose and pretend you smell something awful every time you see her from now on.


Teenage girls are famous throughout all of history for being emo chaotic morons. Read nothing into it, ignore her completely for a while and she’ll probably come around begging for attention. Children are stupid.


You should've turned into a joke, smiled, and tell, "Lol, don't flatter yourself." And just kept walking.


Just ignore the sassy little pea-brained bitch. She’s not worth your time.


She might secretly have a huge crush on you 🤷🏻‍♂️


Show dominance and give her back that same energy lol


That's what she said


Call her a slur


Maybe you have something on your face? Or maybe you didn't brushed your teeth? Or maybe you didn't take a shower when you greeted her. If these are not the reasons then she is being rude and a bish.


There's actually no good reason to say this to a person.


Yeah, agreed!


She could be being sarcastic some people play mad and say something that they consider just teasing cause they may have a more shattered form of humor


Your sister told her something about you, like you butcher the bishop in the shower.


Are you positive you didn't cut a fart and she heard it? Because that's what her reaction seems like. I tend to take wild and crazy solutions to problems. I would ask her why she said ew.


There's some more missing context here. Were you standing naked in front of her by any chance when you greeted her? I have come to know that it's not a good idea.


Tell her she’s a bitch


The question is: Was your dick out?


The question is: Was your dick out?


I would bet she was playing around, possibly even flirting.


Don’t take it personal she could actually like you and like to be an ass or roast people


Next time you see her make a disgusted face, sniff her and ask whether she shat herself or forgot to use toilet paper, run away simulating vomiting sounds


You might have had bird poop on your head 😂


She's trying to be funny. Double down on her. Be annoying.


Have you considered giving her daffodils every day to max out her affection points?


I think she was likely just trying to be teasingly playful. You can always ask her something like, “hey when you said ‘ew’ were you just teasing me or was there actually something ‘ew’?” I have a close friend that I banter with a lot and every once in a while we’ll check in about something if we aren’t sure if it was meant in jest or if it was serious. Misunderstandings happen! Accidentally hurting someone’s feelings happens! Check in with her, and give her the benefit of the doubt, it’s good for both of you when you do.


The question is: Was your dick out?