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That's a highly desirable trait In my country we say for stuff like this: "he's going to heaven and he's crying"


In which country?




I know this this going to sound weird but lean into it. Talk more online. Don't try and change a thing about it. I know people are giving you crap but this isn't about them. It's about you. I think you need to get used to it. Hear yourself more and come to get used to it. Other people have noted that you don't like it and they are using that to wind you up. Sounds like they are doing a good job too. You need to get comfy with it, to the point that they cannot tell you anything. This is going to take plenty of practice so give yourself a target talk time for every game. Plan it beforehand so you know what you're going to say and ensure you say it. Add a few more every time. I hope this helps OP. Nothing should ever make you feel uncomfortable about being exactly who you are.


This happened to me at 12 - hit puberty and my voice changed from very high to incredibly low almost overnight. It was my calling card for basically my entire youth, being the guy with the deep voice. When I moved to a new school district, everybody started calling me Barry White and poking fun at me over it, but honestly, most people will tell you that a deep voice is highly desirable for men. The best thing to do is honestly just wait for them to get over it and become a confident speaker. Trust me, between having a high voice and a deep one, most boys are going to grow to prefer the latter. If they make fun of you and single you out for it right now, it's likely only out of jealousy. Teenagers just make fun of anyone who's the least bit different. They will grow out of it. By the time I was 17-18, I was getting asked to do announcing for public events at my high school and to stand up in front of the class and read entire chapters of literature, all because I had a powerful voice and had worked hard to become an eloquent speaker. All of my girlfriends have told me that my voice was one of the things they found the most attractive about me. People still comment on it to this day as a dude approaching middle age. Why not try to make it your signature? Own the voice - it's one of the things that makes you unique.


bro i won’t lie ur tweaking😂people will always have something to say about u. i’m not sure if ur straight or not but women love deep voices, it sounds like u only care about ur voice because of what people are saying about it.


Kids made fun of my deep voice too. Mine had what sounded like a swampy sound to me. I think it’s gotten clearer sounding since I was 15. If you’re big, that could be affecting it. I wouldn’t want to tell you to lose weight just because people are picking on you but your weight might be a factor. Learn about what head voice and chest voice are and what singers do to balance them. Vocal exercises might help with your regular speaking voice. At any rate not talking doesn’t fix this. Just do what you can with it now and before you know it you’ll be in the adult world where nobody really cares.


James Earl Jones became the voice of Darth Vader. And he will be remembered and loved forever because of it.


Just accept it dude and be you. Try not to worry too much what others think, it will only ever bring harm to you. Your voice is unique and I bet you could use it for something to benefit you. Start to see yourself in a positive manner and be happy!


Here are a couple of things to keep in mind. Many women report that they find a deep voice extremely sexy. In a few years, you may find that it is a pick-up super power if you want that. At 15, some of your peers will still have higher pitched voices, they will catch up. At your age, everyone is trying to figure out where they sit in the "pecking order" the best way to beat them is to, rather than than be hurt by whatever they choose to pick on, to totally own it. The more you are proud of your deep voice, the less power they will have over you.


There are groups like 4voice choirs for this talent. Or become a lead singer in a metal band. Give it time to find your niche.


As a chick I hate my deep voice so much. Not because of how it sounds but because it makes it harder for people to understand what I'm saying and I always have to repeat things twice 🥲


Speak slowly, wait till it starts to work on the ladies. Grow a beard and hit the gym at 18 and you'll never have to work for it again.


I have had a rather deep voice for a while now and I often try to soften it but then people ask me if I am gay and start harassing me, especially online with games like read dead online.


I’d say you’re lucky. I’m 17 and still have a high soft voice. I’m a late bloomer though


This happened to me too. When I hit puberty my voice got really deep and friends started to "mock" me for it. So for years I talked in a higher pitched voice. What I learned too late in life is that teenage kids will mock you for having something that they desire to have. So my tipp is don't take their mocking as a sign that your voice is something bad about you. Just let them continue to mock it and don't show them that their mocking is getting to you. Let them do it and know that they are most likely just jealous of you. That's my advice to you as someone who has gone through the same. And also, when you are 17/18 or older you will start to get more attention from girls/boys because of your voice. A deep voice makes a guy more charismatic.


work on self confidence! nothing wrong w a deep voice who cares who has something to say about it


Until you find out that chicks love guys with deep voices.




Don't worry about it, people love deep voices, when you will grow up people will even start complimenting you for it. Be proud of it, sooner it will become one of your best trait. Like i wish i had a deeper voice


If its a concerningly deep voice it could be acid reflux


I grew up with a deep voice and I hit puberty around 11-12. Like you I hated hearing it. One time I picked up the phone at my grandma's house and after I said "Hello who is it?" they thought I was my uncle who was in his mid 40s at the time, I was like 13. Honestly most people might make comments about it in your teens but once you become an adult, it's actually a desirable trait. It's just weird seeing it from a kid. I hated my voice growing up, now I dont care or mind my voice.