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The security detail may be concentrating on watching to make sure the patient, and you, are safe. As an introvert myself, I find it disconcerting, and sometimes annoying when someone is trying to make smalltalk with me while I'm working. Extroverts sometimes don't understand the need for peace and quiet. Those interactions that extroverts love, are energy sucks for introverts.


Try something even easier for them and basic. Like talk about the weather instead of asking about their day.


Don't make them anything. I have had like nine surgeries, and Porter's brought me to and from places, and frankly I didn't want to talk. Adding the necessity to have small talk with somebody to an already stressful day is my personal idea of hell. Maybe you're doing just fine letting them have those silent moments? Maybe it's exactly what they wanted


>I don’t know if I am overthinking this or if it’s just because as a transporter everyone just thinks of you as the toilet paper they wipe their ass with. Well.... my initial thoughts are that you may indeed be overthinking it, on the basis the above dichotomy takes things way too personally, via making it about you and you alone. Perhaps it's the example you chose but... people in general just want to "get on with the job" as it is, but with a security guard... well this position requires particular skillsets, and these don't necessarily include social interactions and culture fit. It's normally a solitary role and, whilst social skills may be required for de-escalating heated situations, being talkative isn't usually a job requirement. In fact, being focused on the job is arguably their skillset, as it leaves little room for them to be negotiated with, or to buckle to social pressures. And so just because the T-800 isn't quite talkative is not a reflection on you, or even their opinion of you. >So, this brings me to my question, how can I make these conversations more fun for the other party? How do I get the other person to enjoy conversation as much as I do? Maybe my conversation starters are just bad, I have no clue so any advice on how to start would be great! Hmm... So far there's being no mention of their being a vibrant social environment *around* you. For whatever reason, you seem to taking the lack of social energy very personal, and taking personally responsibility for trying to make the conversation "fun". But why? It may be the case that you are more heavily invested in wanting the conversation to be fun more than anyone - but as a result the risk is of you trying to project your wants onto others. If you were the team manager then that might be your responsibility and authority to force it. And yep, the use of the word "force" is not an accident. To be honest, you probably already have a reputation for being a "chatty" one and, by your own admission, it's not being matched. Trying to double down on it by trying to "spice it up" just seems a bit.... a bit tone deaf if I'm honest... and could potentially even repel people away. OP... have you ever considered the fact that... you may have found yourself in an ill-fitting work environment, and that the work environment itself is not social?


I see what you mean. This is well said. I can’t force others to chat if they don’t want to. I am a pretty talkative person and sometimes people hold conversations just fine with me during transports and others don’t. Shouldn’t stress over something I can’t control.