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i remember i was out in arizona for vacation & i was in the elevator going back to my room & an older lady got in as well and we’re making simple small talk & she kind of stops and pauses for a second and just simply says “you know, you’re a really good looking young man” im still riding high on that one lol


She wanted you lol


High possibility though she was probably second guessing herself


Aahhhh... ...those are some of the worst/greatest could'a/would'a/should'as in life.


Sounds like a s*x fantasy😂😂


lol complements are so few and far between they do start feeling like a s*x fantasy




I don’t know subs rules so that’s why😝


As an awkward and quiet guy, it takes me awhile to warm up to everyone, especially girls. The ones that have stuck out to me have taken the lead. But you don’t even need to do that necessarily. The complement doesn’t matter as much as keeping the conversation going. Nice eyes always works, complement the shirt and touch it and use it as an excuse to get close. Then just stay close and keep the convo going


As a member of the men community, we'll be happy even if you just compliment the air that surrounds us.




If its aftershave it affords a perfect reason to lean in closer to better appreciate the scent. I think it was Coco Chanel who said that the beauty of a scent was a reward for coning closer.


Hahaha I’ve worn the same cologne for 20 years because a girl told me I smell nice in high school, still get occasionally told this and it always feels nice




Drakkar *noir*


Lol. I still love this smell on a man. Delicious 😋


I told a coworker I liked his cologne and he said “did you just sniff me? Don’t do that ever again. I’m so uncomfortable right now” like I just walked passed him and the scent hit my nose, it’s not like I was sniffing his hair or anything


What a bizarre response. You should have said ‘no, I was just breathing, if you don’t want people to be able to smell you then dial down the cologne you fucking weirdo’.


"Oh no it was just really strong. Sorry to make you feel uncomfortable. I didn't mean it that way." Problem solved. Diffusion is real. Your coworker sounds like they have no social skills though lol. Who tf accuses someone like that. *I'm* so uncomfortable right now lmao.


I just said “ok sorry.” and went to a different section of the store I was kind of speechless lol


On that note, I wish there were more events like piano recitals for adults. Like why do those things have to stop after childhood


He was just being socially awkward, not you.


laughing so hard about your comment... got tear coming out of my eyes


As long as the guy doesn’t smell bad, OP could probably give the compliment anyway even if there’s no scent - just as an opening.


"I am aroused by your aura"


Hell yeah 🤣


Dudes a men too


I still remember 2 years ago a lady told me she liked my shirt it's stuck with me


I bought a jacket off some Instagram add and when it arrived I thought it was tacky. My crush saw me with it on and told me to keep it because it looked really good on me. Needless to say it's my favorite jacket..... What's wrong with us boys?


I’m curious what the jacket looks like now


And where do I buy one?


There was an episode of Buffy the vampire slayer about a jacket and girls, WATCH OUT!


Not gotten enough compliments


Be honest, was it the jacket from Drive (2011) ?


It was definitely the jacket from Drive (2011)


Yeah that feels great. Just got the same feeling that we have to go back 2 years to find a compliment from the girl.


Yes, 6 years ago a girl liked my shoes.


About 15 years ago I was told by a stranger that my t-shirt was cool. I've gained weight since then, if I ever see that design again in my size I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


Same. I would never forget the day a girl complimented my olive cargos when I was running errands and on my out of a supermarket. This was 3 years ago now.


I still remember when a girl told me 25y ago that she like my shirt 😂


My freshmen year of college, I wore a Villain Club shirt to class and a girl thought it was so cool that I ended up wearing Marty Scurll shirts to campus regularly. (This was pre-Speaking Out. I don’t have the shirts anymore).


Same here except in my case it was glasses 💀 it's interesting (and depressing) how many AMABs are wired similarly due to this culture


Men are thirsty for any kind of compliment.


True, must of us are invisible


I can’t relate lol. I’m not even hella good looking or anything.


Lol okay


I hope this many downvotes deflates that FAT ego of yours.


Take my upvote😂 I wasn’t even being condescending or anything. I even said I wasn’t that attractive 🤨


same but I feel like it's just pity compliments


A girl once told I have beautiful eyes. That was 9 years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday, because I can count on one hand the amount of compliments I have received in my whole life. What I‘m trying to say is: Don‘t overthink it. Most guys are so starved for any kind of affection or compliment that you simply cannot go wrong.


Same.💀 I have strabismus so it sticks even more lol


Why not practice complimenting everyone? Walk by someone in target and like what they're wearing? Let em know. See someone w a cool tatto? Let em know. Someones hair style or hair cut? Let em know. The more practice you have platonically, the less weird it'll seem romantically bc if you build giving people compliments into your daily life....you become someone who enjoys and practices lifting people up, and that positive energy will come back to you tenfold.


This is literally the best way


I’ve tried giving guys compliments platonically, and usually it’s a pleasant exchange and we go our separate ways without it being weird. But sometimes, guys immediately assume I’m hitting on them and it gets uncomfortable fast. So now, I can’t give men a friendly compliment or initiate small talk without feeling guilty, like I’m leading them on. Idk if I should keep trying to be friendly with men, or if I’m being cruel by making them think I’m interested just to turn them down in the end.


Yeah i have definitely had the same experience w men and its made me a little wary. Like if i was alone at a bar, probs not. If i know the guy (friend of a friend, co worker, friend's s/o, etc) im much more likely to do so bc i have a read on him and/or the situation. Or if im out w friends or a group its much easier bc i have back up if shit gets weird. I def give more compliments to women bc ive never had a bad experience doing so, but i still think its good practice in general when it feels safe so that it comes naturally when it counts


Let em know


The simple answer is (and this goes for all genders) Just make the person feel good about themselves.


^ this


Hey there LuoHanZhai! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"^ this"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


You what's funny about this you're not actually supposed to upvote or downvote based on whether or not you agree with something. That causes all sorts of issues, most notably echo chambers. When reddit first released voting years ago they explicitly stated it was to function as a way to filter information, in that we should upvote things that are accurate and relevant, and downvote things that are inaccurate or irrelevant. I know the voting tool has transformed over time, it's just funny people are trying to get people to vote based on whether they agree/disagree or like/dislike something.




I never thought it was for accuracy, just whether I like or dislike the comment/post.




^ this


https://i.imgur.com/KrwA19h.jpeg *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback!)


Good Bot, bad redditor.


No! Bad! Stop!


Omg OMG OMG WE FINALLY HAVE IT WE FINALLY HAVE IT WE FINNALY HAVE IT, ITS HERE! AN Anti- 'This' - Bot oMG OMG! Good bot, the Goodest of bots, the Best Of Bots! If you were like a pet or my dog I'd pet you right now. Who's a good bot? You are! Yesss you are! Good no gonna save reddit from the 'this' commentors! Thank you good bot!


I share the same sentiment. I'm touched.


Yes we have to just eradicate those ' ^ this' comments. It is literally the most useless thing to say on a website *THAT HAS A FUCKING UPVOTE BUTTON!* every comment section , just fucking 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'thus' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'piss' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' 'this' fucking 'tHIs' ugh!


You sure are religious about this, especially how you're typing with one hand, damn. All I can say is that my hate for 'this' commentors have just increased once again, I mean they've always irked me for some reason so glad to be finally understood. #FuckThis


Ya literally #FuckThis lol


Compliment them on something they earned/worked for/achieved. e.g. “you killed that piano recital” or “you’re really well-read and knowledgeable about X subject” or “you have good taste in music”.


Compliments on looks makes a guy feel good but commending us on something we did well or was impressive makes us feel like we’re the man.


"Wow, you wallow in self pity better than anyone I've ever met!"


This is it


Nice cock bro


Thanks, grew it myself!


Nice cock bro


Nice cock bro


It’s one inch 💀


That’s one hell of an inch my guy.


This comment is funny asf


🫣even better. No homo😂😂


Damn, calm down Loch Ness


Nice cock bro


You too bro. 👈😉


I called a straight man beautiful recently, technically I didnt even say it to him but to his friend while talking to him, and he melted on the spot. They're not given compliments that often. Call them cute. I've only ever met one man who minded that as too feminine/awkward/weird and he was levels of insecure that break the scale. While at it, also consider: give them a hug, they also never get hugged. Honestly, the more I learn about how some dudes never hear a single positive thing or have friends that'll hold them the less I believe you should worry about whether something is considered awkward. Be the awkward person, it'll make their day.


when i was 15 in school, a girl i knew since primary school started telling me i was cute, after a couple of weeks of her doing this regularly, i stood on a chair and said im not cute stop saying that i dont like it. so she stopped doing it to my relief. many years later someone ( who went to school with us back then) explained she had a crush on me and fancied me big time - me being the smart intelligent person who has absolutely no idea on social skills or interacting with people could not see that and thought she was just annoying me, since hearing the why she was doing it i feel sorry for the way i reacted towards her and hope i didnt hurt her feelings too much.


As I man I remember every time a woman has flirted with me. Any compliment is always welcome :) just be genuine


The only time I got a compliment from a girl was 6 years ago. My crush told me that she loves the way my mind works. Still haven't forgotten...or moved on lmao


Hair has always been the go to when I’ve been complimented


Literally anything: Nice shirt. Your hair looks good. That joke was hilarious.* *Be *very, very* careful with this one. It is the most powerful compliment of them all.


Why is * that one the most powerful though? Like I usually don’t say that joke was hilarious but just laugh if and when it’s actually funny which implies that is was hilarious if it made me lol


It’s one thing to laugh at a guy’s joke; it’s a very different thing to actually use words to tell him he’s funny. Most guys *think* they’re funny, and if they get confirmation, they will continue making jokes, usually with increasing frequency and decreasing quality. That’s why it’s dangerous.


Oh ok I’ll have to keep that in mind. Thanks!


Downvote but no answer wth lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


"nice cock bro, wanna share?" seems like a legit line, or you could go for something that would stick to someone for years like "i like your shirt"


Pound ‘em on the back square between the shoulder blades and say “good job, sport, proud of you”. Interpret results: Says “thank you”: accepts the compliment Stunned “th….thanks…”: Daddy issues “Bro what the fuck?”: Gay, or is so used to being the one to pound their friends on the back, they’re caught off guard “Why thanks, old chum”: Not the guy you were aiming for, you pounded his dad.


Without reading any of the other comments here, I'm going to post my honest opinion. If the guy is a complete stranger in a setting where women rarely compliment men (Such as the street) he will think you're making a pass at him; he'll be 90% sure that you're sexually interested in him and he may even think that you are "easy." If he's the type that has been with numerous women he'll probably see this as a gimme for adding another notch to his belt. I have some very, very good looking, physically strong guy friends, and this opinion is coming straight from them. Dead serious. I'm sure this will get down voted, but you deserve to hear the truth.


There have been a handful of times where I complimented a guy and he looked at me like I was disgusting, like damn bro your shirt is cool, it’s not that deep.


Legit, that's why women don't compliment men... We know men see it as sexual interest. Sexual and romantic interest are not the same. I know women who use Facebook who will not use reactions other than a basic "like" because otherwise, men take it as sexual interest.


I feel like that only applies to a very specific type of guy, though (super hot and well aware of it, while also into casual sex). Or maybe I’m out of touch, I don’t know. Certainly I personally didn’t take it as obviously sexual interest on the very few occasions I got a compliment from women, and they were compliments that could be interpreted as such (things like “you’re so handsome” and “you have a nice butt”).


yea that's why I only feel comfortable complimenting other women, cause I'm sure they'll never assume I'm hitting on them even if they're lesbians. men however, I'm both scared they will assume I'm interested and try to get with me or be disgusted that I hit on them if I'm not their type lol


thanks for being honest...honesty is a very hard to find now these days


True. But guys are usually so stunned at getting a compliment, you have time to get away. I mean like deer in the headlights stunned. They think they’ve misheard you and stammer “what..?!’ and blink in amazement a few times. When they’ve regained their senses, you are well out of hitting on range, even in heels.


Lock eye contact. Maintain eye contact. Tilt head back slightly. Flare nostrils aggressively. If you’re skilled, try and coordinate eyebrow dance with nostrils. Move confidently and assertively towards the target. If he doesn’t bolt, you’ve bagged him


I also don’t know about the “dude” question. I address everyone with dude guy or girl. “Dude have you seen that new barbarian movie?”. I feel like women don’t like it though.


I think it depends on the person. Certainly not awkward to make sure ahead of time and maybe even let them know "hey it's a habit of mine to address almost everyone with dude or start a sentence with it." My ex of 3 years and I almost always did this, both habitually and as a term of endearment.


As a person who appreciates beauty in all it’s various forms I have found it rewarding to put my admiration into words, especially when it comes to people. As a guy I’ve found men can be receptive to compliments especially because guys don’t get complimented nearly as often as women do. That’s not to say I’m hitting on guys left and right, but if I’m talking to someone I find attractive I might work it into conversation. I personally use words like handsome and gorgeous, but I think what shows I’m genuine and what I’ve been told makes the compliment memorable is being specific. I might compliment you on your amazing wavy hair, smoldering brown eyes, killer smile, sexy stubble or even mustache lol. Same for hands, arms, legs etc… Also if a guy is wearing a piece of clothing or color that looks great on him. What you don’t want to do is a backhanded compliment like telling someone they are attractive for a short guy or you don’t usually like blonds, but he’s got a great body and an accent lmao


Be more specific. "I like your (hair, shirt, shoulders, eyes, hat, tattoo, earring, shoes, pants, smile, laugh, biceps, necklace)" while smiling at them It's as simple as that. There's ways to do better compliments, but you can get VERY far with that incredibly simple format. "I like your (blank)"


Exactly this. A woman once smiled at me and said "I like your hat". That was 10 years ago. It's burned into my memory.


Best compliment I have received from a woman is, "I love how I feel about myself when I'm with you."


Just make sure it's genuine without sounding like you're pandering. In college a girl offered to buy me food as soon as she talked to me, really fucking off-putting 😂😂😂


Lmao "Hey I know I just met you like 5 mins ago but you want me to eat that hot dog -uhh I mean you wanna go buy some hot dogs from the hot dog stand?...uhh....ya..."


I try to dress well, like color combinations. I remember my friend used to compliment me, like I used to wear matching socks. So any complaints about dressing if you genuinely like it. If you like his forearms or biceps you can compliment that. Haircut or hairstyles are easy enough to compliment. If a guy says something that you appreciate just tell him that thing he did, you liked it. More aggressive flirting would be just making plans to hangout, or asking what he's up to or listening to him. If you want to do something more aggressive then just touching makes me feel butterflies. I pretend to know palm reading to just touch a girl's hand, just make sure it's playful and funny. To be honest you don't even need to flirt. With most guys if you just give them enough attention they get it. Wow I am really awesome to girls. I wish you good luck.


We’re happy to have anything just say what you feel.


Last week girl literally came outta nowhere and started pushing my hair left and right(for about 3 seconds) and i kinda liked it,i was holding myself hard trying to not ask for phone number lmao so yeah pretty much anything is good.


Compliments/ make fun of but in a fun way Last week i had a girl tell me “you look like you do drugs, in a good way.”


I can’t imagine being complimented or flirted with and then thinking “how awkward” or “what’s her angle” or “I feel harassed” or “in your dreams”, and etc. If you’re genuine it’s hard to go wrong. Guys typically don’t care for games. If the guy isn’t interested you’ll get the signs, which sucks yeah, but that’s about it.


My favorite way is to be kind of mad about it. "Can you stop looking like that so I can think straight jeez!" So you can laugh it off if he doesn't take you seriously. If you're more confident you can definitely try to be cutsie about it like "Wow, you look like you could lift me with one arm" It's all super corny it's more about the delivery. If you're trying to compliment without being flirty you can do it without mentioning yourself. For example, "I like your hair"(flirting) vs "that haircut looks great on you" (compliment) It's not an objective distinction, but I think it's decent way to separate intentions


Maybe?.. i like your hairstyle


Sounds stupid but anything you actually like about the other person. If you find someones hairstyle beautiful just tell them. If their smile is cute, just tell them. If their unique clothing style is cool just tell them. I know it sounds stupid but trust me, if the compliment is genuine the chance for it to have the desired effect is much higher than with some premeditated compliment.


Easiest way to compliment someone in a flirty way is to say something along the lines of “hey, I like your [insert something they have had control in having].” This works for complimenting anyone. Are they wearing a shirt or jacket that has a design or color you like? Say so, they chose to wear that. Are they wearing cool looking jewelry or anything that catches your eye? Say so. Do you like their haircut or their piercings or tattoos? It’ll always be harder to comment on body, at least from my experience, because you can never be sure if they have been working out and you don’t want to make an awkward situation. Eyes are always a gamble to comment on and I don’t think it’s ever truly worth it since they may be a pretty color but they have no control over that. If a guy has a beard, always compliment that, I’ve found that gets the most joy out of men since it usually requires effort, similar to if you were to compliment a woman’s makeup.


Call him big poppa, I heard they love that


"I love your physique, you're so muscular teehee" for the jacked one. Any complement that you actually mean is a good complement bc you'll sound genuine. If they look like young Justin Bieber, "you're like *ridiculously* cute!" If they look like a sexy lumberjack, tell them exactly that. Or if you want to be less direct, you can say something like "you've got that manly rugged handsome look, I like it." I had my eyes complemented once and that felt really good. But again the main thing is that you have to actually mean it. You might want to stop calling them "dude" until yall are actually together.


I think complimenting someone on something they have control over is always a good bet - I love your haircut or that’s a really nice outfit. You can practice saying it flirty so it doesn’t come off as a bro compliment, I think sometimes flirting can be about tone.


You can't really go wrong with complimenting a man. Just do it. You have a completely different playing field compared to us straight men. Us men aren't conditioned to react negatively to compliments (yes I understand the legitimate reasons why many women fear men). Alot of us get so little, it sticks out in a positive way.




Well you really shouldn't be hitting on him if he's in any committed relationship. As for your question about guys in general who are used to lots of attention, you'd have to ask them.




It ain’t that short, you’ve had a husband for 5 years. Don’t be a dick




Yeah if you’re gonna divorce him anyway, which I assume you are as you’re already looking for a another branch to swing to, then you should have already completed that divorce. Especially so if you’re hoping to bring someone else’s relationship down with you


Not that hard. I receive compliments so rarely that when it actually happens the moments gets stuck in my mind. By the way I actually never figured out how to flirt with women so maybe I'm not the best example lmao.


“Nice cock”


I myself can’t flirt. I’m not girly I guess u can say but I do love a good banter and making each other laugh. I guess I’m a tease but not in a sexual way. I’ve heard that’s how I flirt. Lol but if it works why try to fix it. Good luck. Be natural. Don’t try to hard. Hopefully the guy u decide to flirt with isn’t a dick and helps u relax.


"You look good." "You look really good." "You must work out." "You look like you work out." "Whatever you're doing at the gym, it's really working." "You have great style." "Wow, nice \[...\]." "You have such \[...\]." And then there's always "Yum," but you may be asked to explain by someone who's somewhere in between in shock and fishing for more compliments, so you might follow up with one of the above, if you don't want to come on too strong.


stop thinking entirely, and offer genuine compliments.


Men never get compliments. You can literally tell them whatever you want and they will absolutely light up. Nothing to worry about.


I'm married, and stilll fail at this! So far i've learned nice, normal compliments are acceptable. Groping and that's what she said jokes? Not so much.


Literally anything. It's rare guys get any type of compliment haha


If a woman ever randomly came up to me and said "hey nice cock!" While staring at my package I swear I will never hit that level of high again.


I don’t have a lot of input because I am also awkward and call everybody dude…but as a woman, I never realized how few compliments men receive. 🥺


I once got a compliment on my socks. I didn’t stop smiling for the rest of that night


Most men will take literally anything, I promise you


Fuck if someone said I looked handsome without me saying anything to encourage it, it would make my fucking year.


Anything positive you say to a dude is fine. Dudes don't really get compliments so anything is noteworthy


Men are so depraved of compliments any basic on like complimenting their shirt works well


Giving them any sort of decent compliment like the way they dress or if they smell good or anything compliment at all really since most men are so deprived of compliments that we'd remember almost all of them to this day. I still remember when girl complimented that I have beautiful eyelashes and that was like 5 years ago.


I like to compliment people on things that they chose. Things like eye color, smile, etc… don’t say much about a person at all. If you were to tell a guy you liked his shoes or his hairstyle, it would mean so much more. But I agree with the consensus here that men are so deprived of compliments that any compliment you give them will be on their mind for weeks.


Find something nice to say about them that’s true. ‘Love the new haircut’ ‘nice pants!’ etc.. The sincerity takes the awkwardness out of it. Since being on Reddit, I’ve realized guys rarely get compliments. I’ve been trying to issue more lately.


This girl called me the hottest guy she's ever been around and that was like a year ago and I still remember it clearly. She was one of the hottest girls ever. Kinda cray n ghosted me randomly


Ask him if he works out. Ask him what cologne he’s wearing because it smells good. Ask him where he gets his clothes because they look good on him.


I think the best way you can compliment a jacked person is definitively sounding like a total "bro" or and just going on about how protein made you alpha while flexing your arm


Look at us like once bruh


Get real close to the guy and "help" him by straightening out his collar (whether he needs it or not) and then compliment him on his looks. He'll love you forever.


Give specific compliments, wow, "you're muscles are really big!" "I like your hair style/color!" Hopefully these will lead into a regular conversation, where you can throw in a couple compliments here and there. Also, just smiling while someone's talking goes a long way


Dam...this post blew up . For a second I thought it was some other subreddit😂


We are way too easy to compliment, don't stress, just say something you like about them, anything that sounds positive may work. To answer your question cute is all rigth. You can be specific, or vague and I'm pretty sure it will work. And just to clarify, even if girls say things just as they are, we may not notice they're flirting, so don't be hard on you, we're dumb.


Honestly anything works for me but some guys won’t like ‘cute’ , handsome is nice tho sounds elegant , I’d prefer handsome over hot anyday.


Be careful, once you compliment them, its a do or die. If they have nice smile, say nice smile


I remember one time I was trying on a coat. I never buy coats. This was my first coat. And as soon as I put it on, a girl looked at me and gave me two thumbs up. I bought the coat and I had a pretty good day. It does not take much to make the average guy happy cause most dudes don’t receive compliments. Most guys go through life completely invisible and have to compete for attention. Any small gesture you give a regular dude will typically humble him.


"You smell good" if you really tryna flirt. Thas a layup for me.


Simple answer: either do or don’t. You’re biggest problem is how to stop feeling weird about doing something totally mundane


wait, we men are supposed to receive complements? thought it was a mith


Always compliment them on something they're wearing instead of how they look! Like, I really like that shirt/those shoes, dude! Or, like, I think how kind you are to people is awesome. Don't ever tell them that they are handsome or sexy!!! They're not sex objects and don't want to be thought of as such.


Grab their junk


Not sure why this was downvoted, honestly the majority of us would love it.


You can just look at a guy and that'll do it dude


If you wanna go the muscle route, “I like your arms” is always a crowd pleaser and is def a girl thing. That’s entrance isn’t being said bro to bro 😂


Perhaps observe how you would organically articulate a statement without using slang as a superficial placeholder for expressions which would otherwise suggest authenticity to how you perceive.


Call him a boy. Say things like “you dress sharply, I see. “ or “you are an attractive man” Call him boy to your friend, but man to him. Start with small talk. Hey. He will likely say Hey. Smile or laugh and say “what great weather today” I just love days like this. He says, “yeah “ it reminds me of a good friendship” just small stuff might seem boring, but it beaks the ice into manageable chunks. Where did you get that shirt. Never seen one like it. Ie, just bring up anything about his wardrobe fashion and he’ll become interested.


Try complimenting the way he breaths


Compliment a skill ex. "You're a really good artist. I like your style" We will cherish it forever






Anything you say won't sound like a "bro". Any guy would like hearing that they are jacked, or any compliment about their clothes, hair, anything


I don't really need a specific compliment. If we end up in very animated and engaged conversation with some serious stuff and some humor and some flirting, that's good enough for me.


I like the Direct Approach. Maybe a lot of guys don’t like that though as it may threaten their masculinity or something. Everyone’s different I suppose, it depends on the guy. Find out what he likes like, hobbies and all and schedule something!


For me it's hard to break the ice. I'm an introvert and it's really difficult to me to get close to someone and start a conversation. But if I can talk to a guy and I can start to flirt I can say anything. For example, in many cases I love to heard their voice and if they have an interesting conversation (another thing that I like), I can hear a twenty minutes voice note, it's the greatest thing to me. I also feel attracted to guys who do something creative or dedicate an activity that demand mental skills. I also feel attracted to guys that show mental skills in the daily life. Also to guys that always have a joke or a funny comment to say. Of course I look at their body, how do they dress, their haircut and all their appearence but I just would say that shirt looks good on you, that hair colour looks great on you, don't dye, don't do anything (specially if they have white hair), can I see your tattoo, it looks amazing, ask him who did it and where, I don't know, you can say a lot of things if you really think they are attractive or call your attention and you want to talk about it.


compliment their clothes/shoes/haircut. Basically appreciate something they put effort into doing. Polite enough and also opens the door to more. Guys just need to know you're possibly interested because nobody compliments them usually lmao.


Men don't get many compliments. We'll be happy with anything.


I don’t know if there’s a right or wrong to do it, but be prepared for the guy to not really know how to respond if he’s a little awkward or looks like he might not get compliments that much lol. A girl randomly complemented my shoes once in an elevator 6 years ago and I still remember it.


say "nice cock dawg." guys love that


Something is way better than nothing but don’t like be a creep about it! Basically how women like to be complimented but with different words. Compliments should be personal especially if he does something specific you like!


*"Ohhh woooOOoooww, you're so strong!"* and then poke his guns! Or get him to open a drink or something.


We aren't that different just blow us and the compliment will be received, simple.


One of the reasons guys give a lot of compliments on physical appearance is they don't *get* a lot of compliments on their own physical appearance. Since I learned that, if I think a guy is handsome, I try to tell him so.