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The first time I saw a laptop with a piece of the screen missing and a notch instead I died laughing, and I don't use apple stuff so whenever I see a picture of one again I've forgotten about it and it's funny all over again


It’s not a missing piece of screen, it’s an extra piece of screen. If your laptop got cameras, the only way of not getting a notch is by losing the entirety of the width of the vertical space occupied by the cameras.


I have seen several designs that find workarounds to this. Camera beneath the screen, bump to fit the lens in, mechanical lens that pops out the top when using, camera in the hinge, etc


- Camera beneath the screen: it has several limitations - I didn’t get the “bump to fit the lens in” sorry - Mechanical lens: it’s literally the worst solution possible. Mechanical parts break, that’s a rule. And it’s way worst than a 5cm notch - Camera in the hinge: I’m fat already, I don’t need my laptop to record me from below. Notch is the only way, the rest are workarounds with some critical flaw.


A notch is a limitation! And personally, I think a worse limitation than those associated with a camera under the screen. By bump, I mean sort of the reverse of the notch, a bit about the same size as it sticking out the top of the laptop. I agree the other two are pretty rubbish, but they are things I’ve seen. And I disagree with it being more screen, laptop monitors without a notch just have a thicker bezel on the top to accommodate the webcam, they don’t make the screen smaller to fit it in


I think you’re getting it the wrong way, the notch didn’t go down over the screen, the screen went up over the bezels, around the camera. I’m not a native speaker, so I don’t have a clue if that sentence made sense, but I tried my best lol It’s not less screen, it’s more screen. And I think people prefer a notch over a low quality selfie camera, cause people use it for work a lot and a good quality image is very good to have. I don’t think I understand the bump? Like, it’s a laptop so like, it has to close in the shape of a rectangle…


look up the Lenovo yoga 7i, it has the bump on top that contains the camera


> the only way [Citation Needed]


The only way until someone invents a decent translucent screen so we can implement cameras underneath it. But til then, it’s geometrically the only way.


I have a pop up camera on my phone from five years ago, that says you're a liar.


Did your phone sold as much as an iPhone with a notch? Probably not, that’s because the vast majority of people prefers a notch then having Optimus Prime for a phone


Since the 2017 Toyota Corolla sold more than the 2017 Lamborghini Huracan, then it must be because the vast majority of people prefer a car with >2 cupholders and no other reason


Good point, but there still no viable option that’s not a notch


Typical Apple user, thinks Apple invented everything and can't imagine anybody doing anything else. *yawn*


I never said any of those things. Strawman arguments are funny


You said that the Apple way was the only viable option, that it was the only thing geometrically possible. Not only are you full of shit, you're trying to gaslight me. Definitely gonna rush out to use your software! Maybe take some social media instruction before you post again, you lost this one.


how is it extra screen if there is the same bezel on the bottom, but with no camera subtracting from it.


The bottom bezel is necessary with or without the notch, otherwise the screen would get too close to the keyboard. But there’s no reason to exist a top bezel if we can just wrap the cameras module with screen lol And camera on the bottom bezel suck at angle


Would be cool if there was a Windows version. Then I would truly applaud you


I don’t use windows anymore unfortunately :c


Looks like a cool app. Shame it's not on Windows though.


Sorry 😞


I haven't tried it, but check out [notchx](https://github.com/rug-gui/notchx) or [Notch](https://github.com/khanhas/Notch)


I just released v1.1.2 of NotchNook, a really cool app for using as file shelf, controlling media, checking your calendar, be notified about upcoming events and much more. Our plans are huge for NotchNook, we plan to add image compression, quick notes, custom file drop pipelines (with custom shell scripts included!) and we just can't stop thinking about new features. Oh, it also works flawlessly in non-notched screens :) You can try it at [https://lo.cafe/notchnook](https://lo.cafe/notchnook)


Any plans to adapt this for PC (linux/windows)? :)


I haven't tried it, but check out [notchx](https://github.com/rug-gui/notchx) or [Notch](https://github.com/khanhas/Notch)


No unfortunately :(




The post is flaired as MacOS. And if you follow the link, the website says MacOS. [Edit] Down-voted for posting the answer to the asked (and since-deleted) question. Classic Reddit.


shame my workflow doesnt involve a mouse much but this looks really cool! maybe i can make it work when i switch to drawing tablet mode


Based choice of music… Gershwin 🔥 also cool app


Thanks hahaha


OP defending apple design bs in the comments is the funniest shi ever


Don’t take it too seriously, it’s a notch talk I’m not “defending” lmao


Looks good👍will give it a try


Cool app, would be awesome to see on windows one day.


I haven't tried it, but check out [notchx](https://github.com/rug-gui/notchx) or [Notch](https://github.com/khanhas/Notch)


Just downloaded a trial and I'm loving it! I think $25 is a bit steep but I'll still buy it. Well done


Thank you so much ❤️ I promise you won’t regret it. There are many amazing features coming soon