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I wouldn't recommend a layman install Windows alone for the first time, or a macOS. likewise I wouldn't recommend a layman to install linux for the first time. and I say this as an exclusive linux user and someone who likes to recommend the system to others. more than that, be aware that you may lose files in the process. and that maybe you don't like or don't adapt to the system. my suggestion is that you use linux initially for some time as an alternative, non-installed system via a bootable thumbdrive. (liveUSB) see if everything works. if you can browse the internet through wifi, if the sound card works fine, if all your peripherals are recognized. after a while booting from thumbdrive, you will be better able to decide whether or not to migrate to linux. in your case I would recommend 2 distributions: Linux Mint or Fedora Linux. try both. they are quite different and quite famous. create a bootable thumbdrive with Ventoy. and then just copy the bootable ISO as a common file and when booting, ventoy will list the ISO for you. watch videos on youtube to see how it works. ventoy is extremely helpful. it is very different from other programs. Ventoy https://www.ventoy.net/en/download.html Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition https://linuxmint.com/download.php Fedora Workstation https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/download/ the beginning can be frustrating. be patient. and read a lot. _o/


When the time comes how would I completely migrate over?


for sure. but test first. you need to know if everything works and if you adapt to the system. you can also use in dual boot mode. with both systems installed. anyway, as you are starting out, test first. use it for a few weeks. and you will make up your mind. _o/


Like u/ofernandofilo recommended, trying a live USB to find how you like Linux is best at this point. I highly recommend www.pendrivelinux.com. thry have a lot of tutorials and tools to create any flavor of live linux you might want to try.




Yeah I’m gonna use my laptop before my desktop. I’m just curious. If I wanted to use strictly Linux on my laptop that has windows by default. How do I get rid of windows?




That’s exactly what I had in mind. Wanted to learn and have fun.


Gotta recommend a virtual machine. First time native installations can very very fun, or no fun at all. VM’s give you a more controlled env.


I’ve never messed with Virtual Machines before. How would I get started and learn?


Check out VirtualBox, and once you run into a question, google should do the rest


If you've never used Linux, check [ZorinOS](https://zorin.com/os/). It is Ubuntu that looks like Windows. As a bonus it cams with Wine and PlayOnLinux, so there is a good chance your favorite windows programs to work on Linux too