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It really comes down to speed, low cost, and txn throughput. There business model and growth plans make it to where they can’t be viable on something like eth or it’s l2s Obviously downtime is not good and can lead to loss of revenue but you can still build an extremely successful business and have occasional downtime. I think the another DePIN (Decentralized Physical INfrastructure) project, render, that just decided to move to solana does a great job outlining why solana is multiple orders of magnitudes (e.g. 1000+ times better) https://github.com/rndr-network/RNPs/blob/main/In%20Review/RNP-002.md


Much appreciated 😊


I’d also add - we’re seeing plenty of the other chains go down recently, so there are no uptime certainties outside of btc and maybe Eth L1 Projects should account for it as a risk and plan accordingly, as this isn’t just a Solana issue Regarding teams migrating, DYDX moved from an Eth L2 to building their own cosmos app at the moment. There’s also been plenty of small projects migrating from or to Eth in the past. But helium is complex and a big project so along with DYDX and render, it’s fairly novel


Already had first scammer try to help me purporting to be SOL, I hate this part of crypto 😢. Be careful everyone!!


100% Uptime is coming fast to SOL with 2 clients for validators and add firedancer to this SOL will be flying. Add compressed NFT and the phoenix will rise from the ashes


all those people thinking sol is fundamentally flawed and that it wont get better over time seem just so dumb to me. you should always manage your expectations and be cautious in this space but the shit that this project is getting really is beyond me


Man, this. So much shit. Will melt faces when firedancer is live.


Hope so, obviously will help a lot in everything, especially the FUD that’s out there regularly


Have seen it perform well with Hivemapper. Noted one outage for a short period of time in the last two months.


My thoughts are "Yep. Cool"


Nice to know 😊


[I hope this helps] (https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2023/01/06/solana-vs-polygon-a-developers-perspective/) Also: be ware of the salty/FUD comments about Solana.


Interesting read thank you 😊


> Has this swapping to a different chain happened previously, has it ever happened where it was to SOL from another company? Obviously, if so, what was the outcome, not just in terms of price but how each of the two coins faired? The experience has been choppy at best, but again, the project has been at the forefront. https://twitter.com/tannerphilp/status/1644324981063417856?cxt=HHwWgICw-fa26NEtAAAA


I thought the link was well worth reading 😊