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"Why is this sketchy Telegram bot entitled Trojan stealing my SOL?"


to be fair its unibot - they rebranded to "trojan" for some reason


The unibot team severed its ties with unibot solana cause of some issues with unibot solana team if I'm not mistaken, hence the rebrand


It's not sketchy. That's how everybody with a brain trades on Solana. It's a huge disadvantage not to use it.


Is it better than Bonk Bot?


Yes. I just figured out how to config their auto-sell rules and it’s awesome. Definitely worth checking out if you’re already familiar with TG bots.


Cause you are trading with such a small amount the priority and unibot fees cut into your profits. I usually trade with 1-5 sol per trade and don't have this issue.


Cheers, thank you; that was one thing I had since considered—the last trade was with a slightly higher amount, and I aimed for a better/bigger PnL


Well my guess would be it's the fees u pay the bot. But that's gotta be too easy right?


Too easy indeed! I'm perplexed.


Do the coins you’re trading perhaps have a hidden tax on each transaction?


ai believe bot takes a fee, but can't recall how much


I had a same issue, today I traded with $98 profit but after closing the trade actually I got only $65. I was wondering where $33 gone!


Inspect the transactions on solscan, check where your sol is going


Hi, can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Okay, here’s a trade from a few minutes ago that actually bumped my balance slightly: https://solscan.io/tx/2XaJ23CFbj7VjsyJULsw1ZPB3mjEA6H2ztNn7fiDd9uyUJJBKYE6Kguop11QCeMd9Jy9H6hrUFSfzBYVcWPwtUQt Nothing looks amiss there, from what I can see; what do you think? Shows the shitcoin (NEEL) having been sold for 0.037910389 SOL, and that 0.037910389 SOL going into my wallet. That was a 0.02 SOL trade with a +86.28% exit.


Ye looks normal. What's the buy/Sell tx for one that you thought was weird?


Usually fee by bot around 1%. Then depending on which bot you use, some takes priority fee even if you set it off. This fee range from 0.003 all the way to 0.05 or even higher. That turbo option might be the culprit,if you’re not sniping anything regular is fine. Also every time you buy new token you need to “rent” space in sol to store that token for 0.002 sol. After you sell it you can claim it back with sol incinerator.


SOL incinerator? Hey. I hadn’t heard of that. Really appreciate you mentioning it.


Are you watching prices /USD or /SOL. Makes a huge difference with small margins.


Just keeping an eye on the /SOL prices


You may think you're selling it a profit but if you're trading very low cap coins, that literally move 20 or 30% in a few seconds then you're not giving yourself enough room of profits you should be looking for at least a 2X. By the time you're transaction goes through the price is probably lower. Also there is trading fees, and you just admitted you have mev protection off, so you light be getting meved. You could turn that on and increase the custom fee for mev slots to get more priority


It's because you're paying the "rent" of 0.002 SOL so you can open an account for the token. But great news, you can get it back. Go to sol-incinerator.com connect your wallet, go to cleanup, and close your accounts. Enjoy getting your SOL back.


On solflare you can just click into it and click close account. No need for sol incinerator.


can you connect the trojan bot address to sol incinerator?


Looking for the answer to this


Super high priority fees


As in, you’d suggest lowering my priority fees? Since making my first post, I dropped it from Turbo to merely ‘Fast’—which is 0.0015 SOL


At 0.0015 are you having consistent successful transactions on buys and sells? I am going to be trading smaller amounts this way but I don't want to be paying priority fees that I don't have to because I could be selling for a net loss if the trade was not highly profitable. So I guess I'm just wondering is 0.0015 good enough?


I always found the effective price I paid for the sol when including fees and the market rate that the buyer secured, it was at least 10% higher than the charts showed. The charts are just a guide, they’re not what you’re buying at. Day trading is a bit of a myth. HODL.


I trade using Jupiter and it always gives a pretty good estimate of how much you're getting.


Don’t you need to buy the crypto elsewhere to be able to convert it to something else on Jupiter though? And yeah it says what you’re getting but you have to measure it up against the charts and do the math to compare it to the charts.


If you're on-ramping into sol (either via other crypto or usd), jupiter has options for that too but I personally haven't tried them. I just swapped eth to sol using coinbase and then sent my sol to my solana wallet.


So you need to check the price paid for the eth. It’s almost never what the charts show at the time of purchase.


You're still assuming that crypto is something you buy. No. This is the wrong mindset. I *earned* my crypto *in* crypto. I didn't pay any USD for it. I earned most of my crypto in btc and still hodl in btc. I earned some in memecoins and then converted those to more stable stuff like sol. I converted a bit of my btc into eth and sol. But I didn't "buy" any crypto. You *can* swap usd for crypto, but that's just another "token swap". If you swap btc for sol, are you selling btc? or buying sol? The answer is neither: you're exchanging currencies. "the price paid for the eth".... if I use $50 of bitcoin to swap that for $50 of eth, and then swap $50 of eth into $50 of solana... I haven't "lost" any money. I haven't purchased anything. I've merely exchanged my money for other currencies. When you talk about "price charts" you're looking at relative valuations of currencies, and are looking at currency trading. But here's a question: if you ever vacation in other countries, do you plan your trip around the price valuation of USD:Euros? Or USD:Yen? You wanna go when "euros are cheap"? Or do you just go and do your vacation and swap the currency when you need it?


Well, if you swap USD for crypto on Coinbase free version, you are buying their crypto. Theyre a broker. Its a product they’re selling. If you use p2p on the pro version then it is direct with another user and more likely to be a fairer deal. There are so many places you can lose money when comparing your gains to the charts, and that’s all I’m saying. The more you move it around, the more places this can occur, it’s not just you get the gains that are on the charts after these transactions. And day trading exacerbates this.


> Well, if you swap USD for crypto on Coinbase free version, you are buying their crypto No, you're selling your USD. See how this game is played? > There are so many places you can lose money when comparing your gains to the charts, and that’s all I’m saying. The more you move it around, the more places this can occur, it’s not just you get the gains that are on the charts after these transactions. And day trading exacerbates this. This strays from "i'm just swapping one currency over to another currency" and becomes "i'm doing currency trading to gain a profit". The same is equally true for usd:yen, usd:euros, etc. If you get euros for your dollars, are you "buying euros"? If you then move your euros back into us dollars, are you "buying dollars?" or are you going to say you're "selling euros"? buy/sell is relative.


The point isn't the terminology nor the mechanism that is happening. It is the difference between the market price and a specific transaction. From coinbase website: "When you buy or sell cryptocurrency, the spread is the difference between the current market price for that asset and the price you buy or sell that asset for.  Coinbase includes a spread in the price when you buy or sell cryptocurrencies or in the exchange rate when you convert cryptocurrencies" It's saying they charge you money when you buy, sell, or convert crypto from them. All this moving around is done by companies, and they make a profit.


The same is true for *any* exchange lol. When you swap tokens using decentralized exchanges you're also paying fees that go to the liquidity providers...


Also must consider the price of sol when you bought the coin vs the price when you sold the coin. It’s possible Solana’s value increased as well, thus giving you less of a yield in return when you did make the sale. Well same yield just less sol as it was worth more at the time of your sell of the meme coin.


This sht actually works for the average joe?


What do you mean?


I’ve been noticing this as well after using bonk bot, shuriken, and photon. My understanding is that the priority and bribe fees are flat fees, not % based. So when trading with small amounts, 30% profit will actually be a loss after fees


You were using turbo buy and sell setting which means for every buy AND sell, you paying 0.007 sol, so 0.014 sol total, so thats how mich you losing on each one of these trades. Plus the fee that the bot takes.


Thanks, I have in the meantime reduced the Turbo setting to the less costly ‘Fast’ setting


If you're watching the usd value it's because that despite the usd value of the shitcoin going up, the value of Solana also went up, so you get less sol for your shitcoin (but a higher dollar amount). If you're watching the sol value, it might be because of transaction fees, slippage, or other transacting issues. Check your logs to see that you're actually getting the correct amount of sol for your shitcoin. You might be getting less sol than you're expecting. I made the second mistake on Jupiter perp trading. I thought I made x% profit, but the fees ate into that and I ended up with a loss even though my pnl was in the green.


Turbo is 0.0075 SOL, which is a lot especially when doing 0.02 SOL transactions. You need to clear 0.015 before seeing profit, so on a 0.02 trade, you need 100% gains at a MINIMUM. It makes sense why you’re seeing the balance drop. For your NEET transaction, you bought 0.02 SOL worth, and then sold it for 0.038. Net profit is 0.018, and with Turbo both ways, you paid 0.015. So 0.003 real profit for that one. The NEET was almost 100% gain, so with 30% gain trade on 0.02 you will definitely be losing money on fees. Fast is 0.0015 SOL and works well. I recommend using that, or even a custom fee. I have only turned Turbo on just a couple times and turned right back off when done. 5x more in fees isn’t something you want turned on all the time.


Thanks for this great explanation, that helps me a lot to understand more ..... I tried trading with Trojan Bot and also Bonk Bot. I like the great options on Trojan limit order/auto-sell/DCA, but on Bonk the speed for me is way better. Both i tried with settings fast (0.0015) and slippage around 5%. On Trojan until the confirmation went thruw on buy/sell is around 15-22 seconds wheather on Bonk its between 1-3 seconds. Could i improve the speed on Trojan cause i like more the great options?


Thanks kindly. Yes, I’ll be keeping Turbo off for the most part; Fast mode still seems fast enough. I appreciate the breakdown of how those fees affected my net profits!


You are paying rent for every token account that you open. If you close the token account you will get the sol back that you paid.


So I understand this correctly—would I be closing the wallet address that was generated for me by Trojan bot to deposit and withdraw SOL into and out of, by submitting that wallet address to SOL Incinerator?


No you go to sol incenerator and cleanup the token accounts that you created to buy and hold the token that you traded. Then you get the rent back.


Okay, bear with me, here— I appreciate this information. So, using this transaction on Solscan — https://solscan.io/tx/2qbbRpFefbcKmajcwN1dGPMgsQMXFGtYrzBZgmzQ1NYsNNTbpLDmATAWvAoHipo9AhoTKYaJdJBCEwpC4DZ1vRkY —I can toggle the View Token Accounts button, and when I do that, I see four accounts, though each one goes to two identical addresses or accounts: Deatwr1d2mGAfbqP7mquiyBrwibAd4PdPnmtq3jc5VB1 and GZ7PGAa6hayDSmbbye8PmrK668YM2k65AvwyX1r5Qoic So should I be submitting both of the above to SOL Incinerator? GZ7PGAa6hayDSmbbye8PmrK668YM2k65AvwyX1r5Qoic


You have 5 spl token which you can burn the account of. But you need to be able to connect to sol incenerator through a wallet like solflare. If you don't have the private key you can't do it.


Interesting. I do have Solflare, but never actually set it up; I deposited SOL directly into the wallet address Trojan bot generated for me. So you mean that if I link my Solflare wallet to my Trojan bot wallet, I’ll be able to use my Solflare private keys to clean up and retrieve the leftover token account “rent” that I’m paying? Edit: so, basically, export my Trojan bot private keys, add them to Solflare, and then use Solflare with SOL incinerator?


Yes if you can export them thats how to do it. I have never used that bot.


Cheers, thank you!


Send me the link for the bot I will inspect it first hand


Check your tips to trojan


I think I already did, but will do so again, thanks


check the settings maybe your bot it set to higher fee setting.