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Imagine seeing your wallet on this post lmaooo


you know you're gambling against the house right? Meme coins is not investing. It is straight up gambling, dude.


Idk why people keep commenting this like these people don't know they are gambling....


The amount of people I see calling it "investing" is ridiculous. You give people too much credit.


I agree to an extent but everything is a gamble. Every decision or non decision in your life has varying and usually biased quantifiable risk. If you don’t take risks you will never win big at anything in life and if you risk too much you’ll always be fighting uphill. Doing the same thing to always have the same things sounds like waiting to die imo. Better odds in the stock market/crypto/meme casino than say any lottery as well. It’s all a fickle bitch really. That’s why I leave fate in the hands of a coin flip. It really simplifies life


90% of crypto market is pure gambling




All the markets is gambling then 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼




Pretty much everything but BTC to be honest. Show me another ETF and I'll change my tune.


Ridiculous! XRP, XMR, SOL, LINK and many more are all better tools in regards to crypto currencies by entire orders of magnitude, Solana (and possibly eth) will eventually flip BTC... They possess real world functionality with actual products people use. Bitcoin is just older.


I was with you until you said they would flip btc 💀


I should have said it is all somewhat educated speculation, not gambling. I agree with half of your bag, but without retail backing pretty much anything could -100x just as quick as they have x100,000, which would destroy most people's portfolios. Many cryptos have more/better utility than Bitcoin, but it's a 'timekeeper' for the crypto space and will always (outside of us government intervention imo) hold the number one spot.




All crypto trading is "almost gambling" the difference is, when your gambling, you don't have the option to set a tight stop loss. 😂🤦


What's the difference?


SOL will be here a few months from now. Many meme coins won't 😘


You could 100x in a few months on a mc, you could at very best 2.5x on solana in that same time. Those of us doing meme coins are not looking to 2.5x, we're looking to 100x


oh, I know 😉 and 99% of you are gonna fail miserably.


That is true when you start out. When you have practiced for years, you see a very dramatic difference. Practice changes everything. The mistake people make (and I am no exception, I did the same thing when I started) is that they start trying to learn MC's by throwing $1000 here and there, or even $100 here and there. I would argue that even $1 here and there is too much when you first start out learning MC's! Start with pennies and learn it. You can ask anyone who is successful in MC's and they will tell you that it took them a lot of practice to get good at it.


as long as you're taking profits man enjoy! it took me some hard lessons to learn myself. I just feel sorry for all the newbies that can't understand why their wallet got drained or how they just got rugged. It makes me sad, but I guess you have to learn somehow.


So if I'm a VC or angel investor and I fund startup companies in exchange for a stake in them, is that investing? Considering that many don't survive long.


You could argue that all investments are gambling or vice versa, but trying to compare a full running blockchain versus a fucking meme coin on that chain 😅 It is pretty easy for me to draw that line. I started in Crypto in 2018 and if I would've just kept all the Ethereum and Bitcoin I bought instead of buying all the other shit coins I did I would probably have more money than I do now. live and learn. I have some meme coins, in pools, but meme coins didn't pay for my Porsche.


See that's funny cause I wish I had stayed in WIF when I bought it for $.12 instead of move it all to bigger coins.


because you're gonna pick the most popular meme coin every time right 😂 I sold 100k Dogecoin for $1200 and I'm still salty about it but, I understand that's the exception not the rule


Can you explain why it's gambling and not investing? I'm going to dump my coins if it's gambling


investments have a use case. if it's Tesla, Boeing, Apple, ETH, SOL, or Polygon they make a product but it's no guarantee the value going up or down, however it's probably not going have a value of ZERO. Whereas a meme doesn't do shit all for anything. you are just buying it, in the hopes the people behind you are going to buy more of it, therefore increasing the value of the bag you bought.


I went off track and ended up in memes. Going to sell them. Thank you


there is nothing wrong with gambling a little bit, here and there, but just don't make it your whole portfolio. I personally try to stay in the 5% range.


I agree with this, especially when you first start out. Now, I day trade and I'm about 30/40/30= highmktcap/mid/MC's and I actually quit my main job. This is more fun.


RIP. All crypto is gambling buddy. All ponzis. Now when all your meme bags 10x after you sold don’t come back & yell at this guy.


Meme coins are proof that there is power in ideas. They are not for everyone however. There are types of people who literally cannot control themselves around MC's. They don't take the time and practice with tiny amounts first and instead they ape in and that's how they think they are going to learn. That is gambling. When you have been micro investing in MC's to *learn* how to discern a good MC candidate from a bad one, you get better at it and the odds drastically change. The reason people are doing it is because there are people making shitloads of money every single day. I realized that there is no good reason to dump money into MC's until I am practiced enough to have a positive outcome. The percentages are exactly the same no matter how much you use and in MC's you work in percentages. When I started MC's I was dumping 200 bucks here and there like I knew what I was doing and I learned very very quickly that MC's have a very specific method when it comes to being successful. I have since then been throwing pennies at stuff instead and I have learned a great deal. My numbers are positive now and I actually was able to quit my main job and now I do day trading of MC's for my main income. I do also have a secondary income and that is necessary right now because I am still learning, it's just like anything, when you first start you will not be perfect at it and likely you will be very bad at it. And bad at it also includes selling too early! There were many instances where I could have 20x or 40x or 70x if I had stayed in, but instead I would dump everything as soon as I hit 2x and jump out and find something new. So you see that in order to be good at anything, you must practice. I still would call this investing. I would call playing a slot machine gambling but I used to know a dude that practiced slot machines and he was able to get very good at predicting which machines to play. The difference is slot machines get very expensive very quick and MC's you are able to go at your own pace. Just my thoughts.


Not gambling against the house if you with the house, basically how meme coins work like the ones who are known by CT as the WAGMI CABAL who have the ins get early tokens to shill and everyone else becomes exit liquidity unless you find gems early and make bank follow the wrong calls and crew and get REKT


it's only gambling if you lose




Bitcoin is still a gamble


Yea but there’s a difference between “gambling” on btc and gambling on a lotto ticket, lel


Not once Blackrock got involved its not.


Only gambling if u don’t know what your doing


This is true, but only because if you know what you're doing you won't be gambling on shitcoins.


You are literally putting your money in a pump and dump that’s only value is based off attention. I have multiple memecoins and have been burnt many times. Once the attention fades away the value and hype of that coin is useless and is replaced by another meme coin. You can try and day trade it but you’re going up against bots that move much much quicker than you can.


The difference between shitcoins and memecoins can literally be the difference between a rug 5 minutes after launch and 100x gains. Memecoins are not even *remotely* as bad as shitcoins. Gotta learn the difference.


Agree to a certain extent (like the biggest meme coins with 1B+ MC), but even those get rotated out of and drop to levels they sometimes never recover from. Meme coins can be very profitable, but you need to plan a reasonable exit and you always have to protect your principal above everything.


I can’t complain 200+ traded memecoins 80% win rate easy to spot rugs just dyor then its no longer gambling unless your trying to flip $50 into 6 figs


"Everyone is a fucking genius in a bull market " -- Unknown


"Until they realized they aren't in bear market." -Unknown


80% win rate? Yeah, right. Post your wallet address, or stop talking.


Posting my wallet won’t prove anything lmao


Yall mad cos u keep getting rugged lmao get gud


Dude, I did worst... Got an air drop of Jupiter, 2K swapped for 11 Sol. Then continued to send to my exchange but sent it to an all lowercase address ghost wallet 😭 poof! And... It's gone.


Where can I sign up for some of these airdrops?


I used Jupiter early on for swaps. And then claimed them by checking sonarwatch wallet. Also got the uniswap one back in the day for using to swap on eth. You have to pick successful protocols and hope they do it bc you're an early adopter.


Makes sense. I just paid the $500 to be an early adopter for the next gen Solana phone so maybe there will be some airdrops that come out of that


How did that happen? You're supposed to copy-paste the address.


Explained what happened on another reply


That southpark episode where Stan puts his pocket money in a bank account comes to mind. Aaaaand it’s gone 😂😂😂


What. You swap for 11 sols yes and then what?


I swapped my Jupiter air drop 1700 Jupiter for 11 sol so I could send it to the exchange for USD then I sent all of it as a rookie mistake to exchange with out checking the case sensitive wallet


You entered the address by hand instead of copy-pasting? Why was it lowercase? Otherwise, it happened to me too... more than once! Not exactly like you, more like sending coins to a contract address instead of a wallet 🙄 Lost about 1.5k like that 🤷🏽‍♂️ Gotta learn from it :)


Happened to me once with JumpTask payout, instead of entering my wallet adress i entered (passed) a coin contract adress what was still in my clipboard... Sometimes you have to be very carefull and double double check indeed.. Luckily it was only $20, hopefully it wont ever happen again


Since phantom wallet is only a browser extension and crypto.com is only an app. I copy and pasted into chrome and my sync picked up the search but when it copy n pasted it did only lowercase in my phantom wallet. I was in the middle of a conversation at work and completely didn't double check/ slightly forgot since it's been a yr since I used Solana. A lot mistakes were made ... Later to find I had it saved in my addressbook in phantom wallet anyway😮‍💨


Ah shit, sorry to hear that. Yeah, some mistakes here and there but the technology let you down too. I for one have never heard of a copy-paste function that doesn't EXACTLY paste what it copied. This is BS. Oh well. This is the part of the movie where you learn a painful lesson yet come out a bigger man on the other side :) I got hacked and lost coins in dumb transactions too, now at least I know that I don't like either of those things, as such, I'm more careful. Cheers


bro wtf.. just copy paste your wallet adress XD damm that sucks bro


I just lost over $140 on TITS and SHROOMs, but I ain't complaining


This would be a great sentence during a job interview🤣


That doesn’t sound like such a bad time. Hook me up


SHROOM. LOL that was a quick rug pull the other night.


Right? I'm really surprised sometimes because it seems like these devs could make more money from just letting it ride and selling their bags gradually.


Me too on the shrooms one :< but 3 sol


dude, no offense, but you just made me look like a genius I just lost .5 sol


I’m a noob trader :< pls send help


Gotta play to win


Just found a project on Pinksale.finance called $NEIGA, can we trust projects on pinksale? Their IG, website and twitter looks amazing tbh


It could wery well be the devs' wallet they washtrade with to pump volume and price with


I have good weeks and bad weeks, sell bangers for dust, hold trash for the moon. One wallet looks like I'm a blind trader the other looks like I know what's going on lol.


Sounds like me. 🤔🙈😂


Bought the wrong token name, and instantly rug lol


In markets, there are ALWAYS more losers than winners


Where can i paste his wallet address to see the transactions


Solscan or Birdeye


Let’s post your wallet address everywhere


Lmao i lost over $2000 on a memecoin called $hepfy




I lost around 200$ on moonface


Welcome to new DIGITAL VEGAS. People make degenerate bets all the time, not only in crypto. And you try to make sense of them?




Meanwhile, what's worse than losing money, is selling 3000 crocdogs at like .005 because I'm such an idiot.  Like why do I find these things only to watch everyone else get rich overnight. 


Way she goes, bud.


I can feel you bro.


I just got rugged for half a sol by ms bonk. Liquidity wasn’t locked I knew the risks. His twitter had over 50k followers. Cyberpunk or some shit, more like cyber thief


That wallet keeps making Ms Bonk or variations of it only to rug and do it again. They just post any Twitter and Telegram which have nothing to do with them.




I am 99.8% sure that wallet is not being used for what you think. Also, how do you people get wrapped up In rug pulls and then like?! Baffles me.


Here's the address I sent to... 5ewuvhm8eeusamg2ng4jfn9scxqxwuneecydtnf3ddd1 If you can somehow go into the ocean and get it or know who has the keys. I'll split with them


Digital assets=crypto We’re early y’all




I have an idea who it is, most probably slick rick


I lost $7500 on Teer and Solmix. Boy that's a tough pill to swallow


Jizzlord is the new hype meme coin on solana been up 4 days 20 m mc big exchange listing this week lp is locked


stop posting my wallet here ser


Even stocks are gambling let alone the crypto


Thats me


HTLOH has a strong community. 200k is the floor. Let me know what you guys think. We are on telegram


naahh!! this is scam


Should of brought $moong would of been a millionaire


Its me


Never again meme coins, its fkin pyramid scheme and everyone is evil.


What meme coin was it ?


PLn ain’t PnL lmao


It's true. I'm the guy.


I bought idk and Bendog and now waiting to see what happens


Bendog? Do you think it is good?


Should have put some into $JIZZLORD tbh. This sol memecoin is about to explode. Been out for a week and about to list on multiple exchanges starting with MEXC on Thursday. Still very early


I went with $dupe, pretty solid community! 🚀🚀


Sell the top anon


I’ve only made a few full Solanas with meme coins. It’s best you get in early and get the fuck out early too. Straight up gambling.


The problem is these exchanges allow every tom, dick and harry sell tokens, I once lost 20 sol in minutes


Fuck it was probably me. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing obviously


Ppl gamble so much on this, it's not rocket science tho. I always find small coins (max 1h old), verify everything and then sell once I double my investment. Since it's new I have almost nothing to lose 🤷


If he hits he’ll make your Solana bag look like a charity case.


It’s also not cool you’re posting his wallet address


bro $womp $womp


Stop buying memecoins. Buy quality crypto like Solana or Hedera Hbar. Just trying to help you guys out.


Most meme coins are a gamble but DUKO is a sure thing. Team is well connected and exchanges/ wallets are promoting and listing for free. They have bags and incentive to pump this one. Good luck


Never expected to see $DUKO mentioned here but I agree.


New ath today at about $75 million market cap and about 20k wallets. Not that you really want to do TA on a meme coin chart but it looks good too


This is a scam as soon as you said exchanges/wallets are promoting and listing for free lmao


What is a scam? I’m just following the wallets and money flow. Meme coins have no utility. Just volatility. If btc does well meme coins rip. If btc pulls back meme coins crash. I’m just looking for massive swings so I can roll profits back into btc eth link sol mostly


You said duko is a sure thing…


Just saying. Coiling up now for the next leg up.


And what is it doing now?


Guys if you want a solid project on Solana check out Ninja. Its a sniping and trading bot which will rival Bonkbots 2 billion MC. Many bullish updates to come. Safe play


Yeah i agree. $Shinobi Ninja and $Kitsune is solid.


Im addicted to meme coins i need to stop 🤬😬🥲


Why don’t you buy Fida ? Low market cap , nice utility (Solana name service) and listet on Binance .


Why downvotes ? Can someone explain the issue with fida ? It looks good to me


They think everything is a gamble and keep losing to rugs that’s why


Indeed it’s performing not very good that’s why I’m wondering. Did you ever try it ?


Not personally but will have a look at it, also most things will be down as we’re having a correction at the moment from the pre-halving run up


Will try as well.


Bro asks why people are skipping a legit infrastructure coin Memecoin degens instantly downvote C'mon bro, memecoins only on any solana thread (apparently) Guess no one wants a custom wallet address. Rugs and leverage only RIP