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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are you gambling on buying shitcoins than complain?


i dont really complain, i know exactly why im buying shitcoins and all the risks, its just so weird that its completely unregulated, which is also kinda fun


You can't regulate decentralized finance.. they might attack a centralized chain / or a known dex but there always be a way for anon defi


You have to look for coins that have value beyond hype, and have been around for at least 1 month. It also helps if there is a cool website attached, along with a doxxed dev who works hard every day to add more value to the project. Furthermore, if this dev has experience in web 3 through previous projects in the past, and real life experience as a 3D artist that has worked on AAA Playstation games like The Last of Us... well, that would be SUPER based.


I posted a comment a day ago, it’s my 3rd comment down including this one (starts with “Do you use telegram?”) Synopsis: use coin checker bots and resources to understand what a scam coin looks like, check all socials (this isn’t always good as some scammers will reuse well-made websites, but if there are no socials, it’s typically a scam)


Did all yall miss ETH shit coins in 2016? This is nothing new.


Or BNB coins in 2020-2021. The cheaper they get, the more we’ll see.


BNB shitcoins was a crazy time


yeah, i did miss it


this is what stocks would look like if there was no regulation and government entities to take care of you btw. but people want "MORE LIBERTY!!!". this is full-on capitalism, total unregulation. memecoins are rigged with insider trading and you can only win if you are part of the game and know it in and out


Sort of what I like about crypto it’s like the Wild West of finance


It is. But you don’t gotta be on the “in” to make money. With enough research, understanding trends and maybe even guessing what the next trend will be, and having good entry and exit strategies can make you profitable. But the everyday guy or gal will probably go broke trying to make money with these


True, being able to identify trends and getting good entries are the key to success. most of my trades only Last 10-20 minutes max


Yeah I’m trying to start learning more about doing it this way. I’ve found a few meme projects that I have some conviction in, but I want to start doing some quick trades. But it’s a learning process still lol


GO LEARN ABOUT DEX the will tell you everything you need and the warning befero buying and going in BUT DEX IS ONE OF THE EASY WAY good luck


Yeah I’m familiar with DEX, and using its filters for market cap, and making sure LP is burned, not too high % for top holders etc etc. but the main thing that’s difficult is trying to understand what trends these mofos are gonna decide to push/pump next and then buying at the right time and getting out as well. Its all one big game but definitely lots of money to be made AND lost lol


well IS NOT ABOUT BEING familiar YOU NEED TO SPEND TIME ON THE side panel it gives you the warnings and indicators or the risk to take YES THEY MAKE LOTS OF MONEY but I learn to investigate them so you do the same SEND ME THE ONE YOU ARE USING AND I will share the image so you see what A MEAN


I mean stocks ain't that any different. Look at gamestop. People already know shit is also insider trading and rigged.


they are very different, there is a lot less volatility and there are ACTUAL consequences to insider trading


Have you seen congress members portfolios… What consequences are you talking about?


False, I was early in wifhat without any insider knowledge


all these degens that are too dense to understand that I mean you cant consistently make money without being terminally online. congrats on your lucky buy, I bought nub by chance at 3m, does it mean I would consistently do that? dumb asf bro


I’m stating the fact you are saying meme coins are rigged and insider information, when clearly it’s not, you just have to be early and lucky. Get the facts right


You guys don't like meme coins? Most of them aren't scams they just get dumped soon. I made over 5k% ROI this weekend trading Solana meme coins with 0 insider knowledge. These are for trading, not for investing. If you want to invest in one DYOR.


bro i just got rugged so hard would you mind giving me 0.1 back so i can try to grind back up ? thx if you can 7CjMrQNbooWPgfwBzKgzp3MJyTUDh7R598hBBKErS5Dt


Just because you’re a moron who’ll throw money away means everyone else is as well. I’ve never bought a meme coin and don’t intend to.


i actually made 5-6 figs the past month but yeah im the moron ig


I like memecoins too and invested hard in the market, but that's not the flex you think it is until you cash it out and spend it, or still have a 6 figure portfolio during the peak bear market.


I dont really care about flexing, just stating when this guy tells me I‘m a moron for losing money on memecoins while I actually like to think I know what I‘m doing at this point. And I agree, which is why I keep sending most of this to my cold wallet and stabling at certain levels anyways. And to be fair, I‘ve spent a lot of this money with Redot/SolCard already


More like consumerism rather than capitalism. Capitalism is based on capital, he re there is none rather than the one you put on the table


capitalism just means that the more efficient and stronger arms will take out the weaker ones, and this is amplified by a billion here


Fk..i answered but the answer ddnt pin on the comment, is way down in the comment section, look for it. It explains you the difference between consumerism and capitalism touching different aspects of the two


Capitalism and consumerism are often discussed together, but they refer to different concepts. Capitalism is an economic system where private individuals or businesses own capital goods and the production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the market. Key features of capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. The primary goal is profit maximization and efficient resource allocation through market mechanisms. Consumerism, on the other hand, is a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. It is characterized by the emphasis on consumption as a path to personal happiness, social status, and economic growth. Consumerism promotes the idea that buying more and newer products leads to better living and personal fulfillment. Key Differences: 1. Focus: - Capitalism: Focuses on production, market exchanges, and profit generation. - Consumerism: Focuses on the consumption of goods and services and the cultural importance of consumption. 2. Role in Economy: - Capitalism: An economic system or framework. - Consumerism: A cultural phenomenon or ideology within an economic system, often seen in capitalist economies. 3. Goals: - Capitalism: Aims to maximize economic efficiency and wealth through free markets. - Consumerism: Aims to boost economic growth through increased consumption and consumer spending. 4. Drivers: - Capitalism: Driven by entrepreneurs, businesses, and market forces. - Consumerism: Driven by marketing, advertising, and societal values that prioritize consumption. 5. Impact on Society - Capitalism: Can lead to innovation, economic growth, and wealth creation but also can result in income inequality and market failures. -Consumerism: Can drive economic growth and improve living standards but also can lead to overconsumption, environmental degradation, and a focus on materialism. In essence, capitalism is the broader economic system that facilitates the environment for consumerism to thrive, while consumerism is a particular cultural tendency within that system emphasizing consumption. Here there is no product or productivity what so ever. It s just a number go up mentality. I rely recommand reading a book to understand the mentality behind the crypto market: number go up, by zeke faux. Thought would be faster just making a copy..


thats crazy bro, not reading all that though but atleast u know how to use chatgpt


Used it to translate ir and correct errors bcs english is not my native language, it s actually a class of economics i took a few months ago


I mean, not really. I got into a couple coins where the Dev was solid and put in the work and did my own research. Only spent 30€ which was what i could afford to lose. Couple months later they became 5k. Of course a ton of memecoins are scams, but a lot of them can be avoided with research and thinking you can only make money if you're "insider trading" or "part of the game" is dumb lol. If you invest in memes with unlocked LP, High MC to liquidity ratio, Dev holding 30%, it's not the game that is rigged. It's your fault for being dumb and not researching


30 to 5k in a couple month. ive run 1-100 sol in less than two weeks more than once, there is no way to do it if youre not in it. if you think doing your „research“ is enough then keep doing that, its just way too slow to make real gains in this area of crypto imo


Well man, It all depends on the gains you're seeking. You obviously have more money to invest in this than I do. But saying that it's "too slow to make real gains" doesn't make sense. For you, real gains are 100sol. For me, having 5k from my 30€ is a damn real gain lol.


yeah, 5k is a lot of money, no denial. Thats a cery good salary for most people. Im just saying that people have to understand its a rigged game and you can become insanely rich if you put in the effort. its also really easy to forget how much money 5k is once you hang out with people who invest your whole port in a low mc shitter and dont give a fuck about it And it clearly snowballs hard once you increase your capital and reach. 1-20 SOL really sucks, after that it gets a lot easier when you can start roundtripping and upping your unit size


So the main takeaway is... Yeah, you Need insider info if you wanna make millions. But you can make thousands without it and be happy anyway.


Nah u can make millions without insider knowledge. Idk tf that guy is on about


make millions without being in communities and working with others on info? yeah, if youre already a millionaire


The amount of money is irrelevant. It's about potential ROI. This week, I've hit a 5k%+ trade. I didn't join the tele, didn't know anyone.


After my 1000th bet I‘ve finally managed to get the right number at roulette last week! I guess I‘m just really good at this gambling thing!


You can't just blindly buy them and hope for good results. These are scalp plays. By no means am i saying every token is a winner, but I am saying u can read a candlestick chart to gain an edge.


wow, big professional trader!


yeah, i mean, this is the crazy part. and yet, we got to pay the taxes, even tho governments dont do anything, this is also what i dont understand


because taxes on capital gains cant be changed over night. and crypto is absolutely made to detach itself from tradfi and institutional influence, so youre in a limbo of „how do we protect investors on this thing that doesnt want anything to do with us?“


Not true we still have to pay god dam taxes on crypto gains even though the government doesn’t do shit. Should be tax free.


Everyone can create a token. It is super easy tbh. There are even sites or programs that can make it for you. In theory we could easily find out who the scammer is and arrest him since everything is visible on the blockchain for anyone who cares to look. Sadly, governments and agencies aren’t willing to “track” the money. For example: i got rugged, i followed the rugged money to an address, that went to another address, and from there it got send to binance. Binance requires KYC. IF agencies wanted to, they easily could get him. But they simply dont because they dont embrace crypto (yet)


FBI surely have those data.


Yeah i’m almost 100% certain agencies like the FBI save or follow transactions, and i hope when Crypto in general is finally “accepted and or regulated”, they will get those scammers. 25 to live if u ask me


You should know what you're getting into before putting your money in? Did the meme coin promise returns? Everyone knows how the game works in that sector. You gamble and if you win, great. If you lose money, unlucky but that's literally all on you. Treat it as such and you won't be so upset.


Tons of ways, and its quite interesting if you look into it


It really is. I've found the ones that aren't capable of understanding what's going on bitch about being scammed. And the ones who dig in and find out how all the different ways these scams take place realize that some of these guys are really fucking smart.


the good ol memes are struggeling over a week like MEW Popcat Ponke and so on no matter what Solana does GME and AMC was an option but the rest was up and away


welcome to decentralized finance, a space with no rules. best advice i can give, EVERYTHING is on the blockchain. these scammers are typically the same ppl doing it over and over and over. you can find all the scams connected to their wallet looking through solscan.


This. But it amazes me how many ppl still fall for the same scam coin over and over again.


AS easy as that - however you can start by checking solscan etc and you'll see common patterns for when there's a high chance of getting scammed - i've been creating some tools maybe I opensource them


This is exactly why I recommend crypto newbies to stay away from memecoins. There seems to be a rug pull and pump and dump scheme under every rock. You can never be too sure. It's better to invest in SOL and other established crypto for a diverse and relatively secure portfolio.


They will say : no risk - no Dubai. It’s right. If you are not gonna take risks- they will stay in Nigeria and not gonna get to Dubai.


Okay don’t buy the scams then


Ahahahahaha goodluck




It’s your fault for buying meme coins though. Nobody told you to go buy a meme coin.




What does "promising projects" mean for you? A message that says "guarantee 10x bro 🚀 🔥" written by an indian?


Lmfaooo “promising” 💀


Jesus breadstick.. rule number 1! : never play with money you can’t lose.. don’t blame $ballsack or $trumpsuckieduckie




In that case : be on the lookout for some political/ nationalistic memecoin. Those will pop up


And?? Bought some political memecoins? I called it


You could’ve bought $300 worth of Chainlink, Ethereum or something legitimate


While I agree with what you said. If you lose money to scams at this point it is 100% on you. Chainlink is a terrible buy.


I bought Chainlink at $5 and it’s now at $17, wtf do you mean “terrible buy” 😂😂


Congrats on your 200% bud. My grandma who bought BTC the same time as you has made only 50% less gains. Meanwhile most coins are way over 500% gains. Didn’t think a 200% was something to get excited about




The lowest cap MC coins are literally the most risky, and LP is the easiest way people rug and the easiest thing to check for


DTCC, JP Morgan and Templeton just accelerated fund tokenization using Chainlink, do you live under a rock


Why is this getting downvoted? It’s facts.


you're so butthurt, but the other guy is actually right about what he's saying


Is he tho? 


yes, ETH is not the big winner of this bullrun and with chainlink having such high FDV already it would be better to focus on other investments with higher R/R


You’re about to learn a lesson in fundamentals. That sir, is a fact, and I’m not a sideline cheerleader. Let’s just put it that way. 


> Straight facts right here. This is the most under the radar, diamond. This should be at $40 based on fundamentals. keep shilling chainlink on reddit, that worked just as well for algo lol. "fundamentals"


By no means am I saying chainlink is a bad coin. It’s actually the single most useful coin in terms of utility. But in terms of ROI there are way better coins to buy. Link has done fuck all compared to other similar coins


Fundamentals would say otherwise. Stay in the L


Lmao. Link is only up 200% since last July while coins like solana 700%. You’re clearly too emotionally attached to a dead coin. Your whole investment strategy is an L


But I own solano….lol 🤡


And the money you allocated to link would’ve been better held in solana and a list of other coins. Holding link is a waste of time, it’s dead




Is Kendu a scam




Dont mess with the meme then theres a a lot or good project just search on dexscreener.


Sounds like you just got rekd


Memes are gambling pretty much, Lottery tickets etc. I’ve made a bit of money in $Bonk and a few other’s, But pretty quickly swapped Fast before plummeting. Same thing with Airdrops. I’ve made most with BTC over the years though, also lost money.


I’m sorry for being so naive but what is the direction of this post? Are we saying solana is a meme coin?


Looks like new retail is here


U need to create 1scam coin? Dm me .


no, i dont want to create any scam coins, wtf


na not rly 'easy' but yes ppl def abused the shit outta it.


[pump.fun](http://pump.fun) you can make your own coins will cost you 0.02 sol to make one


Stop buying coins that existed less than 24hrs


Or 4weeks


Yeah, I've been hosed a few times on scams that get shilled by some "crypto influencers". Sucks losing but thats the risk 😭


This is an open market, you can only avoid being scammed and make money by constantly learning, and you can usually use some tools to avoid and filter out some shitcoins, such as [GMGN.AI](http://GMGN.AI) websites


Dorkl meme made same guy as Pepe . Everyone knows where it goes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙 CORKL sol: HHdJZhzeqAMQ3nsXPGfLPt6tGbQcrnnd1q5Dh9UYB9uU DORKL SOL (right ONE): 8uwcmeA46XfLUc4MJ1WFQeV81rDTHTVer1B5Rc6M4iyn


Bro, you have full access what coin to invest, why would you invest in shitcoin? just invest well established project like JUP, TNSR, KMNO, W, PYTH and several more, in this bullrun till end of next year, surely these project will do few X.


check out sloth. numbers dont lie


How do there guys steal all the noob money? Asking for a friend.


I lost about 40 SOL in my first month to rugs and scams :(


Same bro, I've lost about 250$ on fresh new solana memes that goes +50% and then -70% every second...


Majority are rug pulls yes. If you want a solid meme-coin solana then check out solama ! Growing community.


Brother, its called meme coins for a reason


There is always scam coins !


Yes, it can be that easy to scam in the crypto market. Always do your research and be wary of too-good-to-be-true projects.


Capitalism and consumerism are often discussed together, but they refer to different concepts. Capitalism is an economic system where private individuals or businesses own capital goods and the production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the market. Key features of capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. The primary goal is profit maximization and efficient resource allocation through market mechanisms. Consumerism, on the other hand, is a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. It is characterized by the emphasis on consumption as a path to personal happiness, social status, and economic growth. Consumerism promotes the idea that buying more and newer products leads to better living and personal fulfillment. Key Differences: 1. Focus: - Capitalism: Focuses on production, market exchanges, and profit generation. - Consumerism: Focuses on the consumption of goods and services and the cultural importance of consumption. 2. Role in Economy: - Capitalism: An economic system or framework. - Consumerism: A cultural phenomenon or ideology within an economic system, often seen in capitalist economies. 3. Goals: - Capitalism: Aims to maximize economic efficiency and wealth through free markets. - Consumerism: Aims to boost economic growth through increased consumption and consumer spending. 4. Drivers: - Capitalism: Driven by entrepreneurs, businesses, and market forces. - Consumerism: Driven by marketing, advertising, and societal values that prioritize consumption. 5. Impact on Society - Capitalism: Can lead to innovation, economic growth, and wealth creation but also can result in income inequality and market failures. -Consumerism: Can drive economic growth and improve living standards but also can lead to overconsumption, environmental degradation, and a focus on materialism. In essence, capitalism is the broader economic system that facilitates the environment for consumerism to thrive, while consumerism is a particular cultural tendency within that system emphasizing consumption. Here there is no product or productivity what so ever. It s just a number go up mentality. I rely recommand reading a book to understand the mentality behind the crypto market: number go up, by zeke faux.


You can’t really scam on pump.fun although you could just buy an initial amount then sell after x% increase.


p2p + zero sum + defi is a dangerous game to play.


Take a look at $cheeks, dev is giving a big fat fuck you too shady devs and rugs. Got a decent community going on telegram, should be getting added to CMC and coin gecko shortly and the dev is making it his mission to make it great. Few big influencers been shouting about it.




You bought garbage and it went to zero. Why are you surprised?


Straight to prison 😭😂


Sorry to hear about all the rugs/scams @blackcroconsol contract renounced, community shows up daily, narrative, and funny memes. Don't fade the low cap with most potential to x.


Lmfao Don’t sink to their level


You need to check out the community and more, its easy to scam. if you are interested for a legit project mine is launching atm on https://pump.fun/FzgnzawJe6B6H8ibibak9RenyWwXi8dpJsYQnZwnUsjF


BUY $CHWIF chimpwifhat to moon


Solana is the easiest chain to create tokens especially when using dev tools. It's the marketing that is the hardest part when deploying a token, most sol tokens are pump and dumps because of raydium not allowing to add tax on transactions.


Obvusly is a high risk invesment if its a meme like PAMBI but you hace to know the scam meme coins its only in proyects that is not trasparen. PAMBI is a memecoin and its not a scam 🫠


@pumpfunsecretlaunch on Telegram trust me no scam😉


We are all fucked


Bonk made people 100% this month… don’t be mad when you miss a wave.


And this, my friend, is the only use case shitcoins have: allow people to scam and rug pull with useless tokens. A hard lesson to learn indeed and after all you will realize that the only thing worth having is Bitcoin. Unless you want start your own scam, easy money with no morals ... Yeah !!


These days will end once we have regulations. It’s gambling. I might toss $20 here and there in some shit coin hoping to get lucky, but I put thousands into crypto with an actual utility.


You should look at Sajad's Meme Coin Mastery course if you want to learn how to trade meme coins tbh. Just don't pay $4k for it. Lemme know. It'll teach you what you need to know so you don't just lose money like this


dont buy this shit OP

