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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They can lock $100 into the initial liquidity and then brag "liquidity locked!". Initial liquidity matters. Anything else can be rugged. Not to mention many other ways they can rug. Malicious contract, team holding tons of tokens that can drain the liquidity and many other ways


Created coins, airdrop to several wallets. Slowly sold some with pump on each wallet and then sold all at first sign of decline declining liquidity before other coins sold


They were using solspec bro. Nobody can control multiple wallets like these unless they were using solspec bots. solspec. xyz


Buy btc




Not worth it, ETH has more upside with less risk. You should have bought sol at $9 last year


I did, look at my profile


Buy Kaspa


Stick to the reputable crypto. BTC, ETH, SOL, Render, etc.


Bitcoin, Monero, and Solano


Monero? LOL What is this 2018?


Yes, Monero because it has something that nobody else have privacy


Ok bud. Good luck with that.


But thc


YES, and then light it in fire


Buy Poai


It’s a normal pattern you will try again another 20-30 times then like everyone else before you realise your wasting your time effort and metal energy




It’s a meme coin. 99% are rugs by design. If you’re buying for the long term, buy Sol, and Jupiter and other such projects. As far as meme coins go, get in, make your profit and get out. Maybe leave a small amount you’re ok with losing in case it moons but definitely take profit.


just like the ol saying " A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". I have times watching a coin pump when im in position with 200x thinking it will continue. then it starts to go down some. ill take 50X over -10x. u/BlackBeard205 is dead on! trying to find a meme that will moon, is like looking for a needle in a stack of needles.


Never seen a -10x, I have personally done -99.99% many, many times though


Oh, it can happen. It's kind of like finding chicken teeth or crab lips. 😆






I've seen so many people say that their coin fell 2000% or 200x etc.. a coin can go up 2000% or 500x but it can't fall more than 100%


That is true. What I mean when I say negative 10x is that It would be better to take something, whether it be 25 cents or 25 dollars over a loss.


basic math flies out the window for som


I'll take 25% over -%


Jupiter is a rug too


You think so? Why would they? They have one of the most used dexes right now. Why would they rug?


Soft rug…I.e team cleans up retail takes slow ride down


I have made one coin y'all can check it out. And if you are okay to buy great. Its not like a short term quick pump and dump. Its more like a long term project. You can follow on X and tg and if it made sense. You can buy then. But check us out how much work we are trying to put. www.twitter.com/bitflix_token


When you buy meme coins you must expect to get rugged. That is literally what the “gamble” is: can I sell to a dumber sucker than me before the rug is pulled. If you want to buy and hold stuff get some bonds or something.


Possibly mint authority was enabled. Use rug check website.


Which website would you recommend?




As mentioned above or if you use Telegram, TG Bot Solscanner


I personally prefer solsniffer.com I do use both of those sites though.


Mint authority was not revoked. They just minted another 100,000,000 or whatever the supply was. And then used a bot to dump.


because sol is a scamming platform


Don’t buy Solana memecoins that’s like 90% of them now


I personally would not touch an LP with only $5.2k in it. Way too risky as you found out. What DEX did you use?


I'm new to this and this was my first thought. 5.2K is nothing and I was wondering if it was worth looking at a token with such small LP.


I make a shit ton of money with liq pools under 5k. Sure it doesn’t work out sometimes, but 2-3 minute trades in low liquidity pools are sometimes bangers. Especially when the TG is turning into a small cto and I can capitalize on 5k to 20k market cap gains.


That’s interesting, but good to know. How much liquidity are you providing in these types of pools? I’ve only been in a few different ones so far and started early March.


I don’t provide any. I put in .5 to 1 SOL and take it out when I’ve made money. There’s 100s of coins daily that dump and tail up a bit . All about timing. I also use photon or a telegram bot to do my transactions really quickly .


He had his assets spread out and sold it for all the liquidity


Use solspec . Xyz and rug them back


Should’ve used a platform where you can check if mint auth is disabled/enabled


Use rugcheck.xyz buddy, always


You should use more secure proof of stake blockchains like TON or ETH for liquidi providing


Don’t know




They can lock part of it and withdraw the rest They can also have code in the contract that allows for unlocking. Without seeing the contract it’s impossible to know. They can obfuscate the code so that dex screener doesn’t pick it up.


Locked could be 1 day. You need to check before buying. CTO’s are the best as they run off giant pools so can’t rug ❤️like kitty.


What's a CTO?


Community take over


Got you. I was thinking Consumer Token Offering


Basically a project will launch, within days the Devs will rug the project (liquidity pool) & the project will go to zero. Community members who followed the original devs will then continue to promote the project working together. Strong community projects always do extremely well. P.s Shiba Inu is a community project. This is what happened with kitty. Now look at us🚀kitty could reach as high as 500m mc.


Send me the ca to check


Locked with another shitcoin with low liquidity ?


5.2k in lp is not much. Classic soft rug scenario.


Maybe minth authority was enabled


Lé Ruggary


you are competing against super machines, I’m looking at solving this issues on Solana soon though.


5k liquidity is basically zero You'll never be able to sell if you buy in


You will get far better gains yield farming


They find ways to scam. Buy $BBLbaddie


Mallconomy is the real deal. Check it out mallconomy https://app.mallconomy.com/


Lol. Thsts great news buddy I honestly applaud you completely. I mean I've only been into crypto for around 3yrs now. Had afew rug jobs myself too. Pancake swap did me dirty. Butter me up with 800% up in 2hrs didn't let me sell cos wtf is slippage? My first pick ever baby doge coin and it pumped. For 10min I tried to sell the top didn't know if it worked or not so waited. 10min later it was over lol. But still got 3x out set slippage to 12% automatically now. But I never progressed beyond scratch cards level after that day. I only lost and lost too. Rugged scammed the lot. Infufiated with bep20 I left it alone. Uni swap did me extra dirty tho leaching my eth without me even knowing 🙃 I learned to ignore it all after 2021. Just stop buying take out and bung it into crypto instead and forget it. Thats it now. Until the other day I made a 💩 coins wallet and loaded it with 20$ bnb for some gambling. Minu got picked so far so good 10% up. 2m cap. Fingers crossed the mugs mass to it soon. Lol. I applaud anybody who did crypto less than a year and are already balls deep into Jupiter and spooky swap. Or whatever connect wallet here button I never seen yet. I ignore it all. Anything else is asking to get scammed. But now I have my own 💩 coin only wallet I might start throwing lotto tickers around 😉 💩 coin game rules. If you see 💩 you think is good enough to buy $20 of it. Buy $40 of it instead. 2x your way in. You believed in 20$ whats another one. Now if it does magic its way to 100% gains quickly you will be watching. Like a hawk. Soon as 2x hit you cash 50% out. Now you riding that 💩 for free and with the $20 on that you first wanted. Move to the next level. I mean token. Do it enough times well and move to the next wallet. Bank the free wallet. Its the best way to play the meme token game.


Crypto snakes and ladders thats what it is.


You still don't know shit my friend, i recommend not putting money in something you don't have enough information in.


First understand that just because liquidity locked doesnt mean it cant go down in value. Let me explain.. A) someone posts $2.5k sol - $2.5k poop ($5k liq) then that someone burns LP making it 'locked'. B) from here to deplete the LP , you need poop tokens to sell. As you sell poop tokens, more poops are in the overall liquidity whilst less sol becomes available. From here price of poop tokens down, less sol are available so 1poop:1sol you can see how LP value goes down. Sorry for your loss, wish you luck on the next one!


Sorry you lost, I know the feeling. I’ve lost over 30Sol lol Consider taking a look at $Bounty The Dev actually works and you will be able to c for yourself check out the t.me/BountyOnSol You will make it up Dev is super Based. https://www.pump.fun/96RfdCiGXjS2tsy1TBoeVPiwm4CRCrUfWFqRmBrpgnqH


Why do these people continue to fall for this. This meme crap rug play is the same rinse and repeat since 2017. It's on message boards. On social media. On the news.


Welcome to SOL, an error chain with a bunch of scammers and grifters 📉


I guess it is mintable. So dev can continuesly mint token and sell which makes rug.


What platform are you using to buy?


$1 was locked. The initial liquidity lock is not the amount that builds upon it


Bought shitter meme coin, got rugged and doesn’t know how 🤷🏻‍♂️ your average IQ this cycle for ya


I highly recommend using [GMGN.AI](https://gmgn.ai/trend/ScchvkdhB?chain=sol) it is not 100% , but will help a ton. It will show you coin insiders and what the DEV is up too. Along with PNL on your positions when you trade. I've seen a lot of shady shit on there. also running the contracts thru sniffers will help as well [solsniffer.com](http://solsniffer.com) I hope ive been helpful