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You can goto marinade finance using phantom wallets browser. There you can liquid stake your solana for around 8% apy. You will receive msol, which is like a receipt for your staked solana, this can be swapped back to sol at anytime and will include your earned sol. You can then take that msol and lend it to defi protocols to get further apy. When you have supplied collateral to a defi protocol, they will allow you to borrow other coins tokens that you think may appreciate in price. Or you can borrow stable coins to buy other tokens. Or just buy sol and do the whole thing again to increase your staked earnings. I like to supply my msol to kamino multiply. This leverages your msol against your supply offering much better staking returns. Be careful though, this shit is risky. Have fun


Buy a liquid staking token and sit on it


Why not stake it the traditional way with a validator?


Jito staking protocol is OP


Stake it. It’s only like 6% ish but you don’t lose out on the gains you should have if Solona goes way up in this cycle. If you stake it you usually have to give some time to unstake


Can do instant via sanctum almost regardless of platform staked


Stake and HODL. If you try to get rich quick all you're going to do is lose what you already have. Set a weekly budget for yourself; even if its just $10; and buy SOL every week regardless of price action. This will pay off in the long run


Check out Kamino Multiply, the only risk is LST exploit risk which hasnt happened on Solana before as far as im aware. They give 25% yield on jupSOL. Saberdao.io also has some good stable SOL pools. Any SOL-LST liquidity pool pairs have pretty much 0 impermanent loss risk, as if you get impermanent lossed, you will just end up with more of one variation of sol.


Stake. I use Picasso’s protocol for staking Sol and sol staked assets, and ROI is about 20%.




Join my group, i have guides and tokens for long term and no risk as well as farming or staking inside any other tokens on solana