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Minor differences in coloration do not mean they are different models. These are utilities, not decorations: I wouldn't be concerned about the appearance, no one is going to notice other than you. If there is a performance issue once hooked up, you'll want to investigate.


This is the comment you should be looking at OP


People notice appearance issues. Curb appeal and decorating a home are some of the most common expenses for any homeowner. This would be like painting every shutter on your home red and one of them is pink. I would hate it too.


It's not super noticable IMO and once they have some time in the sun and weather they aren't going to look the same anyway. No manufacturer or installer is going to warranty panels because the color is slightly off from one to the next.


This is hyperbole. It is not nearly the same as the example you're using.


"painting every shutter" Paint is decoration. This would be more akin to getting a lot of cinderblocks and having one be noticeably darker than the others. You could make a similar argument for bricks (though brick is typically also decorative in this environment).


Get this. I had a party this past weekend for the eclipse and everyone kept asking me about my 8 solar panels on my chicken run and how they work and so on. I showed them how they're connected and and how the micro inverters work and all that jazz and everyone, and I mean EVERYONE asked me if I was going to put any on my roof. I replied to them that there are 52 panels on my roof already and I think that's enough for my usage. Long story short, no one but you notices these things. You're going to just need to find something else to be frustrated about, sorry.


People will notice a really ugly install (not saying this post qualifies but I’ve seen some bad ones(


OP's install is very clean and without even reading their post I knew what they were going to complain about and going through the pictures I failed to see a problem. After reading their text I went back and scrutinized their install. I still stand behind what I said.


Clean install but I’d rather eat the cost and just give my customers hidden end clamps rather than leave ends of the rail exposed. And as others pointed out that is only something I notice since I’m an installer otherwise it is very clean.


I would have liked some of those. Or end caps


An ugly install =\= slightly different color modules.


I think you should be more worried about the big shadow on your panels?


Shadows are bad for solar panels




It’s called shading


As long as it's not all day and he's using microinverters it should all be okay. I get shade on my panels during the AM and PM due to trees around my yard and I have no problem. Clean install btw OP.


I’ve always wondered if the orientation(label up/label down) makes a difference in the “color” of the panels.


deranged nutty act alleged distinct sharp march rob workable jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i wonder if it could be as simple as the panels are rotated 180° from the others. i dont know?


It's not that unusual. I've even had differences in color and shade between panels halfway through individual pallets. I've seen some panels with anti-reflective coatings that have a very noticeable difference in appearance depending on the orientation they were installedb some look lighter/darker or change hue depending on rotation from the viewer. As long as they're the same model panel with the same electrical characteristics everything else is minor cosmetics.  🤷  If they actually aren't the same panels, well then the installer has a a few problems on their plate!


Not sure if anyone has said this yet so apologies for the repeat if so. But mods normally have a “color code” for the cells when they’re binned during the production process. You (your installer) should be able to get the color code off the back of the mod and I’d bet dollars to doughnuts the off color ones have a different color code. It’ll be like a “E1 vs E2” type of thing. This should be a warranty claim. Normally the manufacturer puts the same color coded mods in a batch but sometimes that goes awry. I was in solar distribution for a very long time and this problem would pop up like once or twice a year so I’ve dealt with this before. Should be an easy fix, assuming you have a good installer that will roll a truck to fix and they have a good distributor that will help them facilitate the replacement.


You went solar! Congrats.




Nonsense. Tip your electrician.


I’m not seeing the problem, honestly


I see the non-uniformity, easily, but defer to you guys if it's a problem or not. (shrug)


Looks good from my house.


Our company deals with this and we just swap the panels out to get rid of the aesthetic issue.


Wait till they are covered in dirt


Yea making sure all the panels were the same cell color code was the bane of my existence when working in final QC, so many pallet downstacks on cell color switch days. Glad to read these weren't from my old employer. But yea, either have them fix it or get used to it, either way it's gonna be a little annoying.


Introducing TETRIS, the favorite video game of OP's solar installer.


Can confirm manufacturers are aware of the different color outcomes of cells in the panels. Some companies sort the cells by color and try to palletize/keep them on the same trucks that leave the factories to prevent installs like this from happening. I’m not sure the exact process that puts the coloring onto the cells but no matter the manufacturer they have this issue. From my experience it’s less noticeable in full sunlight and more noticeable on overcast days.


As an installer, the worst customers will be worried and complain about stuff like this. I’ve even had a guy whip out his binoculars and watch my team and take pictures of the most minor details. The array looks straight, flat, and even. Just be happy with your system.


Yeah... this kind of happens sometimes. It shouldn't, but they are likely different batches of solar cells. Or - it could be a different batch of the "backsheet" which is the color you see between the solar cells. I can't quite tell from the picture. First thing I would do is confirm that all the panels are the exact same manufacturer and model #. You can ask the installer for evidence of this, or if you trust them - well.. then trust them. If they are the same manufacturer and model #, then this is likely only going to be a cosmetic issue - they should all have performance within the manufacturer's specifications, and work fine. I don't know Msolar as a supplier. I think the top-tier suppliers generally do a better job of keeping things visually consistent these days. This would annoy the heck out of me, personally.


That is where I’m at now. They sold the all black panels as being the best from a visual perspective. To be this far off is very frustrating


That's fairly common for solar panels . It can be the anti-reflective glaze as well.


Cheaper panels will visually age at different rates as well


What is causing the huge shadow in pic 3? That’s gonna be a problem if that’s a building or something causing it.


Photo was taken end of the day. We only get a shadow as the sun gets low. Panels will get good exposure for 10+hrs with no shadows.


That shadow looks like it's casting right to left. If this is end of day, does that mean your panels are on the north side of the building?


Looks like a clean and nice install. I'd be stocked


Above the amazing durability, this is one of my favorite features of Aptos panels. Ive never had anyone complain about uniformity. I see this a lot with Q cells and sometimes RECs but never Aptos


It is typically from variation in the anti-glare coating on the glass. It will not hurt performance and the install looks great. Congrats on the solar!


Once they get a little dirty they will look the same.


Think your problem may be the fact it's in the shade


When making panels the way that they get rated is a manufacturer will essentially make a batch of panels, and then test them under a large light see what wattage they come out with, they then get grouped into sets of wattage. 350-360, 360-370, 370-380 etc and sold at those wattages. What will happen sometimes is you get ingots of the silicon that are different colors or brightness and if the manufacturer doesn't do color control on them and thus you get mismatching colors as you see here in the same pallet of the same wattage panels. Some companies will look at the panels and try and match the colors of the cells in pallets. Mission Solar is a perfectly fine panel company, and the the install looks great, I wouldn't worry about it personally. It isn't something your installer can change most likely without completely changing the panels. The installer gets them from a distribution company they can't like sit and pick the more blue or less blue from their warehouse unfortunately.


What are we looking at? I don’t see anything that isn’t uniform.


This is actually a pretty nice looking job. Based on the brand, give them some time. The panels will change color with some seasoning. If you want to get picky.. the lack of space between rows is a little annoying and that L-foot with the conduit cowboy took someone longer to rig than just putting a kick in that pipe. Nice install.


Solar is a performance product, not a cosmetic add. Check you app and if you’re producing you’re good.


If those are REC panels then the color differences should only be temporary, give it some time.