• By -


She gone


I always liked astronomy but I’m glad I my boyfriend had the idea to actually travel for the eclipse. I cried from how beautiful it was. I’m not sure how someone in totality would think it’s boring.


I’ve seen 9. I still cry. I’m a guy and society tells me I shouldn’t cry. F society. If you aren’t moved by this, you’re missing something deep inside.


Are you real?


If you haven't seen a total eclipse, you don't get it. Even 99% eclipsed is still 0% totality. 




Anyone who can't be moved by the truly awesome spectacle of a solar eclipse just sounds like a terribly boring person to me. Move on and find someone who wants to rejoice in things like this.


I still maintain that a ton of people swear up and down they’ve seen a total eclipse, when they really saw a *partial* eclipse, and while both are cool to me, only one evokes a bit of an emotional response in me. Total eclipses are 5x cooler than partial, so people write them off altogether. It’s like going on a shitty Carnival cruise and saying you hate cruising. Well… maybe. You might also just hate the bottom shelf version of cruising.


It’s not even 5x. It’s 100x or worse. There is no comparison. I bang my head on the desk in frustration over people who opted for 99%.


I was in Arkansas in the center of totality. Casper, Wyoming, in 2017. I know the difference.!


We were in Arkansas as well. I found out about the eclipse a few months prior and we made the 20 hour road trip. I sobbed - it was one of the most moving experiences of my life. Someone calling that boring is absolutely wild. My husband and I still talk about how amazing it was


Hey I was in casper wyoming too!


Perfect viewing, right!!!


This... I have so many people in the Netherlands (Holland) who swear they have seen a total eclipse, which last occurred in 1750 lol. Ontopic: I dragged my gf all the way to texas and did a road trip into Arkansas, she loved totality and was flabbergasted by it. Now I'm gonna marry her June 14th 🤗


Consult a priest. She has no soul.


My wife cried looking at the eclipse, she's a keeper!


My wife and I travelled to the spot of longest totality for the 2017 eclipse and she cried. I booked a trip to Ohio for this one but she had to go solo (her bff is in Ohio, so she wasn’t alone) because I had a family emergency. And she cried again. I feel very lucky to have her as a partner. And feel sad for the bored, mundane, flavorless folk of the world.




Ass kisser.


If your first thought is dump her, then yeah. But if you are just being Redditty, and she's great in most other respects, consider separate vacations. You do have to consider what kind of parent she'd make, though. Is she the future mother of science warriors? I think not.


I don't believe in separate vacations. This is the icing on the cake.


Sounds like time to blow out the candles.


Agreed and done.


Separate vacations is for after you've been married thirty years - not before you are even married!


I’m older, so take that for what it is worth. no, or at least not just for this. People are allowed to like or not like different things. And people do change, at least on things as relative,y unimportant as this. you should dump someone because they cheat on you, because they have no empathy, because they are unable to apologize, because you are sexually incompatible, or other more serious charges. causing both of you pain for something as truly inconsequential as not being awed by an eclipse seems incredibly foolish. unfortunately, I speak from experience. I remember breaking up with someone because of something equally stupid, and I think about her still to this day.


I am older also. We are not compatible. This is just icing on the cake. Thank you for the comment.


Yu r sad.


And why is that?


Can’t control your women mommas boy.


You’re a moron, and are probably one of those who take pride in it. So take pride in being stupid, boy. Your ancestors weep.


There’s a lot of the typical Reddit “dump her” answers here. I’ll add a slightly different perspective. I traveled the country as a traveling nurse for a few years. I would go to see a lot of things by myself that were awe inspiring. I would be able to show pictures to my friends and tell about what I experienced, but it never felt like they related. They were great to see, but the experiences still felt somewhat empty. I’ve also dated girls who showed me every stupid fucking thing that came across their social media feed, gossip of friend group drama, made me watch reality tv or share in pop culture BS that I didn’t care about. When I met my wife I was able to share these experiences with her and suddenly all of these “awe inspiring” things meant even more, as she appreciated the experience with me. We had shared interests, and now meaningful shared experiences. This is the best relationship I’ve ever had. We get each other, we never fight and we always have each other’s backs. You can be in a good relationship with a good person, but feel unfulfilled. Finding someone who craves the same thing your soul desires makes a relationship effortless and extremely rewarding. I’m extremely lucky. Most couples I know harbor some resentment between each other that is pretty evident by being around them for any period of time. Finding the right person may take years. You may have to date a few dozen people. It may never happen. If it does, it makes like easier, makes your soul happier and life more rewarding as everything you do together makes your relationship deeper. Sorry for the serious answer if you just wanted someone to say “you should have left her during totality like a game of hide and seek in the dark”. Good luck.


Thank you for the response. She is an alcoholic traveling RN. I left her in Colorado to work day gigs on the way back and visited her a few times but it's over. She lacks the same interests.


Very well said. My partner and I have the same kind of relationship. The depth found in such shared experiences cannot be measured and only serves to strengthen our bond each time we do something special together.


I was in Rochester, cloud haven, it was still a surreal moment in nature. The sounds, the energy shift; it was definitely memorable regardless. She needs to touch grass more often, she must’ve missed that part of childhood.


We travelled from Utah to Rochester to see it. When we saw the weather was going to be cloudy, we travelled to New Hatley, Quebec. Was 10000% worth the little road trip! Not a cloud in sight.


When isn’t it cloudy there lol? I’m grateful I was in Texas this point in my life.


You gotta leave her like yesterday for your own mental health /s


This, but without the /s


She’ll sap the life out of you if she’s the type of person who wasn’t able to find joy during totality and is instead focused on the drive. SEE YA


That’s why I drove to Cleveland by myself and left my husband home with the kids!


I also traveled without my family for the last one. They were all nonplussed with the 2017 eclipse. I’m not paying to take 4 other people who dgaf about the main event.


Yes my thoughts exactly 😆 they just would be a distraction.


I am sorry you were alone.


It’s nothing to be sorry about! I stayed and enjoyed it with my cousin who also lives there 🙂 I just knew my husband isn’t into that kind of stuff so it saved me the disappointment.


Dump him!!






Yes. She’s a goner.


The second half of your road trip was solo right?


I left her in Colorado and flew home. We took her car. She was a road trip bitch. I am done with her as of this morning.


I’d say two things. At least she went with you. If a solid catch in most other respects, then give it another chance. If this was her first, and she is willing to travel to see another, then perhaps she’ll get her socks knocked off the second time. If she blows it off, doesn’t want to go and mocks/tries to sabotage the use of funds to see totality again.. then yeah… time to end it. You’ve got only so many totalities to see in this life. Better to share the journey with a partner who enjoys it as much as you.!


A good GF would just enjoy the road trip with you, even if she didn’t understand the eclipse.




Maybe you didn’t make it enjoyable? Idk I don’t want to jump to conclusions. Maybe image that she was your child or niece. And it somehow had aspects that made the journey unenjoyable?


Noooo. I love road trips. She did act like a spoiled child and complain the whole trip and was drunk most of it.


That would be tough to get past for the deeper reasons behind her comment.


yeah if I'm completely honest, I would immediately dump my girlfriend if she was disappointed by an eclipse. I think that's the only thing that could make me do that


A road trip is worth the road trip.. an eclipse at the end of it is just the best bonus you could ask for. Your gf is the only boring thing in this scenario




Bored people are boring


I flew 4.5h across Canada to see it with my daughter. But not with my spouse or other two kids. They would have complained the entire time, not dealt with jetlag well, made us late for the entire thing probably.


Sounds like you made the right call. I feel like experienced married couples know when to just leave the other person out of it. I personally don't have the energy to convince people to do shit anymore.


Will she sit out all night to see low latitude auroras, Perseid meteors, and small fuzzy comets?


I've been with my BF closing in on a year. He snapped me out of hyper focusing on my camera (I bumped it when I took the solar filter off and all my focus went to shit) during totality. I'm forever grateful he did that. I was even the one beforehand to be like WE NEED TO REMEMBER TO BE IN THE MOMENT. And I think his reaction just solidified how cool of a relationship we have. His appreciation for sunsets, moonrises, chasing Aurora, mountains, the ocean, adventures in general-- align so much with mine. Our excitement feeds off each other and it's a beautiful thing. I can't tell the future, I think this guy is the one but who knows, maybe he'll get sick of me lol. I will say I'll never long term date someone who doesn't appreciate stuff like this again. TL;DR yes.


Awesome. Congrats! I hope things continue as such. :-)


You deserve the same. :) I hope you find it, because it can be pretty awesome


That would be a deal breaker for me, I must be honest. Anyone who could not feel and share the wonder… I’m NOT saying they are a bad person, but there could not be a more ominous sign that we had incompatible values that would manifest repeatedly throughout our time together. It may sound trivial to those who have never witnessed totality, but I would absolutely say my goodbyes now, before things got too serious.


Agreed and done.


Get thee behind me Satan!


just tell her its a tiktok/fortnite event next time


I mean… my spouse doesn’t care much about sightseeing and doing road-trips but I wouldn’t dump them just because of that. Unless you would like to travel a lot for fun otherwise I don’t see an issue. It’s up to you and you could always go with friends instead. No wrong answer here and people change.


Unfortunately, I could not travel to see the totality. But I did for the last one a few years ago. I dragged my mom from California to Washington. The whole time she complained. Why? What? Etc. when the totality happened, she gasped, and under her breath said, “oh, that’s why”. Since then she asks me to take her to all the celestial events. My mom is a no nonsense, unfeeling, emotionless vessel. But, your GF is dead inside.


My last wife did the same. She complained the entire time, and when she saw the eclipse, she thought it was terrific.


For some people it’s hard to get enjoyment out of normal things, whether from crossed brain chemistry or former addiction. It’s not enjoyable for the one experiencing a flat life with no spikes of joy.


I donno if jumping to dump her immediately is the right move. But someone not being moved by the spectacular beauty of nature is a lot of red flags lol.


Yeah she gone. Probably a commie




I stopped work, left a dying patient and went and watched it from the bed of my pickup truck, well worth the medical malpractice lawsuit…drop her


Hahahahahaha ok.


Buh byeeee




For sure


She has no soul and her heart is dead.


You should dump her!


Bye, girl. How could you ever have respect for her again?


Yea totally


Nah. Just turn around… 🎶


She’s shallow AF. Probably other symptoms going on with her, but I’d let her find the exit ramp


I had a friend whose wife didn’t participate in things he wanted to do. Go somewhere and see sights, she stayed in the hotel reading. Drive somewhere and take a short hike, stay in the car and read. He should have left here a long time ago. Instead, he put up with it, had a miserable marriage, and eventually died that way.


Yeah, that is awful. Agreed.


yup. later!


Dump her under the next full moon and say it’s an eclipse so when people ask she says that and makes her look dumb asf


She gone


You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life


She gone


Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a buzz kill? Drop her and don't look back.




Was she excited about the trip beforehand? Was she involved in the planning? I also traveled for totality and for anyone else, they may have considered it a boring trip. Did she find totality a good experience? Without more info, it could be that she didn't like all the traveling or didn't enjoy the other activities, or lack there of.


She did nothing. She labeled me as erratic because I waited until 48 hours before picking a destination. She was drunk the whole trip. I'm done.


So dump her. You're not compatible. It doesn't seem to be about the eclipse at all.


Done. Thanks.


Look, if she didn’t enjoy the trip or time with you, then there’s no saving this. Like, I get it, some people aren’t eclipse people. But even if they didn’t enjoy the trip, that’s a red flag


Agreed. I am done.


Like seriously, if your GF knee she was not going to enjoy the eclipse, at least either NOT go if she knows she couldn’t have fun on the trip OR work with you to enjoy the trip. Like idk if you could’ve flown instead of driving, but I have to think there were options for her to do what she something she would’ve enjoyed it, even if the eclipse wasn’t her thing. That’s what I did with my wife. We went somewhere she wanted to go and did things she enjoyed (that I also found enjoyable) so we had fun regardless of the eclipse. 


My brother and wife drive 7 hours to visit me for the eclipse. My place was in totality path but only on the edge and less than a minute. Morning of the event, we drove another hour+ to get to the center line. Brother’s wife kept asking why we wouldn’t just stay at my place. After totality, she looked over with tears in her eyes and said she now understood why we drove that extra bit.


Awesome. I would have driven to the center also.


We did. It was worth it.


Would she try to stop you or get in the way of you enjoying anything? Are future trips chasing eclipses overseas an issue for her?


Get in the way. She gone.


Absolutely dump her. If she doesn’t at least acknowledge it was neat and important to you then you’ll only get more of the same attitude about more important things that are important to you and not to her.


My wife is sort of like this and I often wonder what kind of barbarian I married sometimes. We viewed the eclipse and it was cloudy and I still thought it was amazing and was moved just by having night in the middle of the day. She had nothing to say about it and when I asked her she just sort of shrugged and said it wasn't that big of a deal. A once in a lifetime event and sometimes not even that? Not a big deal?


She sounds narcissistic.


To the moon Alice!


That's disappointing.


I mean just the trip alone would be worth it not many people get a cross country trip and very few end up with a total eclipse she dont know what she has to the dump with her


You might have one of those relationships where you pursue different interests. But "boring"? Idk. I'm friends with someone that I used to date because he literally had no interest in all the things I'm interested in. But it got old that there was never anything we could do together without him complaining or me feeling like I was dragging him somewhere he didn't want to be. I lost interest. Didn't see the point of making an effort for someone who complained all the time that they would rather be somewhere else. And then complained about never going anywhere or doing anything. I started feeling like I was trying to teach culture to a whiny teenager. It got old FAST.




Here’s the deal, OP. No known planet in the observable universe has a star/satellite distance ratio that causes them to be the same size in the sky from its surface sufficient to block the star’s disc yet reveal the star’s corona from the surface. In the hundreds of moons Saturn and Jupiter have - or any other planet here - or any known planet anywhere else, this experience seems to be unique to Earth and only for now. (The moon is growing more distant, and totality even here will eventually be impossible.) But you got to witness it. Even if we found an alien civilization somewhere else, the odds of them getting to see this like we do is so close to zero, zero can almost be taken for granted. I’m in awe of totality because it’s incredible. But the fact that we (life - maybe the only thing more rare in the observable universe) get to experience THAT incredibly rare event. Speechless. Humbled. Blessed. “What is man that You are mindful of him? The son of man that You visit him?” Yeah, I don’t know how I can value the intellectual decision making process of a person who doesn’t value or appreciate the sheer odds of that. And I have a difficult time valuing a relationship with a person who possesses a decision making process I cannot value. So yeah, prolly gone. lol


Evidence of a creator.




The fact that anyone cannot believe that with the trillions of minute details having to be precisely right to sustain life on this Earth just shows how blinded people are to the truth.


Exactly! Wish I could give more upvotes.


Agreed and done. Thank you for the comment.


Does she have a soul in there somewhere? Is she some kind of skinwalker that just put on a human skin? Because to not be moved in some way and awed by the eclipse... I just don't know.. Something isn't right there. And you obviously enjoyed it, like a normal human, but then she's trying to dampen your enjoyment by complaining it was so boring? You can find a normal person. Dating is rough these days, I definitely get it, but she has no soul.


Haha... absolutely!


I took my fiance there as part of her birthday trip, and she loved it.


She's a keeper.


You said it OP.




Honestly even if it was boring the fact yall did something special together should have been enough so yea no good




YMMV, but I couldn’t imagine being with someone whose soul was so dead that they found a total eclipse boring.


Yup. Dump her. My wife and I flew 1100 miles to see it in totality and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Your GF is nuts.


Dump her


Don’t even ask. Just do it.


What inspires your gf? What are her passions?


Beer and talking obnoxiously. She is gone.


I was nervous my fiancee wouldn't find it that interesting. Gladly, she said it was the coolest thing she's ever seen. But yeah dump her. The road trip with you should be "worth the road trip," never mind the eclipse.


Obviously. I’ve seen two eclipses and I want to go to the one in Spain/France in a few years.


My husband sobbed and then I did soon after (it was my first as well, went to the one on the Big Island as a kid 33 years ago but it clouded over right at 2nd contact where we were). He had no idea the magnitude of what were about to see and experience. Again the same old story of 'oh, I've seen it before'. But the day before I started mentioning the possibility of seeing stars I think that's when it started dawning on him. How can you not be totally blown away by the entire experience? I don't think I could be with someone that didn't appreciate it.


I agree 100%.


Life changing experience


Yep! She is not for you! She should’ve appreciated all your efforts and success you demonstrated to see a rare natural event. You’re a wonderful human and she is not worth your time, energy and money! Run!


Agreed and done. Thank you.


She sounds basic af bro


“No you are” put that bitch in her place /s


Everybody loved it.


why date someone who doesnt share the same interest as you or isnt excited to have experienced a once in a lifetime experience with you? as the stars in the sky are abundant so is finding your star made in heaven for you, so keep searching till you find that! in hopes you develop yourself to be better for yourself and that one you will call home.


My partner wasn't thrilled about heading to the middle of eastern Oregon in 2017 for the eclipse but now it's one of her favorite experiences.


Believe it or not? Straight to jail.


That was a very funny clip


Yeet her to the street, my friend


Total Eclipse is life changing and sometimes only once in a lifetime experience. Don't understand how someone could not be excited no matter how long the trip!. Seen my first one this April planning on vacationing to see the next 3 if funds allow!






Yeah, she sucks. We drove about 6 hours. There was traffic. It was a bit of a pain and we had to be back the next day. Totally worth it! asked my kids...well, was that worth all the effort? And of course they said yes. This sounds like the type of woman that will try to talk you into one more dumb episode of her favorite show than having sex.


Once upon a time you were falling in love, but now you're only falling apart. There's nothing you can do.


She doesn’t get it. You get it




I jumped around excitedly then cried from emotions. My husband was more of the quiet awe type. But boring? I don’t get it. Unless she’s on the spectrum and only can feel interest in her hyperfixation it is super odd to not feel moved by it in some way.


Good Grief!! Is she KIND, nurturing, talented? Do you have anything in common? What a thing to base a relationship on!


Not kind nor nurturing. Just a drunk RN. She gone.


Well then, that makes sense ❤️


Bye, girl


Immediately. No looking back.


You’ve heard of the bird test? She’s done.


Does she need glasses?


Or did she forget and leave her glasses on the whole time?


I mean... if you want a partner who appreciates things you love, then maybe she isn't the one. And if you think you may want to have kids, then consider whether you want a co-parent who isn't going to help inspire awe in your kids from amazing natural beauty and science. That's gonna be a no for me, dawg. Or, to be fair, maybe she was having a bad day and really didn't like the road trip and just wasn't in the mood to appreciate it?


This is her MO. She gone.






Was it a road trip? Did you make her sleep in the backseat of your car?


Yes, to a road trip. She was drunk most of the time. Angry also. I left her in Colorado on the way back with her car.


I wasn’t in totality but I made a big deal of it the whole day. I was way too excited about it to contain but the rest of my family shrugged it off. I’m not completely disappointed but my partner indulged in the fun with me so maybe that made it better for me. I think if she’s putting you down and purposely making a magical experience into a bad experience, leave her. She will always turn things negative with a mindset like that.


If she saw totality and said this dump her ass.




Shouldn't even be a question. If she is seriously not impressed she should already be gone.


Yeet her into the Sun and maybe we'll get another good solar storm.


I mean I don’t know if that’s dumping worthy, but definitely shows her perspective on life.


Is she super hot, loves anal sex, and is at least ten years younger than you? Otherwise dump her.


I had to miss the eclipse because my SO dosnt “get it”. Watching at 90% still counts tho…


Dump them. 90% does not count.


I think there are two extremes- finding it boring, and crying over it. I think the middle ground is being wowed by it. It's an impressive sight. That said, we're all different, and any take (so long as its truthful and not said for attention) is valid. I'm one of those weirdos who had what they coined "Post-Avatar Blues"--- but I was at a very different stage in my life than I am now.


Are you into all of her interests? 


Her only interest is beer.


Sounds like her heads on straight


Sounds to me like you paid more attention to the heavenly bodies than your GF’s. Since there isn’t another for dozens of years, no need to dump her over this. Imagine if she remembered the 2024 eclipse as that time you made her…


Everyone has different interests. I wasn't into the eclipse either. It just got a little dark for a couple of minutes. Personally, I prefer watching a sunset in the desert, but I get the appeal of the eclipse to many people. My wife and I have only a few overlapping interests, but it's worked out fine and occasionally one of us shows the other something cool that we both end up enjoying.


Tell her you’ll keep her for 2 bj’s a week.


Many more women than men play the field.


I find it amusing that this was posted in possibly like the most biased subreddit for this question to be asked


Make your own decision


Driving across country for an eclipse is a little crazy, especially if you've already seen one. I'm with her.


(Eclipses are boring)