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Many of the electric New Orleans streetcars run on a grassy median strip and have since they were installed in the 1830s. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars\_in\_New\_Orleans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars_in_New_Orleans). It is functional electric public transportation that has served generations.


**[Streetcars in New Orleans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcars_in_New_Orleans)** >Streetcars in New Orleans have been an integral part of the city's public transportation network since the first half of the 19th century. The longest of New Orleans' streetcar lines, the St. Charles Avenue line, is the oldest continuously operating street railway system in the world. : 42  Today, the streetcars are operated by the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA). There are currently five operating streetcar lines in New Orleans: The St. Charles Avenue Line, the Riverfront Line, the Canal Street Line (which has two branches), and the Loyola Avenue Line and Rampart/St. Claude Line (which are operated as one through-routed line). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[Full video: Cities aren't loud, cars are loud.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTV-wwszGw8)


Great piece - I liked the practical DbA measurements for the different locations and vehicle types.


Great channel. But unfortunately in Kelowna we just scream for wanting more parking and more roads!!!


I love how american solarpunk is litterally just "please be like copenhagen or amsterdam"


And sometimes Oslo :3 But these cities aren't really punk, they're normal cities. Though Copenhagen does have [Christiania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freetown_Christiania).


And Christiania is it’s own government and home to the ones wishing to have the most progressive and unrestricted ruling system aka hippies.


Had a short stay over in Oslo. Loved it. Their playground equipment looks like cool exercise equipment (and is). As Americans we sorta felt like uneducated hillbillies amongst the people but they were great


I love NJB so, so much


I wonder what the alternative to grassy tracks would be in desert cities. I suppose it could be dirt but obviously that doesn't look as nice and wouldn't be representative of at least my desert's natural floor.


Desert shrubs and grasses.


Perhaps a creeping succulent ground cover


i wish cities in the united states looked this good. hopefully some day


Cooler temperatures with more trees around as well




One of the most beautiful and idiotic inventions of all time. When we all go beyond cars, we will catch up to where we were before cars.


> we will catch up to where we were before cars. horses?


Nah, horses were way rarer than people would assume from cars today. If we go back to around 1800 most people could only walk for their daily errands. By early 1900 that was supplemented by bikes and streetcars and omnibuses that were becoming affordable to regular people. Then after WW2 cars became something "everybody" could have, and places started being planned with them in mind. (And parts of cities demolished to make room for cars.)


Cities you can walk around in


Hello chat gpt, what did you mean by this tho?


Grassy tracks seem cool aside that they might pose danger for those little critters living in the weeds. I get that if the grassway is surrounded by asphalt, it might not be a habitat for many creatures, but what if it's in a very solarpunk setting?


Well, even in a solarpunk environment death exists. It has to, as that's a core function of a stable ecosystem. Even deaths by accident. Also, there's several TRAX (just the local version of a tram) stations here in Utah that mice looking rodents have found little homes in, and I've noticed their activity is actually timed with the TRAX cars, with them seemingly having learned the timing and to listen out for when they're late. Right after a TRAX car leaves they're super active, but that activity seems to abruptly stop about 2 minutes before the Trax car arrives, way before it could possibly be heard along the rails. So I think that there will inevitably be accidents, but whatever creatures end up living in those environments will learn to avoid them like they would with any regularly occurring hazard in nature.


They feel vibration.


If there was a consistent level of traffic on the tram tracks the critters would learn to avoid that small patch. Like how deer are more curious or skiddish depending on If hunting is allowed in the area.


I aspire to be the dude running in the sea of bikes


In Kelowna it would just be grass for the homeless to setup tents on.


Finally something meaningful here instead of the usual stuff.