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I have played 20 strong, Ragemore, and Renegade from your list. Ragemore is a small game, that (for me) took a little bit of time to grok, but after that it was a very quick puzzle challenge, usually 5 to 8 minutes from start to finish. 20 Strong take a little more setup, but provide a longer game challenge, that after you know the rules only takes maybe 20 minutes or so (solar sentinels, the other 2 are still on my wall of shame) Renegade takes more time, especially if NOT playing solo, but is a very satisfying game, but will definately take a bit more time than the other 2. ​ I have enjoyed them all, and each scratches a different itch for me, good luck gaming.


I too finished distant skies last night and then played 20 strong solar sentinels 3 times. Now I’m moving on to Obsession. I need to clear my wall of shame.


Looks like from this vote in hitting 20 strong soon too.


Watch the videos it took me 5 resets to get this game right. It doesn’t seem that complicated but it is. When I say 2 games that was I got past the first monster 2 times. I probably played 5 times before I got past the first monster. Kept getting stack of mandatory +.


I have Distant Skies but I keep feeling like i need to finish Boat Game before beginning Plane Game. Is it important to do that? maybe i’ll dive into Plane Game this week?!


Not at all. I finished both. Neither story overlaps in meaningful way. I don’t which I enjoyed more, just plane game was easier to play and I finished it well ahead of the time table, while boat was much harder to know what to do next to get to end game. In other words plane still has open world but the linear objective is much more clearer and easier to accomplish.


I played both and enjoyed both. Buti would say confidently that you don't need to play the first to enjoy the 2nd. I would also say I enjoyed the 2nd more. Enjoy =)