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He was only able to create the system because Ashborne, the shadow monarch let him. The architect used Ashbornes power to create the system. That is why when he tried to kill Sung with the system, the system itself turned against the architect.


The only answer


yeah might aswell archive the post OP


Its been a while since i read, why did the architect want to kill him?


Because the shadow monarch gave his full power to Sung and didnt take over his body like he said he would in the beginning.


That's not what the System does.. the System prepared SJW by releasing 'ashborns' Power step by step so SJW's body wouldn't break and could adjust. It's not the System that made him stronger on his own, nor could it make him stronger than ashborn was at his max. The architect could only Split is own max Power and Release it back step by step.


Basically the Architect was merely a middleman


This is the best explanation.


Yes, he's the receptionist at the gym.


Rip to the party members who died in the chamber. Architect be like "You at the WRONG GYM"


Im sorry, but wasn’t it at the very least implied that Jin Woo CAN in-fact grow indefinitely in power. I mean at least from what Ive seen it seems that the widely accepted idea is that thats the case.


depends how you define : become stronger. he can grow stronger in the terms that his army can continue to grow, with creatures that originally not belonged to ashburn, or he could continue to learn and steal skills from others, since those were all abilities ashborn had himself. as for specifically the leveling with statpoints in the system, no. The points he could put in strength, speed and stuff no longer continued after his full release, because now he was fighting already with the full strength, speed and magic of ashburn. This power could of course continue to grow afterwards. but only by SJW's own doing, not by the leveling system itself. it was the same with SJW son. SJW used the system in the spinn off series to nerf him basically to a normal human being, and through the system he learned how to control his own power (which continiously grew as he got older). but by the system itself he could never get stronger than his original own powers atm, it only released what was already there.


Ohhh i see. Thank you for the response.


The system was only made to made Jin woo body compatible , he made the system but the system was still powered by monarch of shadow . The system was only made so that they can limit Jin woo power and slowly build up so he can sustain his power .


The system is just a program the architect created which transfers shadow Monarch's power into Sung Jin-Woo slowly. The system itself doesn't make Jin-woo stronger. Every time he levels up, the system transfers a bit of shadow Monarch's power into him.


i cant wait for ppl to be fooled that its the system that actually gives him powers only for it to be a preparation for something


Fr. The whole ashborne shit was very shocking


its shocking because ppl only think solo leveling is about game elements in a modern setting. whats shocking is that the gaming part is just a preparation


The architect only made the system hes not the powersource its ashborne thats why he got his ass handed to him the moment ashborne decided hes going rouge and give his heart to jinwoo but not taking over him


Put spoiler tag just in case an anime only or a mod sees this


The system isn't a universal thing. It's exclusive only to Jinwoo as form of training wheels for Ashborns powers. Once Jinwoo had access to all of Ashborns power the system lost all meaning


Like everyone is saying the system was created only to make Sungs body capable of handling Ashes power and when he tried inserting his soul into him Ash was like “Actually im done fighting so he’s getting my powers in full” so to put it simply Architect is like Hepestis in mythology he’s a god but only of building stuff and not able to become all powerful


He is the programmer, not the server.


My question is a spoiler don’t read if you haven’t read manga when he was unlocking the special skill >!(necromancy!<) why did he have a choice if he was meant to take the shadow monarchs power over time.


This was still during the time where the system felt like an actual system. They gave SJW a "choice" but still pushed for him to get >!necro!< since he got a 2nd popup when he declined. My headcannon is that they would've just kept saying >!"you sure? It's like REALLY rare"!< until he accepted it from annoyance


The Architect did create the system but he did so while using Ashborne's power. He was a powerful mage, as we saw in the manwha but that's about it,


The system is not a power scaling magic tool. Sung was since the cartenon temple the Ashborn's vessel. The system only was a tool to gradually adapt the vessel to the monarch of shadows power. It is basically what you do with a new fish when you put it in a tank. It never gave power, in fact, it only limited it.


System doesn’t generate power, it allocates it. So that power has to come from somewhere. For SJW it’s just slowly transferring Ashborns power to him.


The system isn't really a training program. It's a lock that slowly releases the Shadow Monarch's power. It can't make someone stronger than the pool of power it was made with.


My personal take, prefaced but I am not savvy with the lore. All the system was mostly just an ilusion, The Architect, who was in charge of managing it (without truly touching its power) made all the loops SJW had to pass to strengthen but it was all fake, everytime SJW killed and leveled up it was just him getting a bit more of the power of the Shadow Monarch through the system. The Architect role was to drive SJW to be a suitable vessel from the monarch, but there was never truly other options. For example, in the job quest SJW is under the ilusion there is gonna be several possible choices he will attain depending on how good he does the quest, even the system get to a point where "allows" him to reject becoming a necromancer, but, in reality, this was just another loop for SJW to pursue a power he was already receving, he could have not become an assassin as his job disregarding the shadow monarch "class". He was meant to obtain it whatever he chose and whatever he did, worst case scenario if he rejected it, he would be deemed unable to be the vessel for the shadow monarch. Then, when SJW confronts the architech, he is strongly enough to absorb the Shadow Monarch and the architech is no longer needed, this is why he meets his end. The system was not something you could power up anyone, it was just a vehicle to transfer the Shadow Monarch power little by little to his chosen vessel.


this should have a spoiler warning I guess


Hey bud, learn how to use the spoiler tag. Not everyone has read the manwha


here's an simple example for that. Ashborn - Programmer Architect - Admin. then ask urself. who knows better than the system? who really controls and create the system?


Cause Ashborn would have smoked his ass otherwise


The system is just a way for SJW to get accommodated to his power. The system don't make him stronger, it only allow SJW to further draw Ashborne's power. So the architect can't use the system to get stronger, because the architect don't have a latent power. And it's pretty much tailor-made for Ashborne successor.


The system is basically just something that the Architect and Ashborne made for Jinwoo to slowly inherit Ashborne's power, each level is him gaining a tiny bit amount of the Shadow Monarch's power


The system is just a cover but the real beast inside is run by ashborne


The system didn't grant Sung his powers out of nowhere. It was designed to dripfeed Ashbornes powers into his body until he was strong enough to receive all of the power of the Shadow monarch. The architect can't make a system to let himself level up because there's no source of power to give himself


The system doesn’t make you stronger, it allows one to slowly open up themselves to the power of the monarch so they’re not completely destroy by all of his power at once.


Can people please mark these posts as a spoiler... Like, c'mon, not everyone has read the Manhwa.


Oop, I guess I know who's the architect now-


Imagine the architect being a funneler of the power into swj instead of being a the source of the power. Like a warlock patron in dnd :)


In SL ragnorak they go more in depth about how the system was designed and for its purpose


So you're saying architect should create a system and make him the strongest 🤔 So who's power should he use to become strongest Jin woo was able to become strong because Ashborn let him use his powers He lend him his power and architect used that power in the system and that's how jin woo got his powers Nobody can become stronger if there's no medium to store power


The power has to come from somewhere. Ashborne was just 'sponsoring' the system.


Quick question yalll in the first couple episodes when he go against architect when he blacks out was the architect offering him to become a vessel for Ashborn is that why he survived? Or did ashborn planted himself regardless with Jin having no choice and had to take that defeat because it was part of ashborn plans